Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 263 Four people work together to clear out the money of corrupt officials and help the victi

They no longer care about the king and princess of Xiayi Kingdom.

However, the four of them agreed that they could not be taken advantage of. After the four people inquired, they found that the king and the princess each had a black iron mine and an emerald jade mine.

Xiao Yunyan asked the other three people: "Should we take the part we should take, or should we take all these mines directly into the space?"

The other three people unanimously agreed that these mines should be included in the space. Because the output of these mines has nothing to do with the citizens of Xiayi Kingdom. Instead, it entered the private treasury of the father and daughter.

If Xiao Yunyan doesn't take these mines into the space. Once someone else comes to power in Xiayi State, these minerals will not become the public property of the people, but will become the private property of another person in power.

Therefore, instead of leaving space for these corrupt officials and those in power who don't care about the lives of the people, it is better to take in the space.

With Xiao Yunyan's kindness, if the people of Xiayi Kingdom need help, she will help them regardless of reward.

If left to these people in power, not only will they not care about the life and death of the people, but they will intensify their efforts and seek more benefits from the people.

After the four people reached a consensus. Their main task is to identify the locations of these four mines.

This is not difficult. After some research and verification. When Xiao Yunyan used his mind to talk to these people, he further verified the authenticity of what they said.

Not only did they discover two black iron mines and two jade mines, the father and daughter also ran gambling houses, brothels, banks and loan sharks. Part of the tax money in the treasury is also used for their personal use.

Although Xiayi Country is not a wealthy country, the life of the father and daughter is becoming more and more luxurious.

Since then, the father and daughter have been working together to win over their ministers and powerful people. They also became more and more bold and indulgent. This aroused public outrage and strengthened the determination of other opponents to overthrow the father and daughter.

It was originally due to the marriage contract between the Lanyu Dynasty and the princess of Xiayi Kingdom. The powerful Lanyu Dynasty became the king's backing, so these competitors still had something to worry about.

Now, the Lanyu Dynasty has not only lost contact with them, but has even turned against them. Then these opponents have no scruples. Xiao Yunyan and the four of them expected that Xia Yiguo would soon experience huge political changes.

But this is none of their business. What they have to take care of is to first pay off the property in the name of the father and daughter, and then help the victims affected by the flood tide over the difficulties.

They did not want to go through the court and local government of Xiayi State, but went directly to the disaster area to distribute supplies and help.

Xiao Yunyan is not a person who takes advantage of others. After she retrieved these minerals and property from the property of the king and princess of Xiayi Kingdom, a large part of them was to be given back to the people of Xiayi Kingdom. In her heart, the common people carry more weight.

After determining the direction, the four people quickly went to check out the Black Iron Mine. The output of those two mines was very large.

Because Xiayi State has black iron mines, its weapons are relatively sophisticated. Military strength is still very good in terms of weapons. It just makes the people poor.

The food and taxes donated to the army every year account for 40% of the people's income. In addition, an additional 30% of the food and taxes donated to the court will be added.

After a year of hard work, the people's income can only account for 30% of the income.

Fortunately, the Xiayi Kingdom was not only rich in minerals but also had relatively fertile soil. With 30% of the income, the people could still barely make ends meet. Fishermen on the beach can also catch some fish and increase their income.

After collecting two black iron mines, they did not immediately go to the other two jade mines. Instead, they searched along the large mountains of Xiayi Kingdom to explore the storage capacity of the mineral deposits below.

Most of it is black iron ore. In some places, the storage capacity is very large, and in other places, the mineral layer is thin and not suitable for mining.

There are not many jade mines. Moreover, the jadeite from Xiayi Kingdom is characterized by a lot of pigments and a lot of cotton inside. It is especially easy to grow alabaster from glass.

The so-called snowflakes mean that they contain a lot of cotton and are finely dispersed in the crystal-clear ice-based jadeite.

Such jadeite is very beautiful when made into carvings, but it cannot be used to stimulate space spiritual energy veins.

This is a publicly owned mineral resource of Xia Yuguo and has not yet been developed. Xiao Yunyan has not included it in the space. The two private mines owned by the king and the princess were put into the space.

The jade from these two mines is not very high quality. There are more jelly species and glutinous species.

Local people cannot afford these luxuries. The middle class and wealthy businessmen from neighboring countries like jelly and waxy jade very much.

Moreover, the reason why everyone likes it is that there are many pigments and rich colors. Mainly yellow-green, blue-green, and a small amount of purple jade are very popular among girls. Sometimes the three colors of happiness, prosperity and longevity appear, which are very suitable for making bracelets and ornaments.

After collecting the mines, they asked the workers in these mining areas to disperse and go home as soon as possible. Xiao Yunyan took the silver from the space and gave them one hundred taels of silver each, plus another ten taels of scattered silver and a copper plate, which was enough for the miners to earn twenty years' wages.

Tell them to stay away from their original hometown and live somewhere else. Lest the king and princess investigate the matter in the future and they will be implicated.

These workers had never seen so much money. I didn't need any clumsy household items, just took my clothes and bedding, left the dilapidated house where I lived overnight, and headed for a new life.

After collecting the jade mine, they went about their business separately. Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan went to quickly deliver some food, mainly medicinal materials, to the affected people.

The delay here is a bit long, and the epidemic has become more and more serious. Therefore, if the epidemic is not treated immediately, once it breaks out, it will affect not only Xiayi Kingdom, but the entire continent.

Xiao Yunyan was originally a generous person. Moreover, this time, four mines and money from the private treasury were collected from the king and princess of Xiayi Kingdom. Naturally, he is not stingy.

The body-building pills combined with the spiritual spring water can be said to be the medicine that cures the disease. The porridge shed that was once short of food suddenly had a lot of food, including bags of polished rice and white flour.

The steward in charge of the granary was originally very worried because the few old grains left in the local government warehouse were almost exhausted.

This year's new grain has already been soaked in water before it has been received in the warehouse. If the imperial court does not distribute food anymore, more people will starve to death in the porridge sheds here.

I opened the grain depot this morning and took a look. He rubbed his eyes vigorously in disbelief, and then rubbed his eyes again. The bags of rice and noodles piled high exuded the aroma of new grain.

Looking at the sudden extra rice, the warehouse manager knelt down and kowtowed, thanking God and gods. them

Xiao Yunyan distributed pills to them without any fanfare. Instead, he found the doctor and doctor responsible for the treatment, told them how to use the pills and how to take the spiritual spring water, and asked them to take the pills on the spot. These people are doubtful about Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan.

Xiao Yunyan said calmly and calmly: "The grain in the grain depot was given by the two of us. They are all new rice and noodles produced this year. It is impossible for your court to distribute grain to you. Even if the grain is distributed, it will be old grain."

These people immediately believed Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan. Because, this morning, the soup kitchen came out with good news that surprised everyone, that is, the granary that was originally empty was suddenly full. And the new ones inside are all white polished rice and white wheat noodles.

Although everyone knew about this, no one knew who filled the warehouse without anyone noticing.

They have never seen these two noble men. Apart from them, no one else in this soup kitchen has the ability to give away so much rice and noodles.

Their arrival gave the victims hope of survival.

Recently, more and more victims have fallen ill. In addition to not having enough to eat, they also suffer from vomiting and diarrhea and are dizzy.

Some elderly people who were already seriously ill have died of the disease. Now, the number of sick patients has increased to 40%. Other people are also showing symptoms one after another.

If not treated in time, all the people in this soup kitchen may collapse one after another.

Food was not allocated in time, and the people were hungry and fighting the plague, and there was no specific medicine. The original methods of treating the plague did not work.

Moreover, there is no traditional Chinese medicine in the local area, only the medicinal soup given by the wizard to everyone. Because the effect is not good, many people no longer take that medicine. The entire disaster area was filled with a sad mood, that is, everyone was waiting for the final death.

This morning I heard that the warehouse was suddenly full of food. Some people already feel that this is not human power. But I haven't seen it now. The doctor and the doctors saw these two. As handsome as a god. A noble person. The little doubt I had at first is now completely put aside. Xiao Yunran told them. If you don't believe me, just look at me and he pops the bodybuilding pills into his mouth like candy balls. He took another sip of spiritual spring water. With the noble man personally testing the medicine, these people no longer doubt it. In fact, the doctors and doctors themselves were also infected by the epidemic, but they were usually young and strong, and their physical fitness was already better than that of ordinary people, so they did not lie down yet.

Since this is said to be a efficacious medicine, as doctors, they naturally have to test the medicine themselves. They all followed Xiao Yunyan's example, picked up a pill, threw it into their mouths, and drank it with the Lingquan water.

These doctors and doctors were pleasantly surprised to find that they suddenly became full of energy, and it seemed that the original uncomfortable feeling completely disappeared. I even feel like my body has returned to the time when I was most energetic when I was young.

Such a discovery made these doctors kneel in front of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan. Thanks to the two gods for their help. In their eyes, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan are living gods who save people in need.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan stretched out their hands to help a few people up, so that they didn't have to be polite. He also explained that he was not a god, but a cultivator. Can make some pills. very nice. I saw an epidemic in Xia Yiguo. Just reach out and help. They are the ones who really save people in need. A responsible and compassionate doctor.

After recognizing Xiao Yunyan, they regarded Xiao Yunyan's medicines as treasures. I hope Xiao Yunyan can give enough medicine because of the next result. almost. Half of the city was also affected by the floods. After such a long time. The spread of the epidemic is getting more and more serious. Even those who haven't fallen yet. Those people are also sick.

Xiao Yunyan told them that the pills were enough. Just report the number of people and she will distribute pills according to the number of people. Seven pills per person for severe cases. For those with mild symptoms, take five pills per person. No illness. Three pills per person for prevention and physical fitness purposes.

These doctors heard that the two gods were giving away pills for free? And that spiritual spring water. They wanted to kneel down and kowtow again, but Xiao Yunyan and Liu Mohan immediately stopped them and told them not to care, and to quickly re-count the number of people, then receive the pills and distribute them quickly to prevent some people from getting worse.

Several doctors rushed to the hospital. Report from the official responsible for this missing point. Please send someone to help collect the pills and distribute them to every patient. And teach these people how to take it. For seriously ill patients, the pills must be delivered personally into the patient's stomach. Make sure all disaster victims have access to pills.

Xiao Yunyan prepared the pills and donated the tent. The tent in the space warehouse came in handy again. The living conditions have improved, the food has disappeared, and some meat and vegetables are also available. Because it is winter. How many days can meat be stored? He had the men salt the fresh meat. Hang it in a ventilated place to dry and can be stored for a long time. Even if you eat it after a year, it will still not go bad, but it will have a special bacon flavor.

here. It's the seaside. they are. I especially like to eat fish, but this time the flood came, and suddenly many of the fishing rods stored in every house were soaked in the water, and there are still some left. When cooking porridge. Just put in a little bit to get some flavor. There are many dried fish generals in Xiao Yunyan's warehouse. The soup kitchen warehouse was filled with fresh dried fish.

same day. The victims found out. Today's rice porridge is not only very sweet and thick, but also has some meat cubes and minced vegetables in it. After the pain of not having enough to eat for days, I was able to eat delicious meat porridge. A life that was originally hopeless suddenly became hopeful.

These victims were very grateful to Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan, and there were always people who suddenly came over to kowtow to him. Thank you. Both Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were a little nervous, because they didn't know when someone would rush over and kneel down to kowtow.

There were many places affected by the disaster. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were not at the same porridge restaurant. How long would it take? After distributing the supplies, we immediately went to another porridge point. It was the fifth day of such busy work. Went everywhere we should go.

In some places, the epidemic is so severe that a large number of victims have fallen. Looking at the desolate atmosphere made them feel unbearable.

Even those who didn't fall looked disheveled. So sad. They had to drag their tired bodies to cook porridge. On the one hand, we have to take care of those who have fallen. Disaster victims. Put the porridge bowl in front of them. Some even need it. Feed with your hands. This is too much labor. They don't know how long they can last?

Because they don't know whether they will fall down tomorrow. The old, weak, sick and disabled have lost their lives.

What makes them even more desperate is that the court has no control or care at all. The food in the porridge shed is getting less and less. It's all old rice from the government granary. Although it's moldy, it can still satisfy the hunger and prevent starvation.

But recently, such aged rice is no longer available. They are really scared. After a few days of food shortage. How many people can survive?

When floods occurred in some places, many people died. There was really no food or food, so those who were able to escape the famine ate fresh corpses. Fortunately, those dead people were not sick. Some people live.

This flood is even more serious. If there is really no food, at that point, even if you eat dead bodies, you will not be able to survive. Because all people are infected with the plague. There is also a plague in eating the flesh of dead people, and almost no one will survive.

Such sad and desperate emotions spread among the victims. Therefore, wherever Xiao Yunyan and the others went, they saw victims like walking corpses, either lying down, just one breath away from the dead, or staggering among the seriously ill victims, helping them feed them water and porridge. , I am so busy that I don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan would not immediately motivate them with words, but would fill their granaries first.

Naturally, these people who are responsible for cooking porridge spread the message. After having food, people's spirits were lifted. It was like being pulled back from the brink of death.

Then, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan discussed with the doctor about giving out pills. It's been this way all the way down. They were really like living gods, bringing these victims back from the brink of death.

The victims, who are gradually getting better, are grieving again. How will they live after their homes are destroyed?

Although Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were very at odds with the king and princess of Xiayi Kingdom, they had no hatred towards these victims and only felt pity for them.

After distributing supplies, Xiao Yunyan, Li Mohan and Black Dragon gathered together again.

Black Dragon's mission is to investigate. Are there corrupt officials in these disaster-stricken areas? If it is found out, the black dragon will loot it all and give the corrupt official a good beating before leaving.

Yulong was supposed to return to his own Lanyu dynasty. But when he saw these victims, he felt very pitiful and wanted to help the black dragon.

The black dragon looked at him with disdain. Although Yulong is a man, his force value is much lower than that of Black Dragon. Even if he was Yulong in his previous life, he was the senior brother of Black Dragon. The Yulong in this life has no cultivation. so. Just an ordinary person with some martial arts skills.

Yulong felt that he was really useless after being rejected. But he quickly found his worth.

Because he knows more about the twists and turns of human thought than Black Dragon, when investigating cases of corrupt officials, Yulong's mind is much easier to use than Black Dragon's. This is where Black Dragon admits that he will never be able to surpass Yulong.

After the four people gathered together, Black Dragon gave Xiao Yunyan all the wealth he had collected from corrupt officials.

Xiao Yunyan asked her to keep some of it, so that when the victims needed help, Black Dragon could take action immediately.

Because these disaster victims also need money to rebuild their homes. The government and the court will not provide money, and even if it is in human hands, the government is not willing to help. Compared with several other countries, Xiayi's court was hopelessly corrupt.

After discussion among the four people. Li Mohan and Yu Long were given the task of helping people build houses.

Black Dragon and Xiao Yunyan still have to do some things. In addition to providing supplies. They wanted to clear out the shops of the king and princess of Xiayi Kingdom. Along with the private treasuries and stores of their loyal followers, they were emptied.

These will be used for the resettlement of disaster victims and the reconstruction of homes for the people of the entire Xiayi Kingdom.

One of Xiao Yunyan and Black Dragon has a space and the other has a storage bag, which is particularly convenient.

Li Mohan can now enter and exit the space, and can even move space materials out of the space. However, his ideological control ability is not as strong as Xiao Yunyan, and he can only move a small amount each time. He and Yulong helped the victims together, which was enough.

Likewise, re-select a place with high terrain that will not be affected by flooding to build houses again.

Because it involves government approval. Therefore, Li Mohan needed to take action every time to beat up those uncooperative officials. The rest was left to watch these local officials send the yamen to go through the formalities, and the matter of setting up the house deed was left to Yu Long.

Li Mohan led his craftsmen. Quickly help the victims build houses. The craft of building houses was also entrusted to them. When he needs materials, he can keep pouring them out from the space.

The two men now have a very good relationship and have become a pair of brothers. The cooperation is very tacit.

Xiao Yunyan and Black Dragon also cooperated very well. The two of them went to the homes of these loyal supporters of the king. When they saw their extravagant lives, they emptied their private treasury without hesitation. In addition, some stores under their names will also be looted. But the task of cleaning the shop was done by the black dragon.

Xiao Yunyan no longer does such things. What she has to do is to collect the mineral veins of these officials into her own space. The gold and silver reserves in the mine are also collected into the space.

Because relieving the victims requires a lot of money, in addition to building houses, they also need to purchase daily necessities, distribute food, and produce agricultural tools.

Although Xiao Yunyan has enough wealth to do these good deeds. However, corrupt officials absorb the people's wealth and anointing from the people. You might as well use this money to help people rebuild their homes.

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