Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 947 Always ready

The abandoned hermits who brought them here naturally wouldn't let them pay, and even the boss said he would treat them. But Lin Fan couldn't eat for free.

They got off the ship, representing the image of the Noah. If these cheap foods leave a bad impression on people, it would be a loss of the greater good.

The Yuehua people do not have their own currency, but the rule of barter is also applicable in the interstellar space.

There were many good things in her storage bracelet, most of which were put in by her special colleagues. There were also some specially prepared for her by the old man and others, as well as public supplies preserved for the Noah.

Because there were too many things, she had never cleaned them up carefully, but she vaguely remembered that there were some commemorative medals, which were a bit like small jewelry, and seemed to be specially for her to give as gifts.

He rummaged through the bracelet and grabbed a handful.

The Noah medallion is made of some unknown metal, bright silver, and is in the shape of a six-pointed star. In the middle is a miniature relief of the Noah, with every detail clearly visible. The blank space is inlaid with tiny broken gems, representing the starry sky, which is particularly beautiful.

Also captured were several thumb-nail-sized red and yellow sapphires or crystals.

Lin Fan didn't know much about jewelry, she only knew that diamonds were forever and extremely expensive. She had only come into contact with gold and silver jewelry before. So she knew that such a large gem was not cheap, but she had no idea how expensive it was. But since it was placed together with the commemorative shouldn't be that expensive, right?

Antonio was almost blinded by the light reflected by the gemstone. He cried out "Wow!" and almost knelt down to beg Lin Fan for support. After all, he was the poorest man on the Noah. He had nothing with him except the clothes he had on board and his cell phone.

He knew Lin Fan was rich, but he didn't expect her to be that rich. A pigeon egg-sized carved gem was exchanged for these worthless foods?

The skewers in my hand suddenly lost their fragrance...

Lin Fan asked the shop owner to take the money himself to pay for the meal. The owner was stunned for a long time and did not dare to extend his hand.

Jewelry is essentially a type of mineral. Although its composition varies, it is a valuable item on any planet.

Seeing that he didn't take it, Lin Fan took out a badge and a gem and tentatively handed them over. Seeing that she insisted, the boss hesitated for a moment, but still chose the badge.

It is not inferior to gems when placed together with them. The boss, who is obviously more knowledgeable than Lin Fan, can tell at a glance that it is made of precious metal. It may not be much cheaper than those gems, but it is more low-key and has special commemorative significance.

Aliens! It was his first time to come into such close contact with aliens, and he felt that they were easy to get along with.

The boss, with the filter turned on, put the badge in his arms and generously took out the whole pot, fearing that they would not have enough to eat.

Lin Fan extended his hand to the abandoned hermits again, saying that it was their reward for being their guides.

Those people were obviously tempted, but were too embarrassed to take it. In the end, they pushed each other, and the person who had been talking to Lin Fan took a commemorative medal to show that it was enough.

"Is this your ship?" Someone asked as the abandoned hermits looked at the badge in the leader's hand.

"Yes, it's our ship, called Noah." Lin Fan put the things in his hand away. It feels good not to owe anyone anything.

"Ah! Where did you put your things?" someone else screamed.

When Lin Fan took something out, no one noticed her hand, and they all thought she was taking it out from her clothes. When she put it away, because the pearl light was too bright, everyone was watching it out of the corner of their eyes, and suddenly it disappeared into thin air.

Lin Fan explained the space and brought out the supernatural powers, which was a good explanation.

The abandoned hermits listened with great interest and learned that they came from the distant blue planet, a beautiful and magical place.

Lin Fan also knew that these people were all young people who had just reached adulthood. This was a living area specially designed for the young cubs to grow and learn. The leader was called Ruberu.

After a long and lively chat, when I turned around to look at Antonio, he had almost finished eating everything in the pot.


Antonio held his inconspicuous belly and burped. He looked at Lin Fan with a smug smile and said in P language, "It's at least a little bit of my money back. Do you want some too?"

Although the owner didn't understand what he said, the way he looked at him was as if Antonio's biological father, as if he wanted to feed him personally.

It's over! The appetite of the Noah people must be misled by this dog thing!

After refusing the shop owner who was trying to actively feed her, Lin Fan quickly dragged Antonio away.

They met many abandoned hermits on the way and looked at them curiously, but seeing that Belu and others were accompanying them, they restrained themselves from rushing forward and just stood there and watched. When Lin Fan and the others looked over, they either turned away shyly or nodded politely.

Luberu and the others were greeting acquaintances along the way and explaining Lin Fan and the others' identities.

Apart from the obvious difference in appearance, Lin Fan felt that the way they interacted with each other was no different from that of the Lanxing people. This made the Yuehua people on Earth seem even more cold and heartless.

"Isn't this a youth living area? Why are the lights so cyberpunk?" Antonio asked Ruberu curiously.

Normally, the place where children grow up and study should be clean and bright. Why is it made like a nightclub where they can dance with some music?

"I'm sorry to have brought you a bad experience," Ruberu turned around and explained to him, "Because fighting on the ground requires a lot of energy, the daily functions of the living area have been reduced to support the front line. Fluorescent tubes have low energy requirements and sufficient light, so it has become what you see now."

"Under normal circumstances, are the lights always on? Or do you simulate sunlight, with day and night?" Lin Fan asked.

"It depends on the area. Living areas like ours simulate daylight, but the production area and upper city are always bright no matter when you go there," Ruberu replied.

After Luberu's detailed explanation, they learned that in addition to the upper city where Clavius ​​was located, which was dedicated to management and office, there was also a production area dedicated to the production of various equipment and materials. In addition, there was a living area like theirs, which brought together schools, shops, entertainment, and various basic functions.

"Entertainment? What kind of entertainment?"

Lin Fan was about to ask about the production area when she was interrupted by Antonio. She was also a little curious.

"There are amusement facilities that children like more, there are amusement parks that young people like more, and there are dance halls that adults like more, where you can sing and dance."

Antonio originally wanted to go to the amusement park, but he changed his mind immediately after hearing the following sentence: "Dancing house? Do you have wine?"


"Go there first, go there first!" Antonio smiled.

Ruberu led the way as instructed. Lin Fan then asked about the production area.

"We visited the production area above ground, but we didn't expect there was one underground. What are you producing? Are they weapons too?"

"We have everything, daily necessities, infrastructure equipment, and of course weapons. Anything we need is produced by ourselves." Ruberu answered proudly.

Lin Fan wanted to ask how the underground city could make ends meet without exporting weapons. But then he thought of the convenient tracks he saw along the way, as well as the buildings that were adapted to local conditions. Although they were not as beautiful as those on the ground, their functions were not much worse.

It can realize self-production and self-sales, meet the people's living needs, and at the same time, social development has not lagged behind much, and it can also launch surprise attacks and counterattacks on the ground where the conditions are better...

Along the way, the abandoned hermits they met all had smiles of relief and satisfaction on their faces, a sign of having no worries.

This proves that life in the dungeon is stable and satisfying. The leader, Clavius, or his predecessors, have done a good job.

"Since your current life is good, why do you want to break the balance and be against the Chinese?" Antonio asked, "Isn't it better to just live independently? You don't see the situation on the ground, and you don't know how many people have died..."

The smiles of Rubelu and the others disappeared in an instant.

"We all understand what you said." He lowered his eyes to look at the ground, feeling depressed. "But Yuehua Star is also our Yuehua Star. We shouldn't and can't hide underground forever and be called abandoned by those high-handed bastards. We have to watch helplessly as every once in a while, there are lives that are apparently healthy but are eliminated and abandoned and banished to the underground."

"In order to adapt to life underground, our ancestors went through unimaginable hardships. Life is better now, but we must not forget their sacrifices. We should remember history for them and work hard to return to the surface."

"Some things always need to be done by someone. If not now, then in the future. If not us, then our children. All those who live underground have known since they were old enough to understand that this day will come. Everyone is always prepared for this day to come. Moreover, this time it is the Venerable."

At the end of his words, Luberu's eyes lit up with determination, and he clenched his fists and shouted, "Take back the moonlight! Counterattack on the ground!"

The friends around him also clenched their fists and responded in unison.

The loud voice spread and attracted shouts from far away, one after another, continuously, just like the determination of the abandoned hermits...

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