HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 68 Witch Hunting

The first-year Hufflepuffs discussed in a low voice during the grace minute. At this time, they could no longer turn to the senior students and others in the school. They failed to provide corresponding information after the time was up.

No one expected that Hufflepuff would be eliminated in the first year in the first round. If it weren't for the special referee who took advantage of it, the problem would probably have been thrown to the second year. Looking at the second year, how could they respond to this question? Don't seem to understand either.

Professor Dumbledore said: "Hufflepuff's first-year students are unable to answer. Unfortunately, you have been eliminated. This question will be changed to a free answer. The player who raises his hand first to tell the correct answer will get extra points."

Professor McGonagall received Dumbledore's instructions and picked up the small hammer that announced the start.

"Three, two, one."


As soon as the crash sounded, Slytherin and Ravenclaw raised their hands at the same time.

Unable to tell the order, Professor McGonagall said: "Write it on paper and upload it."

Ravenclaw's answer is: The reference bibliography given by Hufflepuff was about 1100 AD. It was recorded in "1000 Years of Travels on the Continent" that there were magic riots in Europe around 900-1000 AD. . "

Slytherin: The controversy lies in the fact that there were records of magical riots about a thousand years ago, which occurred in the Mediterranean area. The specific events were not specified, but they were definitely classified as magical riots. The information comes from the second line of the third paragraph on page 119 of "Ancient Magic Chronicles".

The three special referees read the answers, and Dumbledore read out the content. Finally, he said: "The directions are different, but they are all consistent with historical facts and related to the competition issues. Ravenclaw and Slytherin will each add one point."

Professor McGonagall added points to the players from the two houses and said to the Slytherin players: "Please continue to connect the Slytherin players."

There is no doubt that since they can answer the controversial information, they can naturally answer this question.

Agatha said: "Magic riots are closely related to wizards' emotions. Therefore, it can be determined that between 900 and 1000 AD, there were beings among wizards who could induce magic through emotions." Agatha looked at the Ravenclaw players, "There is evidence It shows that this incident is still related to the witch-hunting movement, so what do the Ravenclaw players think?"

Ravenclaw players said that they had seen this information, and Slytherin should not think about digging holes to gain points again: "We must first understand that the historical environment at that time was very special, and we cannot make all Muggles enemies because of this. Slytherin This magical riot proposed by my classmates also killed many innocent Muggles and wizards indiscriminately."


Gryffindor was already discussing in a low voice when they heard Slytherin's point of view. When they heard Ravenclaw again, the first graders basically gave up hope and started to help the second graders to read the information.

But unfortunately, even the second graders don’t know.

Finally, James slapped his head and continued: "From this incident, it can be confirmed that the witch hunting movement has been going on for a long time and has a very important impact on the evolution of ancient magic to modern magic."

This was considered a concluding speech, but the point of view did not seem to be developed. The Ministry of Magic officials watching the game discussed in a low voice. Kate Shafik suddenly woke up and said to Dumbledore: "This point of view needs to be added." , to take effect.”

Lily's green eyes were wide open, as if she wanted to say something, but after discussing in a low voice with the people next to her, everyone was shaking their heads, and she herself was gnawing her fingers anxiously, but in the end she did not raise her hand to add.

When the time came, Professor McGonagall looked at her little lions lovingly and said calmly: "Gryffindor first and second years..."

A third-grade lion cub stood up suddenly, "Professor! We have information, but the information comes from the stone carvings in the Muggle world. Is it useful?"

Professor McGonagall received a positive answer from the three referees, nodded and said, "Tell me."

All the Gryffindor players turned their attention to Lily. Apparently, the third-year little lion heard Lily discussing it with people around her and found it useful, so she tried to "give it a try" when there was no other way.

Otherwise, everyone in Gryffindor will be eliminated, which would be too embarrassing.

Lily took a deep breath and stood up, "When I was a child, I visited Yorksall Church in northern England. The stone carvings behind the church record a witch hunt around 900 AD... The captured witches had their wands broken and their hands and feet bound. ...Uh... also, they cut off their tongues and used magic. They thought it was a witch using the power of the devil, but...but it was actually a magic riot."

Lily pursed her lips tightly after speaking. Although this provided supporting information for their point of view, the content was too cruel, and it was Muggles who did all this...

She vaguely heard her classmates mention that some people in the wizarding world are very bad to Muggles and Muggle-born wizards. Faced with the sudden silence in the venue, Lily began to worry about whether it would be bad to tell these details.

But that is what really happened in history, and this tragedy is just a small part of it...

The expressions of some adult wizards in the Ministry of Magic became very solemn, including the already solemn head of the Malfoy family. It seemed that everyone's sense of oppression increased for a while.

At this moment, a hand suddenly raised from Slytherin's side.

The slender, pale hand is Catherine...Catherine Slytherin. The era in which she lived was undoubtedly the time when the witch-hunting movement was at its most rampant.

Dumbledore said: "Is there anything wrong with Miss Catherine?"

"Since we are discussing the impact of the witch-hunting movement on the evolution of magic, as the Ravenclaw students just said," Catherine slowly stood up and looked around at everyone present, "Today we are just having an academic discussion, talking about things in history. I think everyone can tell the difference between the Muggles of thousands of years ago and the Muggles of today when it comes to what Muggles do, so there won’t be anyone who can’t figure out the time and vent their anger on modern Muggles, right?”

She glanced at the young wizards in Slytherin, and then looked at the adult wizards at the front.

Among this group of people, there are probably quite a few Death Eaters. If today's discussion were to be used as a basis for making a fuss, it would be too baffling - Death Eaters have done a lot of baffling things.

Then it was up to her, the "Slytherin", to put an end to their thoughts.

Although she felt her father was a little unhappy in her heart, Catherine must protect the little wizards in Hogwarts, especially the large number of little wizards and mixed-bloods, and not let the evil spirits outside affect the little wizards inside Hogwarts. The judgment of wizards.

Her father's dissatisfaction came and went as quickly as turning over in sleep, and soon Catherine could no longer feel Salazar's emotions.

The adult wizards looked at Abraxas in the middle of the crowd intentionally or unintentionally. The head of the Platinum family held a snake-head scepter in his hand, as if he was savoring Catherine's words. After a moment, he raised an aristocratic fake smile and slowly clapped his hands. .

As Voldemort's most important confidant, he showed his attitude.

The applause started to spread from him, and the adult wizards watching the game soon seemed to return to the state of watching the show at the beginning. The restless Slytherin seniors also became quiet again under the eyes of their parents.

Professor McGonagall added Gryffindor's points, and Hufflepuff, who was stressed by the tense atmosphere just now, suddenly reacted -

It's time for them to speak!

What did their good brother Gryffindor think just now?

How to connect it? !

Catherine sat down again. As the first-year prefect of Slytherin, she did not participate in many discussions in the first-year class... Of course, as a "witness", if she spoke as a representative, what else would the other little wizards have to say? room.

Did the reference directly say that she witnessed it with her own eyes or heard it from a wizard a thousand years ago?


It is said that there is a mysterious connection between raised snakes, basilisks, snake demons and parselmouths, and sometimes they can sense the emotions of their owners. Abraxas looked at the restless white basilisk in Catherine's hand, and he thought he had discovered some useful information.

The owner will be very happy.

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