Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 27 Busy delivering food on a starry night

Let's talk about Zhang Yi first. There is a long queue of carriages filled with food, moving quickly.

To ensure a smooth journey. Three groups of exploration horses took turns to clear the roadblocks five miles ahead. When passing the state capital, greet the city gate officer in advance.

There was no delay on the way. Because of the potion prepared by the princess, as well as refined salt and powdered sugar, the horse pulling the cart was particularly obedient. My physical strength has never been better.

The trot was very energetic and I didn’t feel like I couldn’t run at all. Zhang Yi and the soldiers also discovered that after drinking this magical sugar salt water, they were full of strength.

No parking at night either. Although the speed was a little slower than usual, the two coachmen took turns driving the carriage with the wind lanterns hung. It can also drive half the distance during the day.

Unexpectedly, it took them only five days to reach the northern border, which originally took them six and a half days.

On the night of the fifth day. The officers and soldiers guarding the city were so hungry that their eyesight was a little blurry.

They rubbed their eyes vigorously and suddenly noticed a group of lanterns like fire dragons floating towards the city gate on the official road in the distance.

Looking at the speed at which the lantern moved, they guessed that it should be a team of carriages and horses.

The officers and soldiers guarding the city immediately ran to report to the city gate officer.

The city gate official held on to the wall and climbed up to the city wall panting, watching the fire dragon swimming toward the city gate less than five miles away.

He guessed that if it was an enemy sneak attack, they would definitely hide their whereabouts. Walking toward the city gate with open fire like this, he must be one of our own.

He asked the officers and soldiers at the city gate to prepare. If it was one of his own, there might be an opportunity to alleviate the famine problem in the city.

The city gate officer soon saw the flag illuminated by a lantern, a large Chinese character Sichuan. That's the flag of the army.

A row of carriages were getting closer and closer, making the sound of horse hooves kicking on the official road, as well as the sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground.

Before Zhang Yi and the soldiers could shout to the city. The officers and soldiers guarding the city on the city wall asked loudly: "Who is coming? Why are you entering the city at night? I don't know that the city gate is closed, and you are not allowed to enter without your order?"

Zhang Yi replied loudly: "Brothers guarding the city, go and report to your masters quickly. I am a grain transport officer sent by the imperial court.

Prince Duanjing expected that there would be a food shortage crisis at the northern border, so he ordered us to travel day and night to deliver food. That's why we entered the city at night. "

When the city gate official heard Zhang Yi's words, he was so excited that he almost cried. Prince Duanjing has a wonderful plan. However, he asked Zhang Yi to wait outside the city for a while. They wanted to ask the marshal stationed in the border town for instructions whether to open the city.

Zhang Yi asked them to report quickly. After a while, the city gate opened. A group of troops came out with a general in their arms. Looking at the shirt, he turned out to be a fourth-grade general.

This man was nine feet tall and very strong. At this time, the voice clearly revealed weakness. He asked Zhang Yi, who is coming? Why did Prince Duanjing send him to deliver food?

The reply from the imperial court was that Liu Zhi, the grain transport officer, would escort three thousand shi of grain and deliver it to the city gate in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Yi was confused, so he explained the whole story to the general and raised questions. Because there is only one way to get to the border. They galloped along without seeing the grain transport team.

However, maybe that group of people stayed in a village far away from the official road. Therefore, they were not encountered.

The general frowned. There was no food in the city and the military camp five days ago.

It is normal for the batch of grain brought in two decades ago to have only a few dozen bags of rice. The rest is sand, rice husks and two or three kilograms of brown rice.

When I opened the grain depot to distribute food, I realized that the rice had been transferred. It should have been replaced before it was put into storage. Those dozens of bags of good rice are specially prepared for each vehicle to cope with the inspection.

This incident caught the border guard off guard, and the marshal issued three food reminder orders. However, the grain transport officer Liu Zhi promised to speed up, but did not arrive at the city gate in advance.

Zhang Yi and his team arrived at the border ahead of Liu Zhi's team of carriages and horses. There must be something fishy here.

The general immediately sent spies on fast horses to explore all the way to see where Liu Zhi's team of horses and horses were now. Why haven't you arrived at the city yet?

The general asked his men to check the vehicles one by one. No suspicious people or objects were found, and he ordered them to be allowed to enter the city.

The people in the city cheered. If the army is not short of food, they can keep the little food they have. No need to drink gruel every time. The convoy passed through the border town, entered the military camp, and stored the grain and grass overnight.

The marshal ordered the Huotou Army to cook thick rice porridge all night long. For five days the soldiers drank gruel that was so clear that it dazzled people. All the nearby grass blades and roots were pulled up and eaten.

Soldiers who are so hungry must drink some thick rice porridge immediately to moisten their dry stomach and intestines. Let’s eat dry food tomorrow.

The food crisis at the northern border has been resolved. However, unless the black hand behind the scenes is uncovered, they will always tamper with the food, making it difficult to detect.

The hand behind the scenes has always been a hidden danger choking the throats of border officers and soldiers, and must be investigated strictly. This is a matter for the border guards and city officials.

Zhang Yi and the others rested at an inn in the city for two days before returning to the imperial capital to resume their duties and transport food again.

Looking back at Xiao Yunyan, Li Mohan and two couriers were galloping all the way through the city without any delay.

Whenever the two messengers feel particularly tired and lie down on the horse to take a rest, they will see the princess giving a gesture from the front to let everyone rest for a while.

After resting for half a cup of tea, the heartbeat stabilized, and the princess asked everyone to drink some sugar salt water and eat a big steamed bun and soy sauce beef.

The horses are also given a few mouthfuls of concentrated feed, some sugar and salt water, and then allowed to freely eat some grass on the roadside.

After eating, I rested for half a cup of tea and set off again.

The two messengers deeply admired the princess. With such a short break, their physical strength was completely restored. The feeling of fatigue disappeared immediately.

The messenger was extremely grateful to the prince and princess for their consideration for them, so he had great respect for the two nobles.

Along the way, killers appear from time to time. The three groups of secret guards of Tiandixuan followed them, protected them all the way, and resisted all assassinations.

The captured killers were later sent to the border in turn by the Huang Group's secret guards.

The killers are being trained. They all have the ambition to kill the enemy and save the country. Now they can serve the country openly and earn military merit. They are very happy.

These trained killers are organized into special operations battalions to perform special tasks. It has become a mysterious force for the border guards, making it difficult for the enemy to guard against it.

Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan arrived at Qingyuan Mansion and went their separate ways.

The Tianzi group and the Xuanzi group are still following Li Mohan. In the final stretch, the killers may become even crazier.

The Dizi group and the Huangzi group followed Xiao Yunyan, who was dressed as a servant, and rushed to the dowry village of Qingyuan Mansion.

Two messengers followed the princess and the prince respectively. Responsible for delivering letters respectively.

Xiao Yunyan arrived at Qingyuan Mansion and asked the Huang Zi Group to rent carriages from various horse and carriage shops. Let the Dizi Group hire odd jobs to carry bags. The messenger was also given a break.

She rode her own horse and went to Tianfeng Farm, three miles away from the city gate. There are green rice fields, wheat fields, soybean fields, and various vegetable far as the eye can see, lush and lush, a scene of a good harvest in sight. It's so refreshing!

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