The cannon fodder of Quick Travel got what he wanted

Chapter 260 Improper repayment of gratitude 4

"Okay, don't mention the male protagonist, it's bad luck!" Luo Qiaoyin's soul is powerful, and he is slowly nourishing the body. He took another Strengthening Pill and Peiyuan Pill, and his pale face became rosy, unlike the one just now. Generally speaking, his face was as pale as if he had been coated with several thick layers of white powder.

"Yes, yes, everything your Highness said is right. The male protagonist is just unlucky, ah~" After watching so many TV series about Mr. Ba, Xiaojiu will still be shocked by the character of the male protagonist in the world. Oh my god, how could this happen? Oh, what do you think of choosing a man with such no character as the male lead? Tsk...

Luo Qiaoyin silently kicked Xiao Jiu, and Xiao Jiu immediately curled up into a ball, rolled around, and then rolled back.

It felt aggrieved to be kicked, but Xiao Jiu did not dare to speak. This was all his choice. His Highness would take it out now, and he would not cheat him in the future.

The place where Luo Qiaoyin lived was a civilian area, a metallic-shined bungalow that was quite small, only about ten square meters, and the rental fee was two thousand five thousand per month.

It was just a rectangular open space. Because there were a lot of miscellaneous things piled up, and the hard bed, it looked a bit crowded.

She was upset just looking at it. When had she ever lived in such a small house? The sight of all the clutter made her eyes hurt.

Unable to bear it anymore, Luo Qiaoyin planned to go to the mine to mine today, find out the valuable energy ore, and then move to a spacious and quiet place to live.

There are everyone in the civilian area. The rent of 2,000 credit points is too expensive for ordinary people, so they can only rent simple tents to protect themselves from the wind and rain. The more expensive ones have doors, and the lower ones even There is no door, it is just wide open. If there is no adult watching, the house may be robbed.

Petty theft is common in civilian areas, and it is also quite chaotic. The people in charge are really blind, and they will not meddle in other people's business as long as they don't make it obvious.

Fortunately, her metal bungalow has a door with a fingerprint lock, so thieves can't get in. It's like a completely enclosed air-raid shelter, and it's better to be more expensive.

Of course, almost no one faulted her. Someone tried to rob something before and was beaten to death. When people in the civilian area saw it, no one dared to come forward to intercede.

People's hearts are indifferent. As long as they are not their relatives, who cares?

Even if they are relatives, there is nothing they can do if they take the initiative to be mean. Ordinary people would not dare to deal with people with super powers.

The original person has a clear distinction between good and evil. After all, she has hunted mutant beasts outside. She shows no mercy to this kind of viciousness. People look at her and say, she is an evil female goddess who cannot be offended.

The impression given by wood-type superpowers is that they are peaceful, kind and gentle, and have a very good affinity with natural plants. They must advocate peace, and are not the kind of violent superpowers who get angry at the slightest disagreement.

She refreshed people's understanding. Seeing a wood-type superpower who was particularly irritable, everyone did not dare to speak out, silently sympathizing with the person who committed the crime, and secretly talking about her for being so cruel and beating people like this. Unfortunately, it will cost a lot to recuperate.

Debates are debates, but no one has the courage to ask her to compensate her for credit points.

The status of ordinary people is lower than that of people with super powers. It is not without explanation.

The safe zone needs the protection of superpowers. Ordinary people cannot make any special contributions and can only retreat again and again.

Otherwise, everyone is obsessed with becoming a superpower. Who doesn’t want to get rid of the humiliated position and become a master?

As soon as Luo Qiaoyin came out of the room, he looked up and saw that the sky was gray and there were harsh, uncomfortable, invisible substances floating in the air. There was no bright color, and the earth seemed to be covered by a huge black transparent mist. Wrapped in gauze, it is depressing and dull, and the tip of the heart is stained with darkness. There is no vitality at all, and it is so lifeless that it makes people want to escape.

At that moment, Luo Qiaoyin felt that his superpower was constantly being eroded by the environment, slowly seeping into his body step by step. This process was very slow, little by little, very little, but over many years, When it accumulates to a certain level and reaches qualitative change after quantitative change, it will detonate genetic diseases in the body.

Luo Qiaoyin just frowned slightly. Genetic diseases were the mainstream in this world, and she didn't want to control them. She just compressed these gathered things to the extreme, and they would explode when she wanted to leave or die.

Looking up, it was either a bungalow with a metal house like hers or a tent house, all large and small mixed in, and it looked quite messy and artistic.

Luo Qiaoyin felt it. His wood power was at the peak of the fourth level, with a hint of looseness as he progressed. His ice power was at the second level, so his attack power was lacking.

There are many ways to improve abilities, but they are not easy. Regarding abilities, the best policy is to work slowly and steadily. Taking shortcuts, which will leak like a leaking balloon when you poke it, is not advisable.

Luo Qiaoyin touched his chin. In fact, wood-type powers can also have very powerful attack power, but they are tightly constrained by their inherent thinking. Subconsciously, wood-type powers can only be used as backup personnel to cultivate natural food.

Wood-type superpowers are very effective in taming mutant plants. You can tame them for your own use. If the superpowers are powerful and can control many, wouldn't it be quite interesting to lead the mutant plants to carve out a bloody path, a path to becoming strong?

After level five, a person with superpowers can release plant vines to increase their combat power, which can also play a considerable role when the team is hunting.

It is often very difficult to improve superpowers. If it were that simple, everyone would be a powerful superpower user.

Level 5 is a watershed. Once you cross it, your strength will be greatly enhanced. It will be a qualitative leap, and it will be a talent that mercenary groups compete for.

Luo Qiaoyin plans to raise her own power level to level six. For others, it is very difficult, but for her, as long as she gets the resources she has obtained and enjoys them herself, she can improve them.

It's not because the original body cared about the male protagonist and gave him everything. When he died, he was only a fourth-level superpower.

Thinking about it makes her very unhappy. This time, she took advantage of her own opportunity as early as possible to improve herself, and what she eats is real.

The difference between superpowers and ordinary people is very obvious. If you look carefully, superpowers are all strong and well-built. Except for those with natural skin color, the complexion of superpowers is generally much fairer than that of ordinary people.

Ordinary people are yellow and black, with a thin body and protruding cheekbones. At first glance, they look like wooden people who are underfed, suffering, and suffering from radiation erosion, with numb faces and lackluster eyes.

Ordinary people have a stubborn quality of survival. Even if life is miserable, survival is difficult, life is hopeless, and life is a pity, they can still live well.

The water in Luoqiao Yinxin Lake fluctuated slightly, and then became calm. After all, this was the law of survival in the world, and she did not want to interfere.

Walking on long legs, go to the mine.

What made her feel slightly better was that she was 1.75 meters tall, neither too tall nor too short, with a graceful and graceful figure, graceful and slender, good looks, soft yet strong, perfect almond-shaped eyes with clear black and white, and her eyes were flowing and shining with hope. Her whole body was dyed pure and playful, otherwise she wouldn't be able to charm the man who wanted to marry her.

It's a pity that the man was not lucky and died early.

The face of the man who died prematurely flashed through Luo Qiaoyin's mind, and he couldn't help but secretly thought it was a pity. He was a handsome man, and his looks were not bad either. He was quite to her liking.

"Your Highness, wait a minute~"

Xiao Jiu didn't know whether he walked with his feet or his front paws. During the years he was a cat, he always walked on all fours, but this mouse that looked like a prairie dog made his brain go crazy and he used his feet and hands. It didn't feel right, so I finally decided to use all fours.

"It's not okay. A rat as big as you is following me. If you don't know, you might think it's a mutant rat. I don't keep pets like you..." Luo Qiaoyin walked forward with a bit of disgust, but he didn't care at all. Pay attention to the little nine behind her who can't keep up with her.

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