Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 176 Selling grain at high prices, collecting dried seafood at low prices, and purchasing loc

The two people did not return to the fiefdom before setting off, because they had decided to return to the fiefdom every five days to take a look. If there was nothing to do, they continued to the next destination. After all, there is not much difference between being able to teleport away from a fixed point and not leaving at all.

The two of them planned their trip. Set it from your own fiefdom to the north. Passing through several countries with which he has business dealings. Then cross a small strait. We arrived at the next continent—Nantingzhou.

This continent surrounded by water is not very large, about half the size of Zhongzhou. There are fewer mountains and more water on the road. The water network is vertical and horizontal. therefore. Nantingzhou. Various products are produced above. Seafood and freshwater products. Almost no food is produced. In the past, they would exchange some food with the food-producing countries in Central Continent through that strait. However, after all, there is no local food production and it needs to be imported, so the local food price is very high. Ordinary people cannot afford good food and can only eat some miscellaneous grains and black noodles. Only rich nobles. Only officials and officials can afford the more expensive polished rice and white noodles.

The most indispensable thing in Xiao Yunyan's space is food, so when she came here. I just want to do some food business locally. Exchange some seafood and river fresh food by the way.

When a group of them came to Nantingzhou. Not only a group of people, but also ten large boats were towed behind them. These were the ten boats rented at the dock when leaving Middle-earth. The crew members were all confidants arranged by Li Mohan in advance, and they used to be engaged in maritime transportation. The captains leading the team are all Li Mohan's capable officers. The ten boats were filled with the best grain.

When these ships arrived at the Nantingzhou port, they were discovered by local merchants, who flocked to ask them about the price of food.

Xiao Yunyan and the others did not know the price of local grain, but they asked the shopkeepers of the grain shops at the port before boarding the ship. The shopkeeper said that the recent country in Nantingzhou is called Anxi. The nearest port is called Qiming Port. Grain prices are the cheapest in the entire Nanting Island. The wholesale price of food is twice that here in Central Continent, and the retail price can reach three times.

If you go further into the mainland of Nanting Prefecture or sail around the coastline of Nanting Prefecture to the next country, Zhongning Country. The price of food there is 30% more expensive than that in Qiming Port.

The rice and noodles on the ten ships are all high-quality, so the price is even higher.

Xiao Yunyan and the others did not make a quotation immediately, but randomly took out two bags of rice and noodles from the boat. Stalls were set up at the port and merchants were allowed to bid on their own.

Before the merchants could bid, a large number of purchasers from the Anxi Imperial Palace and your family came to inquire about the price.

same with. The seller does not make an offer, the buyer bids. Regardless of wholesale or retail here, the minimum bidding price is five hundred kilograms. Every five hundred kilograms is counted as one lot, and the one with the highest price gets it.

Soon, the price of grain had reached three and a half times that of ordinary milled rice. This is the price offered by grain merchants.

When they stopped raising prices, buyers started bidding. In the end, ten lots of polished rice were sold at five times the price of Zhongzhou, and twenty lots of white flour were sold at four and a half times the price. If the remaining price is still very small, it cannot be lower than this price.

The merchants who were waiting and watching did not take action. These buyers bought up a large ship's grain.

The merchants came up to negotiate prices again. Of course, they won't give a high price, because if they can't sell it, they'll lose it, and the cost will be too high.

Xiao Yunyan's subordinates didn't talk nonsense to them either. Not long after, many nobles and officials came to buy from their families. Seeing that the quality of this grain was so good, they all wanted to buy some. However, since the minimum price is one lot and the price has been determined, it can only be raised and cannot be lowered, unless it is wholesale of the entire ship.

But there was a smart person who just ate the food on a ship together with several families. Go back and divide it yourself slowly. The price is 10% cheaper than the auction price just now.

Seeing the food on the ten ships dwindling rapidly. After half a day, there were still five boats with food in them, and the other five boats were empty.

There were four groups of secret guards, two groups were selling food at the port, and the other two groups of secret guards accompanied the two masters to go inside and look around. The crew members were free to move around, and each was given ten taels of silver to go around.

All kinds of seafood on the street are dried and fresh. Xiao Yunyan looked at the huge scallop meat, dried oysters, fish maw, and dried sea rice, and would ask about the prices. However, the price is not cheaper than the seafood at the beach on Nakasu Avenue. Therefore, Xiao Yunyan did not buy it.

Before traveling, they had already inquired on Zhongzhou Avenue that the prices of dried seafood at the port retail stalls on Nantingzhou were not cheap. The main target buyers are small traders and hawkers who have purchased in the past in Zhongzhou, or ordinary people in the local area, so the quoted price is close to the retail price in Zhongzhou.

If she wanted to purchase these dried seafood in bulk, she would set up a stall at the port. When he writes down that he wants to purchase dried seafood in large quantities, big seafood vendors will come to him to negotiate prices. Normal wholesale prices are 30% to 40% lower than retail prices.

Xiao Yunyan saw that the quality of the dried seafood at the port was still very good. Since there are already five ships available here, we can purchase a batch first.

After the food on the other five ships was sold out, all the seafood was harvested. She then collects the dried seafood into the space on the boat. Then sail to the next port and load another batch of grain on the ship while traveling.

The grain of the five boats at the back was purchased by these traders as a whole, and divided among several groups. The price is only 10% lower than the auction price. If these businessmen don't make a move, there will be a large number of officials and families who want to buy it.

Since they have purchased it, those officials can only buy less from these big traders. Because the price is too expensive. They added 30% profit on top of the purchase price. Even if officials eat such polished rice and white noodles, only a few masters are qualified to eat it.

It's not that Xiao Yunyan deliberately drove up prices. If she wants to make this money, she can dump the polished rice and flour in the space in large quantities.

Just because she doesn't want to break the market price, what she sells is high-end fine grain, which will not affect the price of other ordinary grains in the market.

Because it is expensive, only a few families can afford it. Therefore, the sales volume of other grain farmers will not be affected. This is Xiao Yunyan's brilliance. She doesn't want to compete with the people.

Xiao Yunyan saw some local specialties with seafood as the main ingredients at the market. Buy a little of each, taste it, and if she thinks it tastes good, she will buy a lot, and the guards will help carry it.

But Xiao Yunyan purchased too much, and the guards had no room on their hands and arms to carry more food. I met crew members who were shopping and came over to help get food.

Xiao Yunyan cannot store these foods directly into the space on the street. She had to go back to the big ship and go shopping after finishing it.

After all, there are too many crew members on the ship. Xiao Yunyan is not stingy. When I come out, I just want to explore the world, eat and play at the same time, and my subordinates can’t be left behind!

Because I buy a lot of everything. Some stores couldn't handle it at the time, so they had to send people to wait in line. By the end of the afternoon, Xiao Yunyan's purchase was basically completed.

In addition to buying some delicious food, she also bought all the best local pearls. The price is half cheaper than here in Central Continent, and the quality is better.

Back to the big ship. Food has been sold out. Dried seafood still needs to be delivered at midnight.

Ten large ships purchased goods, and the purchase volume was huge. Several large seafood merchants worked together to get the goods together. At the end of Youshi, the last box of dried seafood was finally sent to the big ship. The big ship set sail and did not stop at Qiminggang.

Xiao Yunyan equipped the big ships with long-range spotlights for night navigation, and each ship was also equipped with a local sea guide. Therefore, if you slow down your sailing speed, you are not afraid of encountering a hidden reef and not being able to find it.

At the end of Yinshi the next morning, we arrived at Xingsheng Port, the second port of Nantingzhou and the port of Zhongning Kingdom.

The crew quickly anchored and rested on the boat. At Maoshizhong Port, many people came to the port one after another to do business or sell, or to carry big bags. There are more and more people.

People found that ten large ships were parked in the port. The purchasers came near the large ships and wanted to see what goods were in these ten large ships.

The crew is still resting in the boat. The guards lowered the deck and carried out several bags of food. Set up stalls on the harbor. Selling grain while harvesting dried seafood.

Yesterday, because the harvesting time of dried seafood was relatively late. So it took longer. Today it was decided to do both at the same time.

Here, the price of food is originally higher than that in Qimingang. Therefore, Xiao Yunyan still sells grain by auction here. The price is 20% higher than Qimingang.

There is absolutely no business for wholesalers here. The grains are all purchased by wealthy local merchants, nobles, officials and the royal palace.

Many people also suggested that if grain is shipped next time, it would be better to ship some grain with shells. Because it can be stored for a long time. Although peeled rice and flour ground into powder are easy to use, they cannot be stored for a long time.

The sales agents told these buyers not to purchase too much at one time. Her ship will come here regularly from now on to sell this high-end grain. They only need to buy enough food for one to two months. You can buy the next batch of new grain.

With such a promise from Xiao Yunyan. These wealthy businessmen and officials who bought the food put their hearts in their stomachs.

I will be able to eat such good rice noodles again. Very good news for them.

The elderly and children at home have delicate gastrointestinal problems. If you want to eat some good quality rice and noodles, you would rather pay a higher price and buy them for a long time.

Xiao Yunyan decided to set up a warehouse at each port. We will send people here in the future. Do this kind of grain business and collect dried seafood at the same time.

Her food is still high-end. It will not affect the price of local ordinary grains.

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