Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 223 Proper arrangements for prisoners won the hearts of the people. The emperor ordered the

These six thousand people were taken into the space by Xiao Yunyan. Together with the original four thousand people, she was sent to the public welfare construction engineering team in the border area and handed over to Shan Tongle for management.

Xiao Yunyan and the others healed the pain. The comatose were also given antidotes. After these people recovered, they were a little confused when they saw themselves in a strange environment.

Xiao Yunyan told them that they were now at the border. My current identity is that of a prisoner of labor reform.

Official. manage. Later, he worked under him as a public welfare worker and a worker in the construction team. In addition to daily expenses, each person will receive a salary of 30 coins per day. If they have a good attitude, after three months, they can be released from their status as prisoners and become regular workers, with a daily salary of 200 cash. This is only possible after working as a formal worker for three years. If they have a chance to get free status, it depends on their performance. If they perform well, they can be promoted to stewards or even higher-level management.

These prisoners heard that they did not need to be beheaded, and they did not need to implicate the nine tribes. They could also be relieved of their status as prisoners in a short period of time and just let them participate in labor.

All the prisoners who wanted to understand took a long breath. This was the good news that they had not expected.

When they lost the battle, they already lamented that their fate was not long. Moreover, family members may also be implicated.

I really didn’t expect that such a good thing would be a blessing in disguise. Everyone’s eyes showed eagerness and excitement.

Because they didn't have such high wages when they were soldiers. If you become a formal worker, you will earn 2 cash per day, which is cash per month, which is equivalent to six taels of silver. One year is seventy-two taels.

In the past, their salary was one tael of silver per month, which was only twelve taels a year. They also had to give some gifts to the superior officials, and only about ten taels were actually received.

Life's encounters are really strange. I thought I was going to die, but unexpectedly, the clouds cleared and the sun cleared. It was a clear sky. The prisoners, who were full of hope for life, happily expressed their loyalty to Xiao Yunyan, saying that they would work hard and strive for the opportunity to become a full-time prisoner.

The treatment Xiao Yunyan just mentioned is that of ordinary soldiers. Centurions, thousands captains, staff generals and generals who lead troops at other levels have different treatment. In short, their military pay is several times higher than what they had before.

Because Shan Tongle has been running this charity construction team for a long time. Some of them take on business projects, and some take on public welfare projects.

During the operation process, managers at all levels have become very mature. Now that there are ten thousand people, Xiao Yunyan plans to ask Shan Tongle to send some managers. These prisoners will continue to be managed by their original superiors according to their original establishment in the army. At the same time, a manager from Shan Tongle was stationed to jointly manage these people.

If this model goes smoothly. Xiao Yunyan did not intend to disrupt their organization.

In order to ensure that the personal safety of the managers stationed here was guaranteed, and that these prisoners could really obey the management without complaint as they said, Xiao Yunyan gave these people some medicine. Tell them to get the antidote from that manager every half month. Otherwise, they will itch all over their body, and their skin will ulcerate until they die!

Such control is not discrimination against the prisoners. These prisoners also believed that such control was reasonable.

Because, in any country, some superiors will use this method when managing their subordinates.

Moreover, they were newly captured rebels, so giving them such treatment was considered as the utmost kindness and justice to them.

After the two parties reached an agreement, Xiao Yunyan entrusted the matter to Shan Tongle, and in front of everyone, Xiao Yunyan gave the medicine to the administrator responsible for registration.

The soldiers registered and received pills to take. After ensuring that every soldier and officer had taken the medicine, Shan Tongle ordered the dormitory manager below to help arrange the residence of these people.

Because most of the workers’ dormitories are now vacant. When they go out to work, the dormitory here becomes vacant. Workers returning from outside continue to live there.

Nowadays, most workers are stationed outside to work, so there are many vacant dormitories.

The dormitory management here is very strict, and everyone must carry their valuables with them. In addition, each person has a large cabinet with a lock that only he or she has the key to, so he or she can store some belongings that cannot be taken away with you. There are dedicated administrators to manage it.

Xiao Yunyan left the rest of the specific arrangements to Shan Tongle. If these people behave very badly, they will be sent directly to the generals at the border and they will take over.

The prisoners sent to the border military camp were not treated so well. Probably the most tiring handyman there, and the pay is low.

Of course, such a punishment decision has been announced, and all rebels have heard that if they make a mistake, they may be sent to the border military camp to do hard labor. There is an idea in my mind that I must perform well in the public welfare construction team. Otherwise, life will take a turn for the worse again. Maybe this time is their opportunity to change their destiny, and they must seize it.

Xiao Yunyan teleported back to the Lanyu Dynasty. There are still eight thousand soldiers there, protecting the imperial city.

They thought that since the 10,000 soldiers who went out were defeated, they might be dead now. So they are all in danger.

Nowadays, Nuo is a big dynasty. The new emperor and regent and their families. It seemed like a small court was formed. There are 8000 soldiers. protector. Lost contact with the outside world.

Originally, the soldiers at the border did not obey the orders of the new emperor and regent, and officials from various places fell in love with them. The new emperor was under political pressure and had no choice but to obey their orders. Every day, various taxes and corvees were collected intensively.

Local officials have already complained. Their function has changed from managing various local affairs to tax collectors collecting taxes. As long as they do not complete various tax collection tasks and hand over enough tax money to the court, their political performance will become very poor.

One level is forcing officials to the next, and the most difficult thing to do for officials is the county magistrate below. The county government hall was often besieged by revolting peasants. The county magistrate dare not wear official uniform when going out. Even if you travel incognito, you will be recognized by the people.

While scolding them for being corrupt officials, the common people threw rotten vegetable leaves in their hands at these poor county magistrates.

The county magistrates are not the most miserable, because they can hide and not come out. Those official servants who had to go out to collect taxes and grains often came back smelly and with scratches on their faces.

The farmers and small businessmen and hawkers who couldn't survive turned from respecting and fearing these official servants to hating and hating them. Directly vent the anger in my heart.

If not, there is a whole family to support. Who wants to suffer from this cowardice? Many of these officials and government servants also want to resign.

However, since the new emperor came to the throne, all walks of life have not made money because of the heavy tax burden. Even if you earn some money through hard work, it is not enough to pay taxes.

So many shops are closed, and people don't have much money in their hands. Those who can't go out to buy things don't go out. Cities are becoming more and more blighted.

Those officials and government servants who wanted to resign could only endure the humiliation and continue to do the work they did not want to do.

At least after they collected the tax money, the Shangguan could still make the decision privately and pay the tax money to the government officials before handing it over.

If these official servants and government servants are not paid. There will be no one to help these officials collect taxes. There is overwhelming public dissatisfaction in all walks of life.

therefore. The small imperial court in the Imperial City now does not receive any support from taxes and money. After being surrounded, they were able to persist for a period of time only by relying on their previous storage of food and property.

After all, the capital is a prosperous place in a foreign country. Every household also has food and silver savings. I can still hold on for a while.

But if besieged. There is not enough food, vegetables and various supplies. After all, it can't be sustained anymore, and it has to be surrendered as a last resort.

However, this siege strategy may take longer for the emperor and concubines in the palace as well as the regent's family. After all, they all have granaries. The people in the city did. Soon. receive. Influence. So they agreed to eliminate Yunyan. Don't want to use this strategy. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan advocated finding a solution based on the mentality of the soldiers in the military camp.

The soldiers who were surrounded and fighting alone were the most worried. that is. When there is no food and grass inside and no reinforcements outside. If you surrender. It is better to surrender in advance. You can also take the initiative. Talk about the conditions. Therefore, Xiao Yunyan caught their mentality. Plan to let. Over there at the border. The general who made some money came here to work as a lobbyist.

Their personal experiences are the best way to convince the hesitant soldiers. If you give up resistance and join the Crown Prince and the Supreme Emperor again, you will have a promising future.

Even if they were just slaves, their food, shelter, and supplies would all be better than the conditions that can be provided in the military camp now. The wages obtained were several times that of military pay.

After this strategy was formulated, the sky was full of smoke. Get some big speakers. He asked his eloquent crew members to carry out ideological propaganda to the eight thousand soldiers in the military camp.

Being brainwashed all day long. The 8000 soldiers have been shaken even more strongly in their hearts, and they also want to surrender. But if they really surrender, if the other side is just a temporary solution, and they all be beheaded after surrender, it is better to hold on in the imperial city for a while. In time, there may be a turn for the better.

Just when these soldiers were hesitant and undecided. Several soldiers they thought were dead were actually wearing very decent clothes. He was also in good spirits and appeared under the tower with a rosy complexion.

They also used loudspeakers to tell them what happened after they were captured. The whole process is completely true, without any exaggeration or fiction. Because it was true feelings, it was more convincing to the soldiers in the city.

Soldiers on the tower. heard. If you surrender, you will be treated so well. It can be said that everyone is excited. Even the generals were moved. But they can't just show it, if they do show it directly. may suffer. Some unnecessary obstacles. So on the surface they still stood still, but secretly they were already discussing. What’s next? Should we directly open the city gate and surrender, or should we arrest the emperor, regent, and others and use them as bargaining chips for surrender?

The first approach, since there was no merit and it was just surrender, so they had no leverage to negotiate terms with the prince and the emperor.

If it is the second approach. Because they have leverage, they can talk about some conditions that are particularly beneficial to them.

However, loyalty to the master as a subordinate is the most valued quality in this dynasty.

Even if you have to, turn from darkness to light. Whether or not one retains friendship and mercy towards his former master is a matter of opinion for different people.

Some gentlemen believe that even if they abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, they should still have some affection for the original organization. This is what a gentleman does.

Some people also think that since a new master is about to be acquired, it is natural to completely break off from the original master. He even killed his former master directly to show his loyalty. Only by surrendering with one's head in hand can the end be considered complete.

The generals in the city speculated together, what is the mentality of the prince and the emperor? I wonder if they hope that their side will capture the new emperor and regent? Or do you hope to see them still have some affection for the new emperor and regent when they surrender, at least not to add insult to injury?

Most generals agree that it is better not to add insult to injury. Because they've already been rebels once. If you surrender this time, you will become a rebel for the second time. If the heads of the emperor and regent were raised, not only would it not have a good effect, but it might also arouse the suspicion of the prince and the emperor.

If they really did that, they would have nothing to do with the word loyalty. How far can a person who does not gain any trust from his master go in the future?

Eventually mainstream thinking convinced those claims. The practice of arresting the emperor and regent before surrendering.

They decided not to take matters into their own hands. But fresh words. Outside the city. The prince got in touch with the emperor. Ask their opinion if they wish to surrender to the Emperor and the Regent for them. It should be taken together. Then this is the execution of the new organization's orders, rather than self-assertion. At least it's not adding insult to injury.

After everyone reached a consensus, they originally wanted to delay it for a few more days and observe it. However, the emperor's order made them completely lose confidence in the emperor, and they did not want to stay in the city and engage in unnecessary resistance. There is no good outcome in a fight between trapped beasts.

Because the emperor ordered that the soldiers should live frugally. Just so that the food in stock can support the army for a longer period of time, the original three meals a day was changed to two meals a day. Moreover, the number of steamed buns served in the morning has changed from three to one per person. The consistency of the porridge should also change from half thin and half dry to gruel. There is no military pay for the time being. In other words, he called on the soldiers to share the joys and sorrows with the emperor, to overcome this difficulty, and to wait for the opportunity.

The emperor said that he had issued troop deployment orders to the garrison troops stationed in various places. It won't take long for a large number of city defenders to gather towards the imperial city. When the time comes, internal and external cooperation will definitely annihilate all the 200 people under the Supreme Emperor and the Crown Prince.

The soldiers knew how extravagant the emperor and his concubines were. The freshest vegetables are picked from Huangzhuang every day and delivered to them. All kinds of delicacies are available in large quantities every day. Transportation personnel from. All parts of the Blue Jade Kingdom paid tribute to the imperial city. We also pay special attention to the supply of various fruits. We select the best top-quality fresh fruits from various places and rush them to the imperial city for 800 miles.

As for other supplies, such as fine wine, silk, jewelry and jade, and various playthings, they are all selected from various places in the Lanyu Dynasty, and even purchased from other countries.

If you describe it as extravagant and lustful. The Emperor, his concubines and the Regent's family were not exaggerated at all. Such an organization. let them. While we are hungry, we must protect them and share the joys and sorrows with them. How ridiculous, Tonggan. There has never been any sharing of hardships. People don't suffer, but they are asked to endure hardships. Such emotions accumulated in the minds of the soldiers. They don't want to see it anymore. The Emperor and the Regent. That ugly face doesn't want to pay ridiculous loyalty to them.

On the morning of the next day, the soldiers on the city tower shot twenty feather arrows at the bottom of the city. Each arrow was tied with a surrender letter written by the general.

The crew members who picked up the feather arrows rushed back to the ship and reported to the organizations that there was news coming from the tower.

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