Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 137 Collecting rare medicinal materials in the mountains, upgrading space, and teleporting t

The couple took the secret guards and pets to explore the mountains and forests for seven days. It’s not just about looking at the gold reserves inside the mountains. The local topography was also examined. After all, this is a barren mountain with various plants growing all year round. Also very rich. Naturally, there are medicinal materials that are not found elsewhere.

Xiao Yunyan felt like she had entered a treasure house of medicinal materials. She found the records in the pharmacopoeia, but she couldn't find them in the space medicine cabinets. There were even rare medicinal materials in the medicine shops in the capital. One or two rare medicinal materials could only be found in the palace.

Compare the pharmacopoeia and dig it out when you find it and send it to the space medicine field. After all, a trip to the mountains is not that simple. Or put it in the space and plant it in the medicinal field, it is very convenient to use.

Although Li Mohan and the guards did not know these medicinal materials. Xiao Yunyan gave each of them a simple training, and only found a few rare and irreplaceable medicinal materials with magical effects. Those medicinal materials are essential medicinal materials used in ancient prescriptions to make elixirs.

With the help of a few grown men, the speed is much faster. Uncle Suanni is not willing to do such a thing. Running wildly all over the mountains and plains. The animals here have been trained by him to be obedient, and anyone who is dishonest may die.

There are black bears, wild boars, deer and wild goats in this mountain. Suanni previously told his master that he wanted to eat roasted wild boar.

Xiao Yunyan told Suan Ni that the female wild boar's meat was too big and was unpalatable, while the male wild boar's meat was too fishy and smelly. Too small will not taste good either. Only a male wild boar that has just reached adulthood, about 140 to 50 pounds, and has not yet found a wife, can be made into roasted pork that tastes best.

Suan Ni didn't understand whether the pig was delicious or not. Does it have anything to do with whether or not you can find a wife? But my owner is very knowledgeable about food. Since she said that, it must make sense.

Suanni ran to the group of wild boars and roared loudly. The wild boars were trembling and did not dare to move.

It asked who was the boar who had just grown up and had not yet found a wife. He weighed one hundred forty or fifty kilograms. Come out quickly!

Three small black wild boars came tremblingly to the front.

Suanni looked at the two pitiful male wild boars, covered with grass clippings and dirt, with gray heads and faces. I felt pity for them, but I couldn't bear to eat them.

Compassion is a very unfamiliar emotion to the ferocious Suanni. Maybe it grew up around Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan. Influenced by their kindness. I don't really like killing.

Recently, the number of small animals such as rabbits and pheasants hunted by it has been much smaller than before. Because Xiao Yunyan told it that life is hard-won, so don’t hunt too much, just eat enough.

Suanni looked at the dirty and pitiful two black pigs, and actually had no appetite at all.

He told the group of wild boars to leave quickly and not to wander around in front of his eyes.

How could the wild boars dare to refute? It was not that the wild boars were wandering in front of it, but that the wild boars were far away from it, and it ran all the way to find people.

The wild boars that narrowly escaped death ran away as fast as they could. Oh my god, this uncle Suanni is so scary. Originally, he still looked like he wanted to eat a pig. Later, it actually became a little softer. What a blessing from God!

It took the two little boars a long time to recover from the fear of escaping death.

Xiao Yunyan felt very strange when she saw Suanni coming back with a sigh. What happened to this invincible mythical beast today?

Suanni groaned and was unhappy. Rubbing Xiao Yunyan's shoulder with his big head. Xiao Yunyan used her mind function to understand what Suan Ni was saying: "Master, this uncle Suan Ni originally wanted to catch two young boars and treat everyone to roast wild boar. But he stood still and let me do whatever he wanted. How come I can't eat the little wild boars that can easily end their lives?

Master, this feeling of loneliness when fighting against an invincible opponent makes me very sad. When will I have an opponent for me to practice with? "

Ouch, Xiao Yunyan is so angry that she is talking about this uncle. Whose master is it? A little little one still dares to call himself uncle in front of his owner. Is this something he needs to take care of?

turn out to be. Suanni was not only moved with compassion, but the most important thing was to look at the wild boar that was frightened in front of it and was as humble as an ant. It has lost its bloodthirsty wildness.

Although Xiao Yunyan laughed at him for calling himself an uncle at such a young age, she believed that what Suan Ni said was true. Because he is an ancient divine beast, wolves, insects, tigers and leopards in the world are as obedient as kittens in front of him. Although the eagle in the sky is not threatened by it, it still behaves very obediently in front of Suanni.

Xiao Yunyan could understand that Suanni, as a ferocious beast, had just grown into a young boy. At the time when a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, it wants to constantly challenge authority and establish its own majesty, but it does not feel as lonely as its opponents.

To put it bluntly, Suan Ni is now a newly grown beast and needs to challenge adult beasts that are stronger than it. But there is no beast in the world that dares to fight it.

This is really a problem, after all, ancient mythical beasts are difficult to find. There are descendants of ancient beasts left behind in the human world, and they may be reincarnated and cultivated, but it is difficult to find them.

Even if he found it, he might not be Suan Ni's opponent. Although this little thing looks cute and cute. When it reaches adulthood, it will be really powerful and domineering. An adult Suan Ni should be able to reach a sitting height of nine feet. Weighing more than 10,000 kilograms, he is a very big man.

Suani's most deadly offensive weapon is his roar. Even if the ancient beasts saw it, they would not dare to fight it.

This boring guy should find something to do. Xiao Yunyan thought that if she was going to raise cattle and sheep in the wilderness, she might as well train these animals to obey orders. It should be much easier to use than a sheepdog.

Or equip him with two sheepdogs as assistants. It is estimated that Uncle Suanni is sitting here, and all the cattle and sheep will be obedient.

What the herdsmen fear most is the sneak attack on the sheep by the prairie wolves. With Uncle Suanni sitting here, no shepherds are needed, just his scent and roar can keep all the wolves away.

Uncle Suan Ni doesn’t know yet, but his own mistress is planning to let him become a shepherd dog. No, it’s Muyang Suanni.

When Xiao Yunyan told it about this decision, Suanni said very arrogantly: "Master, am I the king who says it all in this vast grassland and high mountains?"

Xiao Yunyan nodded very cooperatively. Coax it: "My handsome Suan Ni boy, you are right, you are the king of this pasture and the mountains. Bite anyone who disobeys me."

Suanni didn't understand Xiao Yunyan's humor. It also explained that he did not need to speak at all, he only needed to roar and release pressure, and animals within hundreds of miles would respect him and walk around at a distance.

Xiao Yunyan told it not to go around. If the cattle and sheep walked around, how could he manage them?

Suan Ni was a little depressed. It compromised: "Then I won't release the pressure, I will just let them obey the management."

Xiao Yunyan was very satisfied with Suani's attitude. However, Suan Ni was a little sad. It asked Xiao Yuntian: "Master, if I become the king of this pasture and the mountains, I won't see you for a long time?"

Xiao Yunyan coaxed it and said, "You won't miss me. Master, I can visit you often."

Originally, the owner and Suan Ni were still reluctant to part with one pet, but then Calabash Baby's voice sounded, saying: "Little Suan Ni, don't worry, the owner just collected a lot of rare medicinal materials, and the space has been upgraded again. There is one more The function is to teleport to a fixed point.

The owner only needs to set a point here, and it can teleport over in space whenever it wants to. high speed. "

Although Suanni is very dissatisfied with the way Calabash Baby calls it, what is little Suanni? I'm not young anymore, okay?

But this gourd boy was very stubborn and called him "Little Suanni" every time, but there was nothing he could do. Who makes it possible for Mr. Suanni to have a lot of wealth and not be as knowledgeable as a silly gourd growing on a vine?

Because of this good news, Suan Ni and Xiao Yunyan were very happy. It would be very convenient to manage this land in the future.

They can also meet at any time. Xiao Yunyan immediately located this place.

She tried it, and after entering the space, she came out again here. Before teleporting, she only needed to recite this place silently in her mind, and then she could teleport out. It was really convenient.

With such a function, no matter where Xiao Yunyan goes, she can directly set a point there, and she can freely travel between this place and other places in the future. What a very useful function! The space rewards this time are particularly reliable!

After Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan finished exploring the gold mines, they went to several valleys with lush vegetation to collect a lot of herbs. The task here is basically completed. They are going back to their fiefdom.

Because Xiao Yunyan has the function of spatial teleportation. She knocked Li Mohan and the four secret guards unconscious with her acupuncture points and sent them into the space. Return to space with the eagle, Suan Ni and a few horses.

Originally, I wanted Suanni to get familiar with the environment in the mountains. Suanni said that when the pasture is ready, he will come and become the king of the mountain. Now I still need to cherish the good time with my master every day. Xiao Yunyan was so moved by its dependence that she almost cried. She quickly brushed a few handfuls of the smooth and shiny Suan Ni's back hair. Bring it into space and bring it back to the fief together.

Then when she came out of the newly built palace in the fiefdom, Xiao Yunyan woke up Li Mohan and the four secret guards.

When they opened their eyes, they found that the group of people had returned to the fiefdom, and they sighed again, the princess's ability is so amazing! . Xiao Yunyan didn't explain too much, just said that this was a new skill of his. Li Mohan was of course very happy, and his face was full of smiles as he was so handsome that both men and gods were angry. He looked at his wife with great admiration. The daughter-in-law has such a new function, and it will be easy for them to do anything in the future.

Just returned to the station not long ago. Someone reported to Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan that there were many new beggars and old beggars in the fiefdom, and more and more beggars were heading towards the fiefdom.

When the two first heard the news, they were confused. What's happening here? Later, I heard reports from my subordinates that this time, instead of issuing notices to the fiefdoms, the beggars were given the opportunity to enter the fiefdoms on their own.

Because the fiefdom had not made any preparations in advance, they were first placed in a vacant new village. Let them live in a new house. But no errands were arranged for them and no land was allocated.

Xiao Yunyan was very satisfied with the arrangements made by her subordinates. An idea came to her mind to train these beggars into useful people. If they become a normal labor force, they will be a large number of strong laborers.

At present, the labor shortage problem in the fiefdom has been gradually alleviated. The beggars filled many vacant positions one after another. The places most lacking people now are the mines and pastures that the couple just explored.

It takes a lot of people to mine and herd animals in large numbers. However, a man with a family and a career cannot leave home for a long time.

But these beggars have no family fortune. Alone, no matter where you go. If we provide them with good living conditions in the mines, the wages will be high and there will be no big risks. It should be a good arrangement for them.

However, in fact this is just wishful thinking. After all, those beggars have not worked for a long time. Of course, they would not be so willing to work every day or become miners with extremely labor intensity. This is really a problem.

Xiao Yunyan told Li Mohan her thoughts. Li Mohan said: "It's better to train them like soldiers for a period of time. Through training, get rid of their laziness and bad habits, and strengthen their bodies. At the same time, wife, you also help them to take good care of their bodies. Then promise them a bright future. And let them really We really see hope for the future. As long as they persist for a period of time and they adapt, they can become a useful labor force."

Xiao Yunyan very much agrees with Li Mohan's idea. She wanted to implement this idea immediately.

This matter has to be addressed to the marshals in the army. There is no such organization in the army. So they can only train in the village where they live. Or train them well in the guard camp in the fiefdom.

This requires sending some personnel. Xiao Yunyan sent her men to find Qin Fangjia and her cousin Huo Daxing to train these beggars at the western and northern borders and help them get rid of their laziness and bad habits.

The training instructors sent by Qin Fangjia and Huo Daxing were both notoriously black-faced evil spirits in the military. Their training methods are strict, with various methods, they are famous for their ruthless attacks, and they are authoritarian in all kinds of disobedience. Even in the army, those naughty soldiers were trained to be obedient.

At first, these beggars did not obey the discipline and were lazy.

But Xiao Yunyan told them clearly that the fiefdom of Prince Duanjing's Mansion was not a place to raise an uncle, nor was it a place to pamper them.

After all, they are adults, between the ages of eighteen and forty, which is a normal age in the military camp and is also the period when their physical fitness is at its best.

These beggars were trained seriously by the instructors. I was exhausted and sweating every day, and if I didn't obey, I would be punished in various ways. Although there were no scars, he was as tired as a dog and had no food to eat.

And those who obey the training and complete their tasks seriously will be provided with delicious food and drink.

At first, these slaves were forced into helplessness. It was like being in a prison, and I gradually got used to it. I also felt that my body had undergone tremendous changes. It turned out that the weak and rickety body has now become stronger and stronger. The body is straight and straight, the chest muscles are bulging, the abdominal muscles are contracted, and the muscles of the arms and thighs have become hard and strong. Each beggar is now a completely different person.

It’s not that beggars don’t know how to treat others well. They also know that these instructors train them and sometimes even punish them, not to torture them. Rather, we want them to become healthy, have better physical fitness, and improve their psychological quality.

In the process, Xiao Yunyan prepared delicious and nutritious food for the beggars and soldiers. Lingquan ginseng dilution was added to the drinking water. Although the concentration is not large, after a long period of conditioning, the human body will inevitably undergo huge changes.

The chronic diseases accumulated in these people for many years gradually disappeared. Three months later, it turned out that the big beggars and old beggars, who were regarded as the dregs of society, put on clean clothes and stood in a neat queue, as if they were a well-trained team. And these beggars are heroic soldiers. No one would believe that people would change so much in just three months.

But in Xiao Yunyan's fiefdom, such a rapid transformation was achieved.

Xiao Yunyan did not hesitate to use manpower, material resources and good medicines. She hopes to change the lives of these beggars in the future. At the same time, I also have a large number of loyal and reliable workers. Kill two birds with one stone.

The big beggars and old beggars who came one after another felt envious when they saw the transformation of the first batch of beggars, so they had no resistance to being arranged for training! Even more cooperative,

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