HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 98 Lower your head, little lion

"Sev...run...escape..." Lily's stiff tongue could only help her say this sentence vaguely.

She regretted it, not only her, but everyone at this time deeply regretted it.

Will they be eaten by these snake demons? They are so thick that their bodies are almost as big as their waists.

It is said that snakes can eat several times their food with their mouths wide open.

Even if you can't eat it at first, you can wrap it tightly and crush your bones, but you can still swallow it...

Were their bones crushed?

Maybe... I don't know... because the body has lost consciousness, and only the snake scales are rolling in front of them, wrapping them, seeming to be moving, and seeming to compete with each other for who can eat them better.

It was too scary. There were only endless snake demons in the field of vision. By the time the professors found them, they might not even have any bones left.

Only Severus, who pretended to be equally stiff, had a buzzing in his head, filled with Halbo's humming: [Why hasn't the master come yet...]

[Helbo is hungry, can he have a midnight snack? 】

[It shouldn’t matter if you eat one...]

Only the main body of their bodies was petrified, and their eyes and ears were always conscious. Therefore, after rolling around for several times, the little wizards saw that they were getting closer and closer to the stone statue in the center. The white basilisk emerged from the stone statue's open mouth. climb out.

Lily opened her eyes wide and tried to call Haierbo for help. Unexpectedly, she saw the basilisk, which had been eating snacks in an obedient manner a few days ago, opened its mouth and bit several giant snakes into its mouth.

Black and red blood spattered instantly. The snake demon that was extremely cruel to them struggled but could not escape. Instead, Haierbo shook his head as if he was irritated, threw up the snake demon that had been bitten by different lengths, and then raised his head to take a bite. Eat.

The terrifying crunching sound of bones being chewed echoed in the silent chamber.

How terrifying is the bite force of Haierbo? It cannot be completely said that the snake demon cannot escape. Several of them were broken when it first bit it, and half of the body fell and rolled on the ground.

They didn't know why these basilisks didn't know how to be afraid and run away. Now their minds were completely blank. Mary and Monica even thought that they would be eaten by this basilisk in a while.

Seeing that the basilisk seemed to be addicted after taking one bite, it whined and bit into several pieces again like an excavator. Mary, the timidest one, was about to faint. Severus quickly sent a message in his mind, [Helbo, where is Miss Catherine? ? Don't eat it, they will faint from fear! 】

【Well? 】 Haierbo was stunned, and then a few more half-length snake demons fell down.

Mary fainted completely.

Haierbo seemed to have just noticed this. He suddenly thrust his head over and used his head to push away the snake demon that was entangled with Mary.

Each of them was wrapped into a cocoon by the snake demon, with only their faces exposed to let them breathe. This was not to scare them intentionally, but because he was afraid that they would petrify and fall down and damage themselves. Haierbo felt that he was quite considerate. .

[You were fine just now, why did you faint now? 】Helpo cupped Mary who was facing down, to prevent her from suffocating, so he cupped her face up.

Others couldn't see what Haierbo was doing. They only knew that it rushed towards one of the snake cocoons, and then its body only moved slightly, as if it was eating...

"Uh! Uh!" Sirius tried his best to make a sharp voice with his stiff throat, trying to attract Haierbo's attention.

The disaster was caused by them. If you really want to die because of it...

No matter how you think about it, it should be them...

It's him...

"Uh-" Look at me, basilisk.

Sirius Black, for the first time in his young life of more than ten years, felt that he was so close and yet so far away from death.

He is the one who deserves to be eaten!

It was their impulsiveness and carelessness that caused this tragedy. He was the one who would rather die!

The voices of James, Remus and Lily rang out one after another in the secret room. They were hoarse and weak, and could only produce a vague single tone, all trying to attract Haierbo's attention.

Haierbo arched for a long time and Mary didn't respond. She raised her head and wanted to scratch it with the tip of her tail, but it was too big now, and half of its body was still inside the statue of Poseidon.

Depressed, just take another bite of the snake demon to be happy.

With this thought in mind, it bit Severus again.

"Ah -" Lily remembered that it was Severus over there, and she thought she was going to see Severus' blood splattered on the spot!

No matter how much he hates Slytherins, James never thought about letting Severus die when they all left together just now. He wanted to struggle and resist, but he couldn't do anything. He could only say "Ah" feebly. "Ah" sound.

After killing Mary, will Severus also be eaten...

What on earth did they do...



The sound of footsteps was completely obscured by the sound of bones being chewed, but the huge Haierbo suddenly paused, and then quickly crawled towards the place where they came from.

The body hit some snake cocoons, and several people were knocked around several times. Remus and Sirius saw a gray-white figure walking slowly. Under the shining white light of Haier, it looked like a figure walking out of the moonlight. Angel.

The snake demons approaching her avoided and crawled back into the water. Haierbo shrank visibly and turned back into a harmless decoration. Finally, the snake demons surrounding them dispersed.

Everyone finally saw the intact Mary. Everything was as they had come. Except for the extra blood of the snake demon on the ground, nothing seemed to have happened.

Before Halpo got entangled, Catherine washed the bloody Halpo with clean water and fresh water. She walked slowly with it in her arms, lowered her head and looked at the nearest Monica, "I won't sleep at night, you guys come here What does Haierbo’s restaurant do?”

As she spoke, she used wandless magic to move a few people in front of her. Severus also pretended to be petrified, and the seven people lay straight on the ground looking at her.

There was the sound of flapping wings in mid-air. It was a fiery red bird flying in from the secret room, circling in a circle, and finally landing on Catherine's shoulder.

——Causing Haierbo's strong dissatisfaction, he swung his tail and drove it to the giant snake statue next to it.

The well-informed James and Sirius recognized it as a phoenix. It is said that the only phoenix in the UK currently belongs to Dumbledore.

"Should I give you to Professor Dumbledore, or..." Catherine touched her chin and looked around at several people with a half-smile.

His eyes stopped on Severus, he frowned slightly, and used his wand to cast a magic spell on him. He said it was an ancient magic "the poison of the snake demon dissipates and the petrification is lifted." In fact, it used fluorescence similar to the magic light. Flashing.

Severus slowly sat up from the ground, lowered his head and whispered: "Miss Catherine."

Catherine said harshly: "Forget about deducting points from Gryffindor, people from Slytherin cannot be involved in this kind of thing."

So she can de-petrify herself without going to the hospital wing or Madam Pomfrey? !

Not to mention asking Professor Dumbledore to let him down and deduct points from Gryffindor!

At this moment, everyone's eyes lit up, including Mary who had just woken up, and they looked at Catherine pleadingly.

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