The cannon fodder of Quick Travel got what he wanted

Chapter 555 I am the wronged brother 6

"If I eat chicken every meal, I can do whatever I want." Xu Xia touched her round belly with a happy face.

"What the hell are you thinking about? You can't even catch chicken feathers when you eat chicken every day..." The eldest aunt glanced at Xu Xia and scolded her.

"Look at your big round face. Eat, eat, keep eating, and you will become fat." The eldest aunt looked at Xu Xia's big round face and became angry.

Xu Xia's face was not so round before, life was not so difficult anymore, and there was enough food left at home. This child was very enthusiastic about eating, and even stuffed it into her mouth when she was full. Her posture looked like she had not eaten in eight hundred years. Like a starving ghost.

Just looking at it made me bury Tai. Those who didn't know it thought she, as a mother, had treated Xu Xia badly and starved her.

"I'm so lucky!" Xu Xia was particularly unconvinced. Who did she inherit her round face from? It wasn't her mother. Look at her round face that was exactly the same as her mother's. Her mother actually had the nerve to say that she ate a lot.

But she didn't dare to say this, otherwise her mother would give her a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

The childhood shadow - fried pork with bamboo shoots has been with her growing up.

Although she often got into trouble and made her mother angry, which was why she got the fried pork with bamboo shoots, her buttocks started to ache just thinking about it.

"Mom, Xu Xia is right. It's so festive and cute to be fat and round. People feel blessed when they see her." Xu Qiaoyin came to Xu Xia's rescue.

But Xu Xia was not happy. No matter who said she was fat or round, she would not accept it, and her eyes were particularly resentful.

The other aunts ignored them and only heard Xu Qiaoyin calling "Mom". Ever since Xu Shuangshuang came to Xujia Village, Xu Qiaoyin had never called her again.

It must have been that Xu Shuangshuang said a lot of bad things, so that Qiao Yin was separated from them. Now when she heard Qiao Yin calling her, the eldest aunt's eyes were hot and she was very moved.

She said that Qiao Yin was a good boy. He just didn't think about it at the beginning and didn't think about it. When he thinks about it clearly, he will definitely accept them.

Both uncle and aunt were very good people, and they did not dislike Xu Qiaoyin because of his alienation. They remained as usual, even though they were treated alienatedly by a child who was raised by one hand, and they felt hurt.

Grandma Xu and Grandpa Xu were very pleased when they saw this scene, and secretly scolded Xu Shuangshuang for being talkative and troublesome.

The meal brought them closer together. Xu Qiaoyin truly regarded Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu as his parents and was extremely filial.

"Look, Qiao Yin is so filial to the child. It shows that you were wrong at first." The eldest aunt was talking to Uncle Xu on the bed.

"Yes, yes..." In the darkness, Uncle Xu's mouth widened and he smiled silently.

"Qiao Yin has a saying that is right. If you have anything to say in the future, don't hold it in your heart. Speak it out and let us solve it together so that there will be no conflicts." The eldest aunt was in a happy mood. Of course, the son she raised wanted to His heart is towards himself, not towards the parents who unscrupulously abandoned him.

"Well, I understand..." Uncle Xu knew that his wife was talking to him. He likes to keep everything in his heart and wants to solve it by himself. If he talks about it, it will bring trouble to his family.

Xu Qiaoyin said this because the results of Xu Xia's previous life were not very good. Because the gap between the original body and Uncle Xu became more and more profound, Uncle Xu became more and more depressed.

Xu Xia fell in love with a man and wanted to marry him, but Uncle Xu didn't understand the situation in advance. He beat the couple without saying a word and locked Xu Xia up.

Uncle Xu found a good family for Xu Xia without saying a word. However, on the day of the wedding, Xu Xia ran away with someone. Uncle Xu's head turned gray overnight, and the eldest aunt was so angry that she fell ill. She has been sick on and off since then. , holding back a breath, wanting to see Xu Xia come back, but unfortunately, she couldn't see her little daughter before she died.

Xu Qiaoyin took the opportunity to tell Uncle Xu a few examples of family members not communicating. For example, there was a son in Xilin Village who had a crush on him, but his parents told him someone he didn't like, and he didn't care. Asked him why he liked her, and forced his son to marry someone else, but unfortunately it didn't work out. The son eloped with his partner and didn't come back for five years.

"There is also a village next to us. There is a guy named Xiaocao who fell in love with an orphan who had no father or mother. Her parents felt that she was unreliable and forced Xiaocao to separate her from that man and let her marry him. They agreed on a family..."

"Actually, this orphan without a father and mother is willing to be the son-in-law. But her parents didn't understand the situation and didn't communicate with their daughter. They just thought that marrying that orphan wouldn't lead to a hard life."

"In the end, Xiaocao took the initiative to talk to her parents, and they agreed. Lovers will eventually get married..."

"Dad, what does this mean?" Xu Qiao said earnestly: "It shows that family harmony requires communication. If we don't say it openly, who can guess what the other person is thinking?"

"As for the eldest sister, you informed her without saying a word and introduced her to a partner, but the eldest sister did not agree. As a result, you and the eldest sister had a big quarrel..."

"You are doing it for the eldest sister's good, but the eldest sister doesn't think you are doing it for her own good... Doesn't this conflict arise?" Xu Qiaoyin said that this incident did happen.

At that time, Uncle Xu and Xu Cai had a big quarrel. Xu Cai thought that her father didn't ask for her consent and didn't even know what kind of man she liked. How could she go to meet him?

Uncle Xu thought that he knew that man before and he was a good man who was a good match for Xu Cai. Why was Xu Cai so repulsive?

Neither father nor daughter could keep their faces down and talk calmly. They were in a stalemate for a long time and had a cold war for less than half a month.

Uncle Xu felt quite uncomfortable when it came to mentioning this matter. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was indeed his problem. Of course, Xu Cai also made a small mistake. The mistake was that he didn't say that he had a crush on the person in time.

Almost all Chinese-style families are like this. Parents provide material things, but lack emotional support. One is unwilling to open his heart, and the other is unwilling to express. He expects you to understand me, and I understand you. Isn’t this how this contradiction arises? ?

"Ahem... I understand. Talk to people more..." Uncle Xu knew that he had a dull temperament and just kept his head down. Sometimes failure to communicate in a timely manner would cause harm.

When Xu Qiaoyin saw that Uncle Xu had listened, he stopped talking. If he talked too much, Uncle Xu might become angry.

Fathers always say that, "I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. Can you understand it like me? Do you want you to teach me?"

If you don’t know how, just learn; if you don’t know how, just listen.

They are probably used to the behavior of their elders, and they accept these unreasonable things calmly and humbly, but it only damages their face.

Xu Shuangshuang came very quickly. The Xu family had no place for her to live. Where would Xu Shuangshuang live?

Of course he went to stay at Xu Qiaoyin's house. Xu Shuangshuang said confidently: "This is my brother's house. If I don't live with him, where can he live here?"

Xu Qiaoyin lived separately from Uncle Xu's family. It was not Xu Qiaoyin's request, but when she married Miao Aimei, Miao Aimei didn't want to live with a big family and told Xu Qiaoyin not to build another house. , she will not marry.

At that time, Miao Aimei had been identified, and the Xu family had gritted their teeth and admitted it. They had to let Xu Qiaoyin get married, right?

So, Uncle Xu took out his family's savings, Grandpa Xu and Grandma Xu pooled some together, and asked the village chief to approve a site to build a new mud house.

Miao Aimei still wanted a brick house, but she knew that she was being a little unreasonable. It would be nice to have a house. She didn't have a room to live in her parents' house, so she lived in a utility room.

Xu Qiaoyin's face darkened when he thought of this. Damn it, Miao Aimei is a woman who is really pushy.

Not only that, Miao Aimei also asked for fifty yuan in gift money. A little of the money was given to the Miao family, and the rest was in Miao Aimei's hands.

It doesn't matter if the money is spent on them. Anyway, as a family, there is no need to worry so much, but the key point is that Miao Aimei likes to eat alone and spends all the money on herself.

As a result, the Xu family had a difficult time in those years, and their family fortune was emptied.

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