Superman in a certain Marvel movie

Chapter 91 Crush from Joshua

Chapter 91 Crush from Joshua

The mutated dog is very strong, but there are three people on the opposite side. It can fight two Eternals but cannot defeat three.

Circe turned the ground into a quagmire for the mutated dogs to fall into, and then quickly hardened the ground with cosmic energy, so that the ground would become very hard.

The mutated dog only showed one head at this time, and it roared angrily. It was like one-on-one, a group of despicable Eternals.

Ikaris slowly walked towards the mutated dog. This guy had caused him a lot of suffering.

He's going to kill this guy.

At this time, Mei walked up to the mutated dog and said, "It really doesn't control me."

At this time, Ikaris was no longer in the good mood before. He stretched out his hand to catch this annoying woman. He planned to throw this woman far away.

Suddenly, Makari saw a figure rushing towards him. This figure was very fast and its target was Ikaris.

She wanted to remind Ikaris, but it was still a step too late.


With a huge roar, Ikaris was knocked away and a hundred-meter-long ravine was plowed into the ground.

Makari also immediately attacked, and she rushed towards the figure.

"Too slow." After Joshua knocked Ikaris away, he grabbed Macari's hand and slammed it to the ground.

A huge roar sounded.

A big hole was created, and Makari lay unconscious in it.

Joshua looked at Circe.

Circe always thought that Joshua was just an extremely exaggerated superhero, a high-profile superhero whose strength should not be as strong as the Eternals. But now she seems to be wrong. This Superman is too powerful.

Joshua's feet stepped slightly on the ground, and the next second the ground where the mutated dog was trapped cracked, and the mutated dog took the opportunity to escape quickly.

At this time, a golden ray shot towards Joshua.

Before Joshua could take action, the symbiote had already used cosmic energy to condense a golden shield, which blocked Ikaris' rays.

"Cosmic energy..." Circe was a little surprised. This is the energy that only the Eternals and Abnormals have.

"Wow~, I can do this too."

Joshua looked at Ikaris and his scorching golden heat vision shot out for a second.

Ikaris's ray collided with Joshua, and in the next second Joshua's heat vision penetrated Ikaris's ray like a torrent.

Just when Joshua's heat vision was about to penetrate Ikaris's head, Makari hurriedly knocked Ikaris away, and then narrowly avoided Joshua's heat vision.

"Thank you." As soon as Ikaris finished speaking, he saw Joshua appearing here at some unknown time.

Golden energy quickly appeared on Makari, and her figure disappeared in an instant. She was too fast, so it seemed like she disappeared.

Makari attacked Joshua, but every time her fists were blocked by Joshua, how could he be faster than her! ?

She continued to speed up.

Circe could see countless afterimages attacking Joshua.

But Joshua's body did not shake at all, which means that Makari's attack was useless, or she did not attack Joshua. What happened to this human being and why he was so powerful.

"Is this your fastest speed? I'm a little disappointed." Joshua said, and then he started to take action.

Makari quickly distanced herself, but Joshua was faster than her. Joshua appeared next to Makari and said: "You are too slow."

Makari's eyes widened, and the next second Joshua's hand pinched Makari's neck, and he lifted her up.

Macari couldn't get away at all.

At this time, Ikaris slowly flew up, and he glared at Joshua and said: "Let her go!!!"

Joshua slammed Makari to the ground and then stepped on him.

"You hit my dog ​​and wanted to attack my family. You are very brave." Joshua said.

Ikaris charged towards Joshua.

"There is a big gap between us." After Joshua said this, he disappeared.

The next second, there were sonic booms all around, and Ikaris's body was constantly being knocked away.

In just a moment, Ikaris was thrown in front of Sersi by Joshua. At this time, Ikaris's face was covered with blood. He felt that his bones were about to be broken and he couldn't even move. arrive.

"Ikaris!?" Circe was very worried while holding Ikaris. She then looked at Joshua hurriedly and said, "We just want to help this lady. She was with the mutants before. We were worried She will be attacked..."

Circe hurriedly explained that the Superman in front of him was completely an enhanced version of Ikaris.

Mei also understood something and said, "Joshua, please listen to her."

Joshua knew what Circe wanted to say, but he didn't want to hear it, so he said, "I have to go to class."

"Goodbye Aunt Mei." Joshua quickly left here.

Circe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Joshua leave, and then said to Mei: "A long time ago, the mutant race, the monster behind you, would eat people. We were responsible for fighting them and protecting humans, so we saw it before When we are around you, we mistakenly think that it is going to attack you..."

Speaking of this, she showed a bitter smile and said: "We didn't expect that Joshua could actually treat the mutants as dogs. This is really incredible."

Mei finally understood. It turned out to be a mistake. She looked at Macari and Ikaris who were injured by Joshua, and felt a little guilty. She said, "I'm sorry..."

Circe said hurriedly: "No, this is just a misunderstanding. Joshua probably thought we were going to attack you, so he attacked us."

"If you don't mind, come to my house. I have some medicine at home." Mei said.

Circe nodded. Now Ikaris and Makari need to be treated in a safe place.


"Come in." Hathaway said looking at Joshua outside the door.

Joshua walked into the classroom. After he came to his seat, Gwen said, "What did you do just now?"

"It's nothing, someone hit my dog, I'm going to take care of it," Joshua said.

"Dog?! When did your family get a dog?" Gwen was a little surprised. She knew that Joshua's family didn't have a dog.

"I picked it up at noon today. It looked handsome and very smart, so I picked it up." Joshua said.

Gwen said: "Does this dog have any special abilities? I don't believe you will keep a mediocre dog."

"This dog is called a mutant. It is a kind of monster. It is about ten meters tall and looks very domineering." Joshua said.

Gwen's eyes shone, and she said, "You and I will go have a look this afternoon. I want to know what this dog looks like."

"Aren't you going to do chivalry?" Joshua said.

"Go after it's over. I'll stay at your house tonight." Gwen said.

"Whatever you want," Joshua said.

He looked at Hathaway. She was wearing red today.

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