Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 155 Soldiers test new weapons, and the suppression operation initially succeeds

The leading centurion and other officials above will have some charms in their hands. Xiao Yunyan taught them how to use these spells. When actually fighting an evil master, you still need to use a life-saving charm.

Just in case, she told the soldiers that it was important to save their lives at critical moments. If you really can't beat him, you'll sprinkle poison and poison on him and run for your life. Then tell her the specifics of the situation there. It's up to her to deal with those tough enemies. Never fall in love with war.

These soldiers were particularly touched that the princess was a master who truly cared about them. In the military camp, the soldier's mission is to complete the mission. It is their military discipline to kill the enemy bravely and not to escape before the battle. Only the princess told them that it was important to save their lives.

It's not that Xiao Yunyan doesn't know how to lead troops in battle, it's because what they're fighting this time is not an ordinary enemy, but an evil master with evil magic.

She didn't want these young soldiers to become expendable. Xiao Yunyan has no skills, so she cannot follow every team to deal with those evil masters. We can only let them save their lives first. If there is any difficulty to deal with, she will go and lead everyone to eliminate it.

With Xiao Yunyan's instructions, the soldiers were even more eager to try this mission. The most important thing is that they are particularly interested in the new weapons equipped by the princess.

After all, they haven't really used Gatlin with iron sand and anesthetic needles.

During practice, everyone was particularly envious of Gatlin's teammates. To play as a Gatling soldier, you must be a tall, burly, and particularly powerful soldier in the team. Because relatively speaking, the recoil force of that thing is larger, and if the force is too small, it cannot be carried at all.

Start the mission at the beginning. Mainly in the county. Clean up the shop. These advanced weapons were not yet available at this time. But the drug and the antidote are the most practical.

Not all the guys in these stores are true believers in the organization. Many of them were poisoned by Boss Lao Er's men and people in the rebel organization.

Soldiers went to search and shut down those. Evil business. The people in the store will definitely resist. Xiao Yunyan asked the soldiers to use poison to stun them first. After the store is under control, take these people to a safe location and give them the antidote. Let them know that if they give up resistance, cooperate with the investigation, and tell the truth, they will have a chance to get more antidotes.

The poison from their bodies will also be completely removed. Just leave the rebel organization and the evil business of the boss and the second. They can live a normal life.

The store is there, even if it's locked. It doesn't mean he really controls her. It's just the people who will be operating temporarily. After the evacuation, these businesses were temporarily unavailable. Xiao Yunyan wanted to take advantage of this free time. Catch all the minions of the rebel organization and the boss. An organization without people is just an empty shell.

Xiao Yunyan decided to fight quickly. After all, the Great Protector was controlled by her, and the evil masters who were being trained were also controlled by her. It was impossible to keep the matter of throwing the evil masters into prison together at all. The evil god probably already knows.

The evil god will arrange the actions of other guardians and evil masters, so. Action here must also be accelerated. Seize the opportunity and your chances of winning are much greater. It's better than if someone else changes their action plan and you take action yourself, the effect will be better.

That night. At the end of the Youshi period, various counties in Beichuan began a nationwide special operation to eliminate evil business shops.

The reason why we chose to take action at the end of Youshi is because the main targets of this action are brothels, men's shops and casinos. At the end of Youshi, business is booming.

Carrying out liquidation at this time is not just about liquidating these shops, but also arresting the clerks and shopkeepers. It is even more important to warn those people who are obsessed with life and money. I have some money and should do something serious. At least if you save it, you have a guarantee. But spending money in these places is just a waste of money. No matter how rich you are, you can't afford sex and gambling.

After the action begins. Business is booming in brothels and men's shops. Standing in front of the door were several thinly dressed girls or petty officials.

The girls in brothels and brothels are dressed up to be voluptuous and charming, which is quite acceptable.

But the petty officials in the men's style hall also put on makeup. The clothes are also nondescript. Some wear scholar uniforms and look like scholars, but their faces are smeared with makeup and their lips are smeared with red lipstick. The corners of the eyes and eyebrows are also painted to show the charm.

There are also petty officials wearing tulle clothes, who are also looming.

This kind of dressing up was not their original intention, but was trained by the madams in the men's fashion house. To cater to men with perverted desires.

The petty officials were posing, with their chests half-covered and half-exposed, revealing a snow-white chest with no muscles at all. They imitated women in making all kinds of charming or cool sultry gestures to satisfy the bad taste of those disgusting men.

This group of people has been so tamed that they no longer have any sense of shame. Even if there is, it must be hidden deep in the heart. Just posing like this at the door, cuddling with the men, but inside the building, you don't know what will happen after the room is closed. Just thinking about it makes me feel chilly.

The soldiers who suppressed these troops did not care. First, the old madams in the brothels and men's houses were tied up directly.

Then gather together these girls and petty officials who were so frightened that they hid like quails. Tell them that starting from today, the building will be closed by the government and their business will not be possible.

If you want to be a good person, now is your chance. You don't need to pay any money. You can quickly pack up your belongings and go with them to the government to register and issue them a free identity.

If anyone wants to go anywhere, the government will send someone to take them back. If anyone has financial difficulties, he can go to the government officials to explain the situation. The government will be responsible for settling their lives.

But in the future, they will need to work hard with their hands to get rich, and they can no longer make a living by showing off their skin.

Almost all the girls and junior officials in the building were forced to enter here. They were either forcibly sold by their families or robbed. There are also orphans on the street who were deceived by the old bustard and others and forced to do this flesh and blood business.

When they heard that they could redeem their freedom without spending any money, they could also get help and go where they wanted to go.

For a time, the girl and the officials were excited, happy and nervous at the same time. What's more, I don't know how to live in the future?

They are all teenagers who cannot lift their hands or shoulders, and the oldest one is not more than twenty-two years old. They were trained by the madams and turtle men. In addition to catering to the bad tastes of men, they also knew how to play music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and songs. However, these skills are not suitable as a means of making a living at the bottom level. They really learned no other useful life skills.

The soldiers told them not to worry, everything was arranged, and as long as they were willing to live a normal life, Princess Duanjing had already found a way out for them.

Those who want to go home can go home. Those who want to return to their hometown to buy a house can also arrange it. If they are afraid that they will not be able to live alone, several people can get together to form a new family.

If they want to change their living environment, the Duanjing Prince's fiefdom on the border will give them a brand new way of life. Yards will also be arranged for them. Several people can come together and be assigned to a large yard. You can also be alone and have a small yard.

The policies implemented are the same as those of the previous batch. The soldiers were very patient and told them that they did not need to make a decision right away. All they needed to do now was to collect their gold and silver and take whatever they wanted with them without leaving it for the old bustards.

After the girls and junior officials who gathered like quails heard this sentence, the bold leader ran into the building with a huff and a whistle, went upstairs to his room, and frantically collected what he wanted. The things they took away will be their life-saving capital in the future, so naturally they don't want to leave them behind in the building.

After an hour, these people finally had nothing to bring. Under the escort of the official, he first went to the Yamen to register.

It was very late after all. However, before taking action, the generals had made advance arrangements with local governments. It was originally planned that tonight would be a sleepless night. Only by arranging the arrangements for these poor people would they have completed half of their task. This matter is only half successful.

After the girls and the petty officials left the building, the madams and turtle men in the building were also escorted to the government prison and temporarily imprisoned.

The empty building is what these officers and soldiers need to search. Of course, the main searches are for criminal evidence and accounting books, as well as gold and silver property that has not been taken away.

Large items are temporarily sealed here, and those belongings that can be taken away directly are first sent to the government office and registered.

The statistics are collected by the accounting office and written down in the book. Overnight, everywhere in Beichuan was so busy.

There are also some fierce fights. There happened to be an evil master, or the thugs in the shop were highly skilled in martial arts and had many people, so they tried their best to resist.

The spells and pyrotechnic weapons given by Xiao Yunyan are really useful. Except for the places guarded by evil masters from six counties, all other places have successfully completed their tasks.

The remaining six counties have many changes because of the evil master's spells. Also be prepared in advance. These soldiers suffered some injuries, but due to the combined effects of the binding talisman, the thunder talisman, and the poison, the soldiers did not suffer excessive damage. With the addition of new weapons, the evil masters used all kinds of evil methods to deal with the soldiers, but they still failed to defeat the ordinary soldiers. It makes them very depressed.

However, in these six counties, there are not only evil masters, but also many associates who are members of the organization and are not forced persons.

The operating locations of these counties are branches of the rebel organization. They must have received a temporary tip and increased their troops in advance. Therefore, there were many enemies and they fought very hard.

The flash mines, large mines, and sky-piercing monkeys carried by the soldiers have basically been used up. Except for a few Gatling tubes with anesthesia needles left, the other soldiers are using slingshots to attack from a distance. The anesthetic needles and iron sand in Gatling are very lethal to evil masters and those guys, and they play a suppressive role in the battle. Just when the fight between the two sides was particularly fierce.

Xiao Yunyan used space to explore the places where various tasks were performed. When she discovered that there were fierce battles in those six counties and the mission had not been successfully completed, she walked directly to the enemy camp in space and fired wildly with an enhanced and modified version of Gatling.

The boys from the enemy organization were frightened by the scene they saw. They saw no one, only fire dragon-like flames suddenly appeared, carrying painful and anesthetic weapons, running into their team as if they had eyes, chasing them and shooting them wildly. The injured and anesthetized people fell down one by one. The battle ended quickly.

Xiao Yunyan quickly switched scenes in the space. If you go to one place, the battle will end in less than a quarter of an hour, and then move to another place. After the last county seat was captured by Xiao Yunyan. The entire Beichuan eradication mission has been initially completed. All that's left is for the soldiers to clear the battlefield.

Seized gold and silver belongings from brothels, men's houses and casinos. Seal the gambling equipment in the casino.

Originally, according to Xiao Yunyan's idea, these things should not exist in the world. However, the emperor and the generals who participated in formulating the action plan proposed that the casino cannot be completely banned at all. Even if you turn off this one, others will appear again.

The final result of the negotiations was to temporarily close these casinos. Afterwards, these casinos were rectified and included as entertainment venues under official supervision. We will strictly supervise illegal activities inside.

After the task is completed. The soldiers rested and the injured were treated immediately. There was nothing to say all night, and the next day they had to interrogate the shop operators, the old bustards, and the casino managers who were imprisoned. More arrangements should be made for the homeless girls and boys.

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