Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 878 His Regret

Sacrifice yourself to the tree?

Lin Fan's mind instantly flashed with the example of jumping into a sea of ​​fire and sacrificing one's body to a sword. It must not be pleasant to imagine.

How much love does this have to be? Only by melting living flesh and blood into the tree, taking root in Tiandu Star, watching them perish again and again...

The tree's face, which was obviously ugly just now, didn't seem so ugly anymore. Every wrinkle became a wound carved by Tianduxing on his body, and he had been silently enduring it and still guarding it...

Under the pressure of life, everyone learned quickly. Although the number of zombies was huge, as long as they could win, human resilience still made them confident.

Until one day, the Son of God was also infected, and the balance tilted again.

The thousands of years of life of the Sons of God were not in vain, their abilities were far beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even against immune zombies, the killing power of a single blow was still considerable.

Similarly, when they become zombies, their lethality to humans becomes even more terrifying.

The gods were killing each other, and humans and zombies were fighting each other. Everyone was trying their best to fight for a future.

Watching his companions disappear one by one, the old tree could only silently guard the World Tree and continue to stimulate its spiritual energy.

He can't help anybody, no one can help him.

It seems like the zombies are endless, you can never kill them all, they always keep popping up.

A large number of supernatural power struggles affected the vegetation, and everything as far as the eye could see was barren.

Zombies are not picky eaters, but humans need to eat. When supplies are insufficient, even the strongest people will retreat.

Despair spread in silence, and finally, someone couldn't stand the dragging ending and detonated the nuclear reactor.

"What?" Antonio thought he had heard it wrong. "If we can't win, we'll die together? This is..."

The old tree didn't respond to him and continued to narrate in a low voice.

The huge explosion took away everything, and it seemed to send a signal to other desperate people. Some people followed suit, but the Sons of God were too late to stop it, and the World Tree could only protect the survivors in time. The continental plates shattered in the explosion.

The zombies disappeared and humans still won, but the land of Tiandu Star was completely shattered and carried various kinds of strong radiation.

The barrier of the World Tree prioritized protecting humans and did not take care of the Son of God, who was always strong.

The Sons of God avoided the zombies and the explosions, but could not avoid the damage caused by radiation.

When Lao Shu was the only son of God left on Tiandu Star, he asked himself vaguely, what was all this for? And what did all this bring?

He wanted to escape, escape from this planet full of pain and where all his companions were buried.

But what about the humans who are still alive in the barrier?

Let them fend for themselves! They were going to die anyway...

The old tree struggled for a long time, but finally decided to stay.

He controlled the World Tree, pulling all the broken plates together and binding them into a complete continent. Then he began to evolve radiation damage until a new world began...

"The World Tree can evolve and radiate?!" The Tiandu people were excited. "Then we are saved?!"

Lin Fan felt sad when he heard their relief through the headphones.

The world tree in front of me has no tree shape at all, and the color is wrong. It should be caused by purification of pollution.

The people of Tiandu listened to the entire history of the planet and said nothing about the contributions of the World Tree and the Son of God, but at this moment they jumped out and cheered.

Why do others have to bear the brunt of their mistakes every time?

The old tree seemed to have heard what they said, but it did not feel sad and continued to speak calmly.

The damage caused by radiation pollution is very difficult to eliminate. The World Tree, whose roots have been damaged by several explosions, can no longer continue to absorb the energy. But it has to give up... The tree keeper did not hesitate for too long, and used his own abilities to merge into the World Tree.

He's not leaving anyway, so what difference does it make where he is?

A new world begins, and everything seems to have entered a reincarnation, but this time, there is only him.

He hid underground, drawing energy from the earth's core, watching the small flowers and grass he brought in accidentally take root and bloom, once again marveling at the tenacity of life, waiting for humans to grow little by little, watching them repeat the process again and again.

"Wait," Antonio suddenly remembered, "We have read in the literature that there was a legend about a sacred tree and a god. Is that you? Haven't you been staying underground since the beginning of the New World? It doesn't seem easy for you to move."

Lao Shu said it was him.

Because they wanted to learn from the lessons of their previous life, and let the descendants of these survivors who had absorbed a large amount of spiritual power pay more attention to their supernatural talents, so as to avoid situations where they were unable to continue when faced with a strong enemy.

The result... He chuckled, as if he was mocking himself.

He manipulated the tip of the World Tree to drill out of the ground, maintaining a small form of a normal sacred tree. He also used his spiritual power to transform himself and continued to play the role of a guide.

But…but again and again, as if technology was his nemesis, he failed again, hid back underground, and no longer worried about them.

"But you are still protecting them, aren't you?" Lin Fan felt that Lao Shu was a parent who was hard-mouthed but soft-hearted. He said he didn't care, but he never let it go.

Otherwise, why is he always connected to the mainland? Isn't he the one who has been purifying the radiation in the air and the sea?

The old tree was silent for a long time, and then laughed sadly.

Yes, why can't he let it go? If he could let it go...

There is no way, thousands of years of feelings, even if humans repeat the same mistakes again and again, he still remembers the promise he made to Nuwa...

I will protect this tree, this planet, and love everything here with my life!

He clearly feels that he no longer loves her...but he is still protecting her...

Even though the pain was excruciating, he still kept pulling the pain onto himself...

Lin Fan felt a sense of panic in her heart, and a wave of pain came over her. Although his ugly face was expressionless, she felt that he was crying.

She took a few steps forward and reached out to touch it, as if holding the face of an old tree: "Sorry, I think this might make you feel more comfortable."

Pure energy emanated from her hands, causing the old tree to moan in comfort. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had felt the ease and warmth of being in the mother's womb.

A soft green light enveloped him, the purple-blue light gradually faded away, and his old face seemed to become younger. The excess skin gradually retracted upwards, gradually revealing a human face.

I still can't tell what he looked like before, but at least I can see his eyes, nose and mouth.

His eyes sparkled with stars, and he raised his lips to smile at Lin Fan: "Thank you, girl, but don't waste it, I will die soon."

With his newfound energy behind him, he was now speaking more coherently, and his voice no longer sounded like sandpaper.

Lin Fan's nose was sore: "But at least you will feel comfortable now, right? I want to do something for you, even if it can only make you feel a little more comfortable. Death is very difficult for the World Tree, don't think I don't know."

The old tree's face became very gentle, with a loving smile: "I know that you have a very beautiful tree there, and there is a tree keeper named Ugly. She is very happy, I envy her very much."

Lin Fan's tears had already slipped out of his eyes, and he continued to output energy: "Yes, she is very fierce. She shouts and kills everyone she sees. She is not as gentle as you at all. I envy the people of Tiandu Star. It's a pity that they don't cherish her."

Old Tree's laughter echoed throughout the cave. He hadn't been so happy in a long time.

"But my life will eventually end. You have seen the situation outside. Pollution seeps into the ground and air through seawater, almost everywhere." He said it very easily, as if his life or death was not at stake. "I am old now, and the only energy I have is to purify pollution and release spiritual power. I can't have both. If I have to choose only one, what do you think they will choose?"

"Of course it's purification! To solve our urgent needs!" some bastard shouted in the headset.

The old tree also heard it and laughed.

"I don't care what they choose. I hope you can think more about yourself." Lin Fan shed tears one by one. "They don't cherish your protection. They don't even know that their safety is based on the land you have been tied to. They don't even know you exist..."

“Yes…” The old tree sighed, “I turned my body into rock, fixed the entire continent, and trapped myself… But I am too tired, time and time again… It’s always like this… I think I’m free…”

Lin Fan sniffed.

"Don't cry, your crying makes me sad." The old tree said, "I don't have hands, so I can't help you wipe your tears."

Lin Fan began to sob.

"Whether it's life or death, it's my choice. This purification may not be completely clean even if I give my all, but at least let them have a chance to survive." Lao Shu had thought it through a long time ago and smiled, "I don't have to worry about these damn things anymore. It's just... there is one regret. I thought I would regret it for the rest of my life, but I didn't expect you to come."

"Can I help?" Lin Fan asked.

"The end of the world is caused by human hearts. I always wonder, if I hadn't let those people detonate the reactor, would the result of my last life be different? The land would not be shattered, my companions would not die, the World Tree would not have to purify the damage, and I would not be like this now."

"In exchange, I can give you the spaceship. I just hope you can let me see the different possibilities."

"How do you see it?" Lin Fan didn't care about the spaceship, he just wanted to help him.

This is the last wish of a dying person, from such a pitiful and selfless person, if it can be fulfilled, why not?

"Sorry, I'm being rude." The purple-blue light on the old tree suddenly expanded, completely covering the stars.

"Lin!" Antonio quickly grabbed the big wings of Xingchen and was also pulled in.

Then, the two of them remained in that position without moving.

"Lin Fan?! Antonio?!" Cen Fangyuan realized something was wrong and called out frantically, but unfortunately there was no response at all.

Instead, the satisfied smile of the World Tree was transmitted directly to the big screen through the camera, and he spoke calmly to the people on the Noah.

"Don't worry, I'm just inviting their consciousness to visit my world for a while."

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