HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 88 Haierbo’s Transformation

There was a door made of unknown metal at the end of the cave, and Catherine was sure at a glance that it was definitely Salazar's handiwork.

Seven snakes were clasped on the door. Catherine didn't have time to take a closer look, so she quickly picked up Haierbo who was about to hit the door, [Open! 】

Just like in the women's bathroom just now, the door made a heavy "click" sound, and a metal snake swam out from below. Where it passed, seven snakes curled up and circled around the door, and the door opened automatically.

The space inside was much lower. Catherine saw a huge relief sculpture of a human head from a distance. She climbed down through the thin ladder. As soon as her feet landed, Haierbo couldn't wait to rush out.

[Kill, kill, kill——] It said terrible words in a childish voice that was neither male nor female, but no emotion was revealed, just like the scene when Catherine called it when she first woke up.

- It's acting on instinct.

Catherine could only keep up quickly.

There are no traces of magic power fluctuations here. Although there are two-meter-high snake head reliefs erected on the left and right sides, they are just to scare people. Catherine followed Haierbo to the end of the secret room, where there was a silver scabbard poked. Outside, there is nothing.

Haierbo rushed over directly, and Catherine was stunned for a moment. It was hard to imagine that this was Godric's trial?

【Owner! Owner! ] Haierbo was anxious under the portrait, [I hate it! Kill it! Haierbo is going to kill it! 】

It cannot be said that there is no magic fluctuation at all. Behind the huge statue, Catherine heard a small cry, and also said: [Kill——]

It's a basilisk! She suddenly remembered that creatures like basilisks did not reproduce naturally. They did not like the same kind at all. Once more than one appeared within a certain range, they would not stop dying.

She had never thought of this before, always thinking that Haierbo, as a descendant of Apep, might not have this instinct.

Does father know? If you knew it, why would you hide a basilisk here that would fight with Haierbo?

Seeing that Haierbo's voice was so anxious that she was hoarse, Catherine ignored Godric's scabbard and hurried forward. The moment she passed the scabbard, she felt some kind of pull.

Some mysterious force was attracting her.

Harmless yet gentle, powerful yet restrained, it suddenly reminded her of a young wizard with curly hair.

It's Godric's magical mark.

Catherine gritted her teeth, simply pulled out the scabbard, and while looking for the Gryffindor sword in the small bag, she came under the huge statue.

Rather than a portrait, the head was more like a work of art stained with mythology. The old man's hair and beard were spread out in all directions, and Catherine thought of the Poseidon in mythology for a moment.

Unfortunately, reality did not allow her to think for a long time. Outside, there was Haierbo's uncomfortable coquettishness, and inside there was the rumble of the basilisk trying to hit her.

【Open! ] Catherine said to the relief.

The mouth of the figure opened, and almost the next second, a sharp brown and black snake head poked out from inside, [Kill——]

As it shouted, Haierbo rushed towards it like a sharp sword.

Without Catherine's order, Haierbo's body size is still very small. When curled up, it is not as big as the eyes of a basilisk. I am afraid that it can be swallowed by the basilisk in one bite.

[Helbo, grow bigger and kill it! 】


With Catherine's permission, Haierbo's body suddenly stretched and enlarged. He flicked his white tail and gently pushed Catherine out of the battle circle. This was his last sanity. The next second, the two basilisks collided directly!

Letting out a meaningless roar, Haierbo opened his mouth wide and bit the basilisk's neck. The basilisk was not to be outdone, and its relatively small body had already tightly bound the upper part of Haierbo's body.

Just as Catherine took out her wand to help, Salazar's long-lost voice came from her mind: "This is a trial, Catherine." 】

The voice was cold and majestic, not allowing any rebuttal, causing Catherine to stop subconsciously.

【Father? 】 Haierbo has never seriously fought against anything since Catherine could remember it. He had just been entangled with the basilisk for a few seconds, and had already been bitten by the basilisk several bloody holes on his body.

Silver blood flowed all over the floor. On the contrary, whether it was because the scales of the basilisk were too dark or for some other reason, Catherine looked at the basilisk as if it was not injured at all.

"My trial is that Herbo needs to defeat my basilisk on his own," Salazar said coldly, "Are you going to resist me?" Or give up the trial? 】

Catherine certainly wanted neither.

She also knew that she had raised Helbo very delicately. The little basilisk was so well-behaved and already so strong. It was basically immune to all spells. Even the firearms in the Muggle world could not do anything to it. This was the first time Catherine had seen it because Bleeding injuries from foreign objects.

Compared to the ferocious bite of the basilisk, Haierbo is like an ignorant doormat. Even if it is bigger than the basilisk, unless it completely releases itself regardless of the situation and crushes the basilisk to death with its full size, otherwise this slightly larger one will The body makes it easier for the basilisk to bite.

It was too painful to be bitten, and enlarging its body would accelerate its hunger. Catherine has emotional resonance with Haierbo, and usually only feels happiness and peace from Haierbo. Even if it is hungry enough to eat itself when it first wakes up, it will give What Catherine conveys is still attachment and happiness. For the first time, Catherine feels panic and pain from it.

As if aware of Catherine's weak regret at this time, Salazar said sternly: [It is a descendant of Apep, not a pet with weak hands, Catherine! You are its guardian and its nurturer! See how you cultivate it? ! 】

Descendants of the snake god are those who will inherit the position of the snake god. Maybe one day, the fully grown Haierbo will leave this world and go to the kingdom of gods like all gods.

What will Haierbo do at that time?

【Helbo! 】Catherine called its name loudly, 【Help me, baby! Defeat it or I will be eaten by it! 】

【Can't! 】

——Don’t hurt Catherine, she is my master!

——She called me Haierbo, from now on I will be Haierbo~ The master said this is the name of a very powerful black wizard, the first person to cultivate a basilisk!

——Helpo is going home with his master! Dad is waiting for us! I heard that Hogwarts has a lot of delicious food, hehe~

The chaotic memory flashbacks were intertwined with the silver snake blood in reality, and Catherine thought about giving up for a moment.

Or, wait until she goes back to teach Haierbo and come back when she becomes more proficient.

She unconsciously took a step forward, and Haierbo over there let out a harsh scream: "Master, don't come over, dirty." 】

It wasn't that it didn't bite the basilisk, but the basilisk's blood was dark red, completely invisible when mixed with its mottled black, green, and black brown scales.

[Wait a moment...Helbo...right away...]

Now the ground and the pool are covered with its and the basilisk's blood.

[Stop talking, Haierbo, concentrate! 】

The hand holding the scabbard was restrained to the point of trembling. The magic power escaped unconsciously due to emotional excitement. When Catherine was not aware of it, it was entangled with the fluctuations of magic power escaping from the scabbard.

The next second, Catherine was suddenly pulled into a strange space.

The emotional connection with Haierbo was cut off, and the whole world turned white. A curly-haired man wearing light armor stood not far away. As if he sensed her presence, he turned around and looked at her.

It was Godric Gryffindor who appeared in Professor Binns' memory and looked to be in his twenties or thirties.

"Catherine, my little princess, you are finally here!" He opened his arms and stepped forward quickly, as if he wanted to give Catherine a hug, but when he was almost in front of him, he stopped again, coughed dryly, and moved his arms awkwardly. , stiffly pretending to be stretching his arms, "Haha, you probably don't remember anything now. I am Godric, Godric Gryffindor, your godfather! I watched you break out of your shell! "

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