Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 162 The evil god has not yet arrived, but preparations for the war have already begun

After arranging the arrangements for the emperor, empress, and her family, Xiao Yunyan was very worried about Li Mohan and his secret guards and personal guards, as well as Yan Qi, Yan Sheng, and Wu Zheng, who had made great contributions in capturing members of the rebel organization. Everyone agreed that the evil god would never let them go.

The evil god's hard work over the years has come to nothing. As the evil god himself, he is the most evil and ferocious god, and he cannot easily forgive the small humans who ruined his grand plan.

Xiao Yunyan took advantage of the opportunity to meet Li Mohan and expressed her worries.

Li Mohan was very touched by Xiao Yunyan's concern. His wife was thinking about him all the time, and he was so happy that he was bubbling with happiness.

However, he calmly expressed his thoughts: "Daughter-in-law, I am very touched that you are worried about me. However, these personal guards, secret guards, and generals who assist me are all martial arts masters.

If we all hide in space, who can we expect to fight against the evil gods? Should we leave behind those helpless relatives and friends to fight against the wrath of the evil god?

I can't even watch you, my wife, face the attack of the evil god alone. Even though we are just ordinary humans, if we work together and cooperate well, even the powerful evil gods will be more afraid of us. "

Xiao Yunyan suddenly had a deeper understanding of Li Mohan. When this man is usually with her, he is always gentle and considerate to her, speaks kindly, and has eyes full of doting!

Xiao Yunyan always felt that as the future prince of Beichuan, he did not have a full sense of responsibility. Not so domineering in terms of momentum. Xiao Yunyan always felt that he was a delicate young man who was raised in the palace, and his every move showed nobility. But when it came to the battlefield or facing a strong enemy, Li Mohan was a weak and noble young man who looked down on and was useless. She needed her. Protect.

Today, Xiao Yunyan saw Li Mohan speak to her so formally and seriously for the first time. These words were full of family and country feelings, responsibility and responsibility. At this time, Li Mohan really made Xiao Yunyan look at him with admiration.

Xiao Yunyan is reflecting on herself. Since time traveling, maybe she has been busy with various careers and really hasn't put much thought into understanding her husband.

Although Li Mohan would be with her whenever he had time. However, emotional communication is really rare. In other words, Li Mohan communicated with her unilaterally, and she just dealt with it.

Maybe she herself is an emotionally immature person. I have never been in love in my previous life. He is an absolute tomboy.

She is a flower-faced fox that scares the international killer organizations. Her intelligence, force value, and special skills all make them dare not easily become enemies with her.

At this time, Xiao Yunyan felt a sense of admiration and appreciation for Li Mohan. Xiao Yunyan has never been a hypocritical person. Since Li Mohan wants to take on this responsibility, then she will help her husband and take on this responsibility together.

The evil god's ability is naturally much higher than that of the elders and protectors. Although the protectors and elders have practiced for tens of thousands of years, they have not reached the level of gods. The evil god's cultivation has reached the god level. There is a huge gap between God and humans.

Xiao Yunyan, as a human being with special abilities, is still a human being. Compared to divine power, her power is too weak.

Xiao Yunyan had to think of a way to get the real thermal weapon out of the space? But now my level is not enough. I wonder if taking out that thermal weapon will have a fatal threat to the evil god?

Xiao Yunyan expressed her thoughts in detail to Li Mohan; "Ms., since you want to fight against the evil god with the generals and guards, then we must be fully prepared. The enemy we face this time is not one with evil spirits and evil methods. Humans may be demons who have not become gods. Instead, they are the most evil and ferocious evil gods in the three realms.

In a battle between man and god, without sufficient preparation and a trump card that can threaten the enemy, it is impossible to succeed by relying solely on bravery. "

Li Mohan strongly agreed with Xiao Yunyan's statement. He supported his wife and actively asked his men to cooperate with Xiao Yunyan to prepare.

Although the evil god has not arrived yet, the atmosphere of an imminent war has already filled the space and outside.

The Calabash Baby in the space received a notice from the fairy world, telling him that soon the evil god would appear in the human world in the form of an ordinary person and have a fierce battle with Xiao Yuntian.

The gods had no intention of punishing the evil god. If they don't intervene, they will give Xiao Yunyan a chance to experience.

Calabash Baby asked: "Although the little master is very capable and grows very fast, she now has no thermal weapons and only has firecrackers as weapons. In addition to spells, potions, formations, and anesthetics, she has no trump cards.

When dealing with protectors and elders, spells and formations can still be used to deal with them. But he was facing an evil god. The power of God cannot be dealt with by ordinary people's tricks. How is this good? "

The fairy said to Calabash Baby: "Your little master is not an ordinary person. The formations and spells she used are not ordinary spells in the world. They are the unique secret skills created by the Thief Saint Fairy. It was the evil god who saw these spells and formations. , will also be afraid of three points.

but. The gods will not let Xiao Yunyan take huge risks, and will also give her some trump cards. It’s just that Xiao Yunyan won’t be known for the time being.

Their evaluation of Xiao Yunyan was that this child grew up more quickly the more she was forced. When a problem arises, she will be particularly proactive in finding ways to solve it. In this process, she will also grow rapidly.

The reason why the immortal world values ​​Xiao Yunyan so much is because she is the only direct disciple of Taoist Saint Immortal Girl.

Xiao Yunyan was also a person who accumulated great merits in her past and present lives. Although she has not embarked on the path of true cultivation now, her merit accumulation has surpassed that of many virtuous people. Therefore, the fairy world is very optimistic about her.

Calabash Baby asked the gods: "Excuse me, gods, should I reveal something to the little master?"

The gods told Calabash that it was not necessary for the time being. When Xiao Yunyan is in danger, there will naturally be gods watching over her from behind.

Calabash Baby asked again: "Dear gods, I would like to ask, when can I get the body to help my little master? Now I am still a tender little gourd, useless. I feel very useless."

The gods looked at this little gourd and found it quite interesting. A very witty fairy teased him and said, "That's okay. I'll let you grow into a big gourd quickly, and then hollow it out to hold wine. It just so happens that I am short of a wine gourd, so you can use it as a wine gourd for me." Don't underestimate my wine gourd, it is also a gourd with good moral principles. It is also possible to advance to the immortal position in the future.

The little gourd was so frightened that he trembled and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, I'm still young, I'm not mature yet. Please forgive the little gourd! I don't want to be an alcoholic."

It made the gods laugh and then disappeared. Calabash Baby stretched out her virtual hand and patted her virtual chest. I can't help but be afraid, I'm really scared to death!

Xiao Yunyan didn't know the content of the conversation between Calabash Baby and the immortal. He was now thinking about how to improve his abilities. Nowadays, materials in space can be exchanged at will, but thermal weapons cannot be exchanged.

But all kinds of fireworks and salutes can be used.

Xiao Yunyan wants to build more powerful mines herself. But Calabash Baby has already told her, because she can't use real thermal weapons now, even if she makes them herself, she is not allowed to use them. Otherwise you will be punished.

Therefore, Xiao Yunyan can only use fireworks as a substitute for thermal weapons.

At least when facing a strong enemy, everyone would be afraid of a random bombardment. Even gods are afraid of fireworks. The long beard and long hair that have lasted for thousands of years will be burned completely, which is very detrimental to the image of the gods.

Xiao Yunyan and the masters of the weapons camp developed many new types of fireworks. The main feature is its strong explosive power. When sprayed, sparks flew everywhere, leaving the person attacked with nowhere to hide.

Xiao Yunyan is not sure what effect these fireworks will have on the evil god? But she had to make preparations and did her best to prepare all the weapons and equipment she could use.

At least he won't let the evil god defeat his side so easily.

Even though they are weak humans, when fully armed, even if they cannot defeat strong enemies, they can still leave themselves a chance to escape.

She has space. As long as she is given enough time, she can take all these people into her space. No matter how powerful the evil god is, he can't find his enemy and can't do anything.

After making up her mind, Xiao Yunyan drank the spiritual spring water soaked in millennium ginseng in the space while frantically drawing various talismans, such as the thunder talisman, the binding talisman, the soul-suppressing talisman, and the beast attack talisman.

The Beast Attack Talisman is a spell she rarely draws because it is too complicated. This time she plans to draw it too. Fortunately, after she drank a gourd of thousand-year-old ginseng spiritual spring water, she was able to complete the painting in one stroke.

This made her almost jump with excitement. Of all the spells Xiao Yunyan learned, the most difficult one was the Beast Attack Talisman.

After this talisman is sacrificed, hundreds of beasts will appear in the sky. Their respective attack capabilities will be maximized, and they will attack the enemy in turn, and they will cooperate with each other tacitly, making the attacked enemy defenseless.

The beasts include birds in the sky and wild beasts on the earth. Even monsters in the water will appear, and even the toughest enemies will be troubled by the beasts.

The beasts are intelligent and can evade quickly and fight together as a group. The gods had to work hard for a while to disperse all their phantoms. This gave Li Mohan and his men time to escape.

Xiao Yunyan plans to draw a few more beast attack talismans. Give yourself and your family, as well as these outstanding generals and soldiers who work hard to fight the enemy, enough time to escape from the attack of the evil god.

No matter how powerful the evil god is, he can only chase one target. If these people run away, he will have no way to attack.

Xiao Yunyan giggled as she thought about it. This idea really made sense. When asking everyone to run, if they can't enter her space, then run in all directions.

They all have various charms on them. It can withstand it for a while. It is estimated that if a real fight broke out, the evil god might be mad at them if he just came here by himself.

There is a saying that a good tiger cannot defeat a pack of wolves. A lion is also afraid of a pack of hyenas.

When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy retreats, we pursue him. Cooperate with each other, take advantage of others' illness, and kill them. This is the strategy and tactics of the weak attacking the strong.

Xiao Yunyan clearly realizes her shortcomings in ability. Similarly, she also thought that although people on her side were considered to have very high martial arts values ​​in the human world, these martial arts values ​​were not enough in front of the evil god and his other protectors. Therefore, she will tie a lot of useful chips to people on her side.

Since she had relatively ample time, she wanted to teach her cronies how to use some spells and formations. Only by cultivating them to have the ability to protect themselves can they develop their group attack capabilities to a greater extent.

Just like the bucket theory, even if she is the long board, if the other boards are very short, their overall attack power will be very weak. Therefore, he has to cultivate the abilities of these weak players in a short period of time, that is, the abilities of the people who cooperate with him.

Naturally, they included Li Mohan, Wu Zheng, Yan Sheng, Xiao Yunji, Yan Qi, Yan Bing, as well as Li Mohan's personal and secret guards.

In a real fight, they might all have to work together. The rest of the Yan family and the Xiao family have no force value at all, so just hide in space.

The emperor and queen need protection from others, and they are also hiding in space.

The soldiers of the Royal Forest Army and the Tiger Guards have become more and more understanding after several cooperations. They also need to practice formations.

So far, the methods Xiao Yunyan has used have all been formations made using mountains and landforms, plus some stones and plants, mainly for defense.

There is also an offensive formation, which needs to be coordinated by humans, plus mountains, rivers, landforms, rocks, soil, and plants.

If a strong enemy is introduced into the formation, he will not be able to successfully break the formation. He will always be trapped inside and be attacked by various mechanisms set up inside the formation. He even lost his life in the formation.

She had always fought alone before, so she had never used the large-scale offensive formations her master taught her.

I don’t know what kind of formation the evil god will appear in the world this time?

If you just come to the world alone, then this large formation may not be of much use. After all, it is very difficult for him to enter the formation.

The evil god is not a god for nothing. He is particularly good at using strategies and is known for his cunning and cunning. He must be able to see through many human strategies and tricks.

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