HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 33 Two people’s fishing law enforcement

Professor Sprout felt something bad when she heard the sound of broken vessels. Unfortunately, there were several young wizards surrounding her taking notes, and she was unable to rush over immediately.

"Leave the greenhouse!" She could only evacuate the little wizard at the door while rushing back.

The screams of adult mandrakes can be fatal. The only good thing is that the current mandrakes are in their juvenile stage.

Even so, she soon saw the little wizards behind her fall down one after another and fall into coma.

Pots of sturdy mandrakes blocked her view, but fortunately, before she could go around and use the spell, the shaky Catherine used magic first.

The screaming mandrake instantly shattered into powder. Although it was a pity, what was more important was the safety of the little wizards.

"Sorry, Professor," Catherine said weakly, leaning on the table.

Professor Sprout quickly supported her, "Oh, don't talk about it yet, go to the hospital wing."

This was a serious teaching accident, and Professor Sprout would definitely investigate it. Before that, she had to use a levitating spell to send all the unconscious little wizards and pale Catherine to the hospital wing for treatment.

"Everyone is studying in place. No one can enter the greenhouse without permission." Professor Sprout said, placing a sealing spell on all greenhouses.

Lily and Snape were obviously serious about class. When the professor asked them to leave, they obeyed immediately. Even though they were far away, they heard a scream that hurt their ears.

Agatha came up to support Catherine. Professor Sprout looked at the girl's size and saw that it was more than enough to support the weak Catherine, so he did not stop her.

A Gryffindor boy with a scar on his face saw the unconscious Gryffindor student floating out, and took the initiative to ask Professor Sprout: "Professor, do you need my help? I am their roommate."

He pointed to Potter and Black in the middle.

Professor Sprout looked at his hand and slapped his head angrily, "Merlin! Why did he touch the mandrake?"

Among the unconscious little wizards, Potter's face was particularly ugly, and vomit was spilling from the corners of his mouth. Professor Sprout quickly went over and tilted his head to prevent him from suffocating.

"You hold his head and don't let him choke," Professor Sprout said, pointing to Lily who was approaching, "Miss Evans, follow them to the hospital wing and tell Madam Pomfrey, The students were knocked unconscious by the screams of the mandrake, and I went to find a reliever for the young gentleman and arrived shortly after."

Although Lily was dissatisfied with Potter because of his actions from last night to today, she was a soft-hearted girl after all. Now that she saw that Catherine, Potter and Black were all affected, she was naturally very close to him due to worry. Sprout The professor agreed without any hesitation and ran to Catherine's other side to help her.

Seeing this, Snape also applied: "Professor, I'm going to help too."

Professor Sprout originally didn't want so many people running around, but it happened that get out of class was over at this time. She nodded, "Go ahead, everyone else is over."

After saying that, she hurried into Greenhouse No. 3 to find the relief potion.

Normally, there would be many injuries to students' hands and feet during class, so Professor Sprout would store one or two bottles of the corresponding medicine in the corresponding greenhouse in case of emergency.

Catherine withdrew her gaze and followed Agatha and Lily's efforts towards the hospital wing.

Her face has always been bad. On the one hand, she was hit by the screams of Mandrake at close range. On the other hand, she was dissatisfied with the incident just now. Although she acquiesced in it after adding fuel to the flames, this behavior itself also showed two things. There is a deep hostility among students between the two colleges.

Mulciber had no idea how poisonous Mandrake was, but he just wanted to hinder Potter's treatment.

Knowing that mandrake was probably poisonous, he just threw it at him when there were other students around and there were alternative obstacles.

Don't think that Catherine didn't see it. His eyes were full of excitement at the time, and he deliberately threw it away to "expand the results of the victory."

The Gryffindor students didn't know what was going on, but when they saw the Slytherin students rushing forward, the first thing they thought of was: Come on, let's have a fight. So people also gathered together, and in the end they were successfully caught by the mandrake.

Speaking of which, Blake also used his attack magic, which he was not proficient enough in, with a group of people and a large number of potted plants around him...

In short, they all have problems, and Slytherin's Mulciber is the most cruel.

Catherine watched the whole process, ready to intervene at any time if there was any excessive behavior. Everything was still in her plan.

Being knocked unconscious by the screams of an underage Mandrake was not a big deal. He lay down in the hospital wing for a while, poured potions during class, slept without class, and was discharged directly.

The only special one, Mr. Potter, suffered from the double blow of poisoning and screaming. After drinking the relieving medicine, he had to stay in the hospital for observation at night.

Principal Dumbledore soon arrived in the medical wing. Nine people were unconscious in the medical wing, and some of them were Slytherins. This was no small matter.

At this time, only Catherine was awake among the relevant students in the medical wing. Dumbledore looked around and vaguely understood.

"How are Miss Catherine feeling now? Can we talk alone?" This was a routine question that would be asked when any accident occurred. Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey voluntarily left this small area.

Catherine was fine. Her magic power reserves were as good as those of the professor. A wizard with deep magic power could resist some mental attacks. This was why Catherine was not in a coma. She just had a headache from the noise.

With her last name and such a legendary experience, it seems not surprising that she has such profound magic power at the age of 11.

Dumbledore didn't speak immediately. Catherine leaned on the hospital bed and slowly drank water, as if she was also in a state of mind.

If it were an ordinary little wizard, Dumbledore might have continued to remain silent, oppressing the other person in this way, causing the other person to reflect deeply on himself under fear, honestly confess and correct himself.

But some little wizards don't like this...

Such as Tom in the past...such as Catherine now...

Dumbledore found a chair and sat beside the bed so that the two of them were almost at the same height. Then he asked calmly: "Miss Catherine, maybe you can explain the situation to me?"

Catherine put down the cup and looked into Dumbledore's blue eyes, "I saw classmate James Potter dancing in front of the mandrake and reminded him to be careful. He didn't know the medicinal properties of mandrake. In order to prove himself, I grabbed the main stem of the mandrake with my bare hands.

So he was poisoned. Sirius Black wanted to take him to Professor Sprout. Hyman Mulciber thought this was a good opportunity to cause trouble and wanted to stop him. The Gryffindor students didn't know what happened. What, I just saw that the people in my own college wanted to leave, but the people in Slytherin refused to let me go, and gathered around...

Black tried to stop Mulciber with unskilled obstacles. Mulciber threw a potted mandrake plant in the way. As a result, the mandrake fell to the ground, the roots began to scream, and everyone fainted. "

She had been looking directly into Dumbledore's eyes, so even if Dumbledore didn't need Legilimency, his powerful magic could allow him to sense whether Catherine was telling the truth or a lie at this time.

Of course they are all truthful and impeccable.

"I thought," said Dumbledore slowly, "that Miss Catherine would stop me midway."

As a prefect, he stops Mulciber when he gets into trouble.

Gryffindors gather as the more powerful wizards stop them.

Katherine should have been able to stop things at any moment before they got to this point.

"Well," Catherine rubbed her chin and suddenly raised another question, "I also have a question. I hope Principal Dumbledore can help me answer it."

Dumbledore looked at her, without urging Catherine to continue answering his questions, and said gently: "You said?"

"How about Principal Dumbledore explain to me why, under the leadership of the greatest white wizard in modern times, Slytherin is vaguely separated from the other three houses, especially the conflict with Gryffindor. Intense? I thought you would stop it midway."

Dumbledore should have been able to stop it at any moment before things turned into what they were now.

When Catherine raised this question, Dumbledore saw with his own eyes that her gray-blue right eye flashed a different color. The girl seemed to know nothing about it. The eye turned dark green and gray-blue when she blinked.

In the end, it settled on gray-blue.

He could not actively induce Catherine to make any thoughts or choices, but if Catherine chose to explore on her own, Salazar would not care.

Regarding fishing law enforcement, Miss Catherine is not the only one doing it.

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