HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 289 The Last Trip

When Catherine went to see Dumbledore in the evening, the old headmaster had just finished dinner in his office and began to deal with various matters that had been left over from the day.

Hearing Catherine coming in, he pushed out pumpkin juice and said, "The Ministry of Magic has agreed to let me take you guys in for a tour, and you can just leave when the time comes..."

Catherine's eyes swept across the piles of documents on the table, professors' work reports, various types of invitations, letters of greeting or inquiry, messages from informants... People who hold multiple positions are always very busy, especially Dumbledore.

Because he likes to do many things himself or keep everything under control.

"From your expression, it seems like you have other questions?" Catherine asked.

Dumbledore closed the letter and nodded, "I'm not sure if my feeling is right. Through the Ministry of Magic, I went to the Veil to take a look in advance. I felt bad about that thing."

Catherine understood the hidden meaning of his words: "Do you need me to go and take a look too?"

"That's for the best. I have seen the Veil before, and it gives me a different feeling now than it did then," Dumbledore explained.

But Dumbledore couldn't really explain what the difference was. Otherwise, with his attentive and sensitive character, he would definitely find out why he felt so "bad".

Since he couldn't explain it clearly, it meant that the situation was beyond Dumbledore's understanding and was likely related to Catherine and others.

Catherine then made an appointment with Dumbledore. The next day would not work. He had been to the Ministry of Magic all day today and even went to Germany to deal with some issues. He already had a day's work piled up and the work in Germany was not yet completely settled. He had to go again tomorrow morning, so he could only make an appointment for the day after tomorrow.

It was the inconspicuous time of two or three in the afternoon when they went to the Ministry of Magic. After a morning of work, the people in the Ministry were tired. Catherine was accompanied by Dumbledore, wearing a hooded cloak. Although her outfit was mysterious, it did not arouse the curiosity of any member of the Ministry of Magic.

Because Dumbledore is now a real guest of honor in the Ministry of Magic. Since Fudge suddenly resigned due to illness two days ago, several officials of the Ministry of Magic have asked for leave one after another due to poor health, and many people have been promoted. Lucius Malfoy, who has been hiding behind the scenes and has close ties with many senior officials, has also become kinder to Dumbledore. The new Minister of Magic is likely to be from Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Wizards from these two academies have always had deep feelings for Hogwarts (especially the latter), and are also more friendly to the professors of Hogwarts.

All in all, who would embarrass the headmaster of Hogwarts now?

Catherine followed Dumbledore all the way down to the basement of the Department of Mysteries. As soon as she passed through the thick magical door, she immediately felt a familiar breath.

Like a mountain standing silently in the darkness, it completely blocks out the sky, and tiny humans are standing at the foot of the mountain, and even if they look up with all their strength, they can only see a little bit of its outline.

This suffocating feeling of oppression and pressure is clearly the remnant of world consciousness.

Dumbledore looked at Catherine first, and seeing that she had a serious expression on her face and even Herbert didn't show up, he knew that the change in the veil was probably related to Catherine and Herbert.

Catherine closed her eyes slightly and took a few deep breaths. This time she did not make any unnecessary movements, because the world consciousness was omnipresent and omniscient. The idea that she would go home was deeply rooted. She only needed to follow this thought, and the world consciousness would understand that she would not stay here.

The reason why it didn't restrain itself was to let the descendants of God know that it was always watching them.

Inaction does not mean ignorance.

Once you take action, the death of Voldemort will serve as a lesson for you.

"It looks like we need to leave as soon as possible," Catherine said to Dumbledore.

"Is it serious?" Dumbledore frowned and looked at the dark outline of the curtain, which made him feel a huge threat.

"It's not serious at the moment. It just reminds us that it's time to go home." Having done what they wanted to do, they should return to their own world and each go back to their own place.

Dumbledore asked, "When do you leave?"

"We've lost three students all of a sudden. Even though we can say that we siblings left because of family matters, it's still a bit troublesome." Especially since Ariana wasn't born yet, and the ancient magic contract at Hogwarts also needed to be stabilized.

"How long can you stay?"

"Let's spend Christmas together." It's only been a little over two months.

Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief, "That will take some time."

If Catherine said she wanted to stay for two or three years, Dumbledore would definitely worry whether something else happened in this world or whether they had any unspeakable plans.

If Catherine said she was leaving tomorrow, Dumbledore would also have a headache. From the magic contract, Ariana's resurrection, to the sudden disappearance of three young wizards in Hogwarts, he, as the headmaster, would have to deal with a lot of inquiries... Just thinking about it makes Dumbledore feel headache.

Especially since Catherine and the other two are no longer unknown figures in their first year at Hogwarts, and Tom alone has begun to have considerable influence in Slytherin, it would not be a good idea for the three of them to stay for a long time or leave immediately.

It's a good idea to stay for more than two months to take care of the follow-up matters.

When Catherine returned, she told Tom and Severus about this. They were both still waiting in Snape's lounge.

The Potions Professor had a gloomy face. He had a good office lounge, but now he could only use the office in the middle. His dormitory had been occupied by Grindelwald. When he was a child in another world, he would come from time to time to occupy his lounge, which was really annoying.

"You'd better leave within five minutes, otherwise Gryffindor and Slytherin will both lose points." After he said that, he threw his robes and went back to correct the homework in a menacing manner.

Katherine waved at him, "We'll be back in the dorms before curfew."

The curfew is only in ten minutes, and Snape even left them time to return to the dormitory. What a good man.

"Is more than two months really okay? In fact, I can leave now." Tom muttered softly.

He was thinking about going back early, maybe he could be in the same grade as Abraxas, then he would have Abu and the fun little Crouch. He would definitely finish the sixth grade well in Hogwarts and start his perfect life.

"It won't delay us," Catherine poked his forehead with amusement, "After we leave this time, we won't be able to run around anymore."

Facing Severus's puzzled look, Catherine explained: "I can feel that the veil is about to collapse. This time we go in, it should be the last time to use it to travel through time and space."

Otherwise, one day someone will use it to travel between different worlds and times, and the world consciousness will not like this.

Severus fell silent, and no one knew what he was thinking. They only looked at the closed door through his eyes.

On the other side of the door was Snape, who was correcting homework with an expressionless face.

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