The cannon fodder of Quick Travel got what he wanted

Chapter 133 My sister is the group’s favorite little lucky star 2

After He Lingzi is enlightened by He Xian, there will be three drops of water marks between the eyebrows, which cannot be erased or copied.

If it's a fake, you can tell at a glance. The real pattern glows with a faint golden light in the sun, while the fake one doesn't.

Furthermore, every fishing village, fishing town, and fishing town enshrines a stone statue of a river fairy. If it is real or fake, you can kneel down in front of it and the river fairy can tell the difference.

Pretending to be a He Lingzi was illegal in the Yu Dynasty. Not only would he be punished by the Hexian, which would affect his lifespan, but he would also be imprisoned by the government for violating the law and despising the Hexian, and be exiled to the most remote mine to mine coal for ten years. Years, these ten years may not last, and people will die.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, once they are enlightened by the River Immortal and transformed into He Lingzi, their status is comparable to that of a prince or princess.

Although there are elements of exaggeration, it is indeed the case.

Except for the emperor who only needs to bow his hands as a salute, all others can salute as their peers. You don't even need to salute at all.

In other words, as long as you don't rebel, you will have no worries about food and clothing, wealth and prosperity in this life.

Marriage between men and women will be smoother. As long as you are He Lingzi, you can marry whomever you want to marry and obtain the consent of the other party.

When a female He Lingzi appears in the world, she is sought after by hundreds of families, and often ends up falling into the royal family and marrying the prince.

The royal family also needs He Lingzi to consolidate its status. If there are many royal princes, and you don't like this, you can still choose. Not to mention, it's like choosing a husband from a real marriage between two countries and a princess from one country.

It is not a fantasy to marry into the royal family just by virtue of her identity as He Lingzi. Most of the female He Lingzi married princes. Some of the lucky ones gave birth to children who were inspired by He Xian and became He Lingzi.

Why did the royal family want to win over He Lingzi? Because in this era when everyone worships and believes in He Xian, He Xian is the most powerful and majestic in the hearts of the people. The prestige of He Xian far exceeds that of the royal family.

The royal family leads the Yu Dynasty, and there must be He Lingzi among them. Otherwise, the people will feel that the royal family does not have He Lingzi. Is He Xian dissatisfied with it?

The second is that very few members of the royal family are inspired by the River Immortal to become Helingzi. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. If you have one, you have to give up the other.

How can it be so good to have both?

The princess may still become He Lingzi, but the prince basically has no chance of becoming He Lingzi.

The high-level He Lingzi breeds spiritual fish that are fed back by spiritual energy and have a long lifespan, and can live nearly three hundred years. The low-level He Lingzi's lifespan is only two hundred years old.

Emperors are afraid of death, especially when they are about to abdicate in old age. Imperial power is so fascinating. If you can be an emperor for a long time, who wants to wait for bliss early?

The emperor was very jealous that He Lingzi could live to such a long age, but there was nothing he could do. If he wanted to live a long time, he could only do his best to recruit high-level He Lingzi, eat high-level spiritual fish, and try his best to live as long as possible. Some.

As for reaching He Lingzi's age, that's a bit wishful thinking...

A small number of women, He Lingzi, think that the royal family has many rules and like to be free and unwilling to marry into the royal family. The royal family does not embarrass them. He Lingzi has a backer behind her. What unsighted head would dare to embarrass her?

However, there are few families that refuse He Lingzi to marry. After all, one person can ascend to heaven with a chicken or a dog. Obtaining He Lingzi is equivalent to having the protection of He Lingzi, and it can also extend his life. Others have He Lingzi's Everyone would be envious, jealous, and resentful, and their dignity and status would naturally increase. It was too late for the family to be happy, so how could they think of shutting out He Lingzi?

The He Lingzi enlightened by He Xian are not treacherous and evil people. Those He Lingzi are good people. The power of faith they generate or seize from the people around them continuously supplies He Xian, thereby increasing their strength and strength. Once it rises, the spiritual energy produced by the Hexian is transported to the world under its control. It comes and goes, forming a closed loop. It is beneficial to the Hexian, to the Helingzi, and to the people. Isn't it beautiful?

He Lingzi has many privileges, such as exemption from taxes on 100 acres of land, free sea breeding rights, etc.

While enjoying the many benefits of the court, He Lingzi also had to pay taxes. Like ordinary common people, half of the fish tax and half of the money tax were paid. He Lingzi had to pay the fish tax, which must be a spirit fish, and he had to pay it every six months. A spiritual fish tax of at least sixty fish.

For He Lingzi, it just leaks out from between the fingers. The growth cycle of the spirit fish is much shorter than that of ordinary fish. With the blessing of spiritual energy, the spirit fish matures every two to three months, and the output is small. There are over a hundred items, and there is no limit to the number of items available.

If He Lingzi is strong, he can harvest thousands of spiritual fish.

This type of He Lingzi is rare, and only high-level He Lingzi can reach this level, but high-level He Lingzi is even rarer, not one has been seen for hundreds of years, and most of them are low-level He Lingzi.

Qi Qiaoyin touched his chin, why is the river immortal not the river immortal? She wanted to see what kind of river fairy this was, and could it surpass her dragon?

Well, she can't see it now. She looks at her small body and plump little hands. She looks down and feels dizzy. This bed is so high. She is so small. If she falls, she won't change. Into meatloaf?

"Your Highness, you won't. At most, you will suffer intracranial bleeding and become a vegetative state. Don't worry, Your Highness is still cute..." It was time to lie down. Xiaojiu came out of the small dark room and started to bang. Replied with a bang.

Qi Qiaoyin slapped Xiao Jiu back against the wall behind the big black iron window, "Get out of here~"

Xiaojiu stiffly dug the cat's face off the wall, and pulled the cat's small body off hard. It hurt, oooh, oooh, it didn't say anything, it just told the truth, why did your highness hit it? It, 嘤嘤嘤~

As soon as Xiaojiu fluttered its cat legs and went out, the cold big iron window closed with a bang, and its cat face slammed into the big iron door that seemed to be mocking it mercilessly.

Isn't this a curse on her?

If you remember to eat and not to fight, you should reflect on it.

Qiqiao Yin was only six years old. He stretched out his head and looked at his short hands and legs. He was really tall. He didn't dare to get out of bed. What if he fell and broke his legs?

The bed she was lying on was a wooden bed with a hollowed-out base. Although it was leaning against a corner wall, it would shake whenever she turned over. She moved her butt slightly, and the bed began to shake, which scared her to the point of stiffness. , dare not move at all.

Touching the back of her head, she remembered where the wound came from. Well, her good brother Qi Xingjing, who had raised her wholeheartedly, saw her sister Qi Fuxin fall, and she walked behind Qi Fuxin again, so Qi Xingjing Thinking that it was her who caused Qi Fuxin to fall, he rushed towards her like a small cannonball and pushed her. She was unlucky. The back of her head hit the bumpy ground and she fainted.

At that time, Qi Qiaoyin saw that her grandparents wanted to adopt her to her eldest grandfather. She didn't want to, so she wanted to refuse. Qi Xingjing was pushed and fell.

When she woke up, it was a done deal. She had registered with her grandfather and became his granddaughter.

Why adoptive?

It's not that the Qi family owed their life to the grandpa's family. His eldest son was out fishing at sea and saved his uncle Qi Ruiwen when he was in trouble, but he himself lost his life.

The eldest grandpa’s family only has one son. The eldest grandma gave birth to a child a few years ago, so there are only two father and son in the family. With the son gone, the eldest grandpa is alone and has no support for the rest of his life. Everyone in Qiyu Village sympathizes with Uncle Qi very much, plus everyone Everyone knows how Uncle Qi doesn’t have a son. This kind of kindness, especially the kindness of human life, is hard to repay.

The Qi family has also been worried for a full year. After much thought, they finally came up with a way to adopt an adopted child. They couldn't bear to adopt a male child, and they only had two female children. Qi Fuxin was their beloved granddaughter of Lucky Star, and they couldn't adopt an adopted child. The candidate naturally fell on Qi Qiao Yin.

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