HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 31 Tacit understanding in herbal medicine class

Everything happened in a few words, and Lily didn't even react.

All she knew was that Catherine suddenly stopped smiling and paid attention to the body of the person next to her, and the girl changed positions with a livid face.

Then a very tall girl with honey-colored skin, brown-black hair, and a black wizard robe appeared next to Catherine. She looked like a small tower.

So does Miss Lestrange really feel hot?

The current temperature in the greenhouse feels okay...

Lily was just a small-town girl, and she didn't know the twists and turns between her family. She subconsciously looked at Severus, who had been guiding her to the magical world. The boy gently shook his head at her in the crowd, indicating that it was okay.

Then...then it'll be okay.

Lily didn't think for too long, because soon the Gryffindor students also arrived, the two roommates who were with her just now, and another roommate who had friends in other dormitories, a boy named Lupin. And the other boys...

As expected, James Potter and his friend Sirius Black stepped in again.

Lily didn't like Potter's aggressiveness. He was fine when she first met him yesterday. Speaking of Slytherins, he was even more tempered and stubborn than Monica. Lily could reason with Monica, but felt that Potter couldn't understand. Human words.

Would they both feel embarrassed? Everyone from both colleges was here, and they were the last to arrive...

Judging from how Potter and Black were high-fiving each other, there was a high probability that there was no concept of "sorry".

Lily was out of sight, but Catherine was observing Potter and Black through the cover of plants. Her plan was still waiting for Potter to implement it.

"Good afternoon, children!" A short young witch walked into the greenhouse and introduced herself again, "I am Pomona Sprout, your herbology professor."

The little wizards said hello in unison: "Good afternoon, Professor Sprout."

She has gray hair like Catherine, but Catherine's gray is a very cool gray. It is braided with exquisite dark green hair accessories and half draped behind her back, which is in line with people's perception of Slytherin. Hers was disheveled and free, making the wizard's hat, which had been patched a lot, fluffy.

She was not wearing a traditional wizard's robe, but an old brown robe that was stained with a lot of mud and moss. She stood there solidly with a very friendly smile.

"Today is the first herbal medicine class. This subject can help you get many precious herbs, which will be used in your potions, spells, magic props, etc. It is a very practical basic subject," she He said humorously, "Most of the daily homework in herbal medicine involves memorization and hands-on work. I believe you can complete it well."

Professor Sprout was referring to the fact that wizards generally have good memories, and regardless of Gryffindor or Slytherin, as long as they are given a goal, they can usually think of various ways to accomplish it.

But God knows what Potter was thinking of. Black was standing next to him, and the two of them exchanged pleasantries.

Next, Professor Sprout introduced the general classification of herbal medicines, and explained which area of ​​greenhouse they were roughly located in based on the classification.

"Voluntary seeds can grow as long as they have seeds and rhizomes. They can achieve better harvests under a suitable natural environment or with mild magical intervention. They are usually in greenhouses one and two. If you are interested, you can After you apply with me, you can enter the greenhouse for observation during your spare time."

"Cultivation seeds are regular guests in our practical classes. They cannot be obtained naturally and require corresponding knowledge and methods to successfully grow them. Greenhouses after the third floor are usually cultivated species."

"Finally, there's a type of herb that anyone knows about?"

Several young wizards raised their hands, including Slytherins and Gryffindors. After all, if you have questions, you get extra points, and those who know are very positive.

Professor Sprout looked around and his eyes fell on the most conspicuous Lily. Her fiery red hair and green eyes were really suitable for this greenhouse. The green branches and leaves and red fruits were such a good omen. .

"This..." She pointed at Lily with her palm, gesturing for her to say her name.

"Professor Sprout, my name is Lily Evans." Lily said generously.

Professor Sprout obviously liked her attitude, nodded and asked: "Okay, Miss Evans, which type of herbal medicine I didn't mention?"

"It's an animal species, professor," Lily stood tall and straight, like a blooming flower, and said clearly, "Herbs obtained from a certain part of the animal's body are called animal species."

Professor Sprout took the lead in applauding: "Very good, Gryffindor will add 10 points for your wonderful answer."

The Gryffindor side burst into applause worthy of thirty people. Many little lions proudly raised their chests and gave priority to Slytherin, which obviously made them very proud.

Slytherin didn't want to applaud, but Catherine in the front row lazily clapped her hands along with the professor.

To say it was perfunctory, his posture was very elegant, and the look he looked at that Gryffindor was calm and gentle. Seriously, she's very slow.

Some little wizards unevenly kept up with her clapping movements, such as some in the back row and Agatha standing next to Catherine.

Some frowned and looked dissatisfied, not as good as the ones in the middle.

Catherine seemed to have no intention of paying attention to them. She was fully qualified to go her own way in Slytherin, where the strong were respected.

Professor Sprout knew that the two colleges had long-standing conflicts, and she would usually treat them equally, so she asked another question: "So, does anyone know about the more famous animals that grow herbal medicine?"

This time there were fewer little wizards raising their hands, one Slytherin and two Gryffindors.

The only remaining Slytherin is Snape standing at the end.

Professor Sprout pretended to look around, and finally looked at Snape, "Who is this?"

"Severus Snape, Professor Sprout."

Different from his usual way of lowering his eyes and speaking coldly and distantly, Snape looked at Professor Sprout at this moment, his voice was childish but calm and peaceful, quite in line with Slytherin's requirements.

But Catherine felt that he was talking to her in the same tone.

"Okay, Mr. Snape, tell me." Professor Sprout looked at him with a smile.

Snape took a breath and said vigorously: "For example, fecal stones, extracted from the stomachs of goats, have extremely strong detoxification effects."

"Very good! Ten points for Slytherin!" Professor Sprout applauded again.

Snape saw that both Lily and Catherine were looking at him. Lily was clapping and smiling brightly, as if she was happier than she was getting extra points. Catherine's eyes were calm, and as before, she slowly and gently used her own rhythm. clapping hands.

For some reason, Snape felt relieved and pursed his lips slightly unnoticeably.

The murmur from Gryffindor's side was ignored by him as the Slytherins also began to clap with a vengeance, childishly trying to overwhelm Gryffindor in terms of applause.

Catherine recognized Sirius Black and James Potter talking strange words.

"It's disgusting to take it out of a goat's stomach," said Porter, "and call it bezoar, ugh..."

Blake sneered arrogantly: "Maybe that snot-nosed guy has eaten it."

The voice was drowned in the applause, and perhaps only wizards with stronger magic could hear it clearly.

After the applause stopped, Professor Sprout said seriously: "As Mr. Snape said, bezoar has a strong detoxifying effect and occupies an important position in your potions textbook."

“In some critical moments, you’ll be glad you have it by your side.”

She didn't remind anyone else, but her eyes glanced at Black and Potter. Unfortunately, they didn't think it was the professor who was warning them.

Professor Sprout did not continue the topic. She still had to go to class, "Next we have to walk through several commonly used greenhouses. The first thing to note in the herbal medicine class is to come in safely, leave safely, and don't mess with plants you don't understand. "

The little wizards were expecting to see the special herb, so they responded loudly: "Okay, Professor Sprout."

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