Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 198 New weapons appear on the scene, not very lethal, but effective in controlling enemies.

Xiao Yunyan took out some weapons from the space. But this time, because there were so many people coming, we could no longer use those weapons that scare people but have very low lethality. What was taken out this time was a high-end, newly developed weapon similar to a hand-held firecracker.

However, this improved version of the firecracker is more lethal than fireworks and less lethal than real weapons.

Its lethality is not like that of a firecracker, which can almost result in serious injury or death. Such an improved fire gun will hurt and burn when it hits the body, but it will not really hurt your life.

Xiao Yunyan originally made a real weapon, but the regulations of the space are that she cannot make such a very lethal weapon now. Otherwise you will be punished.

Therefore, she could only settle for the second best, which was not much different from a real fire gun in shape. But the lethality is much lower.

The crew members have practiced it many times. Sailing on the sea is boring. In addition to playing cards, mahjong, and Frisbee, which are entertainment tools to pass the time, Xiao Yunyan will give them these improved weapons to practice their skills.

What makes Xiao Yunyan very satisfied is that these young people are all practitioners with martial arts skills and are also masters in archery and hidden weapons. After a period of shooting practice, they have become very comfortable in using new weapons.

Therefore, in this actual combat, although it was the first time to shoot a real person, this new weapon almost always fired without miss.

The other party didn't know what the crew members on Beichuan's side were getting. I just saw that the weapons in their hands were not big, much smaller than the big fire-breathing bucket they were holding just now, so I didn't pay much attention to them.

Because the opponent had a large number of people, they wanted to kill or injure the personnel of the Beichuan fleet, and then rob all the property. In the face of huge wealth, they have lost their humanity.

Although Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were unwilling to hurt people's lives, they did not want to show mercy to these vicious bandits. Because being kind to evil people who commit crimes is equivalent to committing crimes against good people.

Xiao Yunyan still asked her men to try not to harm the other party's life. But when you encounter such a vicious person, just kill him without any scruples.

Now that the master has given the order, these crew members are all like tigers in the mountains, holding powerful weapons in their hands, which suddenly increases their combat effectiveness several times.

Xiao Yunyan's improved version of the fire cannon can be fired continuously, just like a hand-held firework, except that this firework has gun sand added to it. Gunpowder projectiles are also sealed and explode during the impact. Therefore, compared with fireworks-style projectiles, the improved version of the firecracker is more lethal.

The gun body of the fire gun can also be reused. You can add six pellets at a time, and continue to add pellets to the gun chamber after you have fired them all.

Because there is a gap in the middle of each round of shooting, this is a good time for the enemy to attack. In order to have no shooting gaps, three people worked in groups during combat, with one person shooting, one preparing, and one loading projectiles.

Because of the addition of the improved version of the fire gun, although the number of Beichuan people was small, they were able to directly suppress the opponent's force ten times their own.

The crew had no scruples. They will not want to kill like Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan. In the past, the master did not allow killing. Now the master said that when it is really unsolvable, he will kill him. There will be no punishment.

Hearing this sentence in the ears of the crew means that when facing the enemy, they can use fire guns to injure and even kill them. No liability will be held.

Originally, the bandits who gathered together thought they were going to crush Beichuan and the others. Soon all the people on the Beichuan ship will be killed or seriously injured.

However, what frightened them was that the weapons the opponent was taking out now were much simpler in appearance than the scary weapons they had taken out before. The lethality has increased tenfold.

The flaming and glowing thing suddenly exploded, hitting him before he could react, and his clothes instantly caught fire. There will be an indescribable pain on the skin. It felt like being hit by something heavy, and at the same time there was a burning sensation.

If this projectile hits the chest or throat, it will directly cause serious injury or death.

Calabash Boy once commented on Xiao Yunyan's improved version of the gun. When shooting, the amount of gunpowder was reduced by half, which slowed down the speed of the gun sand coming out of the barrel. So the lethality was reduced by more than half.

However, compared to the most original fire gun, this new version of the handheld fire gun does not need to be loaded with gun sand, but only needs to be loaded with projectiles directly. The advantage is that it can be fired continuously. The disadvantage is that it has low lethality.

However, it is this low lethality that is the most fundamental reason why Xiao Yunyan can use these weapons, otherwise he will be punished.

The large group of bandits gathered together, this battle was really depressing. Being suppressed and beaten by so few people. None of the weapons seemed to work.

Even though they had some hidden weapons in their hands, there were not many because they were not prepared. They used these hidden weapons, and the effect was almost zero. Because their hidden weapons are thrown out, other people's firecrackers can directly shoot down the hidden weapons.

These young men are definitely skilled masters and have very strong shooting abilities. They are all fed by Xiao Yunyan with a large number of projectiles.

Xiao Yunyan asked them to practice their marksmanship whenever they had time. This group of young men were even more excited when they got new weapons, especially this kind of hot weapon that they had never seen before.

They started practicing shooting as soon as they found time every day. Birds in the sky, sharks in the sea, and various fish became their targets.

Sometimes, some flying fish will jump up on the sea. When the boys saw a school of flying fish approaching, they all held firecrackers in their hands and aimed at these flying targets. Practice gun accuracy.

Hard work pays off, in this actual battle. The young men appreciated the charm of firecrackers. I also deeply understood the reason why the master always asked them to play less poker, less mahjong, and more practice with guns.

The battle was completely over after half an hour. The other party's reinforcements were also eliminated. Most people suffered minor injuries. Twenty-four people were seriously injured and two died.

The crew felt a little unsatisfied, because the lethality of this fire gun was really very small. The fight was fierce, and the target was aimed very accurately, but the impact on the opponent's body had little effect on the damage to the body.

The crew wishes this weapon could be more powerful. They went to Xiao Yunyan and asked: "Master, can you add more gunpowder or gun sand to the projectiles? If improved like this, the next time you encounter a robber, you won't need so many projectiles, only one can be used." Want a personal life. It not only saves projectiles but also improves the attack effect of destroying the enemy's vitality.

Xiao Yunyan smiled. She said: "Our goal is not to kill them, but to subdue them.

If they can be reformed, they will abandon evil and do good. That would be a huge merit.

Isn't it a bit too cruel to kill directly? Life is not easy.

The subordinates know that their master is kind-hearted, so they never argue when she teaches them. But that's not what I thought in my heart.

They believe that when encountering an enemy, they must kill them. Otherwise, if the enemy surrenders on the surface, if they stab him in the back, it will increase their own risks.

If you stand in a different position, you will think about things from a different angle, so your behavior must be different.

Xiao Yunyan will not force them not to kill the enemy. The battlefield is changing rapidly, if you reduce the intensity of your attack. The enemy may have to kill one of their own people. So the goal is to subdue the opponent.

Xiao Yunyan is different from other masters. Other masters will reward those subordinates who kill the most enemies.

Xiao Yunyan will not reward those men who kill the enemy. Because the effect is too great. If he encourages this, space will punish her. Therefore, Xiao Yunyan rewards these subordinates equally and does not differentiate between them.

None of his subordinates competed for credit. In their Xinzhou view, the biggest contributor is the master. Because she provided herself with such a powerful weapon, her force value doubled. It can both protect itself and kill the enemy.

After this very ordinary battle, it greatly improved the crew's self-confidence.

In an era without thermal weapons. The comparison between the number of personnel is a very important winning factor. With the addition of thermal weapons, the possibility of defeating more with less is very high.

There can't be too many crew members on a big ship, so improving their combat effectiveness, one against ten, or even one against a hundred, is what Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan want to achieve.

Nowadays, they all use drugs. Xiao Yunyan asked them not to use drugs to fight against the enemy, because there were not many opportunities for such fighting. In order to gain rare practical experience, they should try more new weapons.

Although the drug is very useful, once they completely rely on it, when there is no drug in hand, or the drug cannot be used, such as on a rainy day, what will they use to fight the enemy?

Fire Chong can only be used on sunny days, but cannot be used on rainy days. So in addition to this hot weapon, Xiao Yunyan asked her subordinates to choose and practice the two most handy weapons.

There are also two hidden weapons to choose from. The one that Xiao Yunyan highly recommends is the slingshot, and the other is the flying stone. The black jade locust stone often mentioned in martial arts novels is this kind of hidden weapon.

However, Xiao Yunyan told her subordinates not to stick to one kind of stone or one stone of one weight. It is best to be able to pick up pebbles casually, which can become a handy weapon. This was the magic weapon that she used to win when she was on a mission in her previous life, even if she ran out of ammunition and food when the fighting was fierce.

The boys are particularly energetic and competitive. Xiao Yunyan prepared many kinds of hidden weapons for them, and each of them chose two. There are stones, darts, hidden swords, silver needles, slingshots, and boomerangs that can fly and spin.

During this battle, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan discovered that the former pirate leader Amuga was a very intelligent and capable person.

Xiao Yunyan appointed him as the leader of thirty people.

These thirty people were divided into ten groups and cooperated with each other. No one was injured or killed. In the end, the most enemies were captured. And there were no serious injuries and no deaths. Their purpose is not to hurt the other party, but to subdue the other party and then capture them.

Although Xiao Yunyan did not praise Amuga in front of everyone, she called him aside privately and, together with Li Mohan, praised him verbally. And gave him a reward of two hundred taels of silver.

Amuga was determined not to reward him with silver. He said: "My master spent a lot of money on me and my mother. I will never be able to repay my master's kindness in my whole life. How can I still ask for a reward from my master?"

On weekdays, the master will pay them wages on time. With good food and good clothing, their lives are like heaven. Therefore, I can no longer ask for the reward from my master.

Xiao Yunyan told Amuga that gold and silver are worthless things here. Only the safety, living conditions and development of personal abilities of their men are what they are concerned about.

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