The cannon fodder of Quick Travel got what he wanted

Chapter 307 My cousin doesn’t want to be the control group 1

His Highness slept for a month, and he listened to music for a full month. Whenever Xiaojiu closed his eyes, his mind would immediately be filled with the seductive lyrics of a certain song, which would kill him.

I endured the pain in my head and chose a task for His Highness, and then I liberated myself.

Xiaojiu didn't want to hear this song for a short time. It really made her sick and numb...

I don’t dare, I don’t dare anymore.

Xiaojiu said that she didn’t dare to eavesdrop outside the room secretly anymore, wuwuwu...

He murmured in his heart that it wasn't His Highness's cubs who had harmed it. Next time, it would definitely not join in with the cubs.

After Qiao Yin received the memory, he opened his eyes and threw Xiao Jiu out. The orange cat faced the ground, still confused. Wasn't it still in His Highness's consciousness just now?

After rolling around on the ground, Xiaojiu realized that he had become a physical cat. Hey, it's better to be a cat. Cats are so cute. Let's forget about the mice.

At this time, one person and one cat were walking home on their monthly vacation.

The original person is Ruan Qiaoyin, a sophomore in high school. He is studying at No. 1 Middle School in Ninghe County. He just finished his exams last month and is on monthly leave.

The original person's request is that he wants to be free, not get married, and live to old age freely and relaxedly.

This wish was really simple. After Qiao Yin received the memory, she couldn't help but feel distressed. She really felt sorry for the original person.

It's not that she lived a miserable life, but that she felt an invisible pressure and suffocation. She was so depressed and depressed at home that she almost wanted to suffocate herself to death.

At the same time, she desperately longs for her parents' care and love. She doesn't ask for much, she just wants a little bit from her parents so that she can feel valued and warm.

But even such a small request cannot be satisfied. The original person feels lonely and lacks love, and hopes to get the attention and care of his parents.

But in the original life of more than ten years, before entering high school, parents raised their children in a completely free-range way.

She turns out to be a well-behaved and sensible girl in the true sense. Because she is the eldest in the family, she also tries her best to help her parents do what they can. She takes the initiative to do housework, study well, does not compete with her younger brothers, and is considerate to her parents.

There is a saying that goes well: children who cry get candy, and children who make trouble get more attention and love from their parents.

The original person was afraid that his parents would give up on him, that they would no longer support him, that they would not care about him and try their best to please them, and he did not dare to have the slightest bit of resistance. Even if he did, he would say the words to adults: "You are like this, I won’t care about you anymore.” He immediately lowered his head to show weakness, lowering his head to show that he didn’t dare to disobey.

The eldest child will always be treated unfairly because she is the older sister and because she is older than them by a few years, so she has to be patient and do more things.

The original person has heard these words since she was a child. She has been obedient, well-behaved and sensible since she was a child. She did not reply.

But her well-behaved and sensible performance did not win the attention of her parents. They saw it in their eyes, but they would not say anything or praise her. Even if they said a little bit about what you did well or what you did well, they never mentioned it. .

If you have many children, your parents' love is destined to be unevenly distributed in three parts.

She actually doesn't care too much about her preference for her younger brothers. Her younger brothers are still young, noisy and ignorant, so her parents will naturally worry a lot.

However, what makes her sad is that despite being a free-spirited person who has never cared about her studies, she praises her cousin again and again to her uncle on the other end of the phone, while belittling herself.

She said that she was not sensible, that her parents had to worry about her, and that she could only learn so much, and that she was not as good as her cousin.

My uncle's cousin is good at studies, is tall, can cook, and does housework. In short, everything good belongs to her cousin. As for her, her parents say she is not very good at studies, and she doesn't know how to cook at this age. Cai, she is still short, not as good as her cousin in every aspect.

Every time we talk on the phone, he must belittle himself and promote his cousin in front of her. She is like the control group of the excellent cousin, a stupid person who is useless at everything, blind at everything, and can't learn anything.

At home, the original person was really depressed and depressed, and she once wanted to escape from this home that made her breathless and suffocating.

Her parents never praised her. They always used words of suppression: "You can't do it", "You can't do it", "You're not that smart", "That's right, you just can't do it, you don't have the ability", "If only you were as good as your cousin." "...

It seemed that nothing she could do was good, everything she did was wrong, nothing could be accomplished, and nothing could be done.

In such an environment, the original person became timid, sensitive and indifferent, shrinking and lacking in self-confidence. When she was in elementary school, she never dared to raise her head when walking home because the eyes of those around her would make her feel uneasy and scared.

Until high school, she never made a close friend.

She yearns for friendship and wants to make friends with others, but she doesn't dare to open her heart, cannot trust others, and always adds layers of defenses to others.

On the outside, it is peaceful and harmless, but on the inside, it is as lonely and unruffled as a desert.

Sensitive and timid, with low self-esteem and extremely vigilant, no one can get into her heart.

As she grew up, she was familiar with the world and had a very pessimistic outlook on emotions. Once something happened, she would subconsciously think about the worst-case scenario.

The same was true when she had a boyfriend. She didn't dare to let her family know. Similarly, she analyzed the pros and cons calmly and coldly, and she had already determined their final outcome in her heart, and they would not reach the end.

She had always thought like this. She was not sad or sad when she separated from her boyfriend. She felt a little bit melancholy. After that, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had let go of a heavy burden.

The original body felt that she had no ability to love, and she could not appreciate the taste of love. Her heart was like a dry well that had been dry for hundreds of years. Living water could not enter or flow up. It would always be like a cold, empty and lifeless desert. It is deserted, no one can be stationed in it, and no one can cause inner fluctuations.

From the second year of high school, her uncle's family moved here and became neighbors with them, and her nightmare career officially began.

My cousin is the white swan, and she is the ugly duckling that will never change.

The original person was afraid to go home, did not dare to go home, and resisted going home. She wanted to escape from that heavy and depressing place.

Home is not a shelter from the wind, but a crematorium that makes her nervous, irritable, emotionally out of control, unable to control herself, wanting to yell and complain.

People of that generation seemed to have a prejudice against girls. Their parents said, "You don't know anything, what will you do with your life!"

Said, "In the past, girls did all the housework and cooking. It has always been like this."

Said, "When you get married and start a family, you will know how difficult it is to support a family..."

Said, "Girls have to do this and that...otherwise it will be very difficult when you go to someone else's house!"

The original person simply asked, "Then my brother is more difficult to deal with. It doesn't cost a lot of money to get a wife..."

Then, the daughter of the father's eldest sister said: "When you get married, your brother will have money to marry a wife..."

The original person was really shocked and didn't know what to say. She had already had a guess in her mind. When she heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

The original person finally married the person introduced by a relative. The man was a little over 6 meters tall, honest and sincere, looked nervous and nervous, and had a clumsy mouth. He couldn't even pronounce a few words.

The original person was actually a bit resistant, but her parents scolded her, saying that it would be nice if someone like her wanted someone.

The original person did not refute, but silently accepted it.

I just didn't expect that after the original child gave birth to a child, he died of depression early before he was in his fifties.

As for her parents, I don’t know whether it’s regret or heartache. They were crying and scolding her. Why is she so useless? What’s wrong with her? They’ve been through ups and downs for so many years and they’re not depressed. What’s wrong with you as a junior? You’re so young. It's easy, just go...

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