The cannon fodder of Quick Travel got what he wanted

Chapter 351 The vicious fox girl who was exterminated 5

When Hu Yaoqin knew that Hu Qiaoyin was about to enter the golden elixir, she was as jealous as if she had pink eye. As for her, she had not even reached the foundation building stage.

The second and fifth sisters, the worst among the six sisters, have similar cultivation levels to her, and the other sisters have already successfully established their foundation.

Hu Yaoqin finally faced the huge difference in results caused by the talent gap, and she felt unwilling to do so.

If the Fox King were willing to allocate more resources to her, why couldn't she even achieve foundation building?

Hu Yaoqin now goes out and hangs out in Silver Moon Mountain. Wherever she goes, the only thing she hears the demons talk about is the fourth sister who is the proud son of heaven. By the way, she mentions the eldest sister and the third sister who have established foundations.

A nobody like her doesn't deserve to be in their mouths.

Hu Yaoqin was jealous and cursed behind her back, feeling that the entire demon clan was not friendly to her at all.

When she walked outside, some indifferent demons always came up to talk to her, saying that Hu Qiaoyin's talent was so good, and her demon clan would have a backer in the future, and they would not be afraid of the evil tricks of those scheming demon slayers.

The mentality of the demon clan is very simple, and they believe that whoever has a bigger fist has the right to speak.

The same goes for the fight for the living cave. Whoever wins the fight has the right to choose.

There has never been a time when humans, with their sinister hearts, secretly seek revenge and put people to death.

There was a conflict, and there was a fight. The next day, the demon was back to business as usual, holding hands, laughing and cursing.

What Hu Yaoqin is even more resentful about is that with the dazzling light, everyone only pursues this, and cannot see the stars that are also shining brightly next to it.

There was such a natural descendant and future king of the Fox clan, and many people were eyeing the position of Hu Qiaoyin's partner.

There are very few demons in the demon clan who treat the fox queen as wholeheartedly as the fox king. Most of them have polygamous and polyandry relationships.

Only the strong can have many wives or husbands. The demon clan does not reject it, but is very happy with such an emotional connection. They admire and support the strong.

The weak demon wants to be protected and willingly matches the strong one and becomes a husband or wife.

Those with poor talent and low strength like Hu Yaoqin can basically only be paired with demons with yellow-level talents.

Those with higher talent or strength looked down on her and set their sights on Hu Qiao Yin.

During this time, Hu Qiaoyin was spotted by an adult little silver wolf with silver hair and a graceful figure.

Every day she shyly comes hopping over, and when she reaches the entrance of her hole, she hesitates. She is afraid of being expelled. Wouldn't it be a joke to the stupid tiger next door who is eyeing her.

Lang Chi tentatively stretched out a small jiojio and poked it on the ground, go in? Not going in?

Every demon has the habit of confining the chassis. He never dares to step into it. Before forming a partner, only the demon with the closest relationship can enter.

He was afraid that he would be scolded and kicked out if he didn't enter in person, so he looked at his wife and stretched her neck towards the entrance of the cave like a stone.

"Standing at the door and guarding the door? Come in..." Hu Qiaoyin really fell in love with this little silver wolf, well... he fell in love with his beautiful and soft hair. It must feel very good, right?

Lang Chi's ears were extremely sensitive. After hearing this, he became even more shy. Ah, this, she invited me into the cave, does it mean that she likes me?

Only close people can enter the chassis. If he is allowed, does that mean she recognizes her identity?

For a moment, Lang Chi thought of the scene when he peeked at his parents in the hidden grass. The whole wolf's head was burning red, and the silver hair was slightly pink.

too fast?

Does this make you look unreserved?

But his father also said that if he fell in love with a monster, he would rush up to him and take her home. He said that this was how his mother was seduced and brought home.

Lang Chi listened very carefully, for fear of revealing any important points. This was an important experience in chasing a partner, so I wrote it down in a small notebook.


how to say.

What his father said was half true and half false. When he rushed to hook up with her and was about to take her home, he was beaten up by three dozen of his mother's parents, and he limped home...

Lang Chi's mind suddenly became dizzy, and he walked forward unconsciously. Thinking of such scenes between him and A Qiao, his nose felt strange, and something red was shooting out.

So, don’t really listen to what you listen to. This may serve as a lesson learned from the past.

In fact, Lang Chi didn't dare to rush up and take the Aqiao he liked home, because he was afraid of being beaten into a pig's head, which would not be handsome at all.

How could he use this face to seduce Ah Qiao?

Lang Chi didn't want his father to behave like a fool. He was the most sensible person. The opponent was already stronger than him, so when he didn't take action, he thought Ah Qiao was pretty, just like a little girl.

Once he makes a move, he becomes a dominatrix, and he doesn't want to become a prey under the dominatrix's prongs.

Lang Chi initially lost in a game between his kind and was encouraged to take a peek at Hu Qiao Yin.

Good guy, I lost the heart of the wolf at this glance, abandoned the same kind I used to play with, and came to look for Aqiao every day.

Lang Chi puffed up his chest. His talent was quite good, and he had earth-level cultivation and foundation-building cultivation, so he had the courage to pursue others.

It was just that he puffed up his chest and peed on the ground with his nose bleeding in a parabola.

The one who was silent was still silent. The one who shouldn't be silent wanted to explain, but he covered his nose with his hands and feet, and his eyes moved around as if he was explaining. He was obviously covering his nostrils, but his mouth was also sealed, and he was turning around anxiously. , I was so stunned that I couldn’t say even a single word.



I laughed so hard, Lang Chi was so funny, Goose Goose, Hu Qiaoyin really couldn't hold it back, laughing so hard that my stomach hurt from laughing.

Lang Chi's eyes were sad and hopeless. He was obviously fine these days, but why was he so excited when he entered someone else's territory for the first time?

While hurriedly cleaning up after himself, Lang Chi lost his composure, looking as if nothing had happened, and happily fell into Hu Qiaoyin's arms.

He could see Aqiao's eyes shining. His father was unreliable, but he was right. Girls couldn't resist Fuzzy, so this time he came to see him as a prototype, and the hookup was bound to be successful!

As expected, Hu Qiao Yin refused his majestic wolf prototype. Hey, Ah Qiao's arms smelled so good and were so soft.

Hey, soft?

Lang Chi pressed his paw again, then moved away but it was still hot.


Ah Qiao doesn’t think he’s a pervert, right?

Can he say that he didn't do it on purpose?

Hu Qiaoyin patted Lang Chi's butt and stroked his tail: "Lang Chi, you little pervert!"

Lang Chi quickly retracted his paws, covering his eyes with one paw and covering his ears with one paw.

Can't hear, can't hear, he really didn't mean it!

After being spanked on the butt, Lang Chi stiffened, his tail was touched, and he trembled as if he was frightened.

The first reaction was that Ah Qiao took advantage and should be held responsible.

Thinking this way, Lang Chi also said the same thing, "Ah Qiao, only partners can touch your butt and tail. If you touch it, you will be responsible for me..."

"!!!" Hu Qiaoyin looked shocked. She was just combing her hair. How could she be held responsible?

Looking at the palm of her hand, she said faintly: "Then I won't touch it...can I not be responsible?"

Lang Chi, who was struck by lightning, raised his head and accused her with tears in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to cry, which was particularly endearing.

The fox and the wolf looked at each other for three seconds, and the wolf burst out into a world-shattering cry, howling like a husky: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-I have lost my innocence, Aqiao doesn't want me, I, I, I" ...I will be a single wolf from now on...wuwuwu..."

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