Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 850 Communication Recovery

Along the way, the superpowers experienced unprecedented ease after the end of the world.

Not only did the mutated plants not come forward, they even wanted to run away with long legs. The funny look of them avoiding them made them speechless, who were accustomed to rushing to kill them as soon as they met.

But the results are good. Except for some people who took the initiative to have fun and met with resistance before dying, everyone was walking leisurely in this weird and relaxed atmosphere. It was inevitable that every word he opened or closed was full of praise for Lin Fan.

It wasn't until they approached the satellite pot that the remaining power faded, or the mutated plants in the hinterland became more powerful and the harassment increased significantly, did the superpowers regain their accustomed rhythm. It's just that this time with "Sister Lin" here, they have nothing to fear.

After following several battles behind a group of superpowers who were eager to show off, and showing off his stunning figure and superb martial arts, Lu Yuhao finally discovered something was unusual.

"Will the wind field turn into different colors after different powers?" He asked after observing it several times to make sure he was right.

"Yes, that is dyeing damage. It turns red when exposed to fire, and turns yellow when exposed to gold... It is another type of damage superposition that is different from diffusion damage." Lin Fan nodded.

"..." Lu Yuhao recalled the "Theory of Advanced Elements" he had just learned. The various injuries were superimposed, intruded, and superimposed... For the first time, he had doubts about his IQ.

"Is the original color of the wind element blue-purple?" Based on the principle of putting it aside if you don't understand it, Lu Yuhao asked again, "I found that every wind element attack launched has a faint blue-purple color. I must have seen it wrong, right?”

"I finally discovered it." Antonio smiled yawningly, looking like he was "just waiting for you to be defeated."

"Ah, that's not the case." Lin Fan replied, "I poured lightning into the wind array at the same time it was activated, so..."

"Are you a person with lightning powers?!" Lu Yuhao shouted with his voice split, and his eyes were as wide as copper bells.

He had always wanted to inquire, but had never had the chance to get the answer. Unexpectedly, he got it here in an understatement.

Thunder and lightning powers... Lu Yuhao thought of his impulsive but lively and lovely sister.

Her young face darkened and shattered as quickly as it was oxidized, and was replaced by an equally young face in front of her.

Lu Yuhao suddenly realized at this moment that Lin Fan was a very young girl...

Lin Fan hesitated for a moment and did not explain the origin of the thunder and lightning plug-in package. In Lu Yuhao's opinion, it was acquiescence.

"It turns out to be the thunder element, the thunder element..." He seemed to be feeling nostalgic, but also feeling emotional. When he raised his eyes again, he regained his composure after the dust had settled. "No wonder those mutated plants avoid it. It turns out to be the natural suppression of living things by the thunder system. No wonder..."

Previously, I thought it was because those monsters had grown brains and suddenly felt the pressure of strong men, but in the end, they were still afraid of thunder and lightning...

They discovered this characteristic when their sister first gained the superpower, but unfortunately...

Lu Yuhao cleared his emotions and asked again: "Excuse me, Miss Lin, what level has your thunder power reached? Ah, I don't mean to pry into your privacy. It's just that the thunder system has a natural suppression of these mutated creatures, and it has Large-scale settlement..."

"Why do you want us to use our strength to kill monsters in Tianduxing?" Antonio interrupted unhappily, "Looking at the partnership, I'm helping you, how much effort will it save you? It's okay if I don't say thank you. Now this is a calculation. It all jumped on my face.”

"Don't you want to know? Okay! Based on the seventh level of your superpower, my Hani's lightning element has reached at least one hundred levels. Do you understand? This is a height that you always need to look up to but cannot reach. But I want to rely on our ability. I’ll just do all your work, huh! No way!”

"One hundred levels?" Lu Yuhao was surprised, but he did not doubt the authenticity of his words at all.

"Is it that exaggerated?" Lin Fan was a little confused.

She's not very good at math. How do you calculate all this?

"Why not?" Antonio put on another smile when facing Lin Fan, "Your thunder pool, and what Teacher Mi taught you, don't think that I don't know it when I'm not here. You are always used in the academy to motivate me, and the process is all Tell me. Their complacent abilities are nothing to us!"

Lin Fan looked at Antonio with an arrogant look of disgust on his face.

No, what do you have to dislike? You are not as good as them...

However, the shelf built by his family must not be dismantled. Lin Fan turned his head and looked at the superpowers who were still fighting in the distance. Various superpowers were firing at the same time. It looked lively, but in Lin Fan's eyes, it looked like Very gorgeous fireworks. It is indeed far different from the superpowers in the special agency.

Lu Yuhao waited in fear for Lin Fan to speak, but finally waited for her acquiescence. His heart felt cold and hot at the same time, and he hurriedly explained: "No, I didn't mean that, I just... just..."

He couldn't think of an excuse at all. He really wanted Lin Fan to take action just now.

"Ha! Can't you tell me?" Antonio said proudly, "But since you didn't lie to deceive us and your character is acceptable, I will kindly show you a way."

Lu Yuhao immediately listened.

"When the communication is connected, any diplomatic actions will be negotiated between your official superiors and the superiors of our spaceship. At that time, you can propose military assistance, as for whether to agree or not..." Antonio instructed in a particularly ungrateful tone.

He knew that Lin Fan didn't care about this at all, but he couldn't let the people of Tiandu Star take their assistance as a matter of course.

After all, this is the planet of the Tiandu people and has no fundamental relationship with them, the Lanxing people.

From a practical perspective, any diplomatic means is a process of exchange of interests. To put it bluntly, if you want benefits, give them something in exchange, if they have any.

"Okay, okay," Lu Yuhao is indeed a person who grew up immersed in official circles. He knew the elegant meaning of Xuan's voice and instantly understood that Antonio had upgraded this matter to a diplomatic method. "Of course, of course, when the time comes, we will definitely negotiate properly and satisfy the friends of the stars."

Look, I was doubtful before setting off, but now I am a friend.

Hard power also works in the interstellar world...

There is no suspense about the rest of the trip.

After being reminded by Antonio, Lin Fan increased the output and used the shortest time to clear away the mutant plants on the satellite pot and around it.

If the Noah is contacted with Tiandu Star earlier, their behavior can be turned into a kind of negotiation capital earlier, which will bring benefits to the Noah.

Lu Yuhao watched the huge tornado carrying crackling purple electric flowers and carrying other supernatural powers that were as light as fireflies touring the satellite pot, destroying everything that could and could not be seen. With one blow, the whole person was numb.

He wasn't sure whether Miss Lin's thunder and lightning power was at level 100, but the tornado she released was probably there.

At the same time, all the radios, TVs, and computers that could connect to the signal at each base in Tiandu Star switched their sounds and images at the same time.

In a space full of technology, a man in a bright red uniform held up his gold-rimmed glasses, smiled and made a soft but deafening sound to the screen.

"Hello everyone, I am the deputy captain of the Noah. I am visiting Tiandu Star with friendly purposes. I am currently cruising over Tiandu Star. I don't know who can connect with me."

"Oh, by the way, in order to prove our alien identity, I specially switched to the space footage taken by your satellite for everyone."

The screen then went black.

The huge Tiandu Star is glowing with blue light. And parked closer to the camera was a huge thing that didn't look like a spaceship, but more like a city and fortress. Its shell emits a non-glaring white light, which is particularly eye-catching in the dark universe.

"Well, what about this angle?" Cen Fangyuan's words appeared outside the screen, and soon the screen changed back to him, "Well, leaders on Tiandu Planet, I am looking forward to the moment of meeting you. See you later ”

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