Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 260: Opening the wood spirit root, unexpectedly triggering the next main task, looking for t

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan summoned the black dragon back, and the three of them meditated together near the fire chalcedony mine in the space. They want to open the fire root. Because there is abundant fire spiritual energy here, it is the best place to open your spiritual roots.

In order to successfully activate the Fire Spirit Root, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan finished all the matters at hand. After explaining clearly, they decided to meditate in the space for seven consecutive days.

If the fire spirit root can be successfully opened, it can grow quickly. At least this fire spirit root can play a counterattack role when encountering other people's fire attacks.

Otherwise, after opening it, it will look like a weak sprout, which is not as safe as having only one water spirit root.

Only one water spirit root is opened, and that is a junior cultivator. When you see other cultivators, you will not attract their attention.

If the three spiritual roots are opened, no matter what the state is, they are all cultivators in the middle. It will naturally attract the other person's attention. If you are not strong enough, you will be more likely to suffer disaster.

During these seven days, the three of them meditated almost all the time except eating, bathing, and using the bathroom.

Xiao Yunyan opened the Fire Spirit Root the next day. Li Mohan opened the fire root on the morning of the third day, and Black Dragon on the noon of the third day. Because of the abundant spiritual energy, the fire spiritual roots of the three people were already very strong when they were first opened.

Facing the abundant fire attribute aura in front of him. These fire spirit roots swayed crazily and absorbed greedily. It is slowly getting thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye. By the seventh day, the fire spirit roots of the three of them had grown to the thickness of a thumb.

As long as you carry the fire chalcedony with you, they will continue to grow. Each person carries a lot of fire chalcedony ore, and the fire spirit root can absorb it at any time.

After activating the fire spiritual roots, the three of them discussed going to the Yunfu Kingdom to meditate in the densest place of Yunfu fir trees.

The cloud-filled fir trees in the space are growing rapidly. It has grown from a sapling as thick as a chopstick to a tree over two meters tall and as thick as a wrist.

But compared to the oldest Yunfu fir trees on the mountain tops of Yunfu Kingdom, the Yunfu fir trees in the space are from the great-grandson's generation.

Because there were a large number of Yunfu fir trees planted in the space, and later when she saw saplings in the mountains, Xiao Yunyan couldn't bear that they would be cleared away in the future, so she threw them all into the space. Because of the huge number, the growth rate of Yunfu fir trees in space is not as fast as imagined.

The three of them walked together to the top of the mountain where Yunfu fir trees were densest. here. There were actually many cultivators gathered. Xiao Yunyan and the others don't want others to disturb them, nor do they want to disturb others.

So we found a relatively secluded place and sat together. Form a triangle.

Xiao Yunyan lowered her protective array. Then he concentrated on absorbing the wood spiritual energy. Looking forward to quickly opening the wood spirit root.

After the wood is opened, they can return to the space to absorb the spiritual energy, and there is no need to meditate with outsiders here to share the spiritual energy here.

But when Xiao Yunyan and the others had just opened the magic circle and were preparing to meditate seriously to absorb spiritual energy, three groups of meditating cultivators nearby got into a fight over a large stone with more spiritual energy. Two of them were slightly injured, and one was seriously injured.

Black Xiaolong asked Xiao Yunyan in a very small voice: "Sister, what are these people trying to do? There is already plenty of wood-type spiritual energy here, so why fight so fiercely just for a stone, and almost lose your life."

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were also curious. This is a place where Yunfu Lengshan is densely populated, so the spiritual energy should be equally abundant. Why do several groups of people have to grab that stone?

Because they saw that the three of them were only here to absorb spiritual energy, they turned a blind eye to the stone. These groups of meditators did not regard them as enemies.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan didn't understand. However, for the time being, they have no intention of exploring these things. Instead, they concentrate on absorbing the wood spirit energy, hoping to break through the thick film on the wood spirit root.

They don't care about worldly affairs at all, they just come here to absorb spiritual energy. So several other groups of people. Start one after another. Build. You come to kill me, I come to kill you. Left to the end. Still the kind of person who attacks first. They surrounded the big rock. After turning around, Xiao Yunyan felt something was wrong, so he opened his yin and yang eyes to explore the stone.

Xiao Yunyan was surprised to find that the big stone wrapped by three index fingers turned out to be a huge piece of jade. And after exploring inside, it turned out to be like a clear spring. This is really the best in prison! Because the block is large, there is no strands, no cracks, no strands and no pits in the middle. There isn't any fluff in the middle.

And the most rare thing is that this stone is produced here. That is, except for this stone. We also need to find ways for the nobles to avoid inspection.

After clearing up the clouds, the three of them stopped thinking about anything else and stopped seriously in the protective formation. Three days later, Mulingen was also opened. After continuing to absorb spiritual energy for a day. Only then did Xiao Yunyan and the others have time to examine the huge jade stone in front of them.

Xiao Yunyan looked down. This stone is priceless, no wonder these people fought over it, but. The winning team did not move the stone.

Maybe they don't know why this stone is full of spiritual energy. They are just competing for good terrain.

The winning group also suffered physical injuries. I couldn’t meditate for a while. Xiao Yunyan looked at those. The seriously injured wounded were moved with compassion.

Each person was given one recovery. Elixir for internal and external injuries. The levels are not high, they are all seventh-level elixirs. The few people who got the elixir were surprised, because it was difficult for them to buy such a high-level elixir, and it was worth a lot of money. They don't have that much money in their hands.

After Xiao Yunyan gave me the elixir, she returned to me. Protecting this place, the three of them continued to meditate, quickly turning the wood spirit roots into wrist-thick shapes.

By the afternoon of the third day, several groups of people around them had left because they had absorbed enough wood spiritual energy. These people are cultivators who have already opened their wood spirit roots.

It's just that they didn't wear Yunfu fir ornaments with them. Instead, he comes here often to absorb enough wood spiritual energy. At the same time, the spiritual roots that cultivate the wood element continue to grow.

After everyone around him left, Xiao Yunyan moved the big stone into the space.

The system of the space prompts that this is the best jade stone, and it is also the best earth aura stone.

Although the clouds disappeared, there turned out to be many jadeite rough stones in the space. But no. reach such a level. Use systematic explanation. Can become an earth spiritual root. The snacks must be. The best of emeralds. And it has to be green. That is, the spiritual root of the earth element is opened. It's not as simple as imagined.

Yunfu Country not only has wood-type spiritual trees like Yunfu Lengshan. There are also earth spiritual stones hidden deep inside.

No wonder before. Someone told Xiao Yunyan that all she had to do was go to the mountains and find some nice big rocks to sit on. It won't take long for the earth spiritual roots to be opened.

The beautiful big stone they were talking about should be either an ordinary rock or Xiaoyunyan. The big stone in my hand now has the connotation of jasper and emerald.

Xiao Yunyan felt like herself. Another specialty of Yunfu fruit was discovered. But he didn't keep this stone here, but sent it into space.

Space reminder, if Xiao Yunyan can mine more of these. The aura stone space will. Such a spiritual stone mine grows.

Xiaoyunyan is no longer calm, because of this. The finest imperial green jadeite. He found out that it should be a glass species.

Regardless of whether it is a spiritual energy stone, its value as a gemstone alone is already incalculable. The system says that this stone is the essence of the mineral vein of the earth spiritual root stone.

It is very rare to find such a masterpiece again. Smoke and smoke. Li Mohan and Black Dragon. Look for big rocks all over the mountains and fields around here.

But to their disappointment. Inside other stones. Most of them are ordinary stones without jade. even though. There is jade in it, which is also trash that is worse than dog shit.

Xiao Yunyan opened the yin and yang eye image. Explore in other directions. Within a radius of five kilometers. It's a huge piece. Jade mining area. but. The quality of jadeite is not very ideal. The big stone he just got is the best here.

In this case, let's not waste time. The three decided to return to space and meditate around the big stone.

However, the system prompts crazy. Owner. if you. Two more such stones can be found. Jade mines that do not take up space can be upgraded.

Even the space itself will be fed back, and its functions will become more complete. Xiao Yunyan even suspected that the system was greedy for money, seeing how valuable this big stone was, and wanted to keep it for himself. But he felt that the more the merrier, so he coaxed him to find the other two big rocks. However, such high-quality large stones are rare to come by, and he does not have the ability to accompany him in the deep mountains to mine jade mines.

Although it is very beautiful, the process of picking and processing jade is not very happy. Mining workers work very hard. It was impossible for him to quarry such stones deep inside the mountains. Either move the entire mountain into space, or give up this reward.

It would be a pity to give up the reward. Moving the mineral vein into space would be considered a plunder. Xiao Yuyan didn't want to do that. So Xiao Yunyan asked the system if it could be moved to a place where no one was around. Find veins and move them into space.

The system nodded wildly, of course, he didn't care where he got the best quality from. Jade. He only hopes that Xiao Yunyan's space can collect all the five elements of spiritual objects, so that the space itself will grow.

Xiao Yunyan and the others agreed to the system. First, meditate to open the earth spirit root, and then look for the jade vein.

Xiao Yuyan was very depressed because he had looked for jade veins and Li Mohan and moved the veins into space. However, the space system did not give him any prompts at that time. Now that he saw that someone had a good stone system, he became jealous and urged him to look for it everywhere, but he didn't know. What is the difference between your own ore vein and this one? Aren’t they all jade?

The system did not explain Xiaoyunyan's ignorance. But in secret. Make fun of their old hat. The difference between jadeite and jadeite is just one species. More than ten times the value. A difference of just one color will result in a hundredfold difference in value. If you look at the color or colorless, you can see the kind. Planting jadeite that has both water and color is like the most difficult-to-find perfect beauty in the world.

They are both women, and the difference in value between the best beauties and ordinary women is more than ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand or ten thousand times. By the same token, how do ordinary jade stones compare with top-quality jade?

The purer the jade base, the more abundant aura it contains and carries. The ability to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth will become stronger.

Therefore, the big stone that Xiao Yunyan moved into the space is even more valuable than the entire mineral vein that he moved into the space.

Only after Xiao Yunyan and the others started meditating did they realize that this big stone was really magical. Sitting nearby, the spiritual energy is flowing continuously and is very pure. It is really much more abundant than the spiritual energy near the jade mine in the space.

Therefore, the three of them were more determined to find such a top-quality jadeite mine. Anyway, there are no urgent tasks now. Since the space has given such a task, they must try their best to complete it.

Master has said that his space is a growth space and may grow into a world of her own in the future.

Space systems rarely issue such mainline missions. Xiao Yunyan attaches great importance to this opportunity.

The next day, the earth spiritual roots of the three people either opened or grew. Because the black dragon had once opened its earth spiritual roots, the original growth effect was not that good, but this time it grew crazily near this big stone.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan have now opened the four spiritual roots, and the quality of each spiritual root is of the highest quality, which is unexpected by them and envied by everyone.

The three spiritual roots originally opened by the black dragon were not of high quality and did not grow well. After this period of time, he crazily absorbed the spiritual energy of various spiritual roots. Now it has grown into a relatively perfect spiritual root. This also made her very happy.

The three decided to go out together to find the spiritual stone.

As long as Xiao Yunyan is not allowed to move the entire mineral vein into the space, she will not think that she is taking advantage of it. After all, the treasure hidden deep in the mountains belongs to whoever finds it.

When the three of them came out of the space, they found that there were many cultivators looking for the big stone on the other side. They all said that this treasure land was gone. The big stone disappeared.

Countless people lamented. These people also wanted to take the stone away, but there was a weight limit on the items collected in the storage bag.

The large stone was estimated to weigh about three tons. Does not fit in storage bag.

Moreover, these cultivators believe that this stone itself is not a spiritual stone, but that its location is excellent, causing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to converge here. If this stone is moved away, the land under the stone will be where the spiritual energy gathers. It has nothing to do with the stone itself. That big rock is just the best platform to meditate on.

But today they discovered that their idea was wrong. After the stone disappeared, the spiritual energy in that place was no longer as strong as before. In other words, that stone gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The stone disappeared, and the spiritual energy that had accumulated over time also disappeared.

These cultivators saw three people walking towards them not far away. Someone took the initiative to chat and asked Xiao Yunyan if they knew where the big stone was.

Xiao Yunyan did not answer, but the black dragon said: "We just came here, and we came here for this stone, but when we first came here, we found that the stone was gone. I don't know which god saw this stone as a good-looking stone and took it back as a chessboard. .

Her words struck a chord with many cultivators. Strangely enough, the surface of that big stone was very smooth. It is round and piercing. If it is placed in the courtyard, stone benches will be placed on both sides. It really looks like a table. If the gods used it to play chess, it would be a good big chessboard.

Although the stone disappeared, the cultivators could not leave immediately. They looked around for a place with abundant spiritual energy, and then hurriedly meditated to absorb the spiritual energy.

Xiao Yunyan and the others also followed these people and searched everywhere. If there is a place with relatively abundant spiritual energy, Xiao Yunyan will open her yin and yang eyes to see if there is any top-quality jade or jade underneath.

However, things are not that simple. The three of them searched for a long time but could not find any jadeite with good quality.

Bean species and glutinous species are very common, and even glutinous ice species cannot reach it. Not to mention the color, a few hints of green are considered good.

The three were ready to give up. When returning to the space, the space gave a crazy reminder that not far away, there was probably a deep ravine, and there should be several large rocks that were about to fall on the opposite rock wall. There is the best product that Xiaoyunyan wants to find. Jadeite.

The three of them looked at the cliff in the distance. There were really a few big rocks on the edge of the cliff that were about to fall.

Fortunately, they could fly with swords and flew directly over. Xiao Yunyan took the lead in discovering the spiritual energy of each stone. Li Mohan can also feel the difference.

The three of them pointed at a huge stone at the same time, like a stone old man. The spiritual energy in this stone is too abundant. Because it is located on the edge of a cliff. So no one noticed whether it was full of spiritual energy.

The three of them explored at the same time and exclaimed at the same time. Compared with the stone in space, this stone is equally free of impurities and equally green and charming. Maybe even dragon stone imperial green. The top quality jadeite is even rarer than glass.

Xiao Yunyan used her mind to collect the stone into the space. Unexpectedly, there was a huge python nestled at the bottom of the stone.

When Xiao Yunyan moved the stone, the python wrapped its huge body tightly around the stone to prevent it from moving.

This was the first time she wanted to move something into space, but she encountered resistance. It can be seen that this big python is also quite advanced. It should be entrenched on this big stone, absorbing the spiritual energy inside.

It can be said that Xiao Yunyan robbed others of their precious cultivation land. As long as the other party has opened their spiritual intelligence and can communicate, that's fine.

Xiao Yunyan tried to communicate with the big snake, persuaded the big snake, and used other methods to compensate it for its spiritual energy.

But the black dragon gave up. In front of his own dragon, what was that python? If you say too much, you are just a little loach.

The black dragon unleashed its pressure on the python. The black python, which was originally very arrogant, suddenly felt the pressure of the dragon clan on him. The arrogant momentum suddenly weakened, and he gradually let go of the big stone.

However, it did not just endure the grievance, but protested to the black dragon.

However, under the pressure of the black dragon, he trembled when he spoke, and even had a cry: "Uncle Dragon Dragon God. I, I, I practice here, without disturbing anyone, and without hurting anyone else." Animals. They just sit on this stone, absorb the essence of the stone, and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

You came here today and took away my treasure without saying a word or asking for my permission. I am currently at a bottleneck in my cultivation, and I will be able to transform into a human form in ten days.

After practicing for thousands of years, I only have ten days left. Can't you let me practice here for another ten days? Please, please, Lord Dragon God, please do well. You also know that it is very difficult for us animals to practice cultivation. "

Xiao Yunyan and Black Flood Dragon winked at each other. This Black Flood Dragon was quite good at speaking. Even though he was scared, he said everything he needed to say.

Li Mohan said to them from the side: "It's better to throw it into space. There are many animals in space, and the black dragon doesn't have any younger brothers yet."

Both Mengmengniao and Suanyi have groups of followers, why not give Black Dragon Dragon a follower in the space? "

The black dragon looked at the big black python with disgust. However, it is okay for the big python to be a follower. After all, he has been practicing Taoism for nearly a thousand years and has developed spiritual intelligence. In Xiao Yunyan's words, the python's IQ and EQ are not low.

The black dragon's tone softened a little, and he said to the big python: "If I find you a place with abundant spiritual energy for you to practice.

The spiritual energy there is more abundant than the spiritual energy of this big stone. Moreover, there are five auras of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

There is an endless supply of spiritual spring water for you to drink as much as you want. Would you like to stay with me and be one of my followers? "

The big boa constrictor immediately became excited. Being able to be a little follower next to the Dragon God is also a very honorable thing.

What's more, spiritual spring water is what all animals crave, as well as more abundant spiritual energy. Of course it is willing to go.

As a result, the black dragon had its first exclusive little follower in the space, and he named it Loach.

The big python called Loach was very aggrieved. Why did he have such a vulgar and unpleasant name when he looks so majestic and tall?

He calmly said to the black dragon: "Master, can you help me change my name to a mighty and domineering name? The loach is so small, and it doesn't match my image? Please give me a name that suits my image."

Black Dragon was a bad namer, so he immediately came up with another name, "Let's call him Big Loach." So Black Dragon's first follower, Big Loach, was successfully appointed.

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