Gaowu: An exclusive enhancement every month

Chapter 9 New strengthening runes (please read)

Chapter 9 New Strengthening Runes (please read more)

The sun rises and the moon sets, day after day.

Fang Lang's practice progressed steadily according to plan.

After practicing Xingyiquan, I started practicing Bajiquan.

Although Bajiquan is an external form of boxing, its content is more complicated than Xingyiquan.

Not counting equipment routines, its main content includes the Eight Vajra Movements, the Eight Great Moves, the Six Great Opens, the Baji Frame, Bajiquan, Pi Gua Zhang, etc.

There was too much content, and it was impossible for Fang Lang to learn all the content in just six days.

"The six-level opening is the unique skill of Bajiquan, and the eight-level frame is the basic skill of Bajiquan."

"Practice Bajiquan requires assistance in practicing Pigua Zhang. As the saying goes, 'Baji plus Pigua will make gods and ghosts afraid'."

"Baji focuses on practicing one breath internally and muscles, skin and bones externally. There is a method of using qi called blowing qi. However, in this world, the method of using qi in internal exercises is far more powerful than blowing qi, so there is no need to learn how to use qi."

After some thought, Fang decided to learn the Eight Vajra Movements, Eight Great Moves and Six Great Opens in Bajiquan, and then assist in the practice of Pi Gua Zhang.

Among them, the six major moves and the eight major moves are the core of Bajiquan, and Fang Lang focuses his practice on these two contents.

Six days later, Fang Lang began to test the power of Bajiquan.

He walked up to a big tree, used his inner strength and spiritual energy, and simply hit the hammer, punching the thick tree into pieces.

Behind the broken tree, three meters away, another big tree also fell to the ground.

"The power of Bajiquan can reach extremely far, and coupled with spiritual energy, it is simply a humanoid bomber."

Fang Lang was quite satisfied with the power of this simple punch.

After testing the power of Bajiquan, he began to practice Bagua Zhang.

The Baguazhang body and palm techniques are integrated into one, and the content is relatively simple.

However, its palm techniques and body techniques are all changeable and require a lot of time to practice.

In the last two days of the month, Fang Lang still felt that there was not enough time.

"In the last two days, I will review all the boxing techniques in a loop in these two days."

"I hope I can still remember these boxing techniques after the enhancement of the Heart of the National Martial Arts Master expires on the 1st of next month."

Fang Lang is inevitably looking forward to it. What will be the strengthening runes next month?

On October 1st, new strengthening runes will be refreshed:

[Shining]: Every time you kill a unit (human or monster), there is a 25% chance of dropping a high-level treasure chest.

[Reward has arrived]: Every time you kill a unit (human or monster), there is a 50% chance of dropping a low-level treasure chest.

[Practical training]; Every time you kill a unit (human or monster), your attack power will be permanently increased by one point.

"Permanently increase attack power?"

Fang Lang saw the word permanent and directly chose actual combat training.

Name: Fang Lang

This month’s enhanced runes: actual combat training (the enhancement is permanently valid, and the runes are valid for one month)

Current attack bonus: 0 points

Realm: Warrior level three

"Killing a monster will permanently increase your attack power."

"In other words, if the power of my strongest move is 100 points, after being strengthened, I can hit 101 points, or even higher."

"It seems that we have to stay in Wan Zhong Mountain to hunt monsters this month."

Fang Lang didn't want to waste the effect of any strengthening rune, so he decided to postpone returning home for another month.

"No matter what strengthening runes are refreshed next month, you must go back!"

After Fang Lang chose actual combat training, he decided to go home next month, otherwise he would really be sorry for his family.

He has caused his family to suffer together. They must be living a very miserable and difficult life now, and they need to go home and change everything.

"The effect of the strengthening rune of the Heart of the Master of Chinese Martial Arts has expired. Now let's check whether the four martial arts are still in my mind."

Thinking of this, Fang Lang quickly started practicing four traditional martial arts in sequence.

Fortunately, he has firmly memorized these martial arts and will not practice hard for a month.

"It's a new month, let's start hunting monsters!"

"Just to test the power of the four traditional martial arts in actual combat."

Fang Lang was full of energy and full of battle, and began his plan to hunt the monsters.

He couldn't wait to come to the river and walked along the river bank to observe whether there were any black water chickens in the river.

The black water chicken is a first-grade monster. Killing one will not only give you a full meal, but also increase your attack power.

"Three black water chickens!"

Not long after, Fang Lang saw three black water chickens swimming around at the bottom of the river.

This time he didn't wait for the black water chickens to swim together and went directly into the water to catch them.

The black water chickens swam extremely fast in the water. Even though Fang Lang was a third-level warrior, it took him a lot of effort to catch all three black water chickens.

After catching it, he immediately killed the black water chicken and checked the attack bonus.

Name: Fang Lang

This month’s strengthening runes: practical training

Current attack bonus: 3 points

<divclass="contentadv">Realm: Warrior Level 3

"Three points added!"

Fang Lang was very happy.

"Thank you, little black chicken."

To celebrate the increase in attack power, Fang Lang grilled all three black water chickens, sprinkled them with seasonings, and ate them in one sitting.

Seeing that his strength was getting stronger with the naked eye, Fang Lang didn't want to stop for a moment. He would kill the monsters whenever he caught them. He had killed all the black water chickens in this river.

"Although there are many monsters in Wan Zhong Mountain, you can't just encounter them when you encounter them."

"There will definitely be more monsters if you continue to go deeper, but you may encounter monsters of level four or above."

With Fang Lang's current strength, he might be able to defeat a level 4 monster with difficulty, but it is not enough to deal with a level 5 monster.

Therefore, he was not going to go deeper, but was looking for low-level monsters to hunt on the periphery.

Even if it was a non-aggressive first-level monster, Fang Lang would not let it go.

As a result, the other warriors in Wan Zhong Mountain discovered that there was a crazed third-level warrior who specialized in killing weak first- and second-level monsters.

"I'll help you kill him!"

Sometimes, Fang Lang encounters first- and second-level warriors hunting low-level monsters and rushes to "help."

"Hey! What are you doing? Who wants your help? I want to catch someone alive!"

A beautiful female warrior immediately went crazy when she saw that the monster she wanted to capture alive was killed by Fang Lang.

"You're welcome."

Fang Lang left immediately after the kill without asking for any loot. After saying "You're welcome", he walked away as fast as possible to find the next target.

"Who is this!"

The female warrior helplessly picked up the corpse of the monster and looked at the place where Fang Lang disappeared.

Fang Lang has done this more than once.

Nowadays, the low-level warriors in this area are spreading rumors that there is a pervert who specializes in killing low-level monsters. He just kills and leaves after killing, without taking any spoils.

"This man is so strange. I thought he was trying to steal something from the tiger's mouth!"

Several second-level warriors gathered together, and they all said that they had encountered the same experience when hunting monsters recently.

Fang Lang was immersed in the joy of increasing extra attack power and couldn't stop hunting monsters.

The reason why he targeted first- and second-level low-level monsters and 'picked heads' from other warriors was because this could increase additional attack power faster.

Name: Fang Lang

This month’s strengthening runes: practical training

Current attack bonus: 320 points

Realm: Warrior level three

By the last day of this month, Fang Lang had killed 320 monsters, averaging more than ten per day.

"This 320 additional attack power bonus can probably increase my combat effectiveness by %."

"That is to say, no matter how strong I am, if the strength I exert exceeds the limit, I will have an extra five percent. The same is true for my moves and martial arts."

On his last day, Fang Lang mobilized all his spiritual energy to perform his strongest move and found that an additional 320 points of attack power bonus could increase his combat power by an additional 5%.

"In a situation where the enemy is evenly matched, don't say it's a 5% combat power bonus. Even if it's 0.1%, it's still fatal damage!"

Fang Lang took a deep breath, and the feeling of getting stronger quickly made him forget everything.

"Don't be impetuous in martial arts. Your strength has grown too fast these days, so you need to calm down."

Fang Lang calmed down and started practicing Tai Chi.

Tai Chi balances yin and yang, and is indeed a great boxing technique for cultivating the body and improving the state of mind!

"Brother, there is a wolf, run!"

Fang Lang, who was practicing Tai Chi, suddenly heard someone shouting.

Fang Lang stopped practicing and followed the sound.

Only six wolverines were seen chasing four warriors.

These four warriors were all seriously injured and fled in confusion.

There was a warrior among them, who was the one who invited Fang Lang to form a team to hunt Wolverine that day.

When he and three other warriors were running for their lives, they saw Fang Lang and reminded Fang Lang to run.

Who knew that instead of running away, Fang Lang walked toward them and stopped in front of six wolverines.

Wolverine saw Fang Lang standing in front of them and surrounded Fang Lang. It seemed that he was going to rush up and bite Fang Lang in the next moment.

The four warriors who were running for their lives were shocked when they saw Fang Lang stopping Wolverine.

"Brother, run quickly! Each of these Wolverines has the strength of the third level!"


Are you kidding me?

These six Wolverines all have attack power bonuses!

How could you let it go so easily?

It is impossible to escape. Fang Lang must kill all six evil wolves!

Seeing that Fang Lang was motionless, the four warriors looked at each other, jumped into the pack of wolves, and protected Fang Lang.

Now the five of them may have some chance of winning.

Fang Lang frowned, fearing that these people would steal someone's head, and shouted:

"Don't do anything, these Wolverines are mine!"

There is something wrong with the logic, and it was not designed well at the beginning. "Practical training" comes later and is changed to a percentage increase. Kill a monster of the same level and increase combat effectiveness by 1%.

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