Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 887 Pressure

The zombies of Tiandu Star all have a rotten smell all over their bodies, their skin and flesh seem to be dissolved, and you can see the internal organs in the chest through the ribs. Their eyes are dead white, and their pupils have become extremely thin. They can only detect living things by smell and sound. Their only remaining desire is the thirst for flesh and blood, but this seemingly reasonable demand is not for survival.

Lin Fan had seen an intestine fall out, and someone took it into his mouth and ate it while walking. That scene... was so disgusting that she almost vomited on the spot.

With such an experience, they naturally believed that the zombies in this world were the same: just loose and rotten living dead, not as threatening as the mutated creatures in large numbers.

But reality gave them a resounding slap in the face. It really wasn't okay to just take things for granted.

"Hurry up!" Antonio saw that Lin Fan was about to rush forward, so he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, "These guys look quite powerful, and we have to take a burden with us."

The mutants that swarmed in were all strong and healthy, more than two meters tall, with bulging muscles that burst their clothes, scarlet eyes bulging out, saliva dripping from the corners of their grinning mouths, and their teeth were like two rows of saw teeth, extremely sharp.

Compared to zombies, they are more like over-enhanced humans, giving people the illusion that there is still a chance to communicate with them.

But the beast-like roars coming out of their mouths, and some of them impatiently putting their hands on the ground and running on all fours like animals, seemed to indicate that everything was an illusion...

Lin Fan turned around and saw that Old Man Lu had indeed seen the huge group of monsters. He spilled the little water he had managed to save and sat paralyzed on the ground, unable to move.

With both hands raised high, he released fire and gold powers above the enhanced people, cutting and melting the wires, and smashing them with fire. But the other party seemed to be not hindered too much, and easily broke free from the obstruction, and moved forward even though his whole body was on fire.

A layer of their skin was burnt, revealing the tender and bright red muscles underneath. The charred old skin hung on their bodies like a snake's shed skin, and it looked like spots from a distance, which was scary and disgusting.

They could give it a try when they were alone, but old man Lu Qingyang had already brought them here, so they couldn't just leave them here.

Lin Fan didn't dare to fight, and the best strategy was to run away. In just two moves, Antonio had already carried Lu Qingyang on his back.

The two men were extremely fast, but they were unable to create much distance between themselves and the pursuers behind them in a short period of time.

"These people..." Lin Fan looked back, "They are actually humans themselves..."

"I finally understand why those people wanted to die with them in the end. We simply couldn't defeat them!" Antonio held Lu Qingyang tightly and ran as fast as he could, not forgetting to complain.

What kind of physiques do they have? Even without mechas, their genetically modified and evolved bodies are far superior to those of ordinary people. In terms of light speed, no one on Lanxing can match it, even the world record holders are far behind them, which would make their mentality collapse.

But now, those guys behind them can actually keep falling behind them... Although the distance is indeed increasing, it is simply incredible based on the experience of Lin Fan and the others.

Even Gro's insect soldiers cannot achieve such physical fitness, as they are civilized creatures of high dimensions.

The two people, who had not felt a sense of crisis for a long time because of their excessive strength, immediately felt the pressure, but their physical fitness was fixed. Compared with the unconscious enhanced people, the psychological pressure made them feel tired quickly.

The two of them rushed forward with all their breath held, and finally got rid of the person after half an hour. They didn't dare to stop immediately, and ran forward for another ten minutes before stopping.

At this time, the two men were no longer relaxed as usual, their faces were red and they were sweating profusely. Especially Antonio, who was carrying someone on his back, was panting like a bellows and looked like he was about to collapse.

He tilted and sat directly on the ground, and the person on his back naturally fell off.

Lu Qingyang, who witnessed the whole process without exerting any effort but was terrified all the way, did not dare to scream loudly when he fell and was hurt, and he also took the initiative to contribute two bottles of water.

"That's good now." Lin Fan was also panting. He took the water and his hands felt weak when twisting the bottle cap. "The direction is messed up."

"It's okay." Antonio poured half a bottle of water on his head. "It's not too far, at most a little off the beaten track. I saw a lot of cars on the road just now. Maybe we can get there."

Lu Qingyang felt extremely distressed but didn't dare to say anything. He could only try to be nice to the two exhausted people and take the initiative to explore the surrounding areas to find a usable car, so that out of sight, out of mind.

Lin Fan took a few sips of water and felt his throat was not so dry anymore. He then said, "So this is how immunity works. Haha, it's really..."

On the way, she found many opportunities to stop the pursuers and tried all kinds of superpowers. But she found that enhanced people seemed to have something similar to superpowers, and everyone was immune to certain elemental superpowers.

Maybe this person is immune to fire, and that person is immune to gold... It's not a problem if they fight alone, but they act in a group. In this way, no matter what superpowers they use, there will always be someone who is immune, and the strength of the attack will naturally be greatly reduced.

"Fortunately, they don't have super powers," Antonio snorted and threw the empty bottle away, "otherwise we would be in even greater trouble."

At present, there is still a clear gap in strength between the two sides. The mutants have strong physical fitness, but they can't think, and they don't seem to have many other means except group attack.

Although humans are physically weak, they have superpowers and brains, so no matter how you look at it, their chances of winning are very high...

"So in the end, why did it come to that?" Lin Fan murmured.

"The key lies in the infected Son of God." Antonio had thought about this problem a long time ago. "If the Son of God had not fallen, then nothing would have happened."

"The Son of God has infected me... Tsk," Lin Fan shook his head. "It's unbelievable no matter how I think about it. The ugly woman is so powerful, yet she was tricked by Kuafu. It's said that the Son of God can at least reach her level. It doesn't make sense that we can escape but they can't."

"Maybe it was really an accident. You also saw that the enhanced humans all rushed forward, and two fists could not beat four hands. As a human, there are bound to be omissions. The Son of God is just an experimental human created by a high-dimensional civilization." Antonio had never seen the ugly woman and had no specific understanding of her strength.

"I am a little bit dark-minded." Lin Fan hesitated, but he continued speaking when he saw Antonio's encouraging look. "I was thinking, what if the infection was not caused by an accident? Could it be someone did it on purpose?"

"What's the point?" Antonio did not deny her guess, but asked, "What's the point of dragging the gods down and turning the power of salvation into the power of destruction?"

"It can't be that there's a psychopath who wants to drag the whole world down with him, right? Ha," he clapped his hands weakly, "then he really succeeded."

Lin Fan sighed: "I can't really put it into words. Just say that I have a dark mind, right? But I can't get rid of this thought."

"Because the dead tree said the word 'human heart'?" Antonio was not surprised.

Lin Fan nodded. She knew that she couldn't believe everything Po Shu said, but it was hard to get rid of the thought in her mind, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

The human heart that can destroy the world should not only be the final outburst, but also a long-hidden malignant tumor...

I have been installing my computer today. I installed it last night, turned it on, and installed the system. But the fan light on the case is not on. I don't like lights, but after all, I paid for it, so I still want to see if it is fully functional before unplugging it.

After some research, I thought that the light cord might be plugged in the wrong place, so I changed the place where it was plugged in, but it still didn't light up.

That's all. After I turned on the computer, it reported an error and restarted, the motherboard lights flashed wildly, and the monitor screen was distorted. I was so scared that I started to question what was going on.

There is a feeling of dizziness and fatigue.

Fortunately, after testing so far, there are no obvious problems with the CPU and memory. The hard disk is being tested and it will take several hours to complete.


There might be something wrong with the monitor cable. I bought a new cable and tried it.

It's cloudy today, and it started to rain around 3pm. It's getting cold again. This year the weather is always hot and cold, more frequently than usual. Is it the same where you are?

I hope the computer can be finished as soon as possible so I can use it sooner.

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