HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 91 The Trial of the Lion and the Snake

The memory magic left by Godric completely dissipated, and Catherine saw many memories, but in reality it was just a blink of an eye.

But even in the blink of an eye, Haierbo, who had always been in touch with her, still noticed Catherine's sudden disappearance and appearance.

It wanted to come over to check, but was entangled by the basilisk cultivated by Salazar. This was indeed no ordinary basilisk. It was cultivated using the magic power of chaos. It itself had a strength close to that of a god. Originally, Haierbo could not be broken easily. The scales can be torn off if it bites hard.

The pain of injury and hunger, Medusa's repeated entanglement, and Catherine's disappearance and reappearance, the anger in Haierbo's heart continued to accumulate, and finally burst out completely when he saw his master squatting down, and his whole body was filled with great sadness and sadness.

It finally learned to mobilize the magic power in its body, poured it into its small pointed cone-like tail, pierced Medusa's body with force, and nailed her to the ground. At the same time, it recalled the weaknesses of snakes written in the book and opened its mouth wide. Bite seven inches of it.

Medusa raised her head and let out a sharp scream. She tried to struggle but failed, and was finally pressed to the ground by Haierbo and her neck was bitten off.

[Master, Master...] Haierbo hurriedly swam over, shrunk his body, and surrounded Catherine in the middle, [Master, Haierbo won~]

It cautiously poked its head out, [Helbo is dirty and needs to be washed by the owner to make it clean~]

It purred softly beside Catherine. Catherine wiped her eyes and raised her head. She saw a small basilisk with feathers covered in silver blood on its forehead, scales scattered on its body, and more than a dozen scars on its upper body alone. .

[Helbo...] Catherine hugged the little snake gently and said, [You are so great, go eat that basilisk, you will get better soon. 】

Sensing Haierbo's worry and fear, she wiped the feathers and gems on the little snake's forehead with her fingers, showing that she didn't mind if it was dirty and she was no longer sad.

The little basilisk's nostrils twitched, and its body quickly grew and swam back to Medusa's body, then bit it in one bite.

It has been hungry for a long time!

Strange to say, when this basilisk was alive, Haierbo only felt instinctive disgust and rejection, and just wanted to kill it.

When it died, it actually smelled damn good, reminding Haierbo of all the delicious things it had eaten.

——The taste is indeed very good. With such a big piece, Haierbo almost couldn't help but want to grow to the largest size and eat it in one bite.

Catherine stood up and combined the scabbard in her arms with the Sword of Gryffindor stored in the small bag.

There was a clear magic shock spreading, but unfortunately it was no longer Godric's magic shock, but the invisible contract magic that was awakened.

She passed Gryffindor's "trial".

And when she walked to the center of the magic circle where Godric once stood, and used a cleaning spell to clean up the plaster and blood on the ground, another magic shock unfolded.

She also passed Slytherin's "trial".

Her father and godfather are really "serious".

As if sensing her thoughts, Salazar's remnant soul, which was pretending not to exist, hid even deeper.

Everything that was sacrificed cannot be recovered, just like feelings are cut across the board, that place can no longer grow, and if it disappears, it is gone.

But the memory is different.

In theory, those who knew about Catherine's past could not voluntarily mention something she had forgotten without her knowing it. But just like what Godric said, they were about to die. In the last few seconds before death, they poured out their memories and couldn't feel anything at all. They were already dead.

The higher mysterious powers seemed to have acquiesced in their small actions, because Godric's soul was healthy when he met her and had not been liquidated after death.

Only Salazar cut off his soul and traveled through time and space with her...

[Ouch, Master! Haierbo is full~ It’s amazing, is this what it feels like to be full~] Haierbo shouted delicately and swam over happily.

It didn't even notice that its injured body had recovered, and two layers of snake skin as thin as cicada wings had shed off from behind.

Catherine looked at Helbo who had returned to her side, and touched the faucet that had grown in size from exquisite to terrifying, "Just eat enough." 】

The little basilisk's original happiness was replaced by doubts and worries, and he asked softly: "Is the master hungry?" Or is it too stuffy here? Why don't you feel happy? 】

This little fool has forgotten that Catherine was a little depressed just now.

[Not unhappy...] Catherine lowered her head and leaned against the Basilisk's cheek, rubbing it gently.

Halbo's wagging tail gradually stopped, and he turned towards Catherine, gently surrounded her, and asked in a low voice: "Then Halbo will become smaller and be hugged by his master?" Or Haierbo hugs the master? 】

[That’s good, thank you Haierbo. 】

Haierbo also tried to nuzzle Catherine gently, but unfortunately he was a bit clumsy. He didn’t know why his master was unhappy, and he didn’t know how to comfort him...

Suddenly, the little basilisk had a flash of inspiration. It was no longer a basilisk now, but a dependent of its master. The little wizard had to do something to relieve his master!

【Waiwai? are you there? ] Haierbo mentally called Severus, who was wearing his own feathers.

Severus was watching the Potters and others in the library while reading a book by himself. For the first time, he noticed Halbo's voice and was almost startled, [Helbo? 】

He looked around, but none of the little wizards around him made any movement, and they obviously didn't hear anything.

Haierbo made a few awkward "um" and "um" sounds. Fortunately, Severus was as smart as Catherine praised him. He noticed the awkwardness and asked considerately: "What happened?" How is Miss Catherine? 】

[The master has solved the secret room issue! ] Haierbo said proudly.

The next second, he lowered his eyes and saw Catherine weeping silently. Although she no longer felt her master's unhappiness, in the human world, crying means sadness, right?

Haierbo whispered: [Just...a little sad? 】

Severus was stunned for a moment, thinking that Catherine said that it was the secret room that Salazar left for her. He thought that there might be something related to Salazar in it, which aroused Catherine's thoughts.

There is a thousand years between them, and there is life and death that is even more distant...

[Then, do you need me to go there? 】 He asked, the man had already stood up and was about to leave.

Although he doesn't know how to comfort people, he has never felt any father's love or mother's love since he was a child.

I just thought of the way Catherine looked at him with a smile, thought of her jokingly calling him "Mr. Severus", thought of the sweet hot cocoa she pushed over... I always felt that he should at least be by his side.

Unfortunately, Catherine's gaffe only lasted for a minute or two. Before Severus could find the bookshelf to return the books, Haierpo over there had already cheered: [Ouch~ The master is fine~ Let's have some snacks~]

Severus: ...?

If it weren't for its cheerful chirping in his mind, Severus almost thought that the guy who hesitantly asked him for help just now was not Herbo.

But forget it…

Now that it is happy again, it means that Catherine is not sad anymore...

That's good.

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