"Didn't He Wanran say that giving the heart to someone else is a good deed? Then let her experience it for once." He Qiaoyin sneered, trying to see if it would hurt when the knife stabbed himself.

Whether it complies or not, it must comply.

Bai Sicheng woke up and realized he was scared. He didn't want to experience the feeling of fainting again.

So, I asked someone to check on all the people close to me.

He never expected that the person who was most compatible with him was his wife, He Wanran.

After all, Bai Sicheng didn't love He Wanran very much, especially when his life was threatened, he considered himself first.

You can have many women, but you only have one life.

But she was pregnant and it was not suitable for her to have a heart transplant.

Bai Sicheng waited patiently. After the child was born, it was the perfect time for her to go abroad for her honeymoon. By then, He Wanran would not be able to escape.

That's right, the two of them should be locked up and not harm innocent people.

He's mother was worried about He Wanran, so she went to her house to comfort her, but was verbally abused, which made her very sad.

He Juncheng felt that his mother was just looking for trouble. No one needed her, but she still came to the house to be bullied. It was really speechless.

He's mother didn't want her son to say that about He Wanran, "She is your sister after all."

"Does she treat me as her brother?" He Juncheng's face was gloomy.

Originally, He Juncheng was very close to He Wanran when he was a child. Unexpectedly, He Wanran pushed him down the stairs in order to snatch the pocket money from him.

He Juncheng broke his arm on the spot and it took him a month to recover.

The culprit was beaten up by He's father, but he didn't take it seriously at all and didn't even apologize.

From then on, he no longer considered He Wanran as his sister.

Mother He was speechless for a moment and complained: "It's been so long since the incident happened. How can you, as a younger brother, be so stingy? Can't you forgive your sister?"

"Mom, if she had apologized, I wouldn't have been so angry. The key is whether she really admitted her mistake?" He Juncheng looked at his mother with an extremely unfamiliar look.

He Wanran was already in a disadvantaged position, and her mother used to favor her. Now seeing her suffering like this, the maternal love and pity in her heart surged up again.

In her opinion, He Qiaoyin and He Juncheng have no worries about food and clothing, and can also go to school.

He Wanran went out to work at a young age and was deceived by a white-haired man.

Since Bai Sicheng never came to visit, He's mother felt that He Wanran was looked down upon and felt even more pity for her.

He's father looked at He's mother like she was a fool. "If I push you down the stairs, can you live under the same roof with me without any grudges?"

When asked, He's mother stammered, "But Wanran is so pitiful. That man didn't even want to host a banquet."

"Did we let He Wanran run away with that man? Did we force her to take her ID card to get the marriage certificate? He's father was exhausted. He had completely given up on his daughter He Wanran and no longer worried about her.

Starting from the age of nine, I had to prepare a meal of fried bamboo shoots with pork almost every year. After being beaten and scolded, I knew I was wrong and would not do it again.

But He Wanran didn't think there was anything wrong with her at all. Sometimes, He's father even saw hatred in He Wanran's eyes.

His heart sank. What's the point of raising such an ungrateful daughter?

"If you are willing to be her slave, then go ahead and do it. Don't force us to work like her slaves." He's father said.

He's mother complained, "Why doesn't your father care about your sister at all?"

He Qiaoyin rolled his eyes and said, "Then you can feel sorry for them and cook for them."

He's mother hoped that her two sons would feel sorry for him, but she didn't expect that each of them spoke more harshly than the other.

"No, I don't need a sister who almost scalded me while playing in the water, nor do I need a sister who pinches me behind my back." He Qiaoyin predicted what He's mother would say next. It was the same two sentences over and over again, which made his ears sick of hearing them.

He's mother looked embarrassed and recalled old memories.

"Tell me, what did we do to slander He Wanran? Instead, we often take the blame for He Wanran. One time, He Wanran stole your money, but you questioned my brother and me. Do my brother and I look like troublemakers? Or are we so well-behaved and sensible that you have the illusion that we can be bullied at will?" He Juncheng's expression of disgust was as strong as ever. When he talked about He Wanran's deeds, he could not finish even in three hours.

He's mother was in a daze. Her two sons were so hostile towards He Wanran.

When Grandma He came back and saw that Mother He was in a bad mood, she knew that she had been ill for no apparent reason again. "If you have nothing to do, go and be a babysitter for your good daughter, and don't bother our two eldest grandsons."

Mother He can show off her power in front of her two sons, but she doesn't dare to show off in front of Grandma He.

I don’t know what went wrong that made He’s mother become like this.

It doesn’t matter anyway. No matter how He’s mother changes, He’s father and He’s grandmother will support her.

He just wants to make sure Grandma He lives a long and healthy life, and everything will be fine.

He's mother only went to He Wanran's rental house to cook and act as a nanny on Sundays.

On this day, the family went out to climb a mountain and have a big meal, and no one mentioned He's mother.

It’s not that they are ungrateful, but they once went out with He’s mother before.

He's mother inexplicably put on a motherly look, looking very worried. She kept muttering all the way, saying that He Wanran had never enjoyed these things.

The harmonious and joyful atmosphere immediately became extremely stiff, and no one wanted to go out with He's mother anymore.

He Wanran was not liked by He's mother in any way, but she accepted her mother's service with peace of mind and even complained that she was not dexterous enough.

Every time He's mother asked Bai Sicheng if she had a job, He Wanran would explode like a firecracker, leaving He's mother speechless.

It was the same this time. As a result, He Wanran was too pregnant and became emotional, so she gave birth prematurely.

When He Wanran was sent to the ambulance, she was still cursing, saying that He's mother had bad intentions and deliberately made her angry and give birth prematurely.

He's mother didn't even get on the ambulance. Riding a bicycle was too slow, and she didn't want to waste money, so she took a taxi to the hospital for the first time.

It was not enough for her to worry alone, she also dragged He's father and others into worrying too.

They kept making phone calls along the way. As soon as Mr. He saw the call from Mr. He's mother, he immediately didn't want to answer it.

The first time He's mother called, He's father answered the phone immediately, thinking something had happened.

As a result, He's mother asked: "What should I do? Wanran's fetus is moving and she keeps crying in pain. Will something happen?"

The second time, He's mother cried and complained: "I made meals for pregnant women, but Wanran refused to eat them. She ordered takeout, but takeout is not clean. Why should she eat barbecue..."

He just talks about trivial things, which is so annoying.

Whenever He's mother went to He Wanran's place, He's father would not answer the phone.

The family was having a great time, but then a phone call came in and made them feel uncomfortable.

Grandma He felt unlucky and said, "Don't answer the phone. Let her worry about it herself."

The whole family didn't take it seriously. Even when He's mother didn't come back in the middle of the night, no one was worried.

But He's father was woken up by a phone call in the middle of the night. On the other end of the phone, He's mother happily announced the good news: "You are going to be a grandfather, are you happy?"

He's father wanted to curse, but he held back and hung up the phone with a gloomy face. What a grandpa, who will be the grandpa of that ungrateful kid first? !

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