Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 174 Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan awakened the water spirit root, learned intermediate spells, an

Since Xiao Yunyan learned the art of flying with a sword, in addition to delivering goods, taking care of her own business, making medicine, farming, and growing medicinal materials in space, she has another task every day, which is to practice flying.

Because she can only fly at low altitude now. After all, she had just learned the art of flying with a sword, and her control was sometimes erratic. She was afraid that she would suddenly lose control while flying high in the air and fall off the sword. Then her life would be at risk.

Xiao Yunyan is a diligent child. The two masters were very satisfied with her hard work. I also want to teach her more water spells.

However, it is hard to bite off more than you can chew. The two masters have too many techniques and it is impossible to learn them all at once.

Xiao Yunyan practices sword flying skills every day while learning skills from two masters. Time flies so fast, one month has passed in the blink of an eye, and Xiao Yunyan's water spirit root has grown.

The masters said she should awaken other spiritual roots. Of course, I also want her to awaken all five spiritual roots as soon as possible, so that she can become a high-level cultivator in the world of cultivation. Now she is still the lowest level of rookie cultivator.

The two masters told her that no matter how advanced the water spells she practiced, she should not show them in front of outsiders for the time being. Be low-key and low-key. Be low-key. The two masters had very strict requirements on her.

Xiao Yunyan is indeed not a public person. She is someone who has a huge treasure but doesn't show it off. Under the guidance of two masters, he learned the intermediate techniques of the water system. Compared with other cultivators, Xiao Yunyan's intermediate spells have surpassed the advanced spells of ordinary cultivators.

After all, it is the unique skill of the two saints, the ability to keep the bottom of the box. Although it is only an intermediate level spell, it is very lethal.

One of the spells can instantly turn water into ice and make a sharp sword. It can also turn ice into water instantly, which can destroy earth and fire attacks. It can also block metal and wood attacks, and can restrain various spells of the same level.

Xiao Yunyan's attitude towards these spells was like playing games. Very interested. She also felt that the masters' teachings to her were like playing games, with the powerful being able to take her on missions, fight monsters, and level up. I feel particularly relaxed and happy.

Xiao Yunyan's serious and active learning style made the two masters very happy.

Children who are born with five spiritual roots are different and do not need too much teaching from the master. It’s really a click away.

Geniuses are also particularly diligent, which makes other teachers envious and jealous.

All the gods in heaven have disciples. Although Xiao Yunyan is very low-key, Master Ziwei is not a low-key old man.

Especially after Master Ziwei drank a few glasses of wine. That is to praise the disciple to the highest level.

Even though the Taoist saint aunt advised him not to do this, it would make the disciple jealous. Master Ziwei drank and forgot all about it.

Although Xiao Yunyan is very low-key, her low-key has no effect. Because her master, Master Ziwei, had already praised her highly in front of many masters of cultivators.

Xiao Yunyan was challenged by a group of people due to her master's high profile. She has a high status but is a rookie.

Only a few people listened carefully to the master's praise of Xiao Yunyan, that is, she had two masters who taught her exclusive secret techniques. Although they are all intermediate secret techniques, their attack power is still very strong.

Don't blame these cultivators for not listening carefully to the masters' teachings.

Because, in the world of cultivation, it is impossible to learn the intermediate Shui Linggen technique within ten or eight years. Because it not only requires practice, but also requires deep merit as a foundation.

Xiao Yunyan is a newbie who has just awakened the water spirit root for a month. She may not be able to master the basic spells with ease.

These challengers judge Xiao Yunyan based on their conventional thinking. When fighting with Xiao Yunyan. He deliberately used intermediate spells to attack her.

Xiao Yunyan originally didn't want to use intermediate spells to fight back. She had formations and spells to deal with these people.

However, these challengers knew that she had advanced spells and formations that others did not have. So before the challenge, the road was sealed. It is clearly stipulated that the competition can only be done in the way of cultivators. It is a competition between magic and magic.

Xiao Yunyan was helpless. She wanted to keep a low profile and hide her abilities, but her opponent didn't allow it.

Xiao Yunyan was forced to use various intermediate spells taught to her by her master to fight against these challengers.

Even if they are all intermediate spells, they still need profound merit to stabilize the stability of these spells. Although Xiao Yunyan has only practiced intermediate skills for a few days. But her merits are too profound. Even those who have practiced intermediate magic for several years cannot compete with her.

Although she only awakened the water spirit root. The five elements have the nature of mutual generation and mutual restraint. But even if there is only water magic, it can compete with any other magic. After all, she has too many tricks.

The master taught her many tricks, and she was able to resist the attacks of several other spells using only water spells.

After repeated challenges, Xiao Yunyan became more and more proficient in mastering these techniques.

Xiao Yunyan complained about her master in her heart. He keeps a low profile with such a big mouth, but he always praises himself and gets himself into trouble. At the same time, she felt that although the master caused her a lot of trouble, he also found many practical opportunities for her.

This reminded Xiao Yunyan of her previous life when she was very young. Her mother always praised her in public. She is thin-skinned, and when her mother praises her, she always feels that she is not that good. Afraid of embarrassment to her mother, and also afraid of embarrassment to herself. So I always go to the Taoist saint aunt to ask for guidance from the master, and quietly work hard to achieve the level of excellence my mother said.

But she had just reached her previous level of excellence, and her mother praised her again in front of others. She could only continue to work hard quietly.

As a result, unknowingly, every time her mother set a goal for her, although it was very close to her actual ability, it was always a little bit higher than her ability. She is getting better and better as she continues to improve little by little. So she became the best.

Xiao Yunyan went back and told her masters about the recent challenges and the tricks they used to deal with them, and asked the masters for help.

The two masters also taught Xiao Yunyan very carefully, telling her which water spell was most suitable for her to use to deal with the opponent's moves, and which moves were most effective at what time. She studied it carefully and benefited a lot.

After she left, Master Ziwei laughed loudly and thanked the holy aunt in the Taoist sect: "Thank you, holy aunt, for teaching my disciple so well in the previous life. Now that I am bragging outside, the disciple is afraid that I will be embarrassed. So I started again. Work hard to improve yourself.

This child is born with high spirituality, high understanding, high xinxing, and is extremely kind. So our praise is motivation for her to work hard. Rather than the poison that makes her arrogant. "

The Taoist saint said: "You have to thank Xiao Yunyan's mother in her previous life. She and I developed an education method specifically for Xiao Yunyan.

This child does not need to be beaten or lectured, only praised. As long as she feels that she is not good enough, she can work hard on her own.

We are not praising her blindly, but we know that she can achieve that small goal. Whenever she reaches that small goal. We give her full credit.

With such a step-by-step approach, Xiao Yunyan's progress is really very rapid.

And as you said, her innate foundation is unmatched. The innate mind is also beyond that of most cultivators. What a rare and good seedling.

Master, I should thank you even more for giving me the opportunity to become Xiao Yunyan’s aunt in the clan, thus establishing a master-disciple relationship. "

Xiao Yunyan didn't know that the two masters were praising her mercilessly behind her back.

After she received guidance from the two masters, she became more comfortable in dealing with challenges faced by others when she went out.

This also inspired more people to take part in the challenge. Of course, the purpose is to turn Xiao Yunyan's top-quality water spirit root into his own.

However, Xiao Yunyan is not that easy to deal with after all. So so far, I have not met any cultivators who can put her to death.

Master Ziwei called Xiao Yunyan back to the master's door. Give her some secrets among the lecturers.

He designated Xiao Yunyan as his direct disciple. That is to say, among his tens of thousands of disciples, there are not many direct disciples. Xiao Yunyan is counted among the lucky ones.

Xiao Yunyan has always had a question. Why were all her elementary spells taught by her master personally? The basic techniques are all taught by senior brothers and sisters. Since I have tens of thousands of senior brothers and sisters. Even Xiao Lixu is her senior brother. Why don't I see them teaching me these low-level spells?

Master Ziwei said that his disciples are currently practicing in every corner of every continent and are not practicing in the master's sect. Li Xuyang was also assigned by him to take his men out to make money and accumulate some merit.

Only then did Xiao Yunyan realize that the sect was really deserted, and she really didn't see the senior brothers and sisters walking around in the sect.

Master Ziwei's argument was that because of Li Xuyang, he felt that the longer the disciples lived in the master's sect, the more they would be like flowers in a greenhouse, unable to thrive without experiencing wind and rain.

Therefore, after every apprentice learned basic calligraphy and awakened a spiritual root, he kicked him out. He told them to travel around the country, and only when they encountered big problems that were really unsolvable could they call him and he would help the disciples fight.

The two masters also told Xiao Yunyan that if she encounters any problems that cannot be solved in the future, she can summon the masters with her thoughts and rush over thousands of miles away to help her fight in an instant.

Xiao Yunyan was really happy. With such two great saints as her backing, wouldn't she have to walk sideways in the world in the future?

Xiao Yunyan was not happy for a long time when Master Ziwei said: "Disciple, if you are not in danger that threatens your life, do not call your master to come over. If you are fighting an intermediate or advanced rookie, let your master fight for you. , does it embarrass my old man?"

Although the Taoist saint didn't say that, she seemed to mean so. Only then did Xiao Yunyan realize that the master's promise was actually written on the handle of the ladle. With her own abilities, it was impossible for anything life-threatening to happen. Because as long as her life is threatened, she can hide in the space and no one can hurt her.

Xiao Yunyan was also curious, why none of her senior brothers and sisters came back? No one has ever come back to see Master, nor has he had any contact with her, my little junior sister.

Master Ziwei said that he would have the opportunity to meet these brothers and sisters in the future. However, at present, Xiao Yunyan has one task: to help her master teach Li Mohan basic techniques.

Li Mohan's water spirit root was also opened and sealed. He is also the disciple of Master Ziwei. Moreover, Li Mohan's Yuan Shen has a very high innate foundation. Before he was reincarnated as Li Xuyang's deputy original god, he had experienced six lives as a good person and accumulated a lot of merit.

When Li Xuyang became the evil god, Li Mohan's soul was reincarnated alone. Because Li Mohan's body has never been practiced in Ziwei Yunxiao Palace, he does not have any foundation in magic. Now, like Xiao Yunyan, we have to start from scratch.

Li Mohan has the constitution of four innate spiritual roots, and the fifth spiritual root is in a hidden state. Even after practicing for a long period of time, the fifth spiritual root will awaken itself. Compared with Xiao Yunyan, she is slightly inferior, but she is also a rare good seedling in the world of cultivation.

Xiao Yunyan muttered secretly, why were all her elementary spells taught by her master herself? When it was Li Mohan's turn, he taught him himself. What skills can I teach Li Mohan as a dabbler?

Master Ziwei saw Xiao Yunyan's thoughts. He explained: "Master is old and can no longer teach so many disciples. Since you have space, the spiritual spring in the space is just suitable for awakening the water spirit root. Why don't you take him to the space and awaken the water spirit root first. Then bring me Teach you these spells with the Taoist Saint Aunt. Slowly teach him. Anyway, you are husband and wife and are always together, so it is convenient to teach."

Xiao Yunyan was really angry at her master's irresponsible attitude but dared not speak out. She brought Li Mohan into the space and went to meditate beside the spiritual spring.

Li Mohan saw that his wife's space was like a small world, and he was filled with surprise and surprise.

Although he came in a few times, most of the time he was knocked unconscious or had acupoints tapped. Occasionally, I could see this space once or twice, but I didn't stay there for long.

Therefore, he has always maintained a strong curiosity about his wife's space. From today on, Xiao Yunyan can take him into the space to meditate every day. In his opinion, Xiao Yunyan had completely opened her heart to him, and there were no secrets in front of him.

This realization made him extremely excited. Xiao Yunyan didn't know that Li Mohan over-interpreted the meaning of taking him into the space.

She really didn't do it willingly, but the master wanted to use the spiritual energy of the spiritual spring to help Li Mohan awaken the water spiritual root, so she had no choice but to do it. Of course, Xiao Yunyan will not explain this beautiful misunderstanding.

Li Mohan has a high level of understanding and profound virtue. He quickly understood the things Xiao Yunyan taught him. The art of flying with a sword is now well practiced.

The couple practices flying at low altitudes every day, and now their flight is very smooth, with no loss of control at all.

The two of them worked together to increase the flight altitude to 300 meters. Xiao Yunyan was afraid of falling down and losing her face. Li Mohan smiled and said: "It's okay, wife, even if you fall, my husband will be under you and will never let you lose your appearance."

These two people were so unreliable that they flew down from three hundred meters away. At that time, it was smashed into a photo, so why did you study the issue of whether it would be broken or not?

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan actually didn't have to worry about falling to the ground. Because the couple holds hands, if there is a problem, they can enter the space immediately and there will be no danger. But it was flying too low, and there was no time to react if it fell.

For safety reasons, Xiao Yunyan let two eagles fly below them. Once their swords lost control, there were huge eagles below to catch them. In this way, under the double insurance, the two men's sword flying skills improved rapidly.

Seeing that they had almost mastered various techniques, the Taoist saint and Master Ziwei decided to let the two young apprentices go out to practice.

By chance. Other spiritual roots will be awakened. If all five spiritual roots are awakened directly in the master's sect. For the two young ones, the lack of opportunities for experience is not a good thing.

When I went out, all five spiritual roots were awakened, and I learned a lot of various techniques. But when it comes to actual use, there are too many spells and I don't know which one to use.

It would be better to let them awaken a spiritual root by chance during their training outside, and then teach the two of them the spells corresponding to this spiritual root.

Then the two young apprentices became proficient in using these spells, and then awakened the next spiritual root. Then practice the corresponding techniques. So step by step. They will become more and more proficient in the use of various spells. Because the foundation is solid, when you encounter an enemy, you can use whatever technique you want to deal with it.

Compared to the other apprentices who went out to practice, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were the two people who were least worrying. Not only do they have Xiao Yunyan's space as a backing, but they also have huge economic strength as a guarantee. At the same time, the two people's spell formations and weapons are particularly abundant.

Therefore, the two masters decided to let them go out to practice as soon as possible. At the same time, I also helped Master Ziwei to see what the situation was like for the disciples scattered all over the place.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan really wanted to go out for a walk. After all, there are no big things happening in Beichuan now.

After some time ago, all the ministers with second thoughts in the court were completely replaced. These criminal ministers deserved to be convicted and exiled. Xiao Yunyan was not involved in these matters. On the contrary, Li Mohan helped the emperor handle many government affairs.

After the political turmoil in the court, the eldest and second eldest sons were also stripped of their princely titles by their father and banished to fiefdoms. Let them live peacefully in the future.

From a prince to a feudal lord of a place, his status has undergone a huge change. , it turns out that most of the wealth accumulated through various means has also been confiscated. Only a small part was left as a basis for their future life.

The third child and his mother and concubine originally had small thoughts. I want to watch the boss, second child and fourth child fight to the death, while they secretly maintain their strength. Until finally, they came to a mantis stalking the cicada, followed by the oriole. They want to be that oriole.

But the reality is completely different from what they imagined. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan's abilities are too strong. There was simply no way they could catch up.

That being the case. They also gave up that unrealistic idea. Your Majesty, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan knew that they had this idea, but they did not take action and did not pursue it.

As a prince, no one wants to be the emperor. It does not count as a mistake if you don't secretly do something that violates discipline and rules. The emperor also granted the third prince a fiefdom, and asked him to take the title of prince and go to the fiefdom to practice.

There is nothing for Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan to worry about in Beichuan. The fiefdom now has an increasing population and is becoming more and more prosperous.

Originally, the ratio of men to women was unbalanced, and there was an extreme shortage of girls. But because the conditions of everyone in the fief are very good. The princess gave away the homestead on which to build the house, the house, and the land. All the men here have family property and savings, so girls from surrounding prefectures are very willing to marry men from the fiefdom.

More and more people are getting married and having children in the fiefdom. Even widowers here attract many young widows from other states, and even older girls, to do their continuations.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mo. There is little to do in the fiefdom. Xiao Yunyan made new arrangements for the delivery. Nearby, a professional delivery fleet is responsible for transportation. In the distance, she teleported to a fixed point.

After arranging all the affairs of the fiefdom, I just took this opportunity to go out and travel. The farther away the better, it is best to visit other continents.

The two of them had money, time, manpower, and special skills. There are no hidden dangers at all.

If they don't go out for a walk, they always feel that their lives are busy, but there is nothing that surprises them.

Before the two set off, they first went to find their master and asked for information about their senior brothers and sisters. Because Master asked them to look for these brothers and sisters who were traveling abroad during their training. Of course they have to learn more about it.

Master said that their senior brothers and sisters do not have as good innate foundation as the two of them, nor are they as good as their character, nor are they as capable as them. Once they encounter them during their travels, please ask them to try their best to help the senior brothers and sisters.

Xiao Yunyan asked Master, how can I know who is my senior brother among thousands of living beings? Who is my senior sister?

Master Ziwei said: "Every one of my disciples will have a sign. Now I will give this sign to you two. When you meet a fellow disciple in the future, you will immediately know that the other person is your fellow disciple."

Xiao Yunyan is very looking forward to the master coming up with a good-looking sect logo.

But when the master gave them two stone plaques covered with dust, Xiao Yunyan cried because they were so ugly.

Master is so stingy, he must get at least two jade plaques. Even if it is a stone brand, can it be polished smoother? Why is it like picking up a random stone next to a puddle with a crape myrtle door carved on it.

Master Ziwei frowned when he saw Xiao Yuntian, holding two sect tokens in disgust. He felt that he should educate this young apprentice well. Who can be as rich as her? Is it a jade or gold medal? He is a poor old man. He can carve tens of thousands of master tokens for tens of thousands of apprentices, which is already very good.

If the young apprentice thinks the brand is ugly, then she can pay for the jade and gold medals.

It just so happens that the young apprentice is going to travel, and it is also a big deal to exchange the master's tokens for all the apprentices.

Xiao Yunyan didn't know that she would have to pay a huge price just for showing a look of disgust.

Master Ziwei smiled and handed the two signs to Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan, and said: "Disciple, this is the sect token of our Ziwei sect. If I think this token is too ugly, then it is better for you to come up with it." Materials, Master will help you carve a brand."

Xiao Yunyan looked at her master who was smiling like an old fox, and suddenly felt that she had been fooled again. But for her, gold tokens and jade tokens are not difficult.

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