HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 55 Snape, he is still a weirdo 1

The young wizards on the Gryffindor side took the petrified Sirius and left. On the Slytherin side, I don’t know what Catherine said, and in the end only three young wizards who participated in the "exercise" were left.

The professors were watching from the distant principal's office. They could use their magic power and magic props to see clearly what was going on here, but they couldn't hear what they said.

It seems that the crisis has been resolved, but Professor McGonagall is very worried about this situation: "Professor Dumbledore, these little wizards are too dangerous."

If Dumbledore hadn't stopped her, Professor McGonagall would have stopped her and deducted points.

"There is indeed some danger, so I called you all here." Dumbledore said.

Mag couldn't help but hold his breath. This wasn't called solving the problem at all!

Professor Sprout patted Professor McGonagall's back gently, "Professor Dumbledore means that if there is really a danger, we can rush there immediately."

After all, Dumbledore also prepared house elves. If the incident really escalates to the point where it needs to be stopped immediately, the four deans will arrive on the battlefield in the next second and take away the students from their own colleges.

"I've been paying attention, don't worry, Professor McGonagall." Dumbledore said, taking the lead to leave the window.

When Professor Flitwick came in, he noticed that Dumbledore was using magic to pay attention to the flow of magic over there. This way he could indeed find the problem at the first time. In fact, he did not pay too much attention to the following situation, but instead observed Dumbledore's operations more. .

Looking at the entire magical world, I am afraid that only Dumbledore can achieve such precise magic control.

So he was a little distracted throughout the whole process, thinking more about how to pay attention to the whole process as delicately as Dumbledore...

Only the worried McGonagall and Slughorn were left at the window.

Compared to Flitwick, who is obsessed with the study of magic, and Sprout, who grows herbs and lives in isolation, McGonagall's Gryffindor is on the front line of every conflict with Slytherin.

Including just now, when McGonagall and the others were called by Dumbledore, they saw three little Gryffindors... or two little ones provoking a Slytherin student.

Professor Slughorn, who has been sidelined, knows best what Slytherin's current situation is.

Ever since Voldemort started to stir up troubles in the wizarding world, Slytherin Academy has gradually become somewhat out of the control of Hogwarts. Especially after Lucius Malfoy enrolled as a Death Eater, Slytherin sometimes felt like it was becoming Voldemort's private property. , the students inside seemed to have acquiesced in joining the Death Eaters in the future, and they listened more to the orders of their prefects and Malfoy than to the professors.

Dumbledore sat behind the table and said to the four deans with different expressions: "She may be the turning point, Professor McGonagall, Professor Slughorn, I think we can give Miss Slytherin some room to move."

This is why Dumbledore called the four Professors McGonagall over today, "Hogwarts is a school of magic, not a base for training thugs or politicians for Voldemort."

Professor Slughorn asked weakly: "But they all have the blood of Slytherin. Are you sure that Miss Slytherin and Vol... well, are not together with him?"

Dumbledore looked at the Slytherin Headmaster tolerantly. Compared to his cheerful appearance many years ago, his brows now looked more gloomy.

He said warmly: "Miss Slytherin is the bloodline of Lord Salazar. The other three founders jointly raised and educated her. We should trust their wisdom and vision."

Although Dumbledore himself said this, he was still paying close attention to Catherine's various movements.

But in terms of action, he did give Catherine enough room to move this time. The silent understanding between them was that before Catherine left the room, she asked the donut that was feeding Halbo to come over and notify Dumbledore.

In the corner by the Black Lake, only Catherine, Rozier, Avery and Snape were left. Lily followed the Gryffindor people under Snape's suggestion, while Heyman was captured by Catherine. Just wave it away.

He just thought that Catherine was angry because of the incompetence of these three little snakes... After fighting for a long time, there was no result. It was true that her ability was limited, unlike him...

In fact, Catherine was not angry at all, not only not angry, but also a little interested.

Quietly detecting the situation of the three little wizards, Rozier and Avery's magic power consumption was at the normal level. On the contrary, Snape's magic power was basically exhausted. If she had come a little later, the battle situation might be out of control. .

She probably knew why, and it was an interesting phenomenon.

She didn't immediately pay attention to Snape, who looked unhappy. She just threw him a small bag and asked him to continue taking care of Halbo. Catherine spoke to Rozier and Avery first.

"After practicing for so long, your spells are still not very good." She said to the two little wizards with a half-smile.

Rozier clenched his fists and sulked, but Avery defended in a low voice: "The three of them have a better understanding than us."

Catherine looked tolerant, "Not only do we have a tacit understanding, but we also seem to have better luck than you guys?"

She was obviously smiling and said these words in a gentle tone. This was indeed the truth, but it felt inexplicably sarcastic in Rozier's ears.

He hated explaining. If he lost, he lost. This damn feeling of inferiority made him angry and self-conscious that he couldn't raise his head in front of Catherine, "I'm sorry, Miss Catherine."

"Mr. Rozier always practices magic very hard, but there always seems to be something missing." Catherine said helplessly.

After being "comforted" by such gentle words again and again, Rozier's face gradually turned red, his breathing became rapid, and he almost blurted out a sentence.

Avery hurriedly pushed away from Rozier, as if he was anxious to explain, but both Catherine and Snape could see that he was deliberately interrupting Rozier's thoughts.

He was too anxious.

"Miss Catherine! Evan and I will practice hard and we will fight quickly next time!" He promised loudly, looking like he was full of enthusiasm.

Rozier looked at his friend's back steadily, lowered his head for a while and continued to remain silent, his whole person became a little dark and difficult to understand.

Catherine knew that this was all she could do today, so she smiled and nodded, "Then I look forward to your performance next time."

"Yes!" Avery agreed loudly, pulled Rozier and said, "Then let's prepare for the afternoon class first."

Catherine smiled and said goodbye to them.

As for their "good friend" and "good roommate" Snape, isn't he helping Miss Catherine take care of the basilisk? When Miss Catherine is done, she will naturally let him leave and leave them alone.

After the two of them walked away, Catherine set up a silencing ancient magic barrier, and then turned to Snape, who looked paler than before, "I can't tell, Mr. Snape, you are quite kind-hearted."

The little black-haired boy had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. One month of living in Hogwarts couldn't immediately make him look brand new, but he did follow Catherine's words and roughly manage his image every day. At least he looked refreshed. What a cool little wizard.

Faced with Catherine's teasing, Snape knew that all his tricks had been noticed by the other party, and there was no need to pretend anymore. He stumbled a few times and retreated to the tree, pressing the trunk of the tree against his body.

——Otherwise he will not be able to stand.

"Your magic is almost overdrawn, Mr. Snape," Catherine approached him, "Let me guess why..."

She leaned over and took over Helbo, who was squirming uncomfortably because Snape was leaning against the tree. The little guy was undoubtedly adding a burden to Snape, making it more difficult for him to stand... There was no doubt that one person and one basilisk were torturing each other.

Being so close, she could smell the mixed scent of shampoo and shower gel provided by the school on him, as well as a very light, suppressed gasp.

With a smile on her lips, she whispered in Snape's ear: "Because of you, during the 'practice' process, one against five... Well, or should I say, two against four?"

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