Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 219 The fire monster retreats, the cultivator pretends to ask the master for help and defrau

After Xiao Yunyan completed the test firing of the heavy machine gun. The four monster beasts hiding in the molten lava pool originally wanted to seek peace and quiet for a while. Can't hide.

But he was disturbed by the summoning techniques of those cultivators. Decided to come out and teach these ignorant losers a lesson.

You, who are unable to deal with the strong ones yourself, let us four still-growing monsters deal with them. Are you thinking that we have lived too long?

These four monsters have not been contracted by any cultivator, so they are still free.

Just because this lava pool is the only lava pool in the entire continent that is stable and continues to surge. It can be said that this is the best training place for their fire-type monsters.

Because it belongs to the Lanyu Dynasty. Therefore, in order to be able to practice safely here, they do not become enemies with those cultivators.

On weekdays, they don't interact much. Only a few times, at the invitation of cultivators, I helped them with some small tasks. In return, the Lanyu Dynasty provided some fire chalcedony to the monsters.

The function of fire chalcedony is to use the huge energy contained in fire chalcedony to break through the bottleneck when their cultivation reaches a bottleneck.

Although they absorb fire energy in the lava pool. But when cultivation encounters a bottleneck, especially when it comes to advanced cultivation. Fire chalcedony must be relied upon to explode the bottleneck and successfully clear the level.

For this reason, several monsters cooperate very well when the task is relatively simple. However, this time they clearly felt the strength of the enemy.

For those few pieces of fire chalcedony, I gave up my body that finally awakened my spiritual roots. Abandon the demon pill that has been cultivated for two thousand years. Then they are either mentally ill or their spiritual intelligence is not activated.

After the four monster beasts got together to discuss, they decided to completely sever ties with those useless cultivators and no longer be used by them. If they use summoning to interfere with their side again, then show them something powerful.

It also showed the three powerful cultivators outside that the stance of their four monsters was friendly and neutral, and that the four of them had nothing to do with this battle.

The four monsters even decided that if these three tough cultivators wanted to contract with them, they would have to act according to the circumstances. See if these three people are truly strong? If you contract a waste material, it will be a disaster for them.

Among them, Fire Qilin has the highest IQ. He raised a question: "If those three strong men didn't take a fancy to us at all, and just wanted to take out our demon elixir. Or if they killed us, they would not only get the demon elixir from us, but also fully develop it. Then wouldn't we be a loss? Big?

The one-horned rhinoceros and the two short-tailed pythons contemplated for a moment. I suggested that the four of them simply stay away and hide in the lava pool, with no one daring to come in.

Several cultivators tried their best but failed to summon the four monsters.

They also understood that these four monsters were probably scared. He was too frightened by the powerful weapon to come out.

So, they secretly ran back to the court. The new emperor and the regent were anxiously waiting for the news, but looking at the few people who came back with haggard heads, they knew that the result would not be too satisfactory.

Sure enough, I heard that the four monster beasts simply refused to listen to the summons. Ignore their orders.

The regent and the emperor were also confused. In their opinion, these four fire monsters are the guardian beasts of their Blue Jade Kingdom. Because we usually enjoy working together. Just when he was confining the Emperor and the Empress Dowager, these four monsters helped guard them for a period of time.

Therefore, many capable people came to rescue the Supreme Emperor but failed, and were blocked from the prison by four monsters.

Unexpectedly, the enemy became stronger this time, and they automatically terminated their cooperative relationship with the Lanyu Dynasty.

There is nothing you can do about it, because there is no contract with the monsters, and there is no restraint when fighting them. Apart from using fire chalcedony to attract people, they had nothing to control these monsters.

Since this strategy cannot be used, other methods can only be used. However, he couldn't beat him again and again. They don't want to surrender. So it became a deadlock. The normally scheming regent was at his wits end.

Although their Lanyu dynasty has a permanent army of 120,000 troops, 20,000 of them protect the imperial city. The other 100,000 were stationed in four frontier areas.

But after they seized power, they were not recognized by all the generals.

Therefore, it can be said that except for the 20,000 forbidden troops around the imperial city, they control it. They could not mobilize the troops stationed on the four frontiers.

If it weren't for the Supreme Emperor, the Empress Dowager, and the four princes who had been under their control before, these generals stationed at the border would have withdrawn some of their troops and directly wiped out these rebel forces.

However, due to the fact that the lives of the six members of the Supreme Emperor's family were in the hands of the new Emperor, a deadlock was now formed.

Even the border gates are still stationed, and each one is doing its own thing. The imperial court also did not give them military pay. They also did not listen to the imperial court's instructions. It seems that the four frontiers have temporarily become independent political powers.

The four generals stationed at the border made it clear that they would not be able to surrender unless the Emperor returned to the throne or a prince appointed by the Emperor took the throne. Otherwise, if someone like the second prince seeks power and usurps the throne, they will definitely not assist him.

Therefore, to several other small countries on the same continent, the Lanyu Dynasty was a military power with 120,000 soldiers. However, in reality they could only mobilize 20,000 troops.

There are still 20,000 troops, some of which must be stationed at their original posts to defend the imperial city. Otherwise, once the imperial city becomes empty, it is possible that the forces of the Supreme Emperor will launch a counterattack to regain the imperial power.

Therefore, the number of troops they can mobilize cannot exceed people. Now. 4000 people have been lost. There are also people who are the trump cards in the hands of the new emperor and regent. If the quilt is easily transferred again. If those three enemies with high firepower are destroyed, then the new emperor's regime can only be declared over.

The price was too great, so the regent and the emperor firmly disagreed to continue sending troops. You must conserve your strength.

They wanted to observe Xiao Yunyan's next move. If it doesn't work, close the gate of the imperial city. He held the city gate tightly and refused to go out. Fight a war of attrition for a while.

After all, the imperial city's internal reserves of food and living materials are very abundant. Therefore, within three months, they can still be strong.

After agreeing on this strategy that was finally forced. The regent asked these cultivators for their opinions and asked them if they had any other better strategies. After all, the abilities of cultivators are completely different from those of ordinary people.

But the regent must have never imagined that these cultivators also wanted to quit. After all, although they are in the world of cultivation, they can still be considered to have achieved certain small achievements. Ordinary cultivators will not be enemies with them. But now, they are facing three low-level masters. They are like three newborn calves, simply ignore these old-timers.

In fact, these people knew in their hearts that the three people seemed to be of very low level, especially the couple, who were simply novices with single spiritual roots. But their combat effectiveness and force value are super powerful.

They didn't want to show that they were incompetent and unable to defeat others in front of the emperor and regent. So he didn't show any intention of leaving, and he also looked like he was actively thinking about strategies.

One of them understood the meaning of the other companions and said to the regent: "With the abilities of a few of us, we can only get a draw against those three people, and both sides will suffer losses, which is not something we can bear.

So a few of us wanted to go back to our school and ask our master and brothers to come over and help. Our master has become an immortal and attained enlightenment. These little cultivators were like three little ants in front of him.

So I ask the Emperor and the Regent to prepare some gifts and we will send two of them back to the master to ask for help. "

The regent's heart tightened when he heard that they wanted money, or a treasure that could impress his master.

Although the Lanyu dynasty was once very wealthy, since the second prince came to the throne, he has been accepting beautiful concubines and concubines. When a newcomer comes, every concubine will be pampered for a few days.

Of course, you will receive huge rewards in these days. As long as the concubines open their mouths, the emperor will reward them with gold, silver and jewels. Farm paving.

Under such squandering. It turns out that some of the wealth accumulated by the imperial court has now been almost squandered.

Now it relies on the money collected from daily taxes, which continues to be used by the emperor to squander.

The regent was sometimes helpless towards his grandson. I tried to persuade him many times, but he just couldn't listen.

The new emperor claimed that the purpose of recruiting virtuous concubines was to spread the branches and leaves of the Lanyu Dynasty. Ordinary men can generously give gold and silver to the woman they like. As the emperor of the Lanyu Dynasty, how can he be so stingy about his concubine?

The emperor's squandering was certainly a heavy burden on the court. In fact, his grandfather, the regent, and his family were all like leeches attached to the common people. The degree of squandering is no less than that of the fatuous emperor.

No matter how much tax money the people pay. Only less than one percent of the funds are actually used for public facilities repairs and social welfare projects.

Because the troops at the border are no longer under their control, they do not need to raise food, grass and military pay. Therefore, those tax dollars become the source of wealth for these moths.

The regent thought about it, but could not think of a valuable gift that could impress their master.

Gold, silver, jewelry and other worldly items cannot be given away by themselves. Even if they are given away, the quantity must be large.

But the national treasury is already empty, and the daily taxes and money cannot make ends meet. Where can there be a large amount of excess gold and silver to give out as gifts?

The regent rolled his eyes. He said to several cultivators: "Our Lanyu dynasty is rich in diamonds. Why don't you go to the diamond mining areas, find some with special colors and larger sizes, and give them to your master as gifts."

Taking out such mundane things as gold and silver would probably stain his old man's eyes. It also made his old man look down upon him.

Diamond is a treasure that is very hard. Inlaid on the weapon, it can be made into a very beautiful decoration, or it can be made into a part of the weapon.

It can be said to be the most valuable treasure that the Lanyu Dynasty can currently produce. What do you think? "

Several cultivators secretly thought that gold and silver are common things, and we are not afraid of common things. You gave us this common thing.

Diamonds are treasures, but they can only be seen and cannot be spent as money. Who doesn't want to buy a large piece of hard diamond and put it at home to watch and play with?

Diamond is very hard, but for people like them, it is of no use at all.

However, carving and porcelain masters may use it. Therefore, it is a very useless gem.

Because the technology at that time did not have the tools and methods to carve and polish diamonds. Laser cutting is impossible, so diamonds exist in the world in their most primitive form.

Even though diamonds are very rare, they cannot be used as decorations and ornaments for ordinary people. Therefore, it is a very unsought gemstone.

Of course, several cultivators are not willing to ask for diamonds. They suggested that some very rare medicinal materials should be stored in the treasury of Lanyu Kingdom. The master and brothers are all cultivators. As his disciples, the brothers need some special medicinal materials to refine elixirs in the process of cultivation. Therefore, it is better to send some top-quality medicinal materials than to send diamonds, which will make Master's heart move more.

The regent also knew that no matter how good the diamond was, it was of little use, so he added two 300-year-old ginseng plants and two purple alpine Ganoderma lucidum to the gift list.

There were also several cultivators who strongly requested that the natural fire chalcedony mining area three miles east of the imperial city be given to their sect. Because that thing is of little use to ordinary people, it is only useful to cultivators.

Of course the regent and the emperor could not agree. Although ordinary people cannot use it, they sell fire chalcedony to fire practitioners every year, which is also a huge income.

Recently, another batch of fire chalcedony was mined in the mining area. Both the emperor and the regent wanted to turn these fire chalcedony into cash. At least half a year's worth of money can be spent on them. How could it be possible to give the mining area to the cultivator's sect? They are so whimsical.

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