After Xiao Yuntian finished talking about the donation amount, she didn't pay attention to other people's expressions, but was thinking about her own dowry.

She didn't know that those few words shocked everyone present so much that no one spoke for a long time.

Bullying, too much bullying! Everyone knows your family is rich! However, if you are rich, can you be so careless about the face of your elders and brothers?

Except for the queen, all the concubines seemed to be pregnant, and the sour water kept rising up! My teeth are so sore that my teeth will fall apart.

And among the men present, except for the emperor and the fourth prince, they all disliked their women unconsciously, and none of them were so grand.

Look at my fourth daughter-in-law, she is so heroic! They are not just rich, they are really fucking rich!

Forget it if you have money, you still have looks! Forget it if you have good looks, you still have talent! It doesn’t matter if you are talented, but you also have the magnanimity to have the world in mind!

This makes it impossible for people to live! People are so irritating! Why do you think that you didn't try hard enough to marry this perfect woman?

Regardless of the mood changes of these people. The emperor immediately asked the record officer in front of the palace to write two more copies of the figures he had just counted.

Give one copy to the Ministry of Finance. Let them quickly arrange manpower to collect grain from each house. Send the first batch of grain to the border as soon as possible, and send additional troops and generals. The soldiers have not moved, but the food, grass and baggage have gone ahead.

There is also an archive. After the war, when giving rewards based on merit, a reference document is needed.

The handwritten copy was placed in the emperor's study room for reconciliation.

Just talking about donation in vain is not acceptable. They all have to buy real money, grain and cloth, and they have to be collected according to the number, and they have to be inspected on the spot.

The emperor was happy for a moment and appointed Lao San as the deputy general and deputy vanguard of Marshal Pingbei Second Road. Because he has no experience, as a deputy, he just learned from the full-time general.

The third prince was so happy that he ran to the emperor to kowtow and thank him. After getting up, he washed his hands, squeezed the emperor's shoulders, beat his back and rubbed his legs.

He had strong hands and really made the emperor feel very comfortable. He sighed in relief unconsciously, "Hmm... um... yes, that's right there, it feels so comfortable!"

Others felt that the Third Prince, who was so easy-going and flattering, was really worthless!

The third prince doesn't care about that. His father valued him very much. Not only did he give him the opportunity to practice, but he also gave him the opportunity to earn military merit! He must seize this rare opportunity!

While the emperor was enjoying the massage from his third son, he looked at his fourth son and his wife.

The emperor asked them in a good mood: "Both of you are not good at martial arts, have never studied the art of war, and you have just gotten married. My father can't think of any official positions that should be given to you when I send you two to the border."

Li Mohan asked the emperor to appoint him as the grain inspector to escort supplies. The emperor was afraid that he was inexperienced and had heavy responsibilities, so he felt bad about it, so he changed his position to a small official at the border checking and accepting grain and grass supplies. This official position is pitifully small.

The other princes and consorts all sneered secretly, isn't this just a little leader with no character and no military power?

Anyone who wants to harm the Fourth Prince will find it much easier now. They each had their own concerns and did not say anything to each other. They were all waiting for the fourth child to make a big fuss with the emperor and ask for a high official position from the emperor.

However, they were disappointed. The fourth prince happily accepted. He kowtowed and expressed gratitude, saying that as long as he was allowed to go to the border to practice, it didn't matter what official he became.

The emperor asked Xiao Yunyan again: "My fourth daughter-in-law, my father really doesn't know what errands should be sent to such a weak woman like you? In the military camp, no women are allowed in or out, unless you are disguised as a man!"

Xiao Yunyan has a beautiful face. At this time, he asked the emperor calmly: "Please allow me to find a job as a military doctor in the military camp.

Erchen knows some medical skills and can also prepare gold medicine. On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes. After every battle, there were serious casualties. Erchen hopes to help injured soldiers recover quickly. "

The emperor couldn't believe that the Duke's granddaughter was not only talented and beautiful, but also had hidden medical skills! Others don't believe it either. The low sneers were endless.

The emperor was going to take the test on Xiao Yunyan on the spot. He sent for two imperial doctors and ten palace maids.

He asked Xiao Yunyan and the imperial doctor to diagnose the diseases of the maids and prescribe prescriptions. Then, compare on the spot, does Xiao Yunyan really have medical skills?

The two imperial doctors and Xiao Yunyan each sat behind a desk, examined and inquired about the ten patients, and prescribed prescriptions for each of them. Finally, the prescriptions of the three people were compared and reviewed by the court judge.

The result is that the diagnosis of the condition is the same. The prescription was too different.

The medicines prescribed by imperial doctors have large prescriptions and many precious medicinal materials. Of course, the effects are safe and rapid.

The prescriptions that Xiao Yunyan prescribes are all small group recipes, and precious medicinal materials are rarely used, and they are mostly based on herbs that can be found everywhere in the mountains and fields. Comparing these three prescriptions, the effects of the medicines are not much different.

As a result, the imperial doctor and the people present expressed different thoughts.

Most people said that Xiao Yunyan's prescription was too simple and unbelievable, shaking their heads and sighing!

And the experts, including the emperor and the queen, all understand.

Doctors who can treat diseases with simple group recipes and cheap and easy-to-obtain herbal medicines are the real masters, and they are the doctors that the people and the military need.

The court declared that Princess Duanjing was a medical wizard with superb medical skills.

For such a young princess, she can diagnose diseases quickly and accurately; she can prescribe prescriptions easily; her medicines are simple, cheap and effective. He, the court judge, was willing to be defeated.

Faced with such a high evaluation, Xiao Yunyan humbly thanked Yuan Pan for his ridiculous praise.

The imperial doctors usually prescribed good medicines to the nobles. Habits become natural, so the same goes for prescribing prescriptions for palace maids.

Xiao Yunyan's medical skills were developed in modern times when she gave free clinics to the people and treated her comrades. She has a habit of making things simple. Therefore, it cannot be said that she is better than the imperial doctor. That is a self-effacing statement.

These imperial doctors are all medical wizards trained from childhood by medical families. She didn't dare to be arrogant in front of others.

The emperor did not let Xiao Yunyan compete with the imperial doctor in medical skills. He just wants to know, is this fourth daughter-in-law just an armchair strategist, thinking she knows medical skills after reading two medical books?

On the battlefield, life and death depend on that moment. Casualties who are bleeding need immediate medical attention. Saving people requires special experience. Fast operation and good medical effect. The doctor is not allowed to sit there, slowly diagnosing the pulse, and slowly prescribing prescriptions.

Some people were unconvinced and asked: "On the battlefield, soldiers had their arms cut off, their thighs were bleeding, and they were shot with arrows in the chest... Such things are not uncommon.

The fourth daughter-in-law, this delicate princess, was so frightened that she fainted on the spot when she saw that scene. Then how can she treat illnesses and save people? Aren't you going to cause trouble? "

The emperor saw that the fourth daughter-in-law had real talent and learning. Since someone raised the question, he immediately became more energetic.

The emperor asked the imperial physician to see how Xiao Yunyan's skills were in quickly treating wounds, bandaging, and performing acupuncture?

Just then the news came from outside. I don't know who it was, and set off a large number of firecrackers under the curtain of the theater where I just watched the show.

Originally, when watching the play, the emperor's seat was near that position. They left the show early because they wanted to announce the border war.

However, just before they left the stage with less than half a cup of tea, ten rockets were shot in and the firecrackers were set off.

These firecrackers were obviously specially made and very powerful. The craftsman who was dismantling props on the stage was injured fourteen times, and the injuries were very tragic. They had no choice but to go to the general manager and ask for a doctor to see the wounded.

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