HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 78 Malfoy’s Allegiance

The contract with Lucius was different from that of Heyman and Severus. To Heyman, Catherine was more of a joke. She didn't even tell her her obligations, because Heyman only had a partial understanding of this magic.

As long as Heyman behaves honestly during his schooling and doesn't do anything to harm Hogwarts in the future, Catherine will "let him go free" when he graduates.

Severus's contract was the most sincere among the three, and he was kind enough to give Catherine the highest standard of contract. Catherine couldn't bear to bully him, so she also increased her contractual obligations. As long as Severus didn't betray her, he would He has been her close family member for the rest of his life, receiving the utmost support and protection from her.

And Lucius, the outstanding male chairman of Slytherin, since he and Catherine decided to use ancient contract magic, he simply put aside his dignity, took out a pen and paper to check the rights and obligations with Catherine one by one, and bargained with the merchants. In the end, the most balanced "master-slave" contract was reached with Catherine.

The prerequisite is that Catherine must do her best to rescue Abraxas safely. During this period, Lucius must not betray Catherine.

After Abraxas is safe, Lucius must be allowed to be driven by Catherine on behalf of the entire Malfoy family without endangering the safety of the Malfoy family members and trying not to harm the interests of the Malfoy family.

Regarding what it means to "endanger the safety of the Malfoy family members", Lucius made notes on almost two rolls of parchment, and what it means to "try not to harm the interests of the Malfoy family", he thought about a whole roll of parchment. It can be said that He was very serious and thought of all the possibilities he could think of.

Seeing how hard he worked, Catherine also told him about the possible situation. Anyway, it was not her who was kneeling on the ground. Lucius just wrote to him if he was worried. As a master, she was still very generous.

Making such an important decision makes kneeling down and saying the words of allegiance seem like a small thing in comparison.

Catherine didn't really embarrass Lucius. After he struggled to recite it for a few minutes, she told him in a bad way that it was okay to burn the paper contract in a special way and then perform a loyalty ceremony.


What else could Lucius say, he could only listen to Catherine now.

As for whether Catherine will mess with ancient magic? Lucius himself has read books and understood this magic - after all, he is the heir of the Malfoy family. Which heir of the Malfoy family has not been tempted by this ancient loyalty ceremony? It's just that Lucius once thought about the benefits he could get as a master, but now he thinks about how he can balance the interests of both parties while ensuring his own safety as a follower.

In short, Lucius thought that the probability of Catherine tampering with this magic was very low. He was almost at the end of his rope. Apart from scaring him at first, Catherine was always very polite to him, so Lucius could only go to the gambling table. Go take a gamble.

The densely marked parchment was put into the scroll with the magic circle drawn on it and burned. Lucius knelt down on one knee and touched his heart with his right hand, and opened his left arm... At this moment, he really hoped that Catherine could fulfill her promise and let He rescued his father and allowed him to continue the glory of the Malfoy family for thousands of years.

"Lucius Malfoy, I would like to be your squire, your knight, abide by the meaning of the contract, and offer my loyalty and that of the Malfoy family to you, Miss Catherine Slytherin, until the end of my life."

The parchment burned slowly in the scroll. There was no smoke at all in the mysterious magic circle, and even the flames were not too hot. Only with Lucius's words, the original red color was transformed into one full of divinity. The golden flames indicate that all of this is being done under the protection of great power.

"In the name of Catherine Apep Slytherin, I will abide by the meaning of the contract and accept your allegiance." Catherine tapped Lucius's shoulder with the wand she had been using when she woke up. "In the magic of Under my witness, I make this agreement with you.”

The golden flames between the two people suddenly shot up and surrounded them before anyone could react. Haierbo was startled. Before anyone could react, the flames suddenly disappeared.

Nothing was damaged, but it frightened Haierbo so much that he hurriedly clung to Catherine for fear of another accident.

I meant well, but I just got a piece of cream on Catherine's ankle.



Haierbo: 0 0

"I think it's okay for me to use Legilimency to quickly understand the situation, what do you think?" Catherine asked Lucius with a smile.

Lucius: "...Okay."

Since the contract has been marked, they can indeed be more honest with each other, and some details need to be seen more clearly by Catherine through Lucius's perspective.

Through Lucius's memory, Catherine felt more clearly that something was wrong with Abraxas.

If it weren't for him, Catherine was not very familiar with Abraxas, so she really didn't think there was anything wrong with Abraxas yesterday.

It does seem a bit like being controlled by Voldemort, and on the surface, there is nothing abnormal at all... If we start from this idea, Voldemort has frequently visited the Ministry of Magic recently, and some officials of the Ministry of Magic have changed their stance and turned a blind eye to the Death Eaters. With one eye closed, I seem to be able to understand.

This is undoubtedly bad news, and then think of Kate Shafiq who is suddenly eager to see her...

This weekend is the time to test this old wizard.

Catherine discussed the situation with Dumbledore. Since her current magic power reserve should not be as good as Voldemort's, and it might be dangerous to directly encounter him without special means, Dumbledore cast a lot of protective magic on Catherine.

The point is that if there is an emergency, Dumbledore can immediately know and rush over.

Because of this preparation, Catherine has been a bit elusive this week, absent from class from time to time, and even the first-year Slytherins often don't know where she is.

Heyman had been warned to be more honest this week, and Severus had accidentally heard through Haierbo's induction once or twice that he knew that Catherine was busy with very important things recently. With Lucius suppressing the entire Slytherin, Xiao Snakes are also living a low-key life this week.

For example, this afternoon's group self-study for first-year students. Since the flight class professor was temporarily unavailable, the entire afternoon's first-year flight class was canceled and replaced with two self-study classes followed by a break.

The Slytherin side was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, and the excitement was so intense that Ravenclaw was also very serious. Only Gryffindor and Hufflepuff made small sounds from time to time.

"It's quiet over there, maybe they're planning something..."

With Catherine away, James felt like he was doing well again.

As long as he didn't face Miss Slytherin's face that could distort and explode at every turn, he was not afraid of anything.

Friends on both sides were doing homework. Remus didn't hear the sound for a while before he responded: "What are you planning?"

Very obviously perfunctory.

James said angrily: "I went on an adventure last night and discovered a terrible thing!"

Sirius was also reading a book, and seemed to be listening to a "hmm" that he didn't seem to be listening to.

James was very angry. Fortunately, several girls across from him were interested. They didn't dare to go out for a night out by themselves, but James often wandered around the castle in the middle of the night, which sounded exciting!

Monica immediately asked curiously: "What is the terrible thing?"

James' eyes glanced at Lily who was quietly doing her homework opposite. Although she didn't speak, the Monica who asked the question was her roommate, so it was similar to Monica.

He cleared his throat and said, "I heard that there is a secret room left by Salazar in the school. There are very scary things in it. Once opened, the whole school can be wiped out from all the muck wizards!"

Hey, Lily really noticed him!

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