Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 901: The Knife Stabbed by My Own Hands

Le Zhengyuan left without a word, leaving the people behind in the hinterland of the mainland, several hundred kilometers south of the Zhongjin base. In the end, it was Cen Fangyuan who contacted the plane on the Noah to pick them up.

While waiting for the plane, Lin Fan ate something and asked about the latest situation.

"The monster just died like that?"

"Dead as a whim!" Antonio said this, his spirits rising again. "I went down to see it myself. Although I didn't kill it with my own hands, I was the one who finally knocked it down, and it broke into pieces. It couldn't be deader."

"Then will it...leave its soul and attach itself to something else?" Lin Fan was still worried.

"Senior Brother's sword directly cut into his soul. He was already barely alive. How could he have a chance to survive? Don't worry." Jin Sichen said with a smile.

"That's good..." Lin Fan replied hesitantly.

She should be happy, but she felt a little depressed.

"What's wrong?" Jin Sichen knew something was wrong as soon as he heard it.

Lin Fan shook his head: "Although I know he deserves to die, it's a pity that the World Tree is gone just like that. I wanted to find out what led to the end of Tiandu Star, but now it will become an unsolved mystery. Besides, was everything he said a lie? How could the tree guardian become like this? I really want him to explain it clearly before he dies..."

"Hahaha," Jin Sichen laughed, "I thought... the cause of the apocalypse was not difficult to guess. It was nothing more than environmental pollution invading the soil from the ocean, causing the entire ecosystem to mutate. Although there is no definite evidence, but judging from the general process, it should be pretty close. As for the character of the tree keeper... have you forgotten Kuafu?"

"Who is Kuafu?" asked Antonio.

No one paid any attention to him, so he pulled Cen Fangyuan to ask again. Cen Fangyuan had no choice but to explain to him.

"So, there are bad people among the Son of God." Antonio concluded after listening, "Maybe the tree keeper here was originally a bad person, or maybe he was good at first, but later became a pervert? I know how you feel, just like when the episodes of a show are interrupted, you always feel an itch and want to know the ending."

“…That’s not the case,” Lin Fan waved his hand, “It just felt like it came to an abrupt halt.”

"It has to stop abruptly!" Antonio said with an exaggerated expression, "If we don't stop him, we will stop!"

Lin Fan laughed out loud. Isn't that the case? She had to save her life to think about these things. Life is not perfect. Imperfections are the norm.

"Thanks to Senior Brother for taking timely action this time." Cen Fangyuan also sighed.

He was terrified just thinking about it. As soon as he left the house, the two mechas disappeared silently. There was no such item in the emergency plan!

Even though he didn't believe in gods and Buddhas, he praised God for his blessings many times. It was a little dangerous, but fortunately he had good luck.

Antonio suddenly asked Lin Fan: "Do you still hate him now?"

"Who?" Lin Fan was a little confused. "Tree man? I can't say I hate him, I just feel... I trusted him wrongly. After this incident, I really don't dare to trust him anymore. If I encounter a similar situation in the future, I will definitely think about this thing again. Hmm... Come to think of it, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing."

"No!" Antonio shook his head violently, looking upwards, "That him."

"Big Brother..." Lin Fan understood, and his mouth twitched violently. "You don't even dare to mention it? It's not like he will suddenly appear and continue to beat us up."

"Don't worry about it!" Antonio was a little annoyed. "I saw it clearly before. You rarely have such strong emotions. Although you can't stand steadily, your whole body seems to be glowing."

Lin Fan thought about it. She was shaking like a Parkinson's disease, vomiting blood, and rolling around in dirt. Glowing? He asked the two people next to him for confirmation, and surprisingly saw that they nodded.

"It's true," Cen Fangyuan replied with a smile, "It was miserable... well, it was a bit miserable, but you were full of fighting spirit, and your whole body burst out with extremely strong vitality. It seemed like you were really glowing, dazzling and eye-catching. Although it was inappropriate, it really felt beautiful at the time."

"..." Lin Fan was stunned. Is this talking about her?

"Not everyone has the courage to swing the sword at a strong opponent even though they know they can't win." Jin Sichen also smiled charmingly, "That scene was indeed beautiful. Not beautiful in the ordinary sense, but the shining soul and unyielding courage, which shocked people and will be unforgettable in this life."

"Me too, me too." Antonio covered his chest and sang an aria. "Sword and girl, weakness and power, blood and silver sword, battle-damaged body and stubborn soul... I really love you!"

Lin Fan scratched his head in bewilderment, blushing a little: "Is that so... I have no idea."

Jin Sichen pulled Antonio away from where he was about to pounce on Lin Fan: "How could you know? I probably wanted to kill Senior Brother at that time, right?"

"Not really," Lin Fan quickly glanced up into the air, "but I did hate him back then, and now... I can't say that the hatred has completely disappeared. It's a bit complicated. I used to trust my senior brother with all my heart, and I was sure that he wouldn't really hurt me. But now... I'm not that sure anymore. I know he means well, but with today's situation... I'm afraid it's hard for me to pretend that nothing happened."

When a goose flies by, it leaves a sound; when a fish flies by, it leaves a trace. Once something happens, it is impossible for it to leave no trace.

"So you can't trust Senior Brother wholeheartedly now?" Jin Sichen asked.

"It's not that I can't, it's just..." Lin Fan thought for a moment, a little conflicted, "I still believe that he won't really hurt me to death, but the degree, from just bruises and pain to today...Okay, I admit that I'm already wary of him."

Jin Sichen smiled: "So he succeeded."

"What?" Lin Fan was confused.

"You mean, Senior Brother's attack today was not only to punish Lin Fan and make her realize the difference in her strength?" Cen Fangyuan also reacted. "But to make her wary? No wonder..."

"Lin Fan lives in a peaceful era. Although she knows that people's hearts are treacherous and she has experienced intrigues, the real dangers she has only encountered in recent years, and she has never had the chance to encounter deep-seated malice. In this respect, she is no different from a newborn baby. She can only distinguish between good and evil by instinct." Jin Sichen explained.

"When she encounters direct malicious intent, she will instinctively resist, such as what happened to Gro. Because it is intuitive, it is not dangerous. But what if it is disguised maliciousness? Like the tree man this time, first show weakness to arouse her sympathy, and then lure her into the trap. After they entered the consciousness realm, we were completely helpless. If it weren't for the eldest brother..."

Jin Sichen breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Fan seriously.

"Big Brother used such a heavy hand today not only to teach you a lesson and to make you remember the pain, but also to personally stab you in the heart and tell you that no matter how close someone is to you, you cannot trust them wholeheartedly. No matter what kind of relationship you have, you should always be on guard. Guarding will bring doubt and hesitation, and during the time of hesitation, your intuition will guide your body to respond to danger, and that is life."

Lin Fan felt uncomfortable, as if a pair of large hands were pulling his heart and twisting it, making it painful and astringent.

She opened and closed her mouth several times before she asked in a trembling voice, "No one can be trusted completely...what about you?"

"We are no exception." Jin Sichen ignored Antonio's anxiety, smiled and warned softly.

"Lin Fan, you can trust anyone, but no one is worthy of your full trust. Including us."

Did anyone scold the eldest brother?

Kindness is a double-edged sword, and Lin Fan needs to be cautious.

In fact, many times, knowing the truth may not necessarily lead to change, and preaching is always irrelevant.

Lin Fan's innocence was exactly what everyone lacked and liked. The eldest senior brother did not want to change her as a person, but just put a golden hoop on her and knocked it from time to time to prevent her from being careless again.

In the interstellar world, there are countless dangers, and only by being cautious can you save your life.

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