Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 960 Xu Xu Tuzhi

Although we need to muddy the waters, we cannot do it like the Monkey King causing havoc in Heaven, attracting the attention of the three realms.

No matter what time, being the first to stick your head out will never end well.

When the sun rose the next day, Lin Fan searched the area around the village carefully again, but still found no trace, so he gave up hope.

"It seems that it is not easy to find Ivana." Lu Xinyuan tugged at the hem of his clothes uncomfortably.

In order to better hide their whereabouts, they decided to disguise themselves as locals. Don't worry about whether they look like locals or not. Just change your clothes and your temperament will change by half.

Both men and women here wear pullovers with round necks and broad shoulders. When the arms hang down, the extra fabric naturally covers the shoulders and half of the upper arms.

The clothes are all made of coarse linen cloth, straight and loose. The only difference is that the hem of the men's clothes is at the middle of the thigh, while the women's clothes are longer, reaching the calf. A belt made of coarse cloth or hemp rope is tied around the waist, and it is complete.

The shoes on their feet are mostly wooden clogs with coarse cloth. There are also leather lace-up shoes, but they are rare. Most of them are seen on strong young people, which may be related to their division of labor.

This kind of dress may be due to the hot weather in the area. Although it is a bit cool at night, when you wake up in the morning, it feels like early summer again.

If he really wanted to find a similar style in Lanxing, Lin Fan could only think of ancient Rome from his limited knowledge of folk culture. But it was not as gorgeous as in the movies, maybe because it was too poor. Anyway, it had nothing to do with the ancient oriental style.

Lu Xinyuan didn't know how many years it had been since he had been so public without pants. He always felt his legs were cold and insecure.

Although the hem of the dress reached mid-thigh and nothing would be visible under normal circumstances, he still felt uncomfortable and kept unconsciously pulling it down with his hands.

Merlinil was unmoved. Holding his sword, he seemed to own the whole world. In addition, he had somewhat European facial features, so he was much more calm than Lu Xinyuan.

The clothes were found in houses in the village that had not been burned.

The bandits passed through the border, and the only things left in the already simple mud house were torn and dirty. It took a long time to find a few wearable clothes.

Antonio originally wanted to find some money and other things, but in the end, apart from farm tools, he didn't find any small metal objects. There was no food left either, as it had all been taken away by the bandits.

Fortunately, they were well prepared and didn't have to worry about supplies. Otherwise, they would have to survive in the wild at the beginning, which was too difficult.

“If it’s hard to find Ivana, then find Irene.” Lin Fan’s voice came from the inner room. “If the man’s purpose in capturing Ivana is Irene, then we will follow Irene and find Ivana sooner or later.”

"What if it's not?" Antonio was always good at ruining the mood. "Maybe the girl is already..."

Lin Fan paused as he opened the door, then strode out: "Then help her save Irene. We should try to help her fulfill one of her wishes."

She was wearing a long linen dress, with a folded triangular scarf draped over her shoulders, tied at her chest as she walked, and her wooden slippers made a clacking sound as she walked.

The women in the village all wore triangular scarves, whether it was a custom in the village or to prevent the night chill, Lin Fan followed suit and dressed up.

She took a pair of wooden chopsticks from the space, and quickly tied up her shoulder-length hair. It was so silky that Antonio couldn't help but whistle.

Antonio's reddish-brown hair had grown a little longer, and was tied into a small tail at the back of his head.

He has a European and American physique, bronze skin, and doesn't care about his long bare legs. After changing his clothes, he doesn't look out of place at all... Well, he has the flavor of a gladiator.

"The person who took Ivana away..." Pine walked in from outside, "was able to approach us without us noticing and take her away...our original conception of this world may be completely overturned."

He was also wearing the same top, but his lower body was covered tightly with a piece of cloth that was either a skirt or a bed sheet, leaving only his feet in slippers visible.

He also had a large cloak on his shoulders that he had found from nowhere, revealing even less than Lin Fan. His long silver-white hair poked out from the hood, giving him a mysterious hermit vibe.

"You..." Antonio grinned, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Fan covered his mouth and pressed it down.

I don't know what he is going to say, but it probably won't be anything good.

Lu Xinyuan was very excited and thought about copying it. But he thought that it would affect the activities, so he struggled for a while and gave up.

Their original idea was to use some magical tools, such as flying leaves, when no one was around. But now, they didn't know what kind of people might be hiding quietly in places they couldn't see, so it was better to avoid such behavior that could easily expose themselves.

Maybe in the future, as they gain a deeper understanding of this world, when magic tools and abilities are no longer something that would attract attention, they will be able to use them at will. But that will be a long time in the future. For now, be cautious and keep safe.

"When I rushed to the lake, I couldn't sense any residual supernatural power fluctuations. If I wasn't sure that there was someone there, I might have suspected that I had made a mistake." Lin Fan let go of Antonio and wiped his clothes.

"We are too passive. We don't know how long that person has been hiding, and we don't know whether he has discovered us." Yin Ze said, "Knowing nothing is our biggest weakness. We don't know the composition of this world, and we don't know how the supernatural powers here are manifested..."

"Then we should take it step by step," Lin Fan continued. "It's always better to be cautious than to be prudent."

"I thought you were anxious, and was just about to advise you." Yin Ze smiled and said, "It seems that I was overthinking."

"Someone taught me that the more anxious you are, the more you need to think calmly." Lin Fan's lips curled slightly, "I want to save people, but I don't want to get myself involved. What's more... haven't we analyzed that Ivana is not in danger for the time being?"

As for the rest, she refused to think about it. There was no point in thinking about it.

She continued to analyze calmly: "It is known that Irene was just captured yesterday. This is a remote mountain village. The bandits did not even spare the food when they burned, killed and looted. You can imagine how poor this area is. Irene will be taken to the royal city, which should be the most prosperous place in the world. Judging from the economic gap, it should not be too close to us. There should be enough time for us to catch up."

Yin Ze chuckled and high-fived to show his agreement.

"Lin Jian is right, but am I the only one who cares about the language problem?" Lu Xinyuan raised his hand weakly.

The language of this planet is so similar to that of Tiandu Planet that the difference in accent is about the same as that between Penang and Winter Palace - they sound different, but communication is completely possible.

Lu Xinyuan was surprised at first, but the more he thought about it, the weirder it seemed.

"What's so strange about this?" Antonio mocked him. "Looking at this spiritual energy, it's probably the same thing as the World Tree and the Son of God. It just so happens that the winner here speaks the same language as you guys on Tiandu Star. Alas, why isn't it Lan Xing language?"

"There are many languages ​​on Lanxing. What if we come across a minor language that we don't know? Wouldn't we be left in the dark?" Lin Fan thought this was a good idea.

Among the five people, except Yingze, everyone else has no language barriers. How great is that?

Everyone in Tiandu knew about the existence of the World Tree, and they didn't hide it from Yingze.

It can't be hidden! He guards the leaves of the World Tree every day. Anyone who is not a fool can detect something.

After packing up, they set off without any delay.

The originally similar outfits, because of Yunze's "illegal" operation, seemed to be vaguely led by him.

The "mysterious hermit" and his five servants followed the messy yet obvious footprints all the way, and after one sunrise and sunset, they finally saw human habitation.

I wrote this chapter twice. I felt that the first draft was not good, so I deleted it and rewrote it.

Although this draft may not be that good, the rhythm and plot have been adjusted, making it much smoother than the original.

I myself feel that a piece of writing that is not good is not worth writing to please my child.

Although the ability is lacking, the attitude is still worth encouraging, right? Hahaha

I'm trying different themes and plots. I hope it won't be too bad.

The weather is getting cooler, and it's already mid-August in a blink of an eye. I have been typing for two years, which is not easy.

But at this pace...

Forget it, just code. Why think so much? Just be happy.

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