The cannon fodder of Quick Travel got what he wanted

Chapter 1027: Natural Disaster Survival 25

"Zhao Qi, don't do this, I'm scared..." Lin Xiyao struggled like a catfish, but Zhao Qi's grip was so strong that she couldn't break free at all.

"Xiyao, I know you love me too. We will never be separated in this life!" Zhao Qi's face changed drastically. Lin Xiyao suddenly bit the soft flesh on his arm, and he groaned in pain.

"Wuuuu, please let me go, I don't want to die, I'm still young..." Lin Xiyao did not forget to shout for help, but unfortunately her dogs were busy and had no time to pay attention to her.

With their lives on the line, they didn't want to be buried here, and they were overwhelmed. Lin Xiyao could only wish for the best.

They all lay on the ground, and soon the mutant blue rats swarmed over them. The moment Zhao Qi's neck was bitten off, he was freed.

Lin Xiyao died with her eyes open. She hated Zhao Qi to death. She clearly had a chance to survive.

I also hate that bitch He Xin for slapping them down.

A group of fools and their lackeys all went into the mutant blue rats' stomachs, which made the mutant blue rats' stomachs very full.

The fat man felt creepy, thinking that Chu Tianze had pushed him out and he almost died in their stomachs. Now he felt lucky to have saved his life.

Ji Qiaoyin and his group of five had seen many deaths before, so they didn't even frown at such a small scene.

In fact, He Xin wanted to teach them a lesson and didn't want to hurt anyone.

The next second, I heard Miss Ji say that Lin Xiyao and her group had killed many innocent people on the road, and all the pity and sympathy were gone.

Many passers-by used their lives as catalysts for the love between Lin Xiyao and the dogs. Isn't that disgusting?

Lin Xiyao was a kind-hearted saint who saved people, but then she had a conflict with the survivors and the bootlickers.

After the bootlickers reconciled with Lin Xiyao, they began to resent the rescued survivors, believing that it was their fault that led to the emotional crisis between them and their beloved Xiyao.

Lin Xiyao only asked a few questions about the missing survivors, and the lickspittles replied that they were afraid that Lin Xiyao would ask for reward and left without saying goodbye.

These are what Xiaojiu dug out after digging deep into the affairs of Lin Xiyao and her bootlickers. They were saving people while harming them, and only two or three people were actually rescued as survivors.

Ji Qiaoyin was speechless. "This is not a saint, this is the King of Hell. He gave them a chance to live, but they lived for a few minutes and then died."

It’s better not to save him, at least there is a possibility of survival.

After the mutated blue rat had almost digested everything, Ji Qiaoyin asked them to kill the mutated blue rat. With Xiao Lan's help, the mutated blue rat died quickly.

The fat man didn't know why he didn't leave first. He looked at Ji Qiaoyin and his group who were showing their great power and easily dealt with the mutant blue rats, and he couldn't stop envy.

He shamelessly wanted to follow them to the base, and the fat man reluctantly took out a hundred crystal beads as a reward.

Ji Qiaoyin didn't want it, but just told the fat man that he would stay outside for a while.

The fat man quickly said, "It's okay, it's okay."

As long as we can get back to the base in the end, it will be fine. This time, the fat guy has become more careful and he must be more careful in judging people next time.

Ji Qiaoyin and his group gradually collected some food crops, then passed by a clinic and looted everything in the clinic. Just as they were about to leave, a few survivors jumped out from the basement utility room and asked them to hand over their belongings or they would be sent to the base safely.

The four mature people looked at the sky, the earth and the air, but Ji Qiao and Yin ignored them. The fat man thought that these people were fools.

Is this the attitude when asking for help?

Without paying any attention to the survivor who was jumping up and down behind him, Ji Qiaoyin walked out of the clinic and drove away.

The two male and two female survivors couldn't help but curse at them, saying that they were inhumane and cold-blooded.

In today's world, people with humanity are being held hostage by morality, which is a thankless task.

Who wants to be a fool who does good things and then is forced to do good things?

Seeing that there was no way they could rely on them, the four of them hurriedly packed up their things and drove the tricycle at the door to follow Ji Qiao Yin.

After seeing how powerful they were, their attitude immediately changed. They tried to get close to He Xin and the other three. The man showed his friendliness to He Xin, and the woman winked at Lao Cheng and the other three.

The four people who were completely ignorant of romance didn't react at all. They jumped up and down for a long time, and after acting like clowns, they were resentful again in their hearts.

The fat guy was mistaken for being in the same group as the others. When one of the girls approached him, he was so frightened that he ran away as if his whole body was covered with thorns.

His father said that anyone who comes up to him for no reason is not a good person.

He himself is an evolved human, and the four of them are all ordinary people, so naturally they want to seek protection.

Along the way, the two groups of people had clear boundaries between them. Neither of them took advantage of others, nor did they want to be taken advantage of.

Seeing that Ji Qiaoyin and his team were dealing with the mutated animals and plants with great ease, they tried to get a piece of the pie. As a result, they were almost beaten to death by the mutated plants and dragged out. If it weren't for the fat man's help, they would have died.

As a result, the fat man got nothing good. The man was full of resentment, thinking that if the fat man had helped him earlier, he would not have been dragged so far away and suffered.

The fat man who used to be kind-hearted is no longer kind.

I cursed in my heart, damn it, if I help him again in the future, he will be a pig!

On the way, we met another evolution team, who were also heading to the Jincheng base.

Seeing that Ji Qiaoyin and the others were so powerful, he took the initiative to suggest going together, believing that there is strength in numbers.

As a diplomatic spokesperson, He Xin politely declined and stated that they would not help him protect the people in his own team.

Ian was not unhappy about being rejected, but some people in the team were quite dissatisfied and felt that they were ungrateful.

As the captain, Yi Anzheng still had a lot of prestige. He scolded his team members and they immediately fell silent.

Ji Qiaoyin and his group started cooking on the spot. He Xin's cooking skills were really good. The weather was getting colder, and it was especially enjoyable to drink a sip of warm chicken soup.

They ate with relish as if no one was around. Many people couldn't stand the aroma and kept swallowing their saliva and drooling.

The four people joined Yi Anzheng's team and provided a lot of information.

The smell was so strong that Ian lost his appetite even when he was eating bread.

Fortunately, I still had some perseverance and was able to hold it in, but the other survivors in the team couldn't stand it, especially the two children who kept clamoring for meat.

Ian was doing what he said and didn't hear anything. It was already very good to be given shelter. If he wanted something, he should go and get it himself.

The chicken soup that the fat man ate was exchanged for by his crystal beads. He was once again secretly delighted and followed Ji Qiaoyin and the others. The meals were particularly delicious.

Probably because the fat man was particularly kind, the two people, a man who lost his wife and had children to take care of, and a woman who lost her husband and had children to take care of, all came to him.

The fat man said enthusiastically and sincerely, "If you want chicken soup, you can buy it with crystal beads. Thirty crystal beads a bowl. Isn't that cheap?"



They came to take advantage, and even if they had crystal beads, they were reluctant to spend them.

They thought that the fat man would be kind and sympathetic and help buy a portion for their skinny children.

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