The cannon fodder of Quick Travel got what he wanted

Chapter 356 The vicious fox girl who was exterminated 10

The two foxes were completely unprepared and didn't even know there was a little tail following behind them.

Huqiao Yin's neat solution was not a demon slayer, but a wretched man.

It seemed that they followed the two sisters because they were beautiful. Apart from this disgusting man, Hu Qiaoyin didn't have any karma. The man's breath was foul, and he could tell that he had killed many people, and he deserved to die.

When Hu Yanxuan came back, she seemed to have a conflict with Hu Yaoqin, and they didn't like each other.

Hu Yanxuan felt that Hu Yaoqin had evil intentions and actually asked her to explore the territory of the demon slayers alone, saying that the demon slayers were definitely not as powerful as them, and if they were discovered, they would easily escape.

At this point, Hu Yanxuan is not smart. She is not as powerful as the eldest sister, the third sister, the fourth sister, and others.

She is just a little Qi-refining fox. Human beings are insidious and cunning. What if we can't escape?

Then wouldn't her little life be sealed?

Does Hu Yaoqin want her to die?

Hu Yaoqin just thought that the demon slayers were definitely not as powerful as their demons, and she had never heard of any of them. She didn't think so. She just went secretly to inquire about the news, and nothing would happen. Why was Hu Yanxuan so timid?

The two had a dispute because of this, and Hu Yanxuan went to file a complaint without saying anything.

When Hu Yaoqin was summoned by King Fox, she secretly wondered, could her father be partial to her?

The fact is not true. She was scolded by the Fox King and ordered to go back and reflect for fifty years. If he found out that she went down the mountain privately, he would cut off the supply of resources.

Hu Yaoqin was extremely aggrieved. She secretly hated her so much that she also complained about the fifth sister who was not easy to get close to.

The Fox King felt that Hu Yaoqin was really brave. He only wanted to provoke the demon exterminator even though he was only practicing Qi. He was afraid that he was tired of living.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away. If something happens, there is nothing he can do to help.

The Fox King and Fox Queen took turns educating her, but Hu Yaoqin didn't appreciate it at all, and even thought they were deliberately using this to teach her a lesson and go down the mountain privately.

I don’t mean that at all. There are also weak demons running into the human world in Silver Moon Mountain. The Fox King knew about it and did not stop him.

It's just that they are very cautious and try their best to hide it.

How could she be as stupid as Hu Yaoqin? Other demons hid from the demon master before it was too late. She was lucky enough to swim upstream. Was she sent to her doorstep to make elixirs?

Hu Qiaoyin also felt that Hu Yaoqin's head was all scraps. He was a typical artist who was bold and bold.

Is this because I haven’t experienced severe beatings from society, or is it because I am too single-minded and stupid?


According to what Hu Yaoqin did in the previous life, it seems that her brain is different from the other demons, tsk...

Hu Yaoqin was ordered to be grounded, but Hu Yanxuan was not. King Fox still doted on his daughters and was very tolerant of them as long as they didn't violate the bottom line.

Hu Yanxuan thought that the Fox King knew that she was quietly going down the mountain. He also saw Hu Qiaoyin following him, and he felt relieved.

He and Mei'er have had these six daughters for so many years, and it would be heartbreaking to lose any of them. They hope that their family of eight will be intact, with no less than one daughter missing.

Not to mention, without Hu Yaoqin jumping around, Hu Qiaoyin felt that the air was a lot fresher.

It's just that when she went back and saw that her house was in a mess, it was just like the scene of a demolition of a house, and she could tell by smelling the smell of the scene.

Gritting his teeth: "Wolf! Chi!"

"Ah Qiao, Ah Qiao, you are back. Where have you been? Why didn't you tell me? I miss you..." When Lang Chi happened to come over again, he heard the sound and ran happily. Walking around Hu Qiaoyin, sniffing here and bumping there, it was obvious that he was jumping up and down like a grasshopper because of joy.

Hu Qiao Yin's hand caught Lang Chi's neck. Lang Chi tilted his head and stuck out his tongue to lick her wrist: "Ah Qiao, Ah Qiao, can you put me down? I don't like this posture..." Maybe It has not yet developed into a large wolf. When it was lifted up, Lang Chi's legs unconsciously pulled in the air, and its front paws rested on Hu Qiaoyin's hand, patting it gently.

"Did you do this?" Hu Qiaoyin's scalp was almost blown off. Damn, she had only been out for a few days, and her nest had become a chicken coop, no, even more messy than a chicken coop.

Wherever Lang Chi looked, he could see the cave at a glance. It was a mess. Only the woven nest looked a little neater. The entire cave really looked like it had been robbed by robbers.

"Ouch~Ouch~" Lang Chi looked stiff, ah ah ah, how to break it, how to break it?

He was clearly neat and tidy when he left that day. Why did he look like this when he came here today?

He wanted to say weakly that it was not him. Would Aqiao believe it?

Lang Chi wanted to speak, but his mouth was pinched, so he could only stare with his big round eyes, trying to be cute.

His father has taught him that if he makes a mistake, he will be so pitiful and blink vigorously with his big wet eyes. His mother, because his father can act cute, will handle the mistake lightly.

Lang Chi was still too young, so he naturally saved some face in front of his cubs and closed the door. When the couple were alone together, Lang He was miserable. He was forced to perform acrobatics and learned kneeling abacus from the human world.

Therefore, Lang Chi could always see his father limping out of his mother's place the next day.

One day he asked curiously, and Lang He just glanced at him lightly and said, "You'll know when you have a wife..."

Lang Chi was quite curious. He would ask Ah Qiao later if he knew what his father meant.

But now he has to calm down Ah Qiao's anger. Lang Chi feels guilty. He really didn't mean it, he just misses Ah Qiao too much. Who knows that Ah Qiao is not here, so he... releases his nature... a little bit ...

Lang Chi stretched out his paws and showed off his nails, gesticulating, trying to please Hu Qiao Yinshun, so that he wouldn't be angry, right?

Huqiao Yin's cold face was like Shura's, ruthless and ruthless: "Take care of me, mother, otherwise, you won't be able to enter my cave!"

"No magic is allowed!" Hu Qiaoyin was the supervisor, instructing the wolf Chi to do this and that.

Lang Chi felt in his heart that it was just cleaning up, it was simple!

However, he still underestimated it. Ah Qiao deliberately tormented him. He could finish it in half an hour, but he delayed it for an hour.

Treating him like a puppy and barking around, he was exhausted.

Lang Chi's eyes were full of resentment, and he cursed angrily in his heart. What his father said was all bullshit, and being coquettish and cute was of no use at all!

Ah Qiao has a hard heart and a cold face towards those who make mistakes. He has deeply felt it.

Next time...well, there will never be a next time...

Lang Chi's meek and funny actions finally made Hu Qiaoyin laugh. Since he had a good attitude in admitting his mistakes, he was forgiven this time.

"If I see you tearing down the house like a dog, I will peel off your skin and use it as a cushion!" Hu Qiaoyin threatened viciously.

Lang Chi's head was pounding, and he nodded fiercely to show that he understood. Then he jumped up and saddled the horse, tentatively transformed into a human form, and went over to squeeze her shoulders and hit her back.

Lang Chi has a bright and sunny appearance, a tall and strong body with well-defined muscles, and his silver-white hair is incredibly smooth. His blue eyes are full of joy, which is full of joy for Hu Qiao Yin.

Looking at such a delicious face, the little anger in Hu Qiaoyin's heart also dissipated, "Pinch here..."


"How is this strength?"

"Yes, Not Bad..."

Hu Qiao Yin watched the other party's hands diligently beating her calves, and reached out to touch the other party's flawless muscles.

Lang Chi suddenly trembled, his ears popped out uncontrollably and kept shaking. Under Hu Qiaoyin's exploration, a wave of heat spread from the bottom of his heart to his whole body, turning a pink and crimson color.

"Ah Qiao, I feel a little strange..." Lang Chi felt like he was on fire, his whole body was burning hot, especially where he couldn't control his... impulse...

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