Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 943 Cui Yan's Response

Finding the Noah was expected, but it just took a lot of time.

From afar, they saw the Noah peacefully parked on the empty tarmac, with the surrounding artillery fire bypassing that area. Both Lin Fan and Antonio breathed a sigh of relief.

The defenses of Yuehua Star are spread all over the star. Those automatic tracking missiles never stopped from beginning to end. They were always numerous and very annoying.

They went from being annoyed to accepting it reluctantly, and after mastering certain rules, they simply gave up and started to have fun and compete.

It is a rare opportunity to practice tracking in all directions like this without causing serious damage.

The two of them directly treated the current Yuehua Star as a huge physical arena, competing to see who was better at dodging missiles.

They had fun all the way through the hardship, and by the time they saw the Noah, they were already able to navigate freely under the pursuit of missiles from all directions. They were relaxed and at ease, as if they were just playing, and they didn't care about the countless flames surrounding them.

Finding an opportunity on the spaceship and upgrading some skills at the same time is a pleasure no matter how you look at it.

However, they dared to move through the gunfire recklessly, but did not dare to approach the Noah.

The spaceship was so big that it couldn't dodge flexibly like them. Who knew if any of the explosions would damage the screws of the Noah? It was better to stay away from it.

The people on the Noah didn't notice them at first. They just saw that the shells that originally had fixed firing points were all flying in one, oh no, two directions.

Ilya thought the abnormality was a demon and asked the technician to zoom in immediately to see what was happening.

In the gaps between the firelight, the figures of Xingchen and Apollo were quite clear.

When everyone on the Noah saw them trapped in the gunfire, their breathing stopped. When they saw the two men maneuvering in the fire with ease, cheers broke out.

"Great, finally there is news!" Ilya is a tough guy, but tears welled up in his eyes. "After they went out one by one, there was no news. Then there was a constant hail of bullets. It's really worrying."

As the deputy captain in charge of flight, he is not good at matters other than spacecraft technology.

The people who used to make decisions were gone, and he was facing the doubts of thousands of crew members alone, which was very stressful. But before Cui Yan left, he specifically told him to wait and see until there was new information. So even though he was questioned, Iria still insisted on closing the Noah and not letting anyone in or out.

Fortunately, most of the controllers of the Noah's main control were from the military of Country H, and they adhered to the principle of following orders. Moreover, when Cui Yan explained these things, they were in the main control room, and they all heard it, knew the severity, and were not disturbed by the emotions of the more aggressive frigate crew.

"Contact them! Contact them quickly!" Ilia watched the two mechas flying closer, but they were reluctant to approach the Noah, and he understood their concerns.

"Noah! Noah! If you hear me, please answer!" Lin Fan and Antonio started calling out as soon as they saw the Noah. But perhaps the dense trajectory or the shock wave of the explosion affected the signal range, and they did not receive feedback until they were very close to the Noah.

"Noah received, Xingchen, please speak!" Iria's excited voice sounded from the mecha.

"What's your current situation? How did you land on Yuehua Star? Are there any casualties? Please answer?" Lin Fan asked first.

Ilia calmed himself down and said, "Everyone on board is fine. The communications department notified us after they discovered you were out of contact."

There was a captain, two lieutenants, two first mates, and several second and third mates on the Noah. Among those who stayed on the ship, only Cui Yan, who had been the head of the research institute, could be counted on.

The data that Noah obtained about Moon Huaxing came from the transmission by Cen Fangyuan the night before, as well as some new information updated when he returned in the morning.

The information after he took Old Dupu and others away had not been fed back. It had been a long time since the same transmission time the night before. The technician felt it was abnormal and asked Iria for instructions. He took the initiative to send an inquiry message and discovered that the signal was interrupted.

Cui Yan knew Cen Fangyuan well, and he was very thorough in his work. If it was just a common signal problem, he would definitely find other ways to notify Noah and reassure them. It wouldn't take much time for Xingchen or Apollo to go back and forth.

But he didn't.

Cui Yan immediately thought that something must have happened. They must be trapped.

But what kind of incident would trap both mechas and leave them no time to pass on the message?

Then there’s only the safety of others!

Old Dupu was going to visit the production area, and Cen Fangyuan was going to get information from Yuehua people. It must be that one of these two parties, or both parties were controlled by someone, which made Lin Fan and the others so cautious and unable to move.

Will Yuehua people turn against us?

No, if the Yuehua people turn against us, there is no need to cut off satellite communications.

With the size of the Noah, even if it is a product that is higher than the dimension of Yuehua Star's civilization, it is impossible to pose a threat to Yuehua Star, which is fully armed on the planet, in a short period of time.

It is no problem to carry out concentrated attacks and destruction on certain areas, but it is simply a fantasy to want to easily pry open a planet, especially a planet as large in size and highly armed as Yuehua Star.

No matter how strong they are, they are still using spacecraft against planets. The resources, supplies, and military power are not equal. Moreover, Yuehua Star was originally a weapons manufacturer. Just looking at the many gun barrels on the star ring, it can be seen that they are not easy to bully.

If it wasn't Yuehua who took the initiative, then there must have been someone else who cut off all planetary communications, causing the Star Ring, an important external building, to become useless.

The purpose of blocking communications is nothing more than to prevent various places on Yuehua Star from responding in time... Such means do not seem like an accident, but more like a rebellion!

Cen Fangyuan and his team were accidentally involved in the struggle for power on Yuehua Star! And they were pinned down by the rebels!

Cui Yan guessed the correct answer almost instantly.

After he confirmed that the Yuehua authorities were not enemies, he immediately ordered the Noah to descend.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. He must make good use of this relationship and turn passivity into initiative!

"How many people did he bring with him?" Lin Fan and Antonio circled back and forth in the sky near the Noah, not daring to go too far away.

The current Yuehua Star was in a mess, and Cui Yan, a weak man, could not make the journey alone. Even though he guessed that Cui Yan had successfully contacted the Yuehua people and that this wave of bombing was his credit, Lin Fan still couldn't help but worry about his safety.

“He didn’t bring many people.” Ilia replied, “The guard only brought five people. He originally wanted to go find his senior brother, but the little black cat jumped onto his shoulder, so he just left.”

After hearing this, Lin Fan finally felt relieved.

Any of these two big guys would have top-level guards. I just don't know why Master Qiansui is suddenly willing to move...

Over there, Antonio had already told the communications specialist a rough outline of their experience—that they were safe, but that they couldn’t come back for the time being.

"Did these ground attacks occur after First Mate Cui left?" Lin Fan asked again.

"Yes, he left for about two hours, and then all the guns on the ground were fired." Ilya nodded. "The firepower was very strong, and all of them were aimed at the ground. We almost suspected that Yuehua had gone crazy. But all these firing points avoided the area around the Noah. I guess it might be something that First Officer Cui did."

It's confirmed! Lin Fan felt relieved, but also a little annoyed by Cui Yan's violent approach.

"Let's go!" She called Antonio, and then said to the Noah, "We're going to find First Mate Cui first. You guys stay where you are and don't come out!"

"Yes, Captain Lin!" Ilya answered loudly, and turned around to ask the technician to broadcast Lin Fan's words to the entire ship.

Lin Fan's force was a blow to the frigate crew. This resulted in the frigate crew's first officer, who was supposed to be in charge of overall management and training, being eliminated by Lin Fan, the captain with explosive force.

The overall coordination is directly handed over to the logistics department, and the management refers to the model of the H country military. All the escort crew members from various forces are dispersed and reorganized. The model of the big brigade leading the small team is adopted, and the captain is selected according to the strength. Each team is managed autonomously.

This was also done to solve the troubles of the airborne first mate's forces. Such an armed department, no matter where the leader belongs, will cause dissatisfaction among the lower-level frigate crew. But Lin Fan is different. Who dares to disobey her? And she can't beat him.

What’s more important is that Lin Fan is not nosy, has a good personality, is strong, and has a pleasing appearance. Who doesn’t like such a leader?

The restless voices in the Noah soon subsided. Lin Fan followed Antonio to find the office he had been to before.

Maybe it was close to the core mechanism, and the damage caused by the artillery bombardment nearby was not great, only some connecting roads were hit, so it was not difficult to identify it.

"Over there!" Antonio suddenly pointed to a building, "That's where we went before!"

At the same time, all the intensive attacks stopped, only the missiles that could not be stopped were still roaring in the air.

"They saw us." Lin Fan turned around a few times and avoided the annoying pursuit.

"Who?" Antonio asked. "The Moon Man?"

"No," Lin Fan confirmed, "It's Cui Yan."

I exercised again today.

It's so hot, it's already 33 degrees when I get up. Last year, I turned on the air conditioner at 6 o'clock, and let it cool down after taking a shower. I turned it off at 10 o'clock when I went to bed, and then used a ceiling fan to blow it. I spent the whole summer like this.

This year, it doesn't work. This month, I turn on the air conditioner at night. I set it to one or two or three o'clock. If I didn't want to give the air conditioner a break to prevent it from shutting off during the hottest period, I would have replaced the air conditioner and would have kept it on all day.

I can’t even think about the electricity bill this month, it’s horrible.

Is it hotter than last year? What do you think?

There was a problem with my computer today.

I typed for a while this morning, browsed B site, and played some games. Then I hibernated and turned on the computer again, but it wouldn't turn on. The fan was spinning, but there was no signal to the monitor. I pressed restart, and the screen was completely black. The desktop icons were stacked one on top of the other, which looked abnormal. The mouse and keyboard were all unresponsive, and I was scared to death.

Then I finally shut down and restarted the computer, and the desktop seemed to be normal, but the fan was whirring. It only whirred so fast when I was playing games, but I had just turned on the computer.

The icon has also become smaller, with a frame around it. I didn't change any configuration today, and I don't know what happened. Reinstalling the driver didn't work. After trying it for a while, it still didn't work, so I thought I'd reinstall the system. I took a screenshot, backed up the desktop icons, and restarted again. Hey, it worked. I also installed the driver for the graphics card I just bought last month, so why did it suddenly have problems? Could it be that the computer is afraid of reinstalling?

The mouse and keyboard also failed one after another. I changed the battery of the mouse and it is fine now. The keyboard failed twice within three hours while I was typing. The keypad lock didn't respond. It fixed itself after a while. It's so troublesome.

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