Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 178 The royal family of Zhongning Kingdom fights insects, signs a contract to manage water s

When Xiao Yunyan heard that the symptoms looked like liver disease? She wasn't sure. So I suggested to my employer: "Don't worry, I happen to know some medical skills, so I will do you a favor and take your daughter's pulse."

When the boss heard that the princess had medical skills, he immediately asked Xiao Yuntian to help his daughter find out what kind of strange disease she had.

Xiao Yunyan was invited to the inner house. She saw a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old who was very beautiful, but now her complexion was sallow and her belly was obviously bulging.

Xiao Yunyan told her not to be afraid. Walk over and put your finger on the girl's pulse while checking her abdomen.

This girl had parasites in her biliary tract and mild liver and ascites. Why does this girl have such serious liver and gallbladder problems? Is it related to their diet?

Xiao Yunyan asked. I learned that this girl likes to eat raw pickled seafood. There is a local way of eating it, which is to marinate the seafood with only salt and spices, and then you can eat it the next day.

Under normal circumstances there will be no problem. However, if the seafood is contaminated and eaten in this way, it is very likely to be infected with parasites, long-term bacterial infection, and liver problems.

Xiao Yunyan told the girl and her father the test results. The two men looked at each other. Their ancestors had been eating this way for generations, so why was only their daughter suffering from such a strange disease?

Xiao Yunyan checked the father's pulse again. It was discovered that he also had parasites in his body. It just didn't go into the bile duct, and it didn't invade the liver.

Xiao Yunyan told them that they would change their diet in the future. Make sure the food is cooked before eating, otherwise, the whole family may get such a strange disease.

Xiao Yunyan prescribed deworming medicine for the child, plus special medicine to treat liver disease. There is also Lingquan ginseng dilution that restores physical strength.

However, Lingquan Ginseng Diluted Liquid can only be taken after the girl's worms have been eliminated and her abdominal fluid has subsided.

The girl hadn't eaten for most of the day, so Xiao Yunyan asked her to take the insecticide. Not long after that, the girl went to the latrine. After I came back, I said my stomach didn't hurt anymore.

Seeing that the girl had gained some vitality, Xiao Yunyan asked her to take the special medicine to restore her liver. This medicine has the effect of draining liver and ascites.

That night, the girl's father came over to thank Xiao Yunyan. He said the child's stomach was growling. Passed a lot of urine. My belly seems smaller than before.

Xiao Yunyan told him not to worry. The girl would have to take anti-worming medicine again the next morning. There are also medicines for treating liver disease. Even if the medicine is particularly effective, it cannot drain all the ascites at once.

That requires a step-by-step process, and it will take at least three days before you can noticeably feel your belly getting smaller. It will probably take about seven days to return to normal.

But after all, this girl's body has been sick for a long time and needs to slowly recover. Within a month, she will have to drink some porridge and eat light food like vegetables.

The father was sad again because his family did not buy rice. It is difficult to buy white rice and millet these days.

Xiao Yunyan asked people to get out of the big boat. He took out a bag of white rice, ten pounds of millet, a few Chinese cabbages, two handfuls of chrysanthemum, and two pounds of bean sprouts, and gave them to the owner, and told him how to make these dishes.

The boss immediately knelt down in front of Xiao Yunyan and thanked Xiao Yunyan for sending medicine, food and vegetables. He asked how much silver was needed?

Xiao Yunyan asked him to get up and said: "Please don't take these things to heart. These medicinal materials, grains and vegetables are just gifts, and there is no need to give money. The corals you sold me are of the highest quality. It's really cool to receive one hundred thousand taels of silver." It’s not much. Just consider these things as gifts from me!”

This boss is not someone who likes to take advantage. He gave Xiao Yunyan a small box of the best pearls he collected at home.

Xiao Yunyan opened it and saw that it was ten perfectly round, top-quality pink pearls with a diameter of three centimeters. This value is not low, the market value must be at least two thousand taels.

Xiao Yunyan couldn't ask for other people's top-quality pearls in vain. I checked the pulses of everyone in his family and found that they all had parasites, but not as serious as this girl.

Xiao Yunyan gave them insecticide, and the news spread immediately. Actually, many families came to Xiao Yunyan to help their children see a doctor. Because the children at home often complain of stomachaches, and all of them have sallow complexions and thin muscles.

Xiao Yunyan just stayed the course and checked the children's pulses before giving each of them a sweet insect repellent. Tell them that after fasting for eight hours, they should not eat the next morning and take this insecticide first, and their stomach will not hurt.

Xiao Yunyan simply left a lot of anti-insect medicine and gave it to each household, leaving two pills for each person and taught them how to use it.

Xiao Yunyan told them that it is best not to eat raw pickled seafood in the future. Otherwise, once the parasites multiply excessively, they will be life-threatening.

There is a miracle doctor here who can cure stomachaches, and news about free insect repellent spreads like wildfire. Even the emperor of this country personally came to ask Xiao Yunyan to help his beloved concubine and princes see a doctor. Recently, they always felt pain in their stomachs.

After Xiao Yunyan went to the palace to check the pulses of the sick concubines and princes, she concluded that they all had parasitic diseases.

The imperial doctors in the palace also suspected parasites at first. However, they only suspected it but had no way to confirm it. Using local methods to kill the concubines and princes had no effect.

Xiao Yunyan united everyone in the palace to fight against insects.

During the examination, Xiao Yun asked, had they had such symptoms in the past?

The emperor asked the imperial doctor, who said: "Reporting to the emperor, such symptoms were rare in the past and almost never happened. For some reason, there have been more and more such illnesses in the past six months."

Xiao Yunyan believes that the problem most likely lies in the quality of the seafood, perhaps because the ocean is polluted.

But now we are a farming society. In Nanting Prefecture, all countries mainly rely on fishing for a living, and there is no heavy industry at all. Where does the pollution come from?

Xiao Yunyan decided to check the local water quality. In the end, we came to the conclusion that the problem was not the ocean water quality. But there is no sewage system in the town. The toilets drain directly, and domestic sewage and garbage are not processed. The local water network is crisscrossed, and surface runoff is abundant during the rainy season, bringing feces into the river.

The local people draw water from rivers. This resulted in fecal contamination of drinking water. What appears to be clear fresh water is actually filled with parasites.

When eating it raw and pickled, it will be washed with clean water and the sediment will be spit out when fished out of the sea. This process causes seafood pollution. In the process of raw pickling, salt sterilization alone is not enough. The massive reproduction of parasites has led to more and more people getting parasitic diseases.

After hearing this conclusion, everyone was helpless. Because there is no other way to deal with their feces except direct discharge. Eventually it will seep into the river.

If it is poured directly into the ocean, it will also pollute the ocean. Moreover, they worship the sea god locally, so how could they dump feces into the sea?

Xiao Yunyan taught them a method. Pour it into a large vat, and mix the excrement, weeds and soil into farmyard manure.

After it is decomposed, there will be fewer parasites in it. During the rainy season, the decomposed manure will be used as fertilizer in the small vegetable plots cultivated.

After all, there is still land, just not in large tracts. You still need to use manure to grow vegetables at home. In the past, they did not use this method and poured it directly into the fields of crops. The crops were burned, so no one used farmyard manure anymore.

They didn't know if the method Xiao Yunyan told them would work. Xiao Yunyan told them that the European fertilization method has become popular in Beichuan and the effect is very good. It can not only reduce pollution, but also improve crop production efficiency.

Xiao Yunyan spent one day solving a particularly big hidden danger in Zhongning Country. At the same time, it will also allow Zhongning Country’s crop output to make a qualitative leap in the future.

Every household now at least has vegetables to eat. Production used to be very low. The seeds purchased from mainland China can only grow a little green vegetables every year. So everyone doesn't have enough vegetables.

Every household goes to the fields to dig coriander to eat. But no matter how delicious the dish is, I still won’t want to eat it after eating it for a long time.

If everyone can eat a richer variety of green vegetables in the future. The person I am most grateful to is the miraculous doctor of the princess.

Xiao Yuyan also left many different types of green vegetable seeds to everyone. Soon, they will be able to grow vegetables in the ground.

In order to thank Xiao Yunyan, the king of Zhongning Kingdom specially gave her a special token. From then on, her fleet did not need road guidance to enter and exit Zhongning Kingdom. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan will always be the most distinguished guests in Zhongning Kingdom, and they will receive the highest level of treatment as long as they come here.

The couple was very grateful to the king for the courtesy they had received.

However, the emperor explained to Xiao and his wife: "I need to thank Prince Duanjing and Princess Duanjing for their friendly help to Zhongning Kingdom. Princess Duanjing has been a life-saving grace to the people of Zhongning Kingdom. The prince is about to give great help to our country of Zhongning." We really have nothing to repay!”

Only then did Li Mohan have time to tell Xiao Yunyan about the cooperation project he had just negotiated with the Emperor of Zhongning Kingdom.

Zhongning Kingdom asked Li Mohan to send a construction team from Beichuan to Zhongning Kingdom to help build infrastructure such as roads and irrigation ditches. The labor force is owned by Zhongning State, but in terms of construction technology, Beichuan's construction team still needs to be consulted for supervision and guidance.

Of course, this is not done in vain, but requires Zhongning State to use a large amount of seafood as reward. It can also be regarded as a mutually beneficial cooperation project.

Xiao Yunyan also strongly agrees with this project. Zhongningguo's water network needs comprehensive management to fundamentally solve the problem of water source pollution.

After the negotiation, the Emperor of Zhongning invited the two of them to a banquet in the palace. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan did not refuse, they just brought out some food that was not available in Zhongning Kingdom, which was a feast for the royal family, nobles and ministers of Zhongning Kingdom.

Everyone immediately asked Xiao Yunyan to open a trading house in Zhongning Kingdom. Zhongning Guo can be responsible for both the location and the store, as long as Xiao Yunyan sends someone to deliver the goods regularly.

Xiao Yunyan also had this intention, and the two parties hit it off immediately. The import and export quota, categories, prices, etc. were established, and a formal import and export cooperation contract was signed.

Xiao Yunyan promised that the construction team on Zhongzhou Road would arrive in Zhongning Country in about twenty days. Please Zhongning prepare materials and labor during this period.

After arranging these things, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan left Zhongning Kingdom with their ten large ships and sailed towards the next country--Southern Black Reef Country.

The southern coastline of the South Black Reef Country is composed of a large piece of black reef. The country also got its name. Although the black reef is an obstacle to navigation, there are rich marine animals and algae living on the black reef and in the waters around the black reef.

There are many kinds of shellfish and parasitic organisms living on the black reef, such as oysters, oyster locusts, barnacles, flower clams, striped clams, hairy clams, scallops, and various conchs, all of which are complete. Several of them are famous local specialties that cannot be found elsewhere, and the output is extremely large.

Because Black Reef Beach is in the south, the port is very close to Zhongning. It is located at the border between Zhongning and South Black Reef Country. Because the distance was very close, at chen o'clock the next day, ten large ships arrived at the Pearl Harbor, the port of the South Black Reef Country.

Xiao Yunyan and the others had their breakfast at this port. All kinds of conch and shellfish food are all over the streets. And the price is very cheap and the taste is delicious.

Both Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan like to eat all kinds of snail meat, shellfish and barnacles. The cooking method here is simple, which is to boil conches, barnacles and other shellfish in water with spicy seasonings. For a fresh and tender taste, they are simply cooked and taken out immediately.

The couple really likes such simple cooking. Because the delicious taste of the seafood itself is not destroyed. The spicy seasoning should be used to combine the cold nature of the seafood itself.

Locals eat a variety of seafood all year round. If the nature of the cold is not taken into account, people's physical fitness will decline. And it is precisely that spicy plant that has this effect and can also increase people's appetite.

Recently, Xiao Yunyan, Li Mohan, and the young men on the big ship have actually fallen in love with this taste. The stalls on the street were surrounded by young men coming off the big boats.

The stall owners were smiling from ear to ear, it was big business again. These people are really generous. I originally planned to sell seafood ingredients all morning. All the people who came off the big ship were booked.

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