The cannon fodder of Quick Travel got what he wanted

Chapter 483: Survival in the Beast World 1

As soon as Qiao Yin entered, he felt that his body was burning like a raging fire, and his whole body was like a well-cooked shrimp. Then there was an overwhelming pain and tingling sensation, which hurt to the bones. It hurt so much that he wanted to roll on the ground.

Not knowing what was going on, Qiao Yin endured her physical discomfort and investigated, and found that what was causing trouble in her body was green energy, which kept hitting her muscles and veins like a demon, and she quickly drained it out.

It's just that the green energy is extraordinarily stubborn, like a hide-and-seek, and is not easily captured by her. Instead, it rushes wildly in her sea of ​​mental consciousness, making her brain ache and swollen, making her want to bang against a wall to get rid of it. relief the pain.

Damn it, who brought this thing into her consciousness!

Qiao Yin was not sure how to get rid of it at first, but it took him a few days to figure out how to get rid of it, and when he got the key, he was in a bad mood, and then he was able to reduce it a bit.

It took a full half a month to expel the green energy. When she opened her eyes, her strength increased greatly with the intervention of her soul. With a click, she broke the barrier. The sea of ​​mental power and consciousness rippled layer by layer, expanding her reach. A full circle.

It means that her strength has entered the fourth level, which is already a strong person with good strength in the orc world.

The original name is Yeqiao Yin. Orcs generally don't have three-character names in the orc continent, either a single character or a double character. The original name is a combination of her parents' names, with the character Yin appended to it.

She is a member of the Sea Clan, and the Sea Clan is also divided into many branches. In the end, she relies on strength and fists to speak. Whoever has a bigger fist has the right to speak.

Originally from the royal family of the sea clan, it was just a declining royal family. Due to the difficulty of childbirth, many died, and there were no replacement newborns. They were all over fifty years old, and some of them had already half-stepped into the coffin. of sea beastmen.

Her strength has been greatly weakened, and her parents have died protecting her clan members, so her title as a royal family has become meaningless.

She was still entrusted to the care of Xin Yao, the sister of the original beast mother. Otherwise, she might not be able to live peacefully until now.

After all, after giving birth to cubs, the more difficult thing is raising them to grow up.

Orcs need to consume a lot of energy and eat a lot of meat to replenish their energy. If they don't eat meat, it will be difficult to survive.

They also rely on the rich energy in their meat to become stronger. The beasts in this world are particularly ferocious and huge. Without strong strength, an orc cannot hunt exotic beasts.

Orcs have spiritual power. The more powerful the orc, the higher the spiritual level. The orcs also rely on their spiritual power to defeat alien beasts.

Pure-blooded orcs, that is, those who have completely inherited the bloodline of either the mother or father, will have stronger qualifications and strength. Mixed-blood orcs, those whose bloodline comes from the intertwining of either the father or the mother, will naturally be inferior.

Orcs reach adulthood at the age of 100. Being an adult means that they can choose the direction of differentiation. It depends on the beast's conscious choice.

If the differentiation fails, they will become half-orcs. These orcs are the lowest class, and those with low strength become slaves and can be driven by others.

Half-orcs are also the most looked down upon. Pure-blood orcs and mixed-blood orcs often look down on half-orcs and would not think of partnering with them to live together, because they do not want their offspring to become half-orcs.

Heredity is very important. The combination of a half-orc and a half-orc will definitely give birth to a half-orc. When combined with the other two types of orcs, there is a 90% chance of giving birth to a half-orc.

Half-orcs also have the worst strength and qualifications, which makes pure-blood and mixed-blood orcs even more disdainful.

Therefore, half-orcs tend to digest internally.

The ratio of female to male is seriously imbalanced. In order to survive, those male orcs who are looked down upon by female orcs can only live together.

There is no way, it is impossible for an orc to live. Sooner or later, he will starve to death due to insufficient energy intake.

There are few female orcs and many male orcs. The status of female orcs has increased. In order to survive and to give birth to cubs, one female orc often combines with multiple orcs to form a large family life.

In this way, life is guaranteed and one will not starve to death.

But often you can’t have your cake and eat it too. It’s difficult for high-level orcs to give birth to cubs, and it’s difficult for pure-blooded orcs to give birth to cubs. Then it’s even more difficult for higher-level pure-blooded orcs to conceive cubs. This is 1+1>2 The doubling effect.

Of course, the orcs first consider their own strength to ensure that they can survive, and secondly consider the issue of having children.

The orcs also face the threat of foreign enemies, the orcs.

The orcs are savage orcs who failed to evolve and fell into the abyss. They do many evil things, are cruel and murderous, have simple minds, well-developed limbs, and low IQs, but they are not afraid of meat and vegetables. What is even more terrifying is that they eat orcs!

Devouring the flesh and blood of orcs, it makes itself stronger. It has extremely strong brutality factor and great destructiveness. It is the public enemy of all orcs.

Especially after the cold winter and the rainy season with heavy rains, food is scarce and strange beasts cannot hide. If the orcs lack food, they will attack aggressively, plunder and gnaw everything.

Many orcs died at the mouths of the orcs, and the original beast father and mother died in the attack of the orcs.

The orcs are generally relatively strong. If they meet outside, they will either die or be crippled.

Once the orcs keep a close eye on their prey, they must bite it, otherwise, they will never let them go.

Many weak male orcs try their best to join the big family of female orcs, firstly for survival, and secondly for self-protection.

In the wild, if you don't have a back that can deliver, your hair will rise very quickly.

In the world of orcs, female orcs have a high status, and the status of powerful female orcs is even higher.

Therefore, the right to choose a mate is in the hands of female orcs, and male orcs can only be selected.

A strong alliance is the way to survive. Of course, although the weaker female orcs are not as popular as the stronger female orcs, the female orcs have the responsibility of giving birth to cubs, and many male orcs flock to them.

Those like Yeqiao Yin, who were strong and pure-blooded female orcs, were even more popular. More male orcs expressed their affection for her and were willing to start a family with her.

Because of this, Yeqiao Yin was jealous and was assassinated by her half-brother.

He poisoned the original body with Liuyue grass. If the orcs eat this grass, it will cause the orcs to fail to differentiate and become half-human and half-beast, that is, half-orcs.

No one knew Liuyue Grass before, but those who ate it by mistake completely failed to differentiate. Not only did their strength regress, they also degenerated into half-orcs.

Fortunately, she came, otherwise, she would have made the same mistake again and become a half-orc. Her status would naturally decrease and she would be looked down upon. If there was a half-orc in the family, she would be bullied, unless she was strong enough to be feared by the orcs.

The orcs are warlike at heart. The powerful look down on the weak. Level by level, the chain of contempt is particularly serious.

It turns out that the female orc whom her half-brother liked was jealous of her and wanted her to fail in differentiation and become as weak as her, so that no one would talk nonsense around her, like Yeqiao Yin or something like that. .

This brother is a lover and loves Ruihe wholeheartedly. The latter promised that as long as he drugged Yeqiao Yin, he would let him be her number one beast husband!

Ruihe's words were like heaven and earth. Without hesitation, this brother stabbed her in the back.

He also said, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, even if Qiao Yin regresses, he is still very strong, at least much stronger than me..."

"If Qiao Yin knew about it, he would definitely not blame me..."

The stupid brother is so naive. I wonder if he was soaked in water and his brain was filled with too much water, so he actually said such crazy things.

The original body became a half-orc and could only combine with half-orcs. Half-orcs are very weak and it is very difficult to hunt strange beasts. Life is tight, but at least they can survive.

She died under the sharp claws of the orcs. Without the strong ones of the Sea Clan in front of them, everyone in the clan died cleanly, and so did the pair of idiots.

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