Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 225 The city guards surrendered voluntarily, and the new emperor escaped and was caught. The

There is always a gap between ideals and reality, and it may be unexpected.

The new emperor is still dreaming of reinforcements. The next day, the city gate was wide open. His last trump card, eight thousand people, had already left the city.

Leave the city without an edict. The regent and the emperor were both shocked. Send someone immediately to inquire about the situation.

Just as they thought, these eight thousand people had just surrendered. Taking their belongings in the barracks, they quietly left the imperial city. They lined up in an orderly manner, calmly put down their weapons, and submitted a letter of surrender to Prince Yulong. Then the procession followed the general who took over and left.

The emperor and the regent heard that the eunuch who had gone to inquire about the news came back to report. The whole process was very quick, as if it had been booked in advance.

The emperor and regent knew that the situation was over. Quickly pack up your gold, silver and other valuables and prepare to run away. Because they had all prepared in advance, there was a secret passage in the palace and they could escape outside the city. There are also secret passages in the Regent's Palace, and you can escape far outside the city.

After the evacuation of these 8,000 people. The crew of two hundred people entered the palace directly. Prince Yulong took them to the secret passage and followed them. Fifteen miles outside the city, the new emperor, his legitimate son, and several of his loyal eunuch guards who were escaping in a carriage were surrounded. The emperor knew that he could no longer escape, so he gave up resistance.

Xiao Yunyan, Li Mohan and Hei Jiaolong went to clear the palace of the Supreme Emperor. The three outsiders were not familiar with the terrain. However, Xiao Yunyan had Yin and Yang eyes and quickly found the secret passage. It won't take more than two quarters of an hour. The regent's family, who were escaping, were also captured.

Since then, the emperor and regent of the new dynasty have become prisoners. This absurd dynasty lasted for three years before being declared over.

What happens next is more logical. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan decided to travel to other countries in Dongyuzhou in three days. Because their Lanyu Dynasty delayed for too long.

Prince Yulong naturally hoped that they would leave later. He had just taken over the dynasty and was waiting to be revitalized. He very much hoped to get help from Xiao Yunyan, Lin Mohan and Black Dragon. The four of them discussed together. He clearly felt it when taking countermeasures. It's a much more perfect solution than what I could have thought of on my own.

Prince Yulong is very sincere and asks Xiao Yunyan, Li Mohan and Black Dragon to stay for a few more days. He needs their help for many things.

Finally, Xiao Yunyan decided to let the guards and crew go to the next country first. The three of them stayed for now. Fortunately, after this period of experience, their men already have very strong emergency handling capabilities.

Except when Xiao Yunyan must be used for material replenishment, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan no longer need to worry about most things during the voyage.

Xiao Yunyan filled ten large ships with food and other necessities, and made some detailed arrangements with the pilot captain and several secret guards. Then let them set sail early the next morning.

Now that the new dynasty formed by the rebels has ended, the Supreme Emperor re-drafted the edict and officially passed the throne to Prince Yulong.

The prince did not hold the coronation ceremony immediately because there were too many things to solve. Therefore, the enthronement ceremony is tentatively scheduled to be held in two months. Now, Prince Yulong wants to clean up those supporters of the rebels in the court and hand them over to the Three Laws Division for trial.

However, almost half of all positions in the Third Law Division are now vacant. Some loyal ministers who had been demoted to commoners by the new emperor and regent were reactivated.

In addition to using some of the original demoted officials, the Three Laws Division was appointed. There are also many young officials who, although they became officials in the new dynasty, fought hard and refused to bow to treacherous people, so they were ostracized. Now is a good time to reuse them and promote them. The imperial court must reuse such upright officials who have integrity and principles in doing things.

Other official positions in the court were also greatly changed. Those loyal ministers who had been demoted and persecuted were invited back when they were idle at home. Those who were exiled were found from far away places of exile, returned to their old homes, and repaired. Those who lacked furniture and money were collected from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

These things are also the property confiscated from the homes of officials who were proud of the new dynasty and are now imprisoned. After being returned to the treasury, objects that did not violate regulations were given to officials returning from exile. These are all good things, and these officials are willing to accept them.

Those officials who were proud of themselves in the new dynasty have now become prisoners, some were exiled, and some were beheaded. The Lanyu Dynasty experienced another major purge of the official system.

After this selection, all those left behind are good officials who can serve the court and the people loyally.

Those who were demoted, exiled or even beheaded were all treacherous ministers who were once hidden among many loyal ministers. I have done many bad things, and now I am rewarded for my evil deeds!

It can be said that the Lanyu Dynasty was a blessing in disguise. Don’t go through this political catastrophe. No one knows who the good guys are? Who are the bad guys? Who are loyal ministers? Who is the sycophant? After this great purge, officials from top to bottom had a completely new outlook on life.

There are also some local officials, especially county magistrates and county magistrates, who have many vacant positions.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan suggested that young people who are young and promising, diligent, brave, responsible, and have very upright views should be selected from among those candidates for imperial examinations and candidates who have been idle to serve as grassroots officials.

Young officials should go to the grassroots level for training. Only by truly understanding the sufferings of the people. Do you know what people really care about every day? what do you need? What problems do they want to help people solve? Only when these foundations are laid can we be good parents and officials to the people.

Only officials who work hard for the people are eligible for promotion. Instead of becoming a senior official directly after passing the Jinshi examination.

Officials who have no practical basis will formulate policies that are castles in the air and are not practical. The policy that is boasted of being perfect is indeed full of loopholes in its implementation.

Prince Yulong accepted this suggestion and he felt it was very good. Because it turned out that the official system of the Lanyu Dynasty was relatively backward. The imperial examination system was followed. After passing the imperial examination, the results will determine which level of official you will be. In particular, Jinshi who have worshiped famous teachers can be taken care of even more.

Especially those children of aristocrats or children of aristocratic families have a better chance of obtaining positions of leisure and real power. Jinshi who were selected from among the common people generally worked hard and held positions without real power because they had no background.

This long-term shortcoming of the official system caused the officials of the Lanyu Dynasty to divide into two groups. One type is a down-to-earth person who comes from the common people. One is the academic school who comes from aristocratic families.

Officials from the two factions looked down upon each other. Because most of the hard-working people are at the grassroots level. Most academics are in the middle or upper levels. Serious political differences emerged among the hierarchy.

Therefore, the policies formulated by the imperial court were mainly based on the academic point of view. When it came time to implement it, these practical people felt that the policy they formulated was bullshit. It simply doesn't work.

When the Supreme Emperor was in charge of politics, he could also mediate conflicts between the two factions. However, this contradiction is only temporarily alleviated. By the new dynasty, all officials no longer communicated with each other, but had their own opinions.

Finally, those who can help the new emperor make money will be promoted to a higher position.

Officials who were considerate of the people and did not want to waste their money or use heavy labor and taxes to treat the people harshly were almost all demoted or exiled.

Therefore, the political contradictions in the new dynasty were very obvious, which was also the key reason why the new dynasty only had a lifespan of three years.

If the second prince can work hard to govern after he ascends the throne, he can fundamentally resolve the various conflicts that the old emperor had when he was in power. Even if Prince Yulong comes back, the second prince, who has won the hearts of the people, will not betray his relatives and leave in an instant.

It was because of his inaction, or even exacerbating the contradiction, that his reign was so short.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan are outsiders and cannot understand these deep-seated issues in depth.

Black Dragon, she is a dragon, not a real human being. He doesn't use human thoughts when he's in charge of the water tribe. So she rarely puts forward her own opinions.

As outsiders, they would not take the initiative to help Prince Yulong think about these issues.

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