HP in the name of Slytherin

Chapter 11 Good Samaritan Dumbledore

A ball of light appeared inexplicably, and even though the magic power fluctuated very mildly, Catherine did not follow it immediately.

She approached the newsstand on the street and used the reflection of the outer iron sheet to observe carefully, ready to disapparate and run away at any time.

Realizing that she had not followed, the slow movement of the ball of light quickly stopped, and the next second, it transformed into an old man with a kind face.

Wearing a silver-gray robe with exquisite patterns embroidered on it, and a long beard that reached his chest, he looked at her calmly and held up something like a badge.

Although the distance was far away, the wizard's eyesight was always very good, and Catherine could see clearly what was on the badge.

It consists of four animals, namely lion, snake, badger and eagle, with a letter H in the middle...it looks familiar.

Catherine has a good memory. She has seen this badge on Amy. The house elf's collar button is a miniature version of this badge.

She asked Amy later, otherwise Amy was a bit strange. She couldn't tell why she was wearing this badge, and she didn't know what its meaning was. Anyway, she just wore it, as if she had lost part of her memory.

Catherine once thought it was their family's coat of arms... Maybe this question was a bit foolish, and Salazar ignored her inquiry.

It looked like the old man knew something.

Catherine turned to the old man, who smiled and waved at her.

There were Muggles passing by the old man, but they didn't seem to notice the strangely dressed man and simply walked around him.

From the perspective of the Muggle world, the old man's dress is indeed too retro, but most of Catherine's wardrobe is filled with robes of this style, which is the dress of the wizarding world.

She walked over slowly, and the old man greeted her with a smile: "Good day, Miss Catherine."

Catherine also used a confusion spell on herself when walking over. At this time, the pedestrians passed by them, as if a vacuum zone in another dimension appeared here, and even the surrounding sounds disappeared.

Her magic merged with the old man's.

In other words, the old man quietly tolerated her magic.

His strength is higher than hers.

Realizing this, Catherine lifted her skirt and performed a standard aristocratic salute, "Good day, sir."

This seems to be engraved in her bones, and when she wants to express politeness, she naturally uses it.

"It's a very exquisite ancient magic. If you use a few more, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with you." The old man winked at her in a relaxed tone and bowed, "I am Albus Percival. Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you can call me Albus, or Dumbledore, I am the current Headmaster of Hogwarts."

As the two got closer, Catherine noticed that the middle and lower part of his beard was tied with a ribbon with a small bell, which was a bit playful.

If you look closely at his facial features, he is only in his thirties or forties, which is still very young for a wizard's age, but he deliberately kept a long beard, and what kind of magic might he have used? It makes him feel very old.

Weird... Catherine had no impression of Hogwarts, but since it was the principal, it should be a school.

"Hello, Principal Dumbledore," Catherine smiled slightly and asked calmly, "Do you know me?"

"Oh, of course, you are Miss Catherine, the daughter of Lord Salazar Slytherin. The school has records about you."

Catherine raised her eyebrows: "Record me what?"

"You may not remember that Lord Salazar is one of the four founders of Hogwarts. In ancient records, the four founders left letters telling future generations that you were traveling in time and space," Deng Bullido smiled and sighed to Catherine, "Magic is really a magical existence, isn't it?"

Catherine was not led astray by him, "As far as I know, time travel is not common in either the wizarding world or the Muggle world, especially this kind of travel that spans thousands of years."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment and suddenly asked, "You seem to know a lot about the wizarding and Muggle worlds?"

The change in his tone was subtle, but Catherine caught it and chuckled: "Since you know me so well, you should know that I won't run around without knowing anything."

Dumbledore did not receive a direct reply and did not pursue the question. He just reminded: "In the wizarding world now, Legilimency and Veritaserum are strictly controlled, both for wizards and Muggles."

Catherine tilted her head innocently, "Thank you for the reminder."

"Of course, wizards can share their memories if they wish," Dumbledore said gently. "If you want, I can show you a piece of my memory so that you can quickly understand Hogwarts and magic now. boundary."

Catherine looked at the familiar badges Dumbledore had pinned to his chest. One of the small silver-gray snakes felt very familiar to her, "You did all this just because I am the founder's daughter?"

Dumbledore said warmly: "Part of the reason is this, and part of the reason is that you are 11 years old this year. According to the school rules of Hogwarts, we will accept all 11-year-old wizards in the UK to ensure their safety and treat them well." They conduct magical education.”

Catherine raised her eyebrows and tapped the outer membrane of her confusion spell with her wand, "Even if I'm probably not really 11 years old?"

Dumbledore's eyes slid over Catherine's black wand, and his voice remained steady, "Yes, in fact, you should be using ancient magic now. It is indeed very powerful, but it is no longer applicable in the current magical world. ”

"What do you mean?" Catherine was a little interested in him.

As a wizard, having problems with your own magic is just as serious as having problems with yourself.

Dumbledore took out his wand and tapped it in mid-air. "The operation of magic requires not only wizards and spells, but also magic substances in the air. Over the past thousand years, the magic substances have undergone certain changes, and with them came the magic..." The spell changes accordingly when the wizard casts it."

Catherine frowned and watched as Dumbledore condensed two small magic balls in mid-air. One was a familiar magic wave to her, and the other was a little unfamiliar.

"On the surface, there is no obvious change in the two magic balls. Even this one seems to contain more energy," Dumbledore pointed to the one that Catherine was familiar with. "But its internal structure is not as stable as the other. I believe you can tell that the other one is not much different from it, but it is more stable internally, and the magic power I consume is about twice as much as the former."

In other words, you have to work hard to create a magic that is not stable enough?

Sometimes internally unstable spells will explode with greater aggression, such as attack magic, but if it is a refined magic, lack of stability means there may be deviations.

Catherine imitated Dumbledore's movements to condense a magic ball, observed it for a moment, and pursed her lips.

The stability of her magic is between the two magics used by Dumbledore. It is not stable enough, but not that unstable.

It was really uncomfortable for the wizard to discover that Catherine had always thought that her magic was perfect, after all, she could master all the spells at once.

Dumbledore said: "As far as ancient magic is concerned, your magic is very exquisite. I have been looking for you since your arrival. If you hadn't gone out shopping this morning, I might not have found you yet."

He did not hide his concern for Catherine, and seemed to comfort her with his words.

Catherine frowned and waved away the magic ball in her hand, "Imperfection means imperfection."

She looked at Dumbledore, "Can you tell me more about Hogwarts? Maybe we can find a place to sit and chat?"

"Oh, it's my pleasure." Dumbledore said, but did not move, because he found that one of Catherine's eyes turned dark green, and she was staring at him coldly, but Catherine herself did not notice this. a little.

His expression did not change, he maintained a smile, and began to take things out, "I would like to introduce you to the current Hogwarts in detail, but as you know, today is Wednesday, a working day. As the principal, I can't be long. Time to get out of school.”

He took out a small bottle with silver glitter and a small stone basin, "This is part of my memory about the current wizarding world and Hogwarts. You need a pensieve to view it. I don't know if you have one in your residence. I have it here." A small one.”

After Catherine took the two things, he took out another book, "This book "Hogwarts: A History of the School" may also be helpful for you to understand Hogwarts. It records the history of Hogwarts over the years. The history of the school, from its establishment to the present, is really a long journey.”

The thickness of this book is equally impressive, as thick as this thousand-year period.

As if to make sure that he didn't do anything he shouldn't have done, or to make sure that the things he gave to Catherine had not been tampered with, that cold eye disappeared after Catherine put the book away.

Catherine knew nothing about this. Just as she thanked Dumbledore, Halpo suddenly shouted to her in aggrieved tone, "Master! Halpo is so hungry!"

As he spoke, he squirmed vigorously in his pocket, accompanied by a tooth-staining clicking sound. It was obvious that this little snake monster was eating the candy at a very fast speed.

If you don't go back, it will eat its own tail!

"Sorry, Principal Dumbledore..."

"Oh, it's okay." Dumbledore also noticed the changes in the pockets on the outside of Catherine's robe. He didn't ask further, "I will send an owl outside your castle. We will talk later."

"Okay, see you later." After Catherine said that, she directly apparated away.

After jumping several times to make sure no one was following her, Catherine finally returned to the castle. Herbo was reaching the limit of his patience.

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