Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 863 Sea Mile

The biological detection function of the mecha is much more accurate than the infrared detection equipment on Lanxing which can only rely on blurry color blocks to produce images. Not only can it detect the precise outlines of living things, but in many cases, even small structures can be clearly displayed.

To put it bluntly, it is the difference between low-pixel mosaic color blocks and high-pixel multi-color line drawings.

But looking around, the two of them saw each other at the end of their field of vision, the size of a fingernail, and everything else was pitch black.

It's just that this black is slightly blue, which is somewhat better than the lifeless crow black before.

Lin Fan looked at the only bright spot in his field of vision, the bright blue Antonio, and wondered: "There are no living things at all?"

She thought that since the animals and plants on the shore mutated so much, the sea, as the source, should be even more powerful.

"You don't know how strong this smell is, but it's poisonous!" Antonio took it for granted, "How can those little fish and shrimps stand this? They sent it early in the morning, and they have become part of this black swamp. ”

"That's right," Lin Fan nodded slightly, "and in such a viscous water, aquatic creatures can't survive."

Although life is tough, it is also fragile. The mechas all feel the difficult environment, and it is not surprising that there is no trace of survival.

"Stars, Apollo, please pay attention. The sea area you two are in shows that there are a lot of life forms, and there are quite a lot of them."

After all, the Noah is a large spaceship, and the detection range of the detection equipment is much farther than that of the mecha. Seeing that the two could not find a clue, they promptly issued a warning.

Cen Fangyuan returned to the spacecraft and sat in his second-in-command position, controlling the overall situation.

On the giant screen, the huge map of Tiandu Star was clearly visible, surrounded by various enlarged pictures of various sizes, among which the stars and Antonio's field of view occupied the two largest frames.

All technical personnel are on duty, and combat readiness personnel and medical personnel are on standby under the spacecraft.

Lu Qingyang and other base personnel did not dare to approach the dock, and only sent trusted superpowers to watch the scene. They watched the real-time footage shared by the Noah in the office of the Government Affairs Department. Talkers at major bases also received the video signal and watched from their own sites.

Seeing the overall map of Tiandu Star, the mountains, mountains and ravines were clearly visible, and when various incomprehensible markings on the map flashed across the map, these people who had always suffered from dental caries all fell silent.

The superpowers waiting at the pier did not have such good conditions. They smelled the sour sea breeze and stared at the bubbling sea without knowing why.

Cen Fangyuan also specially asked someone to take down a laser projector so that they could see what was going on.

"You're quite a nice person." Jin Sichen leaned next to Cen Fangyuan's chair, squinting his eyes and jokingly watching the superhuman being's joy after seeing the picture.

Cen Fangyuan smiled meaningfully: "I don't know how to walk at night in brocade clothes." After saying that, he focused on the situation of the two mechas of Xingchen.

Lin Fan and Lin Fan learned that there was something different below, and they both decided to increase their falling force and dive quickly.

This is another advanced function of the mecha, which can control its own gravity field.

Earlier, when Lin Fan was in the 623 office building, he was afraid that the stars would collapse the floor, so he had been consciously reducing the pressure of the mecha's load on the floor, but he had activated this function unconsciously.

The stars and Apollo fell rapidly like two discharged cannonballs. Under the heavy pressure, the sticky sea water formed an upward squeezing trend, making way for downward space.

A few minutes later, the two of them suddenly felt light. The green light emitted by the mecha's eyes can finally be projected into the seawater normally, forming a certain distance of light.

"This is..." Antonio hissed.

Lin Fan continued: "The seawater is stratified, and we are now in real seawater."

"No wonder there are creatures down there." Antonio stretched flexibly and looked at the mecha's display panel. "Although there are many harmful substances in the water, at least the fish can swim."

Lin Fan glanced at the floating objects above his head that were so dark that nothing could be seen clearly. He didn't know how many aquatic creatures' corpses had to undergo decomposition reactions to become like this...

"Faq!" Antonio's angry voice suddenly sounded.

"What's going on?" Lin Fan immediately alerted the surroundings, but still didn't see any danger, not even a plankton.

"It's a small thing," Antonio tried to hide it with a hint of embarrassment. "A shark bit my foot. I gave it a sword so that it couldn't close its mouth anymore. Don't tell me, mutated sharks can't close their mouth anymore." Likewise, I actually felt a slight pain in my ankle.”

"It's okay." Lin Fan just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the message from the Noah sounded again.

"Apollo, please pay attention. According to the comparison of Tiandu Planet's biological map, the tuna you just killed should be similar to the Lanxing tuna. It was originally about one meter long. Please be careful."

Antonio looked at the more than 20-meter-long fish carcass in front of him speechlessly, with its head missing: "Those teeth are bigger than great white sharks. Are you telling me this is tuna? That fresh and delicious tuna?"

Lin Fan also received the picture and compared it with the scene: "Regardless of the size, the appearance is still very similar. So is this a mutation of undersea creatures? The same is the increase in size and attack power?"

"Is this still possible?" Antonio was happy about killing a shark just now, but now that he knew it was a tuna, he was not happy at all. "Then if the tuna becomes like this, why don't the great white shark become as big as a megalodon?"

After saying that, he was stunned for a moment, and then carefully verified: "There is no great white shark here, right?"

The black blood of the tuna spread from the fracture into the sea water, perhaps because of its large size. In Antonio's eyes, it looked like a fountain.

The people on the Noah flew their fingers, compared various information, and quickly gave the answer: "There is a species similar to the great white shark on Tiandu Star. It is ferocious and carnivorous, but it is smaller, only about 1.5 meters. After mutation, it should be It’s about the same size as the tuna in front of you.”

Antonio looked at the dead tuna again and felt that he should be able to handle it.

But the next moment, I heard Noah say again: "But there is a species called whale shark here. Its original length can reach thirty meters and its weight is about ten tons. It is the largest overlord among sharks. Even the ferocious great white sharks are afraid to avoid it. Not as good as..."

"Attention Apollo! We have detected a large number of signs of life moving rapidly towards you." Suddenly another voice intervened urgently. "In view of the unknown situation, it is recommended that you avoid dealing with it for the time being."

Antonio went numb when he saw the pictures from the Noah. The bright spots like fish eggs gathered towards his position as if they smelled something.

"Let's go, let's go, this place must smell of blood." He didn't care about his image anymore, he found the position of the stars and flew towards her, "Lin, you have to help me. , If there is a group of big sharks, I can’t handle it alone!”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Fan went to meet him.

They still don't know what's going on with the creatures on the seabed. Faced with so many unknown creatures, no one dares to be careless and underestimate the enemy.

When the two met successfully, Lin Fan's mecha also detected nearby creatures. They carefully avoided direct contact. The fish seemed to be in a hurry and did not pay attention to the two iron lumps.

Finally, no more fish passed by around them, and the two of them looked back.

Where Antonio used to stay, various types of mutated fish were biting the dead tuna.

Even the fish that they usually think are tame have exposed their sharp teeth and are extremely ferocious.

What's more, many fish fight during the fight for food. As long as there is bleeding from the wound, other fish will swarm up and scatter, and a living fish will be gone...

The blood mist rose up one after another, and other fish and jellyfish kept coming to join...

Lin Fan and Antonio were stunned when they saw this cruel and real scene of group fighting.

Although they were both mutant fish and enemies, the scene of such a primitive and violent indiscriminate attack still shocked the two people who had experienced the war.

It seems that all aquatic creatures have mutated and have an extraordinary thirst for flesh and blood.

Fortunately, I ran away! This is Antonio's inner emotion.

Lin Fan frowned.

If bleeding would cause such a chaotic scene, how should we deal with these underwater monsters?

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