Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 976 Professional God Stick

Hafiz thanked him reflexively.

Although he felt that this coincidence was a bit too coincidental, he did not dare to reject the kindness from the gods.

"Will this be too much trouble for you all?" Hafiz was still a little hesitant. "I'm sure you all have important things to do, so please don't delay me for this little thing."

"It's okay," Antonio said with a big wave of his hand. "It's not a big deal. We just received news that the remnants of the rebels appeared over there, so we have to go and confirm the situation. It won't be a problem."

"Oh, oh." Hafiz didn't dare to ask more questions after hearing this, fearing that he would be implicated. "Then Hafiz will respectfully obey your orders. Thank you for your kindness, adults."

Anyway, even if the gods were delayed for other reasons and failed to stop the people halfway, he could stop them himself in Qiankou Town.

The gods have taken the initiative to show goodwill, and you’d be a fool not to accept it.

Hafiz wanted to avoid him, but Antonio didn't want to let him go so easily.

"Speaking of the remnants of the rebels," he asked with a smile, "do you have any information to share? I seem to have heard that someone once saw the remnants appear near the city of Oss?"

"It's unfair!" Hafiz was really sweating this time, and immediately fell to the ground, much more sincere than when he was at the city gate. "Hafiz is loyal to the Lord of Heaven, and he dare not contact any remnants. If there was any news, he would have rushed to the imperial capital to ask for credit."

He was trembling all over, afraid that the people in charge would not believe him, and he kept making excuses for himself.

"Hafiz was able to serve as the city commander in Os City thanks to the gods. He dreamed of being appreciated and close to the gods. How could he be so desperate as to get involved with the rebels? It's really unfair! Someone must have harmed me! My Lord, please understand!"

My mind raced and I thought of a lot of things in an instant.

For example, how could the gods suddenly come to the city of Os? And why did the untouchables outside the city attack the city just in time for the arrival of the gods?

Everything was connected together in an instant, forming a dense web called conspiracy, and he was the poor guy who was hung on the Internet for no reason.

Fording City! It must be that old bastard Tuliang!

Hafiz buried his head in the carpet, his eyes red, clenched his teeth, hatred surging...

"What he said is true." Yin Ze finally spoke the second sentence. "Get up."

Hafiz was so relieved that tears welled up in his eyes. "Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

After a series of fights and fights, Hafiz's emotions were as exciting as a roller coaster. Once his emotions got high, he didn't have time to think about many things.

Antonio's two sentences actually set up the wrong character, making people automatically imagine them as pursuers.

If we simply try to fool Hafez, it won't be a big problem. But we are afraid that there will be other gods coming later. When the two sides are paired together, they will definitely be exposed.

Pine could only bring out the astrologer's character and give Hafiz a hint when he was under emotional shock and had not yet fully reacted.

"Don't think too much." Yin Ze comforted lightly, "I came to Os City not because of rumors, but I observed the stars at night and saw a Venus twinkling in this direction. There must be someone with great luck. I followed the trail all the way here and saw the Venus hanging in the sky above Os City."

Hafiz was stunned.

"A person whose luck has risen greatly? In Os City?" He blinked a few times and finally reacted, "The stargazing you mentioned... Could it be that you are from the Silver Gravel God Clan?"

He was surprised and terrified.

The gods are mysterious enough in the eyes of ordinary people, and the Silver Gravel Gods are the most mysterious. It is said that they are gifted and can know the fate of the world just by looking at the stars in the sky.

Because their abilities are so extraordinary, although they live in seclusion and rarely appear in public, they still have a very high and unique status among the gods.

It is said that all previous Heavenly Emperors have given them absolute respect. The Silver Gravel Clan's astrologers have absolute autonomy in deciding what to predict and what not to predict.

But most of the time, the results of their divination would help and consolidate the rule of the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, almost everyone thinks that astrologers, or the Silver Gravel Clan, are exclusive personnel who only serve the Emperor of Heaven and are deeply trusted by the Emperor of Heaven.

In this way, wherever they appear, it seems as if the emperor is here in person.

When Hafiz saw Yinze nod, his heart skipped a beat and a numbing sensation spread from his coccyx to the top of his head.

The Emperor of Heaven actually allowed the astrologers of the Silver Gravel Protoss to enter the world... This is not a good thing no matter how you look at it!

Oh my, oh my! I want to ask but I don’t dare to ask!

Hafiz suddenly felt uncertain about going to the imperial capital to present gifts. Did he really want to go? Risking his life for a better future? His current life was actually pretty good, wasn't it?

By judging the situation and relying on Fenan's statements, Fenze made a lot of assumptions about Hafez's life and character. With just a few words, Hafez was convinced and had no doubts. He swore again and again that he was loyal to the Emperor of Heaven and was willing to sacrifice everything for him.

“No need to do that.” When there was no emotion in Yunze’s eyes, he really looked like a high god looking down on the world. “Lord City Commander, your star is high in the sky, and you are destined to be prosperous. It’s just that…”

"It's just..." Hafiz unconsciously followed two words before he reacted, "The person whose luck has risen greatly that the lord is talking about, could it be me?"

He pointed at himself, incredulous and pleasantly surprised.

Yinze nodded calmly: "It's just that the rise and fall of luck depends entirely on your decision, so please be careful."

Lin Fan felt that this was purely a cliché to deceive people. She had seen many fortune-telling stalls in Lanxing that always said such half-truthful things.

But Hafiz didn't know whether he had never experienced such a simple routine or the atmosphere was really set here, he obviously believed it, bowed to the ground, and humbly asked: "How should I choose, please teach me."

How could Yun Ze possibly teach him? He just closed his eyes and said lightly: "It cannot be said, it cannot be said..." and then he said nothing more.

Hafiz was still praying there with profuse gratitude.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, he didn't get any useful information at all. But the people trapped in the bureau have been brainwashed, and it is impossible to stand out and see the essence of things.

Antonio secretly put one hand in his armpit and gave a thumbs-up to his back.

Lu Yuhao watched quietly, indicating that he had arrived.

Lin Fan felt that if Yinze was like this, even if he lost all his spiritual power, he wouldn't be in such a bad situation. This person was very good at understanding people's hearts.

Thinking of this...she suddenly wondered if getting herself was just as easy in Yunze's eyes?

Looking up, the white-haired old man was sitting upright with his eyes closed. The ethereal smell of the gods was mixed with the smell of the charlatans...

Well, whatever trick works, it's fine. At least now Hafiz has nothing to worry about.

Hafiz tried his best to entertain everyone, but his original intention was no longer to curry favor with them in order to achieve his goal of climbing the ladder to fame.

In addition, the pressure from the superior that Yinze deliberately released from time to time made him feel even more stressed...

It is true that it is easier to invite gods than to send them away!

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