Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 252: Solve the problems of food, housing and medical care in the disaster area. Build a temp

Xiao Yunyan learned through understanding that this place had been shaken more than once. There have been frequent small earthquakes in the past three years.

The house was not damaged. However, there will be ground cracks near the home. Sometimes there is a large-scale subsidence near a mountain.

Xiao Yunyan asked them: "Have these small earthquakes and local fissures and subsidence been reported to the court?"

The county magistrate replied firmly: "I will report it to the court every time. But because there are not too many casualties. Therefore, the court's approval is that the local government pays close attention to the local earthquake phenomenon. Once a major earthquake occurs, people will be moved to Safe zone. Wait for rescue.

This time the burrowing was very intense and lasted for a long time. Just one day ago, there was an earthquake. "

Xiao Yunyan opened her yin and yang eyes. Look here, the structure below ground. She wanted to see if this was a fracture zone in the rock. Belongs to areas with frequent crustal activity.

But what made him feel strange was. The underground rock layer here is very large, covering an entire area. It's not in an earthquake zone.

And according to the county magistrate, there was no such phenomenon here three years ago. In the past three years, earthquakes of various sizes have occurred one after another. There have been more than 30 recorded earthquakes.

This phenomenon is somewhat different. Ordinary Xiao Yunyan wanted to explore the deeper reasons. He is the county magistrate. Nothing else happened here as usual. Very different special things.

Think about the restriction, he said we are here. It has happened frequently in the past three years. A young man who went out alone suddenly disappeared. Report the case to Guanfu Street. There are already 183 people who suddenly disappeared like this.

and. They have conducted detailed investigations on the disappeared people, and there is no clue to show that they have anything in common. The only commonality is that they go out alone. Hunt in the wild and chop wood. Or labor. After going out, he never came back.

Xiao Yunying wanted to know the whereabouts of these people. He asked the county magistrate if he could find the family members of the missing persons. He wanted to get some information through the closest family members of the missing persons.

This matter is easy to handle, because... Disaster. The victims were concentrated in a few relatively safe places. Not far from here, there is a porridge shed. The county magistrate took Xiao Yunyan to Zhou Peng to find several widows. They were making porridge over a fire.

After Xiao Yunyan invited them here. Walking up to Xiao Yunyan, Xiao Yunyan looked at the five people. A thin woman. Ask them gently. Did their husbands give any explanation before they went missing or was there anything unusual?

The five women looked sad. They shook their heads and said that it was too sudden. There was no explanation. They just went out to work, hunt, and chop wood as usual, and they never came back. Villagers also go to nearby mountains and forests together. Find it in the wild. There were no traces, not even signs of a fight. It was as if the man had disappeared out of thin air.

Clear away the clouds through the information of these five people. Check. in those poems. man. But my eyes were blurry and I couldn't see any information.

Xiao Yunyan asked them if there were any clothes at home that the man had worn before he disappeared, and if they had been washed. Or shoes, or items he commonly uses.

Xiao Yunyan, to explore the information of these people, we need some media.

One of the women took out a shiny wooden doll from her purse. The rich woman carefully took out the wood carving, held it in her hand, and told Xiao Yunyan that her husband had carved it himself. It was carved according to the appearance of my own children when they were young. Men like this little wooden sculpture and play with it in their hands every day.

Get it from Xiaoyunyan. The little wooden sculpture opened its yin and yang eyes and felt the feedback of the information. The man was no longer in the world at this time. But his soul didn't go to the underworld either. Instead of being reincarnated, they were imprisoned in a space as if they were doing hard labor.

Xiao Yunyan continued to explore this man and the surroundings were still the same as him. A person whose soul is imprisoned. The body can still move, similar to a zombie. Thoughts are imprisoned. I can think, but I have no human breath.

Watching over these missing people is. He has long hair and is tall. It looks like a baboon and is more fierce than a baboon. The claws of the long-tusked thing are very sharp. The colors of the face and butt are very rich, including red, pink, and green. It looked very scary, and Xiao Yunyan could tell that this thing was a mandrill.

When Xiao Yunyan was performing tasks in the market, she often went to grasslands and mountains in various places. She also met Shanxiao. The mandrill is just one animal that lives in groups. The individual is fierce, knows how to cooperate, has a strong desire for revenge, and will retaliate. Therefore, there is a saying in later generations that "it is better to encounter a jackal than a mandrill." This thing is very difficult to mess with.

Although the mandrill looks scary, and the description of it in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is even more terrifying, it is just an animal. How could it kidnap these people and turn them into zombies that are neither human nor ghosts?

Xiao Yunyan wanted to continue to investigate whether these people and the mandrill had any behind-the-scenes instigators. However, when he looked further down, he could no longer see it, and his eyes were filled with chaos again.

Xiao Yunyan wanted to know that the disappearance of these people must be abnormal. But he wanted to find the mandrill, and whether there was an inevitable connection between the missing people and the frequent earthquakes in the past three years. Is there a driving force behind these disasters?

Just this little one. Wooden carved doll. Only this information can be explored. If you want to investigate further, you must see these working zombies and mandrills. Use their direct medium to observe whether there is a culprit behind the scenes.

But there is no need to rush that matter, now we have to make arrangements for these refugees. Because they no longer have a place to live, they are gathering together to build a house on the floor for the time being. It's okay if it doesn't rain. But if it rains or snows, it will be a very troublesome thing.

Because earthquakes occur frequently here, if houses are still being built far away, something like this may still happen.

Xiao Yunyan asked the county magistrate, is there a large plain area here? There, she could provide money to re-divide these people into residential areas. When building houses, every family has a yard and a house, but the land is not easy to deal with.

The county magistrate said, "To report back to the princess, such a place does exist, but it is a large area of ​​cultivated land. It is not far from the original scattered living area of ​​the villagers. These villagers originally lived at the foot of the mountain or in the middle of the mountain, which was relatively close to the mountain. Mountainside. Cleared land in the plain area below.

Now, if they want to move to the plains to build houses again, they are actually closer to cultivating land than before. "

Xiao Yunyan asked: "Wouldn't that be better? Are there any problems that are difficult to solve?"

The county magistrate replied: "Because this is cultivated land. If houses are built, the area of ​​cultivated land will be reduced. I can't explain it to the court. After all, taxes must be paid on cultivated land. If it becomes a villager's house, there will be no tax." .”

Xiao Yunyan told him not to worry, she would solve the problem. As long as there is a suitable location for the villagers to quickly build houses and start their lives again, other problems can be solved.

Xiao Yunyan once again confirmed whether there are subsidence and fissures in the plain areas?

In addition to the county magistrate, the people nearby also shook their heads. They said that this place was very strange. Every earthquake occurred at the foot or mountainside of the mountain where they lived. It was supposed to be easier to cash out in the plains, but it never happened.

As long as there are no ground subsidence or fissures in the plains, it will be easy to handle. First, arrange young and strong laborers to cut down strong trees in the mountains. When building a house, in addition to stones and mud, there must also be trees.

Xiao Yunyan decided to transport stones, cement, and sand from space to this side. Because the construction period here must be completed as quickly as possible. She was worried that it would rain heavily during this period. If people don't have a place to live, it will be a very troublesome thing.

There is truly strength in numbers. Two days later, thousands of straight tree trunks were stripped of branches and left to dry in the sun.

The stones have been delivered to the new address for building the house. Xiao Yunyan mobilized 300 people from his construction team to guide local people in building houses.

Because there are only more than 300 households here. Each of these 300 masters can build his own house with his family.

Some families have more male laborers. After finishing building their own house first, they can also help other families with less male laborers.

When it comes to building a house, Xiao Yunyan only provides the materials, and the rest is directed by the architects.

In order to protect them from the wind and rain, Xiao Yunyan directed everyone to put up a few logs and smash them into the ground to temporarily support some sheds with shelter on three sides. If it rains, you can take shelter from the rain.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunyan thinks about everything very carefully. When these sheds were just being erected and the foundations of the stone houses were laid, it really rained heavily.

Fortunately there was a temporary shed for shelter. The people did not get wet from the heavy rain, and many people were prevented from getting cold.

Even so, Xiao Yunyan asked the porridge women to put more ginger in the big pot when cooking porridge.

Boil water in a large pot. It contains a few simple herbs to prevent colds. Everyone drank a bowl. Fortunately, no one caught the cold, which is a blessing, after all. No. In a comfortable living place, the elderly and children are particularly susceptible to illness. It's possible that a small cold can kill them. Although the lives of ordinary people are as cheap as ants, in Xiao Yunyan's eyes. Human life is very important, whether it is common people or dignitaries. There is no small thing before life.

After settling the victims, Xiao Yunyan focused on studying the issue of earthquakes and mandrills.

She used her yin and yang eyes to see that the mandrills and zombies were located deep in the mountains, about three hills away from the villagers' residence.

Because the mountains are high and densely forested, you have to climb a peak of about 1,000 meters above sea level. Therefore, when people searched for missing persons, they did not go that far.

Because the villagers never go to such far and dangerous places to chop wood and hunt. According to local elders, there are many wild animals inside, and tigers are often found there. There are also man-eating monkeys.

Xiao Yunyan believes that the monkey they are talking about that can eat people may be a mandrill. .

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