Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 133 The little beggars get the most suitable arrangement and the recruitment problem is solv

These dozen children didn't know how to beg at first, but Tang Xianzong was very wise. Gradually, these children regarded him as their leader and listened to his ideas.

Later, other little beggars gradually followed suit. Join their little organization. He also gave his advice and listened to his arrangements on many things. More and more little beggars are joining the organization. When Tang Xianzong was eleven years old. He became the leader of the little beggars and established a gang, which has now grown into a beggar gang of more than 200 people. Tang Xianzong became the leader of the Little Beggars Gang.

Against the great beggars. Those big beggars often bullied them. Since the little beggar formed a gang. There are fewer and fewer cases of being bullied.

This migration was also because the big beggars wanted to cause trouble again. There was already a famine in the area. They have a hard time.

Tang Xianzong decided to find a way out for these brothers and sisters living together. He also understands policies. He went to find out whether the various preferential policies in the fiefdom of Prince Duanjing are true?

Later I learned that many families who had migrated earlier had sent letters asking their relatives to carry out the transfer of the royal fiefdom. Tang Xianzong discussed with his companions and went to the Six Prefectures in the Northwest together. It was better there than waiting to starve to death in the same place.

They went to the government office to ask for guidance from officials. There are also promised subsidies. The government opened the way for them. But the subsidy was not given at all. Because they are beggars. No property. The government could not get any benefits from them, and naturally there was no subsidy of three taels of silver.

He also didn't say hello to the Yamen of Duanjing Prince's Mansion in advance. I'm afraid they won't be accepted here. No state capital is willing to accept so many little beggars.

This is how the rest of the journey begins. A large group of people were gathering wild vegetables and fruits in the wild, catching mice and rabbits. They lived hand to mouth and the journey was difficult. It took me four months to reach the six prefectures in the northwest.

Xiao Yunyan talked with Tang Xianzong for a long time. Finally, it was decided that if any of these little beggars were willing to sell themselves, they could sign a deed of sale. The little beggar who signs the deed of selling himself can get settlement allowance and money from selling himself. The money is all their own. Ten years later, if they. Not made. If you betray your master and expose the secrets of the factory, the contract of betrayal will be invalidated. Give them their freedom. They must then sign a ten-year work contract with the factory.

Those who are unwilling to sign the deed of betrayal. A twenty-year cooperation contract is required. The little beggar said that twenty years is too long. Can I sign it for ten years?

Xiao Yunyan said. Whether selling oneself or not selling oneself. If you want to enter this seasoning factory, you have to sign a twenty-year contract.

Even after twenty years, they can continue to work in the factory. If you choose to leave, you must sign a confidentiality agreement. Once they leak the technology. It needs to be held accountable.

Tang Xianzong didn't want to make decisions for all his partners. He will keep what he agreed with Xiao Yunyan in his gang. Announce it. Let everyone think carefully, he will not stop anyone who is willing to sign the contract of sale. He doesn't stop anyone who is willing to sign a 20-year contract. It's just that the salary for signing a twenty-year contract is % less than the salary for signing a contract of sale. It's up to them how to choose.

Tang Xianzong chose not to join this factory. He asked Xiao Yunyan to give him a house. Leading nine younger brothers and sisters under the age of five to live together. He wants to give these homeless children a home, and as the big brother, he has to take care of them.

Xiao Yunyan respects his decision. But instead of making life difficult for him, he sent a butler. Tang Xianzong was assigned a boy and two stewards. Take care of his and these children's daily lives.

Xiao Yunyan encouraged him to enter a public school to continue studying. One day in the future, I will take the exam and obtain a meritorious title. He was very grateful to Xiao Yunyan for taking care of him and thinking about his future. He decided to enter the hall first.

Within a few days, it was amazing how smart this little boy was. He knows most of the things taught in public schools. That is, although his family has long been ruined. He has not forgotten the things he learned.

Later, he bought some old books himself. Learn every day. Now, with his level, he can take part in the college examination, government examination and township examination. The teacher said that he might have ranked particularly high in the exam and asked him to find a knowledgeable teacher for advice.

Xiao Yunyan told him not to be too anxious. Li Tong gave birth to an exam. There are still six months left, so prepare well. If he finds it difficult, find him a tutor to help him with his homework. I hope he can achieve better results in future exams.

Tang Xianzong treated his partners. Somewhat reluctant to give up, but the Beggar Gang is only a temporary organization. There is a better future, who is not willing to run towards a better future? Who is willing to be a little beggar with no clothes to cover and no food to eat?

In the end, Xiao Yunyan recruited 48 people from these little beggars who were willing to sell themselves. 98 people are willing to sign 20-year contracts.

The rest are all girls and are not suitable to enter the soy sauce condiment factory. Choose some who are of the right age and are ingenious enough to enter the embroidery workshop. In the end, there were 27 girls left, and there was no suitable place to arrange them.

Xiao Yunyan asked them if there was any technology they wanted to learn?

In this era, there are really not many jobs that girls can do. There are 15 girls here, about 13 to 15 years old. He has always been responsible for taking care of other brothers and sisters. He is very stable and very responsible.

Xiao Yunyan asked them if they were willing to learn cooking skills and join her restaurant as a chef?

The girls were confused. Don't know where your future lies?

It turns out that everyone is together, and everyone shares what they want to eat. They always follow the gang leader's arrangements when it comes to matters. Now they don't know where to go. They wanted to ask the gang leader for advice.

I heard that such a beautiful and good-looking princess arranged for them to work in a restaurant. They are very willing. But we still need to hear how the gang leader arranged it?

Xiao Yunyan arranged for them to discuss with Tang Xianzong. Tang Xianzong took them to visit several restaurants under Xiao Yunyan's name along with the Xiao family's housekeeper. Saw the booming business inside. Very formal management and clear division of labor.

Tang Xianzong expressed his analysis. It was safe for them to work in the restaurant and the wages were high. Their personalities are also a good fit. Do you want to stay here? It's up to them to decide.

The girls agreed on the spot. There are three girls in each restaurant. Led by masters, they mainly make pasta.

These girls are very hard-working and have been recognized by the masters.

Xiao Yunyan arranged accommodation for them nearby. From then on, they lived a life without worries about food, clothing, housing and transportation. Their wages were high and they had no worries about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

There are 12 girls left, aged between eight and thirteen.

I'm too young to go to a restaurant. It is not suitable to go to the factory either. Not suitable for going to an embroidery workshop. Xiao Yunyan spent a lot of time thinking about how to arrange their future lives more conducive to them?

When she was worried about this matter, her housekeeper came to her and asked her for help. The more the better.

Xiao Yunyan asked him, what do you want people to do? The housekeeper said that the various workshops owned by the princess were short of people, especially those making sachets and fans. Need some nimble girls.

Xiao Yunyan is about to come. These children were arranged to try out jobs in those workshops, but fortunately they were all left behind. Learned by the masters.

Even as an apprentice you are paid. Mainly food and accommodation are included. The kids have plans. They are full of hope for the future life. Xiao Yunyan felt that this was something that gave her a great sense of accomplishment.

Tang Xianzong is a rare talent. His family background also made Xiao Yunyan feel very sorry for him. He and his husband-in-law also had a shared experience of adversity. Therefore, she hopes that Tang Xianzhong will have a bright future.

Xiao Yunyan ordered someone to invite a Juren from a nearby state capital who had been in the elementary and middle schools for three years to specifically guide Tang Xianzong.

This person's surname was Yu Jinyuan, and his family was also poor. After passing the Juren Examination, his life became less constrained.

When Xiao Yunyan invited him, she had already told him that to provide him with a good living and learning environment, she only needed to let him teach one student. Give him five taels of silver every month. There is someone to take care of your daily life, and there is no need for him to be responsible.

Yu Jinyuan has many brothers and sisters in her family, including her parents and grandparents. After he passed the exam, some squires put land in his name for tax exemption. Correspondingly, he will also be given some silver coins.

It was originally enough for him. But his family also paid a lot for him to study. In order to support his studies, his brothers and sisters often don't have enough to eat.

To give back to my family. All his money was given to his grandparents for household purposes. Therefore, he is still relatively poor.

Since there is such a good opportunity, of course he is willing to seize it. So he accepted the job of being Tang Xianzong's husband.

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