Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 918 Next Destination

The universe is vast and the stars are endless.

One year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Without the direction pointed out by the Okt Persians, Noah drifted in the vast universe and could not find any planet with life at all.

Cen Fangyuan felt that it was not a good idea to continue groping aimlessly like this. After discussing with Lin Fan and Ilia, he decided to take a risk and head towards the nearest transit star according to the coordinates given by the octopus man.

The octopus man said that it was a neutral planet where spacecrafts of various forces could dock and resupply, similar to the highway service area on Lanxing.

According to Lanxing's civilization level classification, it should belong to the third-level civilization.

However, the boundaries of forces in the universe are not so clear. Spacecraft classified as level 4 civilization or higher by Lanxing will also stop at transit stars.

Such transit stars belong to the no-war zone in the Interstellar Convention. Even if ships from hostile planets land at the same time, they cannot start a war if they meet in the street, otherwise it will be an act of openly violating the Interstellar Convention.

"Will those people obey?" Antonio was surprised when he first heard it. "If they can drive a starship and start a fight, it must be more than a small fight."

"Yes." The little octopus man Ibutu always patiently explained, "If they openly violate the convention, it would be equivalent to saying to other planetary forces on the neutral planet, "Come and fight me." In a level three civilization, everyone is more restrained in fighting for resources. If they encounter such a once-in-a-lifetime, open opportunity to fight, they will naturally not be polite."

"Oh," Antonio nodded and asked again. "If it's not so public, like putting someone in a sack or hitting someone with a club, then it's okay?"

"..." Ibutu was stunned for a moment, and blinked his eyes, as if he had not expected this option. "If there is no evidence left... it should be possible. But I advise you to give up this idea. The technology there is much more advanced than that of Lanxing. Your Sky Eye system is not high-tech in the interstellar space at all."

"Since we are bound by the Interstellar Convention, our safety should be guaranteed. Why don't you suggest that we go over?" Cen Fangyuan asked humbly.

"Although direct confrontation is prohibited on the transit planet," Ars took over the conversation, "the convention will automatically become invalid once the ship leaves the port. You are new to the interstellar space, and although the spaceship is advanced, it is not large enough, and you have no idea about many things. If you go to the transit planet like this, you may be unlucky and easily be targeted by the pirates waiting there, who will wait for you to leave the port before taking action."

"There are still pirates?" Lin Fan frowned.

In her entire life, she had never even seen a thief... Oh, she had caught a robber on the street before... In short, pirates were more like villains in myths and stories, and Bigelow was not realistic enough.

"Yes," Ibutu shook his tentacles. "They are called pirates, but in fact they are just scattered radical groups abandoned by the big powers. They make a living by robbing interstellar ships. There are no patrol police in the interstellar space. If they do not cause serious offense to the forces of some planets and only cause minor trouble, the planets will not send people to chase them down."

"They dare not offend the big planets, but they will not have too many concerns about a small white ship like you that is inexperienced and has no background. Therefore, the biggest risk for you to go to the transit planet mainly comes from them." Als said.

"Are they that powerful? We can't defeat them?" Antonio pointed at himself and Lin Fan.

"As for you, there is no problem with your combat capability. But the Noah is a big target and its size is not impressive enough. The pirates' starships are of various types and it is hard to say what their configurations are. They could be level three or four civilizations... If you have a choice, we don't recommend you take risks."

"And you will have to register your origin when you enter the transit planet. Then Lanxing will be exposed to the eyes of higher civilizations..."

"Will the pirates go to Lanxing again?" Cen Fangyuan's heart skipped a beat and he asked hurriedly.

"That's not the case. They won't go that far." Ars shook his head. "There are too many forces in the interstellar space. Although most advanced civilizations look down on Lanxing, which has not even reached the first-level civilization, no one can guarantee that there will be no forces that would target that planet. Isn't Gro a ready-made lesson?"

Everyone was silent.

"But it may not be all bad. It is also possible that there are friendly advanced civilizations that will help Lanxing, like us." Ars continued.

"We came here to chase the black hole." Ayi suddenly said, "Not for Lan Xing."

“…In short, risks and opportunities coexist.” Als waved his tentacles to stop Hajime from continuing, “But compared to the distant Lanxing, I personally feel that you are the prey that is delivered to my mouth, and it is easier to face the attack directly.”

So at the beginning, Noah had several precise coordinates of advanced civilizations in its hands, but never thought of going there.

But it has been more than a year since they came out of Tiandu Star, and they still don’t know where their next life star is.

Now that the Noah has been added to the Tiandu, its size is almost the same as before. Although it is not a battleship, it can be regarded as a composite ship, and its weapons are naturally much stronger.

In addition, the continuous progress of the Noah members over the past year or so has given Cen Fangyuan more confidence.

Under the stimulation of the Tiandu people, the frigate crew members took the initiative to ask to learn special abilities.

Jin Sichen, who was most familiar with the knowledge of the superpower system, was pushed out by Cen Fangyuan to be the teaching teacher. The people of Tiandu Star were not left idle either. They all became teaching assistants. Each of them was responsible for leading three to four crew members, and had close contact with and understood the use of superpowers.

The people of Tiandu were reluctant at first, but after listening to Jin Sichen’s systematic theoretical lectures, they no longer resisted.

Lan Xing's supernatural power system is very detailed and can really improve your own supernatural power level. By the way, it is not a disadvantage to show it to people who don't have supernatural powers.

The spiritual power emitted by the World Tree Energy on the Noah is actually not strong enough. The people of Tiandu Star originally have supernatural powers, and it is not difficult to grow up according to the method of the Special Affairs Office.

But it was a little more difficult for the frigate crew.

Only one-third of those with stronger affinity have successfully developed superpowers, and are upgrading at a snail's pace.

The rest of the people were like Xue Ping, with the will but not the ability. But fortunately, they had enough theoretical knowledge. Regarding the mutual generation and restraint, advantages and disadvantages of elemental reactions, even if they encountered a superpower in the future, at least they would not be too passive.

Lin Fan has not been idle this year.

In the first half of the year, she ran to Xiaoyao Mountain every day, and her body was covered with bruises, but the effect was obvious.

It was not until the eldest senior brother could no longer beat her easily that she was driven down the mountain by the annoyed eldest senior brother and told her not to show up again for a while.

Although the speed of time in the interstellar space varies, the Noah still maintains the Blue Star timekeeping. Everyone is used to the morning, noon and evening, and the outside is all dark starry sky.

Lin Fan did not idle away in her free time. She wanted to work with Jin Sichen to consolidate her supernatural powers.

After the supernatural powers she learned in the consciousness realm came out, the power was greatly reduced because the energy of the body and the soul were not synchronized. In addition, she was blind at the time, and her supernatural powers were scattered here and there, without a system. If she wanted to integrate them well, she had to ask Jin Sichen to teach her well.

I originally thought that I would spend two days studying superpowers, two days learning interstellar language, and one day learning something else, leaving me with two days off, which would be perfect.

As a result, within two days of implementation, the ship's tailor... no, the stylist came to her house and said that in view of her stiff performance at the Tiandu Star banquet last time, in order to avoid the same situation next time, Lin Jian should wear formal clothes more often to get used to it.

Lin Fan used to be an ordinary citizen. The only time he wore a dress was when taking artistic photos. The jewelry he wore were all plastic glass beads and he had no psychological barriers.

Of course she wouldn't be used to being suddenly given gold and silver jewelry.

The stylists have obviously thought of this problem, and it is easy to solve. Just wear the dress as daily clothing every day. You won’t feel uncomfortable after wearing it many times.

Lin Fan protested for a long time against the restrictive clothes and overly expensive jewelry, but finally agreed with a result that satisfied both parties.

The clothes can be exquisite, but not too exquisite. The torso can be fitted, but the limbs should be flexible, and high heels that are difficult to walk in are not recommended. The jewelry should not be so dangling that she can't sit still like last time, a regular set will do.

Stylists are not afraid of demands, but they are afraid of being idle. After agreeing with Lin Fan to wear a formal dress at least two days a week, he happily went back to work on his creations.

At this time, Lin Fan also thought of the consequences of poor clothing in the consciousness realm. She looked at her light clothes, picked her fingers, and decided to change her daily clothes.

The clothes must be resistant to impact, the shoes should have thick soles, and you must bring two swords, an energy gun, and two other light magical weapons.

This way, next time I encounter the same situation, when I select random clothing, there is at least a 50% chance that it will be equipped with weapons...

So, everyone on the Noah suddenly discovered that Lin Jian started dressing up, changing his look every day, from fashion to casual, formal wear to combat uniform. Although they didn't understand it, it looked quite good.

The happiest ones are the stylists. They have been idle for years and could only do some mending work. Now that Lin Jian is taking the lead, the fashion awareness of the entire Noah team has increased a lot.

Although I am very busy, it is painful and joyful...

Antonio was also feeling the same pain and happiness.

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