Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 180: Pirates were encountered on the island, and the Tianzi team used poison to stun the pir

The fleet sailed on the endless ocean. Sometimes there are strong winds, sometimes heavy rains, and sometimes calm seas. In order to avoid the storm, the original route was diverted fifteen degrees to the southeast.

After sailing for another two days, we discovered a small island. After confirmation from the guide, it became clear that this place was not originally marked in the navigation records.

The crew wanted to stop temporarily on a small island to rest. The guide was a little worried, because there was never such a small island recorded in the navigation records. The area looks small from a distance. It's only about three square kilometers.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan happened to not be on the boat. There was disagreement between the guide and the crew.

The piloting captain decided to dock temporarily. After all, it had been seven days of wandering at sea since leaving the South Black Reef Country. In the vast sea, it is rare to encounter such a small island.

The guide no longer insisted. However, he reminded the captain that such an isolated island is likely to have an owner.

The captain didn't understand, could anyone live on such a large island?

The guide explained: "The current owner of the island I am talking about does not live on it for a long time, but uses it as a base, which is likely to be a gathering point for sea bandits.

Pirates specifically docked near such islands. Whenever they see an ocean-going cargo ship passing by, or an ocean-going fishing ship passing through nearby waters, they will rush to intercept the fully loaded ship and snatch the belongings on board.

Hearing what the guide said, the captain who was leading the boat was also very nervous. After all, although there are many people on the ship, if you really encounter pirates, there may be casualties. It would be better to continue wandering on the sea. Although it is tiring, it is relatively safe.

At this time, the boat is still about five miles away from the island. The captain ordered the helmsman to lower the sail and slow down.

The speed of the ten large ships slowed down. When it stopped quietly on the water, it was only three miles away from the island.

The captain and guide used the telescope given by Xiao Yunyan to look at the island. There were actually signs of human activity on the island.

There are two boats docked near the island. It doesn't look like a pirate ship. But. After all, I didn’t have a close observation, so I wonder what’s going on on the island? .

Just when the captain was about to turn around and sail. I saw someone on the island taking off their clothes and waving their clothes to signal this way. Those people were jumping up and down and waving their clothes. Hopefully someone on the big ship would notice them.

The crew member in charge of Liao Wang reported to the captain that the other person's dancing gestures meant asking for help.

The captain didn't know what to do at this time? If you get close, it may be a lure trap made by pirates; it may be a real person in distress at sea asking for help.

The leading captain asked Tianzi Group's secret guard Tianyi for instructions. Tianyi is the leader of the secret guards around Li Mohan.

When the couple is not on board, some issues that the captain cannot decide are left to him.

When Tianyi heard the captain's report, he said calmly: "Don't be afraid, come closer. Even pirates have no power to fight back in front of us. What's more, we have a special treasure. Even a group of ruthless bandits will behave obediently." Become a docile kitten.”

The guide on the side heard Tianyi's arrogant tone and cursed, if you were really a pirate, maybe you wouldn't be so arrogant.

The big ship docked and lowered its deck. Walking in front were the four members of the Tianzi group. Three groups of secret guards, Di, Xuan and Huang, were scattered on the ship behind, responsible for the management and safety of the people on board.

The Tianzi group was followed by some young crew members. Walk up to those two people. Suddenly, more than a hundred strong men came running over, holding swords and spears. They were grinning. There were more than a dozen people gathered in the middle, speaking in local language that no one could understand.

The four members of the Ancestor of Heaven simply took out the poison without listening to what they said. Spread out in four directions.

In less than five breaths, plop, plop. They all fell to the ground one after another. The weapon also fell to the ground and he was completely unconscious.

Such a scene is seen in the eyes of the guide. There was a look of fear on his face. This guide is not afraid of these pirates. After all, he has dealt with these pirates before. He is just a guide and will not kill him.

But these secret guards are so powerful. What kind of weapon can make a group of people fall to the ground with a flick of their hand? Didn't see it clearly at all. This man actually made him tremble with fear.

The guide was afraid, but fortunately he did not have a cooperative relationship with the pirates. If he agreed to the pirates to cooperate with them, he would lead the big ship to the island. Then he might be suspected by others at this time, or even thrown directly into the sea to feed turtles and sharks.

Tianyi assigns tasks. Let these crew members. As well as more than 50 people who came off the big ship one after another.

Then, they searched the island to see if there were any other bandits? And are there any intercepted fishermen or stored property?

More than fifty people searched all over the place. Nine fishermen were actually found in an underground cave on the island.

After questioning, I learned that a wealthy family's boat went out to sea for fishing and was detained by them when it came back. After asking. Said these nine people. The two ships docked on the beach belong to them. It is the ship of a wealthy merchant from Zhongning.

Go out fishing and come back with a full harvest. Unexpectedly, they encountered a storm and came to the island. I planned to stop here for a rest.

Unexpectedly, a group of pirates recently arrived on the island that was originally uninhabited. Take them into custody.

The ships also remained. The seafood on the ship was taken by pirate ships to the seaports of Central Continent for sale. This group of pirates would also go fishing when they had no business. When there is business, I will grab a vote. The seafood on these two large ships can be sold for at least one thousand taels of silver.

These nine people. Being detained here is not life-threatening. When they finished selling the goods, they went to the wealthy merchant's home of the nine people to report the news.

The pirates must let the wealthy businessmen use the money to redeem people and ships. This business happens all the time at sea. The pirates don't ask for much money either. Nine people, it is estimated that each person will cost about one hundred taels of silver. A boat costs about five hundred taels of silver.

Although the wealthy businessmen must be very angry, they dare to be angry but dare not speak out. If they don't give it this time, they will not get their money and people back. Moreover, the next time pirates encounter this wealthy businessman's ship, they will definitely rob it. So as long as you are targeted by pirates, you will lose a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, this group of pirates encountered someone with unique skills. This time I suffered a hidden loss.

Tianyi asked people to tie up these pirates and wait for their master to come back and punish them.

With his character, these pirates have done so many evil things that they should just wipe their necks and feed them to the sharks.

But since the princess came to the prince, the two masters have become kinder than the other, and they never have the heart to kill. Also tell them not to kill easily.

Just when they decided to light a fire to cook and make some repairs on Tianyi, Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan rushed to the island standing on the flying sword. They were truly a couple of gods and gods, envied by all their subordinates.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan knew as soon as they saw this situation that there were robbers on the island. They happened to encounter the secret guards of the Tianzi Group and were killed by them.

Fortunately, they came back in time, otherwise, these pirates would have starved to death even if they were not wiped out.

The four secret guards of the Tianzi group are each more arrogant than the other, and they are even less sympathetic. All they have in mind is perfect execution of tasks. If you encounter an evil person, kill him immediately.

Xiao Yunyan asked the Tianzi team to tie these people up, give them antidotes, and interrogate them thoroughly. What are their origins? How long have you been a pirate? Have you ever killed anyone? Are there any other accomplices? Why be a pirate?

Now that this group of pirates have been encountered by Xiao Yunyan and the others, they will not let them go easily. Otherwise, this sea area will not be peaceful in the future.

Fishing is inherently risky for fishermen. When I finally returned home with a full load, I was robbed by them, including the boat and the people. How would I live in the future?

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