Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 250 Xiao Yunyan checked various stores in the capital and found that the drug store was doin

Xiao Yunyan went to the drug store first, and she felt strange when she saw the long queue. There is no epidemic in Beijing now, let alone other disasters. Why is there such a long queue in front of the pharmacy?

When she walked into the store, she saw on the counter all kinds of pills for strengthening her body and various elixirs that she had given her.

Xiao Yunyan sent all the elixirs below level nine to her shop for sale.

Because there are many people in the capital, the sales volume is large. Therefore, most of the valuable elixirs are sent here.

Xiao Yunyan observed carefully and found that most of the people in the queue were cultivators. There are also some who look like servants from wealthy families. It should be to buy elixirs for the master.

Xiao Yunyan walked in, and the eyes of the sharp-eyed waiters and shopkeepers immediately became bright, and the boss was finally here.

They are still worried that if these elixirs can last for even one day, they will no longer be sold.

The people queuing up behind are only the sales volume of the morning, and there will be more in the afternoon and evening.

If these people cannot buy elixirs. I would go to the store every day to ask. There are those with bad tempers who will even make a fuss in front of the counter.

Because some people want to buy some special elixirs. They would come from far away places, only to be told that they would not be able to buy medicines for a while. The shopkeeper and the clerks can also understand the anxious and restless mood.

Just when they were distressed and helpless, the master had just sent someone to deliver the elixirs, and they were almost sold out. There are at least five days left, I don’t know how to get through it? If sales are restricted, it will intensify the emotions of customers.

When they saw Xiao Yunyan, they sighed that their master was a master of magic. At this anxious moment, she appeared like a god.

The shopkeeper trotted up to Xiao Yunyan and saluted her. Invite Xiao Yunyan upstairs.

He complained to Xiao Yunyan: "Master, the pills and elixirs you give me each time are too few.

It was fine a few days ago, but later it simply didn’t sell anymore. Every time these customers would make a lot of noise, we were in a hurry and there was nothing we could do. Master, please, can you give us more elixirs? "

There are indeed various elixirs and ordinary pills that have just been refined in Xiao Yunyan's space. She asked the shopkeeper how many they need?

The shopkeeper’s answer is, the more, the merrier. Of course Xiao Yunyan would not give him all the pills, because the demand in various places was too great and she had to share them equally.

I supplemented the store's sales volume for another three days and asked them to keep selling. It is equivalent to a semi-restricted sale. Each person cannot buy too much at one time and leave some for subsequent customers.

The shopkeeper's mouth turned into a bitter melon, and he said: "We have limited sales. But many customers come from far away. They beg us for a few more pills. It's hard for us to keep a straight face and deal with business.

After all, someone has traveled hundreds of miles to buy medicine. You can't just sell them three or two pills, right? . "

Xiao Yunyan said to the shopkeeper: "If you don't limit sales, maybe if I give you three more days of supply, it won't be enough for you to last three days.

There is also a huge demand in other places. I can't sell all the pills to the capital. "

The shopkeeper had no choice but to listen to his master's arrangements.

Because Xiao Yunyan's elixirs are rich in various formulas, the refining technology is stable, and the medicinal effects are stable and effective.

These cultivators will encounter various bottlenecks and problems. If you figure it out on your own, it might take a long time to figure it out. But with these pills, they will easily solve the problem, it just cost them more money.

Xiao Yunyan also felt helpless, because there was still an upper limit to the productivity of space. Even if she works around the clock, she still can't meet the needs of so many cultivators on various continents.

Therefore, we can only adopt the sales strategy of equal distribution and limited sales.

Because the demand for pills and elixirs is increasing, and the free medicines in space can no longer meet the demand. It often happens that all medicine cabinets are empty.

Although Yunfu Country is rich in medicinal materials, it would be unrealistic to use the amount of medicinal materials stored in a small country to supply sales to pharmacies on all continents.

Therefore, Xiao Yunyan asked cheap granaries and drug stores in various places to purchase medicinal materials.

Because medicinal materials originate from different places, each place focuses on purchasing different types.

Xiao Yunyan will regularly issue tasks to these cheap granaries and drug stores. If she is short of salvia this time, she will place an order with the place where salvia is produced; if she is short of Smilax, she will issue a purchase order and the purchase quantity to the place where Smilax is produced. .

Of course, if there are sellers of medicinal materials, they can accept them as long as they are on the list of medicinal materials that Xiao Yunyan needs.

Xiao Yunyan's pharmaceutical business not only brought huge wealth to herself and her subordinates. It also provides new labor opportunities for these herb collectors.

There are many ordinary people whose income is very low. Mainly relying on those few acres of thin farmland.

Next to the mountains and forests, we just cut some firewood, hunt, and gather some wild vegetables and fruits. There are very few people who know how to collect medicinal materials. Only some doctors would often go to the mountains and forests to collect medicinal materials.

Now, these ordinary people living next to the forest have an additional job that can increase their income.

They didn't know these herbs originally. Xiao Yunyan asked the store that purchased the medicinal materials to display the appearance of various medicinal materials and food. Teach these ordinary people and give them some samples.

No matter what kind of medicinal materials are produced locally, as long as they are purchased from the medicine list, they can be purchased all year round.

Because the productivity of the space has limited sales. Xiao Yunyan hopes that the space will be upgraded again, so that the production capacity will increase.

If Xiao Yunyan did this to make money, it seems that is not entirely true, because he really has more money than he can spend in a dozen lifetimes.

There is always something to pursue in life. Especially a young and capable person like Xiao Yunyan always wants to do something that benefits the country and the people.

Besides, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan knew that no matter what good deeds they did, they would never be in vain.

Monetary rewards are the lowest level of rewards, and being able to accumulate more merit is the reward they want most as cultivators. However, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan didn't care. How much is the return?

Master often tells them: "If you ask for something, you will not get it. If you ask for nothing, you will get it."

The two of them took these words to heart. "But do good deeds and don't worry about your future." This probably means the same thing.

The life creed of the two people is to do what they want to do without asking what they will get in return.

Since purchasing medicinal materials from cheap granaries and drug stores in various places, Xiao Yunyan's space supply has increased.

One day, Xiao Yunyan was surprised to find that her space had been upgraded as a whole. The speed of processing medicinal materials has doubled.

Of course, the happiest people are the shopkeepers and clerks in drug stores everywhere. They were finally able to get the elixir to customers who were waiting in line anxiously.

After Xiao Yunyan went to the drug store, she went to the jewelry store under her own name. Business there is also booming.

Xiao Yunyan's jewelry obtained from various places, especially organic jewelry from the ocean, was loved and purchased by ladies and ladies after being made into jewelry.

Especially girls from wealthy families need to prepare a lot of dowry before getting married. Originally, I needed to go to various places to collect some rare jewelry, ornaments and pendants.

Now in Xiao Yunyan's shop, you can actually buy rare jewelry and jewelry from various continents. Jade ornaments and coral ornaments are the most popular large items. Boxes of pearls are also a must-have dowry for ladies when they get married.

Although there are a large number of jewelry and accessories supplied by Xiao Yunyan in the store. But it still cannot satisfy the crazy shopping of these ladies from wealthy families.

In particular, the masters who make jewelry in jewelry shops use purely manual techniques and cannot meet the needs of so many people in a short period of time for customized jewelry.

Fortunately, there are various masters and apprentices in Xiao Yunyan's fief. There are also many young people making jewelry.

They are all ingenious young people with good eyesight and strong hands. After being led by the master for a period of time, the jewelry they made was no worse than the master's.

Therefore, Xiao Yunyan sent these trained young people to jewelry shops everywhere. He opened a workshop in the backyard of the shop and worked overtime to make jewelry.

Because all the masters of jewelry shops are trained by themselves. Their wages are very high, their loyalty is high, and no one quits.

Therefore, the jewelry created in Xiao Yunyan's shop are all high-quality. Therefore, the ornaments made are very popular among ladies and ladies.

The remaining shops, such as clothing stores, North and South Commercial Banks, and grain and oil shops, are doing very well. The supply is sufficient.

Xiao Yunyan didn't know much about it and just gave some gifts to the store employees. All shopkeepers and clerks received real money and silver rewards.

Regarding shops in Beijing, Xiao Yunyan rarely personally inquires. Every time, she unloads a large amount of goods to the warehouse in the capital, and the manager in charge of material allocation in the capital distributes the materials.

Therefore, when the boss comes to the store, the clerks and shopkeepers are very excited.

Every time Xiao Yunyan comes, it's like the God of Wealth has arrived, and all the clerks and shopkeepers will make a small fortune.

Xiao Yunyan is very generous and sees that the guys are serious about their work and the shopkeepers are serious and responsible. Therefore, the rewards given to them may be enough to cover half a year or even a year's wages.

Xiao Yunyan's generosity made these employees very loyal to her.

There are also people who want to spend a lot of money to poach these shopkeepers and clerks. In the eyes of outsiders, the reason why these shops are so prosperous is because the shopkeepers and clerks have a good business attitude and are especially considerate of the owners. So I want to poach them into my own store.

But what they don't know is that the reason why these shopkeepers and waiters are so loyal is because the boss does better.

None of Xiao Yunyan's men lived in poverty. As long as the family's condition is not good, the boss will take care of it; if someone in the family is sick, the boss will provide free pills; if there is a happy event or funeral in the family, the boss will give a gift. The amount of this gift will definitely exceed normal imagination.

In a word, Xiao Yunyan regards these subordinates as family members and cares about others' concerns.

As long as things can be solved with money, they are no big deal to Xiao Yunyan. Because she has such a boss, she has guys who are loyal to her to the death.

I'm afraid other shop owners will never learn this.

Xiao Yunyan's only requirement for employees in her sales network system is loyalty. As long as there is no theft or cheating. Ability can be cultivated. If you are not suitable for this position, there are other positions.

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