Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 160 The transformation of 5 prisoners and the interrogation of evil masters

Mie Mengniao does his duty. I start working in class two at 9 o'clock every day. If anyone is late, he will be punished. The little guy is very responsible and very dignified.

Although there are as many as 50,000 people here, they are still unruly thorns, and it is very troublesome to clean up. However, the instructors with rich teaching experience cooperated with Miemengniao.

Those latecomers who are punished by the instructor will be educated again by Miemenniao. That kind of airtight air strike is very educational for these lazy guys. After three days. No more late arrivals. Being late for a while would cost too much, and no one dared to be late.

Some people like to cheat when working. The instructors only need to point out that someone is cheating. The Mongolian bird will fly over and peck him fiercely. Fortunately, the Mengniu knew that its claws were very lethal, so no one was scratched.

Strangely enough, the instructors punished these people very severely. But. But we can't let them from the heart. Change autonomously.

Only after Mie Mengniao gave them a lesson. These people didn't know whether they were afraid or repentant. The instructors also discovered that the people who were taught Mie Mengniao's lessons would soon change and become very hard-working.

The instructors asked the Mengmeng Bird for advice, how did it turn these disobedient captives into so obedient and proactive in their work?

Miemengniao proudly despised these human instructors. It is an ancient divine bird, how can this group of humans learn from it? It has divine power. It will shock those who are taught by it from the heart to the body.

It was that person who was frightened out of his wits. When I think about it, I am afraid of being punished for the second time. Therefore, all laziness and bad habits are cured.

Just like in modern society, some naughty children are accustomed to bad habits by their parents, and even beat their parents and scold their mothers.

Their parents are obedient to them, but they always feel dissatisfied. Their tempers became increasingly bad, and their parents had no choice but to send them to a special training institution.

The teachers of the institution promote the use of scientific educational methods to influence and educate these children and change their bad habits from the inside.

However, the reality is harsh. When their parents are not around, these children who cannot be educated in the eyes of their parents are just a bunch of little bastards in the eyes of their instructors.

As long as the children were disobedient in the slightest, they would be beaten violently. If the first blow is not enough, you will fight a second time.

If you are picky about food, or go on a hunger strike, and want to go home, then you should simply stop eating this meal. Some even go hungry for a whole day.

When children are in front of their parents, the parents are reluctant to educate them, so they feel confident. But in the eyes of instructors at these special education institutions, these children are full of bad habits. How can we get them to change their bad habits without punishing them?

As a result, confinement, starvation, corporal punishment, mental humiliation and punishment became commonplace in the family.

When the family saw them again, they found that these children had changed. Become more sensible than before.

The children wanted to complain to their parents and beg their parents to let them go home, but under the sharp eyes of these instructors, they still did not dare to say these words for help.

Even if they tell them, the parents who have been tortured to the point of going crazy will not take them back.

Because of the discipline of the instructors, they will also make some changes. If you really take it back, you will never be able to change it. It may also become more serious in the future.

Occasionally, parents who want to fight for some rights and tolerance for their children ask the instructors whether they can avoid corporal punishment and starvation.

The instructors said frankly to the parents: "If nothing is polished, it will become useless. Your children have developed many bad habits under your doting. If you cannot help them get rid of their bad habits in time, they will go to the road of crime in the future. Maybe What hurts is parents who cannot meet their various demands. Then they reach out to society.

If one day they commit a crime, it is not just the instructors who will discipline them. But the prison guards.

Parents are also sensible and can only bear the pain and let their children continue to transform here.

Children with no way out can only curb their perverse personalities, learn to compromise, and respect others in this special educational institution. Maybe it's not a change from the inside, but just learning a compromise.

However, after a period of transformation. These children behaved particularly obediently in front of the instructors. He doesn't treat his parents as coldly and coldly as before. Instead, they especially long for their parents to take them back to a warm home immediately.

These children have never suffered any crime in front of their parents, and their parents even dare not say a single harsh word. Whenever they say something to their children, they turn against them, so they gradually become spoiled.

Arrived at a special training institution. No one is coddling them. Therefore, under various corporal punishments and mental torture, all the bad habits that could not be changed were quickly forcibly changed.

Such an organization was later criticized verbally and verbally by many media outlets. However, those parents did not participate too much in these criticisms. Unless the instructor's excessive behavior seriously injures the child, these institutions will be brought to court.

Miemengniao's education is to transform these captives who are full of bad habits at the same time, both mentally and physically. These prisoners were made to feel that they had no other way out except serious reform.

The first time the Miemeng bird pecked their heads with its beak. But they know that this bird's attack power is very strong. If Mr. Bird is slightly unhappy, he may become the target of Mr. Bird. Therefore, under the fear of Master Bird. I will no longer persist in any bad habits, and I will change them instantly.

With the help of Mie Mengniao, these 50,000 captives, which caused headaches for both the emperor and Xiao Yunyan, turned into the most efficient labor force on the border.

There are too many places on the border that need to be reclaimed. Although many foreign people have settled in, compared to the vast territory, those who migrated in can only have the same effect as a huge desert dotted with a few sea buckthorn trees.

As a result, there are vast swaths of wasteland on the border that need to be developed. Either remove weeds and thorns and turn them into high-quality pasture, or remove all the turf and turn them into fertile farmland.

What these 50,000 people used to do was to help the evil god's opposition organization to do bad things, such as: robbing money and shops, beating and killing, threatening competitors, digging graves, human trafficking, robbing the children of good families and sending them to brothels as slaves. The business of serving people. In short, I have done all kinds of bad things, but I have never done anything serious.

Today, under the guidance of instructors and the supervision of Mie Mengniao, these 50,000 captives have become very hard-working workers.

Everyone has a mission goal of opening up wasteland every day. Those who complete the task according to the target can get wages calculated based on the local young labor force every day.

There are extra rewards for the parts beyond completion. If the task is not completed, you will have to work overtime to complete it or your wages will be deducted.

After a period of adaptation, the prisoners, who had never wanted to work hard, gradually felt that this was good. The simple lifestyle makes them feel relaxed and happy. They only need to complete labor tasks every day. Although they are very tired, they eat well, sleep soundly, and are still full of energy the next day.

The happy mood of the captives will be contagious, and everyone's mood will become more and more beautiful. They don't have to think too much about their future, nor are they under psychological pressure. They don't have to worry about doing too many bad things and going to hell in the future. The money earned belongs to them.

The instructors gave them some hope and told them that the princess had promised that if they improved well, they would be given land in the fiefdom so that they could build houses and start families.

If you really become a good citizen and don't want to live in the frontier, you can go back to your hometown and live a normal life.

However, because they were once subordinates of the evil god and members of the rebel organization, they once besieged the imperial city and wanted to rebel and seize power, thus committing the death penalty for treason.

The emperor could not bear to kill so many people, so even if the rehabilitated rebellious criminals became good citizens, they would still need to be supervised by officials throughout their lives. In other words, they are not truly free people.

Even so, these 50,000 people also took reassurance. Originally, they thought that they had committed such a serious crime of decapitation and that they would not survive unless they escaped.

Now they are just being subjected to labor reform. Change your mind and live a normal life. This was something they never expected.

They farm collectively, cooperate with each other, and everyone works together. Very enthusiastic about life. We have enough food, clothing, and work, and the wages are not low, so we have a very promising life.

Xiao Yunyan felt that since there was such a good change. The rebels became a particularly efficient workforce. Then efficiency should be improved even more. I don’t want them to work purely manually. Large tracts of reclaimed land need to be cultivated, and it is very inefficient to cultivate it solely by manpower.

Xiao Yunyan sent some adult bulls raised in the space to be used as cattle. The straight-shaft plow, which is suitable for plain farmland, is used in the process of farming large areas of plain land. The curved shaft plow, which is suitable for small land cultivation, was introduced to border mountains and hilly areas.

Compared with the straight shaft plow, the curved shaft plow is more compact and flexible, and can be adjusted for deep and shallow plowing in a standardized manner. It is easy to turn around. Only one oxen is needed to pull the plow and one person is holding the plow to complete the plowing and turning of the soil.

The straight-shaft plow is more suitable for large ridges of cultivated land on the plains. Two oxen are needed to lift the lever, and turning is more convenient without a curved shaft plow. However, in large plain areas, the straight shaft plow has a large plowshare area, but it can turn over a larger area of ​​land at one time. When the physical strength of the plowing cattle is guaranteed, the efficiency of plowing the land is higher. And Xiao Yunyan is just right. There is an endless supply of spiritual spring water. There is still enough food. While working, the cattle can drink diluted spiritual spring water and eat fine grain and fodder. The cattle recover while plowing, and their physical strength is inexhaustible.

There are also some agricultural tools that are not used locally and have been proven to be more efficient in actual work.

For example, the thin and sharp crescent sickle has a blade with fine serrations and a blade without serrations. Suitable for cutting different crops.

A soil digger for seedlings and a seed spotter for farming. A threshing machine for grain threshing after harvesting rice and wheat.

There are also rakes, shovels, hand wheelbarrows, waterwheels, etc., which are all agricultural tools that can improve farming efficiency.

Especially the water wheel. In Beichuan, it has not appeared yet. The application of waterwheels can solve the problem of irrigation of large areas of land.

After Xiao Yunyan downloaded and printed the production drawings of these tools from the computer, she gave them to the weapons battalion masters in the military camp to study and asked them to make some samples first. After the trials passed, the production technology became mature. Teach the production methods and drawings of these new agricultural tools to private agricultural tool craftsmen.

More than a dozen particularly useful agricultural tools were instantly added to the border area, greatly improving labor efficiency.

After placing these prisoners. The Dali Temple interrogated the captured evil masters and elders.

The result of the first round of interrogation was that most of the evil masters had confessed. They were inspired by the Great Protector and joined the organization established by the Great Protector.

The Great Protector showed them all kinds of magical magic. These young and idle young men especially admired him and became his subordinates willingly.

The treatment given to evil masters in the organization is very good. This also strengthened their willingness to do some unscrupulous things for the Great Protector, or even for the evil god. Eventually went astray.

these shoes. If based on the mistakes they made. Almost everyone can. All are capital crimes. But Xiao Yu still knew that if these evil masters directly sentenced them to death, their bodies would die, but their souls would. Use another body to continue squinting. Continue to practice evil arts. Not the best way to deal with strabismus.

The way is profound. Master. would be used to deal with such matters. Erase the memories of these people. Let them accept human punishment. That is to say, even after death, the soul is just an ordinary human soul and continues to go through reincarnation.

But Taoist nun master is not around. Nor does he know any higher gods. In her own capacity. To deal with these evil masters, we can only use the method taught by Master, which is to seal their memories in a corner of the sea of ​​consciousness. This person whose memory has been sealed has become a person with a blank mind. I can’t remember anything about the past. Live in this world again.

If he is sentenced to death, his soul will still carry these memories. If you enter reincarnation. It is very likely that he will be born with witchcraft in his next life. Or maybe he was born a fool with a defective memory, but had innate special abilities, which were actually the magic of an evil master.

With her current ability, the method of sealing the memory only temporarily solved the problem.

Dali Temple gave these evil masters different sentences based on the investigation evidence.

There are a few bad things that are so heinous that they are directly sentenced to death. However, Xiao Yunyan sealed their memories before they were sentenced to death. The remaining evil masters, although their deeds were evil, did not involve human life, so they were sentenced to several or more years in prison.

Xiao Yunyan only temporarily sealed their memories. Xiao Yunyan hopes that she will be able to erase those memories of these people in the near future. Instead of becoming a fool with a blank mind. In the next life, he still has the ability of the evil master. Moreover, although the body is suffering from prison, the soul has not been educated or redeemed.

First round of trial. Neither the Great Protector of the Evil God nor the two elders were recruiting workers. They know too many secrets. For the crimes committed by the Evil God's Great Protector, a hundred deaths are not considered too much.

The two elders did not commit any serious sins in the world. They have always stayed with the evil god and have not come to the world to do evil. The crime committed was to break into the palace privately with the intention of murdering the emperor.

However, none of the three admitted or confessed, and remained silent.

Xiao Yunyan conducted his own psychic exploration on them. The abilities of the two elders are too strong, and their cultivation level is also higher. Their sea of ​​consciousness cannot be entered, and the evil god has created a layer of protection for them, making it even more invisible.

As for the Divine Consciousness Sea of ​​the Great Protector, Xiao Yunyan forced her way into it, but was blocked by the evil god's protection.

After a period of tug-of-war, you advance and I retreat. Xiao Yunyan spent a huge amount of mental energy to successfully break through that layer of protection and enter the great protector's sea of ​​consciousness.

At that time, she felt like she was going to faint. The Great Protector’s sea of ​​consciousness is filled with evil energy. Everything he does is to plot against others. It's almost all about the struggle for interests, the struggle for power, and all kinds of struggles.

In the human world, for the sake of financial gain, he even built a rebel organization with a huge economic and military background for the evil god and himself. He did too many bad things. It can be said that it is too numerous to write down.

Xiao Yunyan, as a kind-hearted and righteous person, really couldn't stand the intrusion of these smoky spirits.

She calmed down. Search these memories for the bad things you were unable to do. But there were too many, and Xiao Yunyan couldn't sort out every one. He just picked up a few important things and quickly exited his sea of ​​consciousness.

Xiao Yunyan recounted these things in her memory. When the Great Protector heard Xiao Yunyan tell him about the evil things he had done and the evidence he had left behind, he was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped. How did Xiao Yunyan know her secret?

However, in the face of conclusive evidence, he had to admit these crimes.

But the Great Protector was not afraid. Even if this body is sentenced to death, he can enter a new body with twelve thousand years of cultivation and continue to be his great protector of the evil god.

But this time he will not forcefully take over the cultivator's body. Just find a young man who is about to die and wait there. When that person's soul leaves the body, he immediately takes over that body and can continue to be his evil god's great protector.

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